Warranted Pleasures (A Warranted Series Book 1)

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Warranted Pleasures (A Warranted Series Book 1) Page 1

by Shannon Nemechek

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21




  Warranted Series, Book One

  Shannon Nemechek


  Copyright © 2017 by Shannon Nemechek.

  All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: July 2017

  Limitless Publishing, LLC

  Kailua, HI 96734


  Formatting: Limitless Publishing

  ISBN-13: 978-1-64034-155-5

  ISBN-10: 1-64034-155-2

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


  To all those I have served with over my many years in the Army but past and present.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21


  Chapter 1

  US Army Chief Warrant Officer 3, Raleigh Dwight Fitzgerald, never thought he would find himself in the windy city of Chicago, but here he was. Departing the plane after a two-hour flight of bumps, jumps, and what felt like flip flops of the plane, he finally arrived and was ready to get to work.

  The faster I get to this company the faster I will get out of this city, and back to Alabama. Alabama was home and where Raleigh worked. The general of the division had sent him to Chicago to investigate property loss at one of the division’s smaller companies. It was his job to determine if the loss resulted from negligence by the former supply sergeant or a paperwork snafu. No one knew, but the amount of loss was definitely something that needed investigating. Raleigh was the best at finding the truth; that was why the general had chosen him to investigate.

  As Raleigh pushed through the crowds of people rustling throughout O’Hare Airport he made his way to baggage claim. He wondered where all these people came from, passing by a woman in a huge straw hat and dressed in what some might call a “moo moo” back home. But here in the big city, they would surprisingly call it a dress. He chuckled to himself at the sight of the large woman and who he assumed was her husband being dragged behind her.

  Where is this damn baggage claim? Stopping to gain his composure, he glanced toward a woman with a sign clutched between her hands with the words scribbled on the cardboard, ‘Chief Warrant Officer Fitzgerald.’

  He froze as he stared at the woman. Her hair was blonde; not that platinum blonde you see all the starlets wearing, but a naturally highlighted blonde. It suited her. She kept her hair pulled tightly in a bun and her uniform pressed. The way the uniform hugged her body made him wish he was that uniform. She was beautiful, and when she saw him she smiled—a smile Raleigh had never seen on a woman in his entire life. That smile of hers instantly made his heart skip and caused a stirring in his pants he hadn’t felt for quite a long time. His Irish blood boiled with a desire he could hardly contain.

  Down boy. She’s a noncommissioned officer and completely off limits. And according to the Army, she always would be. But damn, she was the most spectacular creature he had ever seen. It’s gonna be a long, hard visit to the big city, he thought as he imagined slowly stripping that uniform off her and visualizing it on the floor of his hotel room.

  Raleigh snapped out of his trance when he heard, “Chief, Chief Fitzgerald! Hello, I am Sergeant Samantha O’Hara. We spoke on the phone last week. I am the new Supply Sergeant assigned to the Twelve-Sixty-Sixth Transportation Company. Do you remember?”

  Amazing. This is the first time a sexy voice actually matches the real thing.

  “Yes! Yes!” he blurted. “Sergeant O’Hara, I remember. How is the inventory coming along?”

  “Great, Chief. We completed the 100% inventory last week, and I am working on crunching the numbers now.”

  Her voice was like that of a songbird—sweet, but with a little bit of an accent he couldn’t quite place. It sounded a bit southern but with a hint of city. He wondered how she ended up in Chicago and not down south where women like her were appreciated.

  “Point me toward baggage claim, will you Sergeant?” Samantha pointed down the long wide corridor; it looked like it stretched for miles but baggage claim was about 200 yards away.

  “Chief, do you have a rental car, or will you need a ride to your hotel room? I was unsure of your plans, so I thought it best I meet you here at the airport just in case you needed a ride. I wouldn’t want you to have to get a taxi in this town. You would go broke before you got to the hotel. The taxi drivers around here have a way of overcharging visitors to the city.”

  “No, Sergeant. I rented a car. Just gotta find my way to baggage claim, then retrieve the car. I’m praying the office isn’t far because I am dad gum tired after that flight. I don’t know who flew that plane, a pilot or a monkey, but I feel like I have been rode hard and put away wet.”

  And girl, I would love for you to ride me.

  “Chief, I will hang out over here till you get your bags. Then we can find the car rental office and pick up your car.”

  Raleigh stood in front of the conveyor belt, watching as it circled around and around, waiting for it to spit out bags from his flight. His thoughts racing, he undressed Samantha with his eyes, wondering what that uniform hid underneath.


  Samantha stood with the cardboard sign tucked under her arm when a shiver came over her, a feeling like she was being watched. She looked up and scanned the baggage claim area for anyone who might be staring at her or seemed just a bit more interested in the two soldiers than they should be. When Raleigh came into view, his gaze almost seemed to undress her. Her heart pounded and raced at the thought, and heat began to take over her body.

