Fated Mate_Misty Woods Dragons)

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Fated Mate_Misty Woods Dragons) Page 28

by Juniper Hart

  The king smiled tenuously. “I have missed you a great deal, Nylyrias. Thank you for coming back to see me.”

  “Of course,” Nyle nodded.

  Even though Nyle had been hesitant and unconvinced that Thalydias wanted to make things right between them, he now felt differently. Nyle was certain it had been right thing to do. He wouldn’t have been able to live with himself if he hadn’t at least tried to speak with his father before his death.

  “Thank you for sending Evryn to let me know what was going on.”

  “I didn’t send him. That old cook has a mind of his own,” Thalydias commented, giving a dry chuckle—which was followed by painful coughing. Nyle rubbed his father’s arm, wanting him to take it easy. “I am thankful that he found you, though. I suppose he didn’t want me dying with too many regrets.”

  “You have nothing to regret,” Nyle stated. He didn’t want his father to wallow in mistakes that had already been made. There was no point in it.

  “You and I both know that I do,” his father said. “I should have never made you choose between the kingdom and your mate. That wasn’t fair of me to do. I know now by going through this, how painful it is to lose someone you care for so dearly.” Thalydias’s eyes lifted to look at his wife. “I never had to think about what it would be like to not have her, but my eyes have been opened now that she will be without me. I’ve seen the pain in her eyes and heard her cry in the night. It’s something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy, let alone my only son.”

  Nyle’s throat went dry, closing his eyes as he still fought back his own emotions. “It… It means more to me than you will ever know to hear you say that,” he managed to get out.

  Thalydias’s eyes fluttered to Daisy. “What is your name again, child?”

  Nyle glanced to his mate, seeing her eyes widen when Thalydias addressed her.

  She stammered a bit, “Uh um, Daisy, sir…”

  “Daisy? That strangely suits you,” he spoke. “I’m sorry I called you an abomination before. That wasn’t fair of me. I’m sure learning of your own bizarre heritage was already overwhelming, and for me to label you such a thing to your face was cruel. We have never known of someone to be half dragon. You are not an abomination, you are just… peculiar. Perhaps that is a good thing.”

  The corner of Nyle’s lips turned up, remembering he had used that very word to describe Daisy when they first started talking. She was a wonderfully strange woman, and he loved it.

  “Thank you,” Daisy smiled softly, her eyes brimming with tears.

  Thalydias nodded. “As long as you are kind and loyal to my son, you will be family to me. No matter your heritage.” He looked back to Nyle, “This kingdom needs a king, Nyle. I want so badly for that king to be you.”

  Nyle’s brow furrowed. “I don’t understand… I thought when I left, you said my sister, Erasina, would marry and inherit the kingdom?”

  He sighed heavily. “I thought so, too. Apparently, she refused an arranged marriage also. She ran away and hasn’t come back.”

  Nyle snorted. How typical of his sister. She had been pressing him to marry someone for the good of the kingdom. Yet, when the duty was passed to her, she panicked and ran away.

  “Did Maylei and Cecona run off too?” he asked, mentioning his two younger sisters. Nyle figured they all had refused an arranged marriage and that was why Thalydias was asking for Nyle to do it.

  Thalydias shook his head. “I didn’t ask them because I don’t believe they are ready to rule. Besides, you’re the oldest and rightful heir. I’ve always wanted you to be the one to take the throne, Nyle.”

  “But… Daisy…” Nyle muttered, looking to his mate.

  His father was bound to know that the kingdom wouldn’t accept her willingly. There could even be a civil war.

  “I give you my blessing, my son. I’m making my last decree to honor your union,” Thalydias stated. With a flick of his wrist, he gestured for Evryn to go fetch something for him.

  Nyle’s eyes widened, his chest heaving. He was so honored and overwhelmed. He couldn’t believe that all of this was happening; it felt like a dream. It was what Nyle had wanted all along. It was certainly bittersweet to be getting it on his father’s deathbed.

  “Are you sure about this, Father?” Nyle asked.

  He nodded, “I am. I should have done this when you came to me the first time. Now I have missed eight months of time with you and getting to know my future daughter-in-law. It is my cross to bear, though.”

  “It was understandable for you to react the way you did, though, Father. Daisy and I go against everything you have ever known.”

  “And that makes it right for me to exile my own son? No, it doesn’t,” Thalydias pressed. “This is my dying wish, Nylyrias, for you and Daisy to lead the kingdom and to find peace with the Elementals. I was far too stubborn and hotheaded in my day to do anything but make the problems worse. For us to survive for generations to come, we must find some sort of middle ground with the Elementals. All this fighting is going to get us caught by the humans, and the last thing any of us need is for them to find out about our existence. That’s a war we would not win.”

  Nyle looked to Daisy. Would she be willing to lead the kingdom with him? This decision involved her just as much as it did him. She would have a huge target on her back because she wasn’t Royal. It would be a new and dangerous life for her. As he stared into her stormy hues, Daisy gave a small nod. His heart was elated. She didn’t quite understand the weight of what she would be taking on, but the fact she was even willing to consider it spoke volumes. Looking back to his father, Nyle nodded. “We will do our best to respect your wishes.”

