Red Stone of Passion

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Red Stone of Passion Page 8

by Tuesday Morrigan

  “A bullet won’t kill me.”

  Jacques smiled, a slimy grin of unholy satisfaction, and cocked the gun. “Won’t it? I know the only way to kill a vampire is to behead it. Wonder what happens if I put a bullet through your brain.”

  Blaze paled. Riana gasped, seeing the truth in his ashen face. He would die. All for the stupid rock she held.

  “You hurt him and I’ll drop your damned stone.”

  Jacques didn’t take his eyes off Blaze. “I’m not stupid, sweetheart. The big stud over here might be something, but I doubt he’s worth as much as that stone. I doubt Waters will be happy to find you’ve thrown her infamous Garland Garnet away.”

  “Haven’t you heard? She gave me the stone as a gift. Seems she believes I am the next destined owner. I can do whatever I want and she won’t give a damn.”

  Riana felt both Blaze and Ishmael’s eyes on her, boring deep into her skin, but she couldn’t take her gaze off Jacques. She knew they wanted to know if she told the truth. Was she really the next woman in the line of Passion owners?

  “You expect me to believe that shrivelled up bitch just gave you a stone worth over fifteen million Euros?”

  “You know Winifred. Don’t you remember the reason she gave when she refused to sell you her jewels. I’ll drop it. The money means nothing to me, just like it meant nothing to her.”

  Riana opened her fist and let the necklace slip from her grasp.

  Ishmael disappeared at the same time that the shocking boom of the gun going off cut through the midnight air.

  “Stupid bitch,” Jacques growled flashing.

  Riana screamed, watching the bullet slice through the air, knowing she couldn’t move quick enough to save her lover.

  Ishmael reappeared behind Blaze and wrapped his arms around him. The two men flashed just as the bullet intended for Blaze’s brain cut through the air. She whipped around as the air beside her swirled. Both men stood beside her. Riana threw her arms around them and held them to her.

  God, she had been so close to losing Blaze.

  And although it didn’t make any sense, Riana knew she had almost lost one of the two men she would love until her dying day.

  Jacques appeared across the bridge. In his hand he held the Garland Garnet. He shoved it into his breast pocket and slipped into Ishmael’s rented car.

  “It’s okay, Kitty Kat,” Blaze whispered before stepping away from her tight hug. He reached in his jeans and handed Ishmael an open metal bracelet. Ishmael gave him a mischievous smile and disappeared only to reappear in his passenger seat.

  Ishmael punched Jacques in the face. With the force of the blow, Jacques lost his grip on the steering. The car swerved dangerously and blood spurted everywhere. He snapped the bracelet around the hand Jacques pressed against his broken nose.

  Jacques shrieked in horror as he realised what Ishmael had done. The titanium bracelet wouldn’t allow him to teleport. He was caught.

  Ishmael parked the SUV just as a large black van pulled up to Riana’s vehicle. The side door slid open and several men and women dressed in black emerged.

  “It’s about time you got here,” Blaze rumbled.

  A tall redheaded woman grimaced. “It was damned near impossible to follow your tracking signal. We got here as soon as we could.” Her sculpted eyebrows lifted when Ishmael appeared beside Riana.

  Blaze cocked his head towards Jacques. “He’s all yours.” He turned and led them towards Riana’s car.

  She placed her hand on both of their arms. “I want you both. God knows I do, but I need to warn you. The Garland Garnet kills. If it’s the stone that is attracting you to me, you will both die within a year.”

  The men glanced at one another. In unison they spoke. “We’ll take our chances.”

  “And yet I’m not sure I’m willing to,” she murmured softly. She took one last look at them and walked away.

  Chapter Twelve

  Ready for Love

  She was going to have to make it a point not to attract any more agents. Riana had learned the hard way that it was damned difficult breaking up with a man that the government had trained to be the equivalent of a heat-seeking missile. For the millionth time that day she checked her makeup. At least the rest of the world saw her checking her makeup. In reality she was checking to see where Blaze and Ishmael had stationed themselves in the high-end department store.