  Samantha hadn’t noticed how extremely handsome the Chief was. He stood at least six feet tall and was muscular with tanned skin. She could tell how well the uniform fit in all the right places. His eyes were deep hazel and hair dark brown, but it was hard to tell with the high and tight haircut. She noticed he moved with a purpose—polite and respectful—even though she was his subordinate. She closed her eyes as she imagined him standing
over her naked, and how she craved to have him inside her.

  “Mmmmmm.” Moaning a deep, almost silent moan to herself, she stood there imagining what he would be like in bed. But she failed to notice he was standing right in front of her.

  “Oh wow, that must be some kinda fantasy you got going on in that pretty little head of yours, Sergeant.”

  Samantha’s eyes shot open, and her cheeks reddened. “Oh no, Chief, nothing like that. Just glad the day is almost over with. Then I can go back to my apartment and relax. Now that you're here, we can get the investigation completed and move on to bigger and better things.”

  Raleigh smirked and replied, “Uh huh, whatever helps you sleep at night, Sergeant.” Laughing, he grabbed his bags and said, “Why don’t you show me where this car rental place is so I can get into my boxers and relax for the evening myself?”

  Her cheeks burned and brightened even more as she tried to explain to Raleigh that it wasn’t what he thought, but Raleigh continued his barrage of teasing until they stood in front of the counter at the car rental office.

  “I’ll just be a minute. Need to grab this car, then we get can get out of this place.”

  Samantha stood back just a few feet away from Raleigh as he spoke with the blonde rental car agent. She could hear him as he turned on that southern charm, complimenting the younger woman on how cute she looked and how good she smelled. Samantha wondered to herself how many women he had used that magic on and how many he charmed right into his bed.

  With Raleigh’s good looks, great body, and that southern drawl, she bet he got a lot of women and had a lot more chasing him. Samantha vowed she would not be a notch on his bed post. She was not one to fall easily; she had been burned too many times in the past. His type of appeal had left her broke and brokenhearted. No, I will not fall victim to his incredible body, his sparkling smile, his bedroom eyes, or that southern charm.

  She had to be on her toes with this one. She was a sergeant, he was a warrant officer, and it was against Army regulations to have any relationship with him other than that of a professional nature. She still thought about how much she would love to be “professional” with him. No, get those ideas out of your head. No man is worth your career, even if he has an ass you can break an ice block on and a smile that would melt the polar icecaps. No, No, No.

  Her thoughts were broken when Raleigh called her over to the rental counter. “Exactly how far is my hotel from the company?”

  Samantha pondered the question. “Chief, I would have to say about seven miles.”

  Raleigh looked at the rental agent and said, “I will take the Dodge Ram since it is only a few miles,” then turned to Samantha. “Thank you, Sergeant O’Hara, I will just be a couple more minutes.”

  It wasn't long before he was standing in front of her, grinning like the cat that ate the canary. “Are you ready to escort me to my truck? We can discuss a meeting time for the morning.”

  The smell of freshly brewed coffee resonated in the air, and it caught Raleigh’s attention as they walked passed an infuriating number of people who all seemed to be going in varying directions.

  “Sergeant, why don’t we stop here and relax a bit before we leave? I am mighty tired, and a cup of coffee might do me some good. Give me a little shot in the keister, so to speak.”

  Entering the dimly lit café, the two found a table in the back corner so as to not disturb other patrons and far enough away that whatever they discussed could not be overheard. The first thing she noticed was that he had beaten her to the table and pulled a chair out for her. Oh wow, he is good.

  “I have to say, Chief, this is the first time I have ever had a man pull a chair out for me.”

  Raleigh scoffed at the proposition. “No one?”

  Samantha laughed. “Nope, never.”

  “Well, you haven’t met the right man—one who knows how a treat a woman.”

  He pushed the chair forward, and Samantha settled into her seat. Raleigh sat right across from her, hoping for a better view of what seemed to him to be the most stunning smile he had ever seen. It was almost too much for him to bear. Every time he saw her smile, he wanted to take her in his arms and make love to her for hours. He wanted to make her feel she was the only woman in the world. And to him, right now and possibly forever, she was.

  “And how should a woman be treated, Chief? I am curious to find out how you southern gentlemen regard a woman,” Samantha teased.

  “Oh now, that is a southern gentleman’s secret. But once you been exposed to that life, you ain’t gonna want to give it up,” Raleigh teased and chuckled as Samantha’s cheeks reddened once again.