  As soon as the words passed his lips, Evryn returned to the room with another man. It was one of the Royal lawmakers. Nyle couldn’t place his name, but he did look familiar.

  Thalydias spoke up, “Jedadias, I need you to send out a decree throughout the land immediately. I, Thalydias, hereby approve of the union of Nylyrias Flamme and Daisy…”

  “Maddow,” Daisy spoke up.

  “Yes, and Daisy Maddow, the hybrid,” Thalydias smiled to her. “I shall pass on my crown to my son and hope that he and his mate bring forth a new age of power and peace. All those who oppose their union, oppose sanctity of spiritual bonds as well as the crown. Punishment for treason will be carried out for those against it. I pray to the Sun above that the Kingdom welcomes them with open arms and embraces the new era.”

  “Beautifully spoken, my king,” Evryn complimented.

  “Get that sent out right now. Anyone who has anything to say can come say it to a dying man,” Thalydias spoke firmly. Then, he erupted into a fit of painful coughing. He gasped for air as his throat tried to close on him.

  Asalei rushed to him, helping him sit up and handing him an elixir. “I think you’ve said enough, my love. You need to rest now.”

  “I’ll rest when I’m dead, my darling,” Thalydias told her.

  “Mother is right, you need to save your strength,” Nyle urged him. “We will still be here, Father. Rest for now.”

  As Nyle went to stand, Thalydias caught his hand. “You look after your mother, you hear me? I need you to promise me that.”

  Tears slipped from Thalydias’s eyes as he pleaded with his son. Anguish, depression, and urgency swam in his father’s eyes. It pierced right through Nyle’s chest to see it.

  “I swear to you,” Nyle whispered huskily, clutching his father’s hand tightly.

  Thalydias eased a bit. “I love you, my son…”

  “I love you too, Father.”

  Asalei helped Thalydias lie back down from his seated position. “You really do need to rest now, Thalydias. Please, love.”

  “Very well,” Thalydias grumbled. “I will see you in just a little while, my son. I want to hear all about the adventures you went on during your absence.”

  Nyle nodded to him. “Of course. I’ll come when you wake from your nap,” he promised him.

Taking Daisy’s hand, Nyle left the bedroom. As soon as the door closed behind him, Nyle finally broke down. Tears streamed down his cheeks as Daisy hugged him as tight as she possibly could. Nyle couldn’t hold her, afraid in his state he would accidentally crush her. He buried his face in her hair, trying to find the comfort he always had in her. While it didn’t help as much as it usually did, he would be in pieces if she weren't right there with him.


  Nyle and Daisy were ripped from sleep early the next morning by the loud screams of Asalei. They didn’t even have to move a muscle to know exactly what it meant. They laid in bed for hours, Daisy holding and kissing Nyle to comfort him as he tried to process his father’s death. Daisy didn’t speak a single word, knowing nothing she could possibly say would bring him any comfort.

  No one came for them until the mid-afternoon. There was a knock on the door before someone poked their head in.

  “Your Highness, it’s time to get ready,” a woman called.

  “Get out,” Nyle yelled.

  “I’m sorry. Asalei asked me to come make sure you got out of bed.”

  “Is she even out of bed?” Nyle barked, not moving from his spot on the bed.

  He laid on his side, cradling Daisy in his arms with his face planted on the side of her neck. She ran her hand through his hair, wanting to help calm him down. He was upset, but there was no need to take it out on one of the staff members.

  “She is… Maylei and Cecona are with her. The funeral starts in just a couple of hours, and you both need to be dressed for it.”

  “Fine, we will be there in a minute,” Nyle said with a wave of his hand, indicating the woman’s dismissal.

  The door promptly closed. Daisy showered Nyle’s face in kisses, trying to do anything she could to soothe him. He let out a pained breath, gripping her tightly.

  “I love you, Nyle,” she said to him.

  “I love you too,” he said, loosening his grip on her.

  They laid there for a couple more minutes before Nyle finally forced himself from the bed. He pulled on a dress shirt, but didn’t bother to button it.

  Nyle explained, “I’m assuming they have had ceremonial clothing made for us, and they will want us to have a fitting. It’s customary for Royal funerals of this scale.”

  Daisy stood as well, slipping on a short navy dress she had brought with her. He put an arm around his mate and guided her down the hall. There were a couple of maids waiting outside of one of the rooms. Daisy assumed they were waiting on them. As they approached, the two women gave them sad smiles and gestured for them to walk in.

  The room was massive with an assortment of mirrors, couches, and mannequins with dresses and robes on display.

  “We’ll take you right through here, Miss Maddow,” one maid spoke, gesturing for Daisy to follow her into one of the doors to the side.

  Daisy glanced back at Nyle as he was guided to another door. Nerves ate at her stomach as she stepped into the dressing room where a seamstress waited. She had never been alone with another dragon before.

  “Stand right over here,” the woman said, pointing to the center of the room, to a pedestal.

  “What’s your name?” Daisy asked as she stepped onto the platform.

  The woman seemed taken back by the comment, giving Daisy a bewildered look. “Fayna, miss.”

  Daisy smiled kindly at her. “That’s a lovely name.”

  “Oh… well, thank you, miss.”

  Fayna then helped Daisy out of her clothing. Daisy shyly crossed her arms, not used to strangers seeing her naked. She laced Daisy into a