  They’d been tracking her since Paris. Three months. Talk about dedication. Apparently “no” truly wasn’t in either of their vocabularies. She smiled as she snapped the lid on her compact and made her purchases. With her bags in hand she stepped through the department store’s double doors. As Riana walked out she noticed that Celeste appeared right in front of Blaze.

  Perfect. The blonde was right on time.

  Riana kept walking even though every inch of her wanted to turn around and stare at the men who followed her. The only thing that kept her from giving in to her desires was the knowledge that soon enough she would be meeting with both men.

  An hour and a half later, she found them waiting for her in her apartment.

  “So glad you could come,” she murmured softly as she closed the door behind her.

  Ishmael smiled. “We wondered how long before you tried to make contact.”

  “And what did you guess?”

  “Short stuff over here guessed three months,” Blaze growled. Ishmael’s smile got wider. “I knew you would miss us, Sugar Girl. Just needed a little time to figure things out.”

  Blaze folded his arms over his broad and glared at her. “Have you had enough? Time that is.”

  She didn’t respond. There was no need to. Riana had every intention of making sure her actions spoke loud and clear. Instead, she stood before them and allowed both men to look her over. Riana thrilled at the sight of pleasure she saw in their eyes. She was very pleased she had chosen to wear her skimpiest sundress for the occasion.

  Riana flashed both men a smile, pivoted on one heel and strode from the room. She could feel two pairs of hungry eyes watching her every move. The exposed skin of her back itched with each step. They were following her.

  After an eternity, she reached her bedroom. She made her way to the wall length closet and opened the door. With painstaking care she took off her shoes. She wanted to draw the moment out, increase the anticipation she knew they could all feel. It clung to the air. It hung on her tongue. And very soon, but not soon enough she would swallow it whole.

  She turned around and regarded both men. Her gaze wondered from Blaze to Ishmael to Blaze. “I’m not sure you’ve missed me.” She reached down and grasped the edge of her summer dress.

  “Oh, we definitely missed you.”

  She lifted the dress over her head and dropped it to the floor. “You promise?”

  They glanced at each other and smiled. “We’re fully willing to show you just how much we’ve missed you, Sugar Girl,” Ishmael growled as his gaze raked over her body.

  “Hmmm, we’ll see,” she murmured as she strode across the room. To her right were French double doors. Riana walked through them and into her gardens—the miniature gardens she’d had created to mimic the Parisian gardens she and Ishmael had gone to. She threw one wicked look over her shoulder just as Blaze stepped onto the marble steps. She stood at the bottom. “Catch me if you can,” Riana threw over her shoulder before breaking off into a dead run.

  Blaze’s laughter drifted down to Riana seconds before she heard his foot hit the second step. She ran with all her might knowing that because of the men’s natural stride she would have to work hard just to stay in the game. They caught her right at the end of her property. Strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her hard against a strong, muscular chest. Her head snapped back and air whooshed out of her lungs.

  Riana turned and caught sight of mesmerising blue eyes. She watched the slow descent of Blaze’s golden head as he leaned in for her kiss. His fingers tightened in her hair just before his mouth moved over
hers. Another set of hands moved up her torso and cupped her breasts. Fingers brushed across the tips of her breasts, teasing her nipples into hard nubs. She groaned into Blaze’s mouth just as Ishmael’s fingers tightened.

  God, she’d missed them. For weeks after her departure she’d tried to convince herself that all she needed was a little bit of time to get over both men. Nothing more than three weeks. That was the longest she’d ever been heartsick for a guy before falling in love with both men. And yet this morning she’d woken feeling as though she had walked away from them just last night.

  The pain didn’t go away. It didn’t even get better.

  She shrieked softly when Ishmael’s hand dipped into her panties and cupped her sex. Blaze deepened his already drowning kiss throwing her into an endless ocean of desire. One finger slipped between the moist lips of her sex to caress her swollen clitoris.

  “Oh God,” she moaned as she broke off Blaze’s kiss.

