Riding the Waves: TEKSUEN (The Agency Book 1)

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Riding the Waves: TEKSUEN (The Agency Book 1) Page 3

by Serenity King

  “You’re telling me that not one guy has tried to pick you up?” he asked, in a mock disbelieving voice.


  “That’s what I thought. Let’s go, Josinia. The hour is getting late.” He groaned. Besides, he needed to know if this was his mystery woman, and if so, how to proceed.

  He waited while she huffed and puffed without saying anything for a few minutes.

  “Come on,” she said finally and then led him to where she was staying.

  Tek grabbed her hand and held onto it as they walked. Just like he thought…there were too many men who noticed her as they walked along the beach. He had to scowl at a few of the stupid ones who thought they were bold enough to try him. Hmm, Tek knew how to put a man to sleep without them being aware and how to shoot just as well any sharpshooter. His martial arts training came from his Chinese mother, and his shooting skills were courtesy of his buddies, Stelvson, Winston and Oregon, who made up a tactical force team. None of them were military…all were trained by retired military men and various persons from different parts of the country.

  “We’re here,” he heard her say.

  Tek looked around and smiled. Just like he’d thought…she wasn’t far from his condo. She was actually in the next complex over.

  “Which floor?” he asked.

  “Second,” she responded. “You don’t have to walk me up. Actually, I’d prefer it if you didn’t. There would be too many questions I’m not ready to answer.”

  “No problem. I’ll be back in an hour. I gather you’ll meet me down here?”

  “I’ll be waiting. What does one wear Jet Skiing?”

  “If I say a swimsuit, will you promise not to wear one similar to the one you’re wearing now?”

  “What’s wrong with my swimsuit?” she asked with her hands on her hips.

  “Honestly, it’s a little too revealing for my taste.” He wasn’t fazed at all by the flash of anger in her eyes, the hands on her hips, and the rolling of her neck. If he didn’t think she’d cancel on him if he laughed…he’d do just that.

  “Since you’re not wearing it…your taste doesn’t count…”

  “Okay, don’t chew me out. I just don’t want to be fighting off men while trying to spend time with you,” he said, cutting into the tirade he was sure was about to come. “You can wear running shorts or a bathing suit. Whichever you prefer. Make sure you bring a change of clothes for lunch and dinner. We can change in my condo. Just know that the water may be choppy and if you don’t want to get your hair wet…wear a swim cap.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea…me changing at your condo…” she started, but he cut her off again.

  “Josinia, nothing will happen that the both of us don’t want. I just figured since you don’t want me to meet your roommates yet, it’ll be easier to go to my place.”

  “You’re right, of course. I’ll meet you back here in an hour.” She turned to leave.

  “Great. See you in an hour,” he said, and brushed his lips with hers. “Go on up.”

  Tek watched as she made her way inside before turning and walking back toward his condo…whistling his favorite tune all the way. He entered the condo and went directly back to his room to put on his wetsuit. Tek then walked to his kitchen to get a glass of juice. He noticed that Takeem’s door was closed and deduced that he was still asleep. Tek puttered around the condo until it was time to pick up Josinia. On his way out, he knocked on his brother’s door to let him know that he was going out and wouldn’t be back for a while.

  Chapter Four


  Josinia walked into the apartment to find her roommates sitting at the table enjoying what appeared to be a breakfast of fruit, muffins, orange juice, and coffee.

  “Hey, Jo, where have you been?” Gemini asked.

  “On the beach. Why, what’s up?” she asked, her head down. She knew if she looked any one of them in the eye, they would surely know that something was up.

  “Nothing. You were just later than usual today—we were wondering where you were. Are you okay? Gemini asked.

  “Of course. Stop worrying.” She smiled at her friend.

  “I told her you’d probably hooked up with some hot guy and forgot about your girls,” Pam kidded.

  Josinia blushed under their scrutiny.

  “Nooo!” Stephanie screeched.

  The next thing Josinia knew, all three of them were upon her, asking her what seemed like a million questions all at once.