  Raleigh already loved the way Samantha looked when she blushed. He wondered what she would look like with the blush of sex on her face and the shine of sweat on her forehead. A rush of sexual adrenaline poured into his groin. He could feel himself growing harder, and the pressure against his uniform was almost beyond what he could stand.

  “So how long will you be here, Chief?” Samantha tried to switch gears. She could feel the sexual tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

  “I would say ’til the job is done, but right now I am set for five days. If I need more time, I just have to let General Winfield know so he is prepared to work without Ole Chief.”

  Just then Samantha noticed Raleigh winked at the waitress who had just made her way to their table to take their orders.

  “I’ll take a large coffee. Black please.” Raleigh ordered his coffee with a confidence she had yet to see in a man. The waitress looked to Samantha for her order.

  “Nothing for me, ma’am.” Samantha withdrew a bit, almost embarrassed for saying it. “I will just drink the water here on the table, thank you.”

  The waitress walked away and on to the next table of patrons.

  “Don’t like coffee, Sergeant?”

  “Oh no, Chief, I like coffee just fine. It’s just…I don’t have any money on me.”

  “How you like your coffee, Sergeant?”

  Samantha choked down the upset and embarrassment. “I drink it however I can get it. I will say if it has caffeine in it, I will drink it. But really, you don’t have to buy it, Chief.”

  Raleigh laughed and grabbed the waitress’s arm as she passed him. “Hey, darlin’, can you get my Sergeant here a large, vanilla cappuccino? I got a feeling she is a cappuccino kind of woman, what you think?” Pausing for a minute, Raleigh looked at the waitress’s name tag. “Jessica, what you think there, little darlin’?”

  Jessica smiled then giggled. “Oh yes, she looks like a cappuccino kind of woman. I am a strawberry, chocolate, whipped cream kind of woman, but I like my coffee black.” Scribbling on her order pad, she tore the page off and handed it to Raleigh. Glancing at the paper, he grinned then winked at Jessica.

  “Why thank you, ma’am. I’ll keep this in a real safe place.” He placed the paper in the front Velcro pocket of his ACU jacket, patted it, then said, “See that, Jessica, right next to my heart.”

  Oh, he is good. Samantha watched as the waitress scampered away, giggling and swaying her hips back and forth, similar to the way a female cat moans and pops it rear end in the air when it’s in heat. The waitress’s movement was sure to capture the attention of any man in the café. A few minutes later, she returned with two large cups in her hands and a grin on her face that reminded Samantha of a hyena in heat. Samantha smiled inside, then turned her attention to Raleigh. She wondered what other charms he would place on the young waitress before they made their way out of the café and onto the highway. If they didn’t leave soon, they would be stuck in traffic for at least two hours.

  “Chief, I hate to cut into your fun time, but we should head out soon. Otherwise, we’re going to get stuck in bumper to bumper traffic.” With a sigh, Raleigh agreed, picked up his bag, grabbed his coffee, and headed towards the exit.

  “Well come on, Sergeant, let’s get the hell out of here.”

  “Right, Chief.”
Samantha grabbed her cappuccino then chased after Raleigh, barely catching him before he crossed the street to the parking garage. “So Chief, what time do you want to get started in the morning?”

  Nodding, he said, “How about nine am? Is that too early for a city girl like you?”

  “No, Chief. That is perfect. Just so you know, I am not a city girl by no stretch of the imagination. But that is a story for another day. I’ll meet you at the company at nine am sharp, Chief. Then we can find a place for you to set up shop.” Samantha rendered a salute to Raleigh, showing him the proper respect to that of a Chief Warrant Officer. Raleigh saluted in response then extended his hand to Sam to shake his hand, and the electricity between them was almost unbearable. “I’ll see you in the morning then, Chief.”

  Samantha could feel every fiber of her being on fire. She felt the heat between them would burn inside her for eternity. Raleigh was left with an empty, lonely feeling as he watched Samantha walk away. Before she got too far, Samantha turned to Raleigh. “Just follow me, Chief. I’ll get you to your hotel.”

  Arriving at the High Plaza Hotel, he pulled into the high-arched carport and watched as Samantha drove past. Unrolling the window of her own truck, she waved and said, “Have a great evening, Chief. If you need anything, just give me a buzz. Otherwise, I will see you tomorrow.”

  Raleigh laughed to himself. Girl, I’ll give you a buzz. In that sweet, beautiful wet spot in your pants, I’ll give you a buzz…and a whole lot more.

  Raleigh grabbed his bags from his truck and walked into the hotel, ornately decorated similar to an old English castle. He hoped his secretary had done what he told her and got him a California king size bed. Now the thought of having such a huge bed strongly appealed to him as he thought how Samantha would look, lying naked and wanting in that bed. The more he thought of her, the more he wanted her as his own. To possess her, and for her to become his property.


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