  Fingers grasped the sides of her panties and pulled the fabric down her thighs. She immediately widened her stance, giving Ishmael more room. Blaze’s tongue swept along the curve of her throat, moving over the erratically beating pulse at the baseline, gliding atop the same flesh he’d pierced three months ago.

  She shuddered, hungry for the orgasmic bliss she knew she could find in their arms.

  “Bite me,” she whispered softly just before she felt the piercing pleasure of his domination. Her orgasm was a cosmic event, leaving her breathless. A constellation burst before her eyes and her hips jerked as satisfaction rained down upon her.

  “That’s it, Sugar Girl.” The words were whispered over the shell of her ear as two fingers thrust deep into her sex, forcing her back upon the precipice she had just vacated. Wet, smouldering heat glided over her ear as he withdrew and plunged deep into her pussy. Firm, full lips captured one nipple and suckled. Teeth nibbled her earlobe. Fingers stroked in and out of her cunt.

  With any other males such intense pleasure would have been impossible, but Ishmael and Blaze were incredible men. And when they worked together, as they were doing then, Riana realised she was the luckiest woman in the world.

  “Fuck,” Riana groaned as all too soon an orgasm thundered through her body.

  She blinked her eyes open when both Ishmael and Blaze pulled away from her. She found herself staring up into glittering cobalt eyes. “If you take us this time, Riana, you take us forever.” She heard the soft tread of feet before Ishmael’s fragrance wafted over her. “’Til death do us part.”

  “I’m still not sure I’m doing the right thing.” The truth was she wasn’t entirely convinced that the emotions she felt weren’t a result of the Garland Garnet. The aching intensity. The burning heat. The desire that seemed to have no end. It was all very foreign to a girl who’d never considered herself in lust, let alone love, before. But with them…Riana only knew that every moment away from them and had been painful. Her heart ached just thinking about all the nights she spent alone wishing they were by her side.

  “’Til death.” This time Ishmael spoke the commanding words. There was no doubt in her mind that she would have to take both of them, as they were, with no restrictions.

  Ishmael and Blaze were serious. Forever meant forever.

  Riana turned to the side and caught the front of both men’s shirts at the same time. “Yes, ‘til death,” she murmured as she leaned up on her toes and kissed each one in succession. She rolled back onto the soles of her feet. “But first you have to promise to do something for me.”


  She chewed her bottom and watched them both. After a moment she walked past the duo and made her way to her favourite part of her gardens. The tulips. The flowerbed curved around a grassy circle. In the circle were two padded chairs and a picnic basket.

  Riana nodded towards the seats and watched as the men took their places. She squatted down, opened the picnic basket and pulled out two thick strings. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Ishmael raise one midnight eyebrow in surprise as she stood. She was surprised that neither man said anything as she approached them. Not that their objections would have mattered.

  She had been dreaming of that moment for several weeks. One fitful night, just a few days after walking out of JFK airport, she’d dreamed of them. Both of them. And the dream had been haunting her every since.

  Today she was going to make her dream a reality.

  Riana held Blaze’s glaze and knelt before him, placing the ropes on the grass beside his spread feet. She grabbed his long feet and slowly removed his boots, his socks, making sure to touch every inch of exposed skin. By the time she reached his black slacks he was breathing hard and the evidence of his desire was staring at her. Blaze lifted his hips as she pulled his pants down his strong, corded thighs.

  As usual he was going commando. She licked her lips as she eyed his cock. Soon, very soon, my friend, she said silently. Riana deftly tied Blaze to the chair before moving on to Ishmael. By the time she was finished with the second man all three of them were breathing deeply. She took a step back and eyed her handiwork.

  She wasn’t foolish enough to believe the bindings would be able to actually hold both men. She suspected that even at their weakest points they could tear through them, but for her they would accept the restrictions.

  Ishmael and Blaze sat directly across from one another, close enough so that as she stood between them only inches separated her body from theirs. She knelt before Ishmael and spread her thighs. From that angle she knew that Blaze could see every inch of her wet sex. She leaned forward and grasped the root of Ishmael’s cock.