  “All right, Jo, spill it.” Of course this came from Gemini, who’d appointed herself Josinia’s protector long ago.

  “I met someone on the beach. He’s picking me up in an hour to take me Jet Skiing, and then we’re having lunch and dinner together.” She blushed.

  There were collective shrieks throughout the apartment.

  “Oh my God! Our Jo is giving up her goodies,” Pamela exclaimed.

  “I am not,” Josinia protested.

  “You are, too,” Stephanie cried.

  “No, I’m not. We just decided to spend the day together. We’re both here on vacation and wanted the chance to get to know each other,” she said. Josinia left out the part with the beach scene. Some things were not for her friends to know.

  “So we’re going to get to meet him, right?” Gemini’s tone brooked no argument; Josinia would be introducing them to Tek.

  Josinia grunted. “Of course. Now I have to gather a few clothes and get dressed—he’ll be here in an hour to pick me up.”

  Josinia left them there gawking at her as she walked to her room to gather everything she would need; she then took a quick shower and dressed in a one-piece cream-colored swimsuit with a stylish see-through crochet trim cover-up.

  Josinia walked out of her room to her waiting roommates.

  “What the hell?” she asked. They were all standing side-by-side, arms crossed, as if they had been waiting for her to come out for a while.

  “Well, damn, girlfriend. You sure know how to get in the groove. Where did you get that sexy number?” Stephanie asked.

  “You think it’s too much?” Josinia asked, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

  “Hell no,” Pam answered. “Girl, please, I was thinking we were going to have to loan you out to a convent. Those legs have been closed so tight, and for far too long.

  “Ha!” Stephanie laughed, and then turned to give Pam a high five. “I know that’s right.”

  “You two need to shut your traps. This is our Josinia you’re talking about. She’ll know when the time is right. Besides, she just met this guy. I tell you, the way you two act, no one would ever believe you to be the professionals that you are,” Gemini scolded.

  “Like you’re innocent,” Stephanie shot back at Gemini. “Don’t be playing the goodie goodie now, when I know what you did last night.”

  Josinia watched as Gemini’s lips worked but no sound came out.

  “Exactly,” Pam said, high-fiving Stephanie again.

  “Just childish,” Gemini hissed.

  “What did she do last night?” Josinia asked, her eyes wide.

  “Nothing,” Gemini cut in. “Absolutely nothing. Don’t pay any attention to frick and frack over there. What are you doing with the carryall?”

  “We’re going out to dinner, so I figured I would change over at his place.” Josinia didn’t add that it was Tek’s suggestion. The less she said, the better.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Gemini frowned.

  “Not sure at all, but I’m doing it anyway,” she chuckled. Josinia noticed Gemini setting her lips to protest and cut her off.

  “Gemini, you all are going to meet him in a minute; ask him for his cell number or something.”

  “Let up, Gemini,” Stephanie said, her voice firm. Josinia noticed the rise and fall of Gemini’s chest. However, she relented and didn’t say anything further.

  “We better get going. He should be downstairs in a few. This is already going to look really weird wi
th my friends waiting with me as if I’m a school girl,” she sniffed, shaking her head.

  “We’re going?” Gemini, Stephanie, and Pam said simultaneously.

  “Hoorah,” Josinia mocked. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

  “After you,” Gemini said, with a bow.

  “Real cute,” Josinia said.

  * * *

  Josinia waited downstairs for Tek with Gemini, Stephanie, and Pam.

  “He’s late,” Gemini chided.

  “He is not,” Stephanie chimed in. “Be quiet, Gemini, before you have her chickening out. She’s already wringing her hands to death.”

  He wasn’t technically late. However, she was starting to have second thoughts. What if she screwed this up? What if he didn’t show up and she was left looking stupid? Before she could continue her train of thought, she heard her friends’ collective intakes of breath and looked around. She smiled inwardly when she saw him approach; she glanced at her three friends and couldn’t help but chuckle. There they stood with their mouths agape.

  “Good Lord, he’s gorgeous,” Gemini whispered.

  “I want one,” Stephanie said.

  “Me, too,” Pamela remarked.

  Josinia didn’t have a chance to comment; Tek was already in front of them.

  “What do you all mean…you want one? He’s not a dang toy. Geez,” Josinia said in a harsh whisper.

  “Hello, ladies, I’m Teksuen. My friends call me Tek.” He smiled. “I take it you all are friends of Josinia’s.”

  “Yes,” they said simultaneously.

  Josinia watched as he nodded to them and then turned to her. “Hello, beautiful,” he said, placing a kiss on her lips. “Ready?”

  “Ready,” she responded. “I’ll see you all later tonight. I have my cell if you need me.” Josinia added that for the benefit of her friends, letting them know that if there was a problem, she’d call them. Or if they were worried, they could call her cell.

  “Nice meeting you, ladies,” Tek said, looking at each one of them. Grabbing Josinia’s bag with one hand and her hand with the other, he led her away, leaving the three ladies still standing there gawking like awestruck teenagers.

  Chapter Five


  “Come on, let’s drop your bag off at my place before we get the Jet Ski,” Tek said.

  Josinia stopped in her tracks.

  “Josinia, nothing is going to happen. We are going to make a quick stop to drop your bag off and then leave,” he chuckled, lifting her bag up. “Stop being so skittish. I’m a good guy. You’ll see.”

  “I am not skittish. Besides, after what happened on the beach earlier, you can’t dare call me skittish.” Josinia blushed.

  “What happened on the beach earlier is what has you afraid of being in close quarters with me, lovely Josinia.”

  “Does not,” was her retort.

  Tek just chuckled. “Ah, you’re so cute.”

  “Cute? I’m not a puppy, you know.”

  “No, you’re not, but you are trying to pick a fight with me because you want to chicken out. Not a chance,” Tek said, leading her to his condo and to the bank of elevators. “I’m on the fourth floor.”

  “Okay,” she said.

  “Ah, here we go,” he said, guiding her to his condo unit. Tek opened the door, set her bag down just inside the door, and then locked it back. “See, no tricks.”

  “I see. Well, I didn’t see. Whatever. Let’s go.”

  “We can walk to the other side of the beach to get the Jet Ski or we can take my car. Which one?” he asked.

  “We can walk. The scenery is lovely.”

  “The water is beautiful, isn’t it? I enjoy people watching. I have found them to be very interesting,” Tek said.

  “Aren’t they? All the different ethnicities…families out and about. Having what appears to be the time of their lives,” Josinia said, sighing softly.

  “Why the sigh?”

  “Oh, nothing.”

  “That didn’t sound like a nothing.”

  “It really is nothing. So is this Jet Skiing thing hard to do?” she said, quickly changing the subject.

  “Not at all. Can you swim?”

  “Yes, I can swim. Why?”

  “Because the water can be kind of rough, and you have many beginners that sometimes get out of control.”

  “I can understand that since I’m a beginner.”

  “Yes, but you’re not the one who will be navigating the Jet Ski,” he said, clutching her hand tightly as they walked past a group of young men. “It’s just a little further up. I’ve already reserved mine. We don’t have to wait on the line.”

  Tek got his Jet Ski and maneuvered it into the water.

  “The water seems pretty calm to me,” Josinia remarked.

  “It’s not bad at all out today.” Tek smiled at her, taking her hand and helping her into the Jet Ski. “There are some pretty neat waves out today, too.”

  “Wow, everyone seems to be having a grand time,” she said excitedly.

  “We will, too. Put on the life vest and hold onto me tight,” he said, slipping his vest on. “You didn’t wear a swim cap. Your hair may get wet.”

  “It’s in a French plait. I’m good.”

  “Great. Ready?” he called behind him.


  Tek put the key in the Jet Ski and started it. “Hold on.”

  “Whoo!” Josinia screamed in excitement, as the Jet Ski went racing around the water. The splashing water rose high and wide, almost covering them. The fine mist of the water hit her thinly covered skin.