  The throaty sound of her nickname drifted from his lips. “Sugar Girl.”

  Riana tightened her grip and flicked her tongue lightly against the ruddy head of his cock. From above her she could hear air hissing past Ishmael’s teeth. She smiled and ran her tongue from the root to the head. Ishmael jerked, rocking the chair slightly. She repeated the act. Out of the corner of her eye she saw his tanned fingers grip the chair’s arms so hard they turned white.

  She slid her second hand between his thighs and cupped his heavy orbs. She lightly toyed with the balls, massaging and caressing them as she licked and suckled the tip. Riana began an up and down sliding motion with her left hand as she flicked her tongue against the unseeing eye. Behind her she could hear Blaze’s breathing deepening.

  “Fuck…Sugar Girl.” The unsteady tone of Ishmael’s groaned words spurred her on.

  The chair rocked back and forth with his thrusts as his cock glided down her throat. She took the hand wrapped around his length and ran her nails down his thighs as she sucked him heartily.


  Ishmael froze, body tight with pleasure for a moment before he shuddered and his cock jerked deeper down her throat as he poured the thick, creamy essence of his desire into her mouth. Riana never stopped suckling him, even as she drank his release. After a moment, with a final gasp, Ishmael went lax as the satisfaction of his orgasm poured through his body.

  Riana released him with a pop. Her lashes lifted until her gaze collided with his heavy lidded one.

  “God, you’re something.”

  Her grin widened. “Something?”

  “Something incredibly special,” he whispered softly as he held her gaze. She immediately felt the warmth of his emotions blanketing her. His gaze lifted and she knew he was watching Blaze. “Your other mate needs your love too.”

  She flashed him a grin as she stood. Riana made sure to put a rolling motion in her hips and she was not disappointed when Blaze’s soft roar drifted over to her. She winked at Ishmael before turning around.

  Interesting how it was the vampire and not the werewolf who had the propensity to growl.

  Her gaze landed on Blaze’s cock, travelled up the hard planes of his washboard stomach, the strong line of his square jaw, the full lips flattened with desire, the sharp nose that bespoke of an ancient legacy before colliding with smouldering sa
pphire eyes sharp with need.

  As she took the single step to bring them closer she spoke over her shoulder. “Release yourself Ishmael and grab your cock.”

  String snapped, a body moved, a chair creaked in the wake of her words. She leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Blaze’s lips. He instinctively tried to deepen it and for just one heartbeat she let him before pulling away.

  “You’re playing with fire, Kitty Kat,” he growled as she turned around and gave him her back.

  “What if I want to get burned,” Riana murmured softly as she threw one leg over his thighs until she was straddling him. She reached below her and grasped the root of his cock as she slowly lowered her hips until he was totally sheathed. Her lashes fluttered as she felt him breach that first inch of her sex. It had been so long since she’d been with anyone. Three months to be exact. It had not been her longest dry period but after meeting and making love to the two men, every second away from them, every moment without their touch felt like an eternity.

  When she was fully seated on Blaze’s cock Riana’s eyes opened and her gaze snapped to Ishmael. He was holding his swollen length and watching her with an intensity that threatened to singe her very soul. She licked her lips slowly and moaned his name. “Touch yourself.”

  She lifted her hips as Ishmael’s long fingers moved up the length of his cock. A single tear of desire leaked from the swollen head. When he reached the tip he spread the clear pearl over the turgid tip. A soft grunt drifted from his parted lips. Her own moan followed in its wake as pleasure shot through her from the pleasing feel of Blaze’s withdraw.

  Riana’s thumb brushed across the swollen bud between her splayed thighs as she lowered her hips, taking Blaze’s hard, thick deep into his body. “Hmmm,” she moaned as heat shot through her sex, before burning through her body. She was still sensitive from her last orgasm and she was highly aroused. She was going to come soon.


  Both men complied. Ishmael tightened the grip he held on his cock and increased the speed of his fondling while Blaze increased the depth and speed of his up-thrusts.


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