  “Having fun?” Tek screamed over the sound of the Jet Ski and the rushing waves of the water.

  “This is so cool! I love it,” she cried.

  “I knew you would love it,” he laughed heartily. “Feel like staying out longer?”

  “What? Are you kidding me! Of course I want to stay out,” she yelled above the noise.

  Tek maneuvered the Jet Ski around the water and the other Jet Skis like a pro. He had a few close calls with some inexperienced Jet Skiers…nothing he couldn’t handle. He loved to Jet Ski and had done so many times while in college. He loved the water, period.

  He enjoyed listening to Josinia’s cries of excitement. Tek wanted her to have a good time. She’d seemed so sad a few times today. He wanted to make her smile. A lot.

  * * *

  They stayed on the water for two full hours, Jet Skiing; Josinia had never had so much fun in her life. Tek was a master at maneuvering the Jet Ski. By the time they’d stopped, Josinia was soaked from head to toe.

  “We have to get you back to my place to change clothes,” Tek laughed. “I think you got that wet on purpose.”

  “Ohmygoodness! It was sooo much fun. I had a magnificent time, Tek. I really did. I did not get this wet on purpose. I’ve discovered a new sport. Yay!”

  “That’s what I like to hear. We’re a mess. Let’s head back to the condo to change.”

  “We have to. It’s a good thing I thought to put an extra dress in my bag,” she chuckled.

  “Yeah, it’s a good thing you did. Do you want to grab something from one of the eateries before going back to the condo?” he asked. “We have a bit of time before dinner.”

  “No. I’m not fit do anything but change clothes at this point,” she said, looking down at herself. “I can wait until dinner. I won’t starve.”

  “Back to the condo we go.” He smiled over at her and grasped her hand in his.

  However, after arriving at his condo, Josinia began to have second thoughts. What now? she thought to herself.

  “Having second thoughts?” he asked as if reading her mind.


  “You’re frowning. It’s the first frown since we’ve been out on the water. It made me wonder if you were having second thoughts.”

  “A little,” she admitted.

  “Don’t. Everything will be fine. You’ll see,” he said, taking her by the hand
. They waked hand-in-hand into his condo.

  “Wow, Tek, this is beautiful,” she said, loving the outlay of the condo. The furniture was modern and arranged in a conversational manner; the rooms—the ones visible from the entrance, at least—had a warm feel to them.

  “Thank you. Come on, I’ll show you to the spare bedroom where you can change for dinner later on,” he said.

  “Lead the way,” she said. He led her to a room that was decorated all in white. All white usually didn’t appeal to her, but the room was simple and elegant. It also appeared as though it had never been used.

  “Has anyone slept in here before?” she asked.

  “Is that a politically correct way of asking if I’ve had other women in here? If so, the answer is no.” He laughed.

  Josinia’s eyes widened. “Of course not. I only asked because it’s so elegant.”

  “The answer is still no. Just so you know, I’ve never brought another woman here before. You’re the first,” he said, placing her bag on the floor next to the bed.

  Josinia’s heart swelled. She knew she shouldn’t have felt so relieved, but she did. After this week she’d never see him again, but her heart still did a little pitter-patter at the notion that no other woman had graced this beautiful place.

  “Thank you,” she murmured.

  “You’re welcome, sweetness,” he said. He turned back to her and ran his finger over her full bottom lip. “I want so badly to kiss you, but I know if I do it won’t end there. So I’ll wait. There’s a bathroom right over there if you want to take a shower.”

  “I sure would. I would also like to take a little nap. I’ve been up a long time. That is, if you don’t mind me messing up your beautiful bed,” she said.

  “Of course not. Everything you’ll need is in the bathroom. If you need me, my room is the first one down the hall. I’m going to take a very cold shower and watch television for a little while. Enjoy your nap, sweetness. Join me when you feel like it,” he said, squeezing her hand lightly before turning to walk out, closing the door behind him.

  Josinia grabbed her bag off the floor, took out some toiletries, and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. After the shower she pulled the bed covers back and got into bed, where she instantly fell asleep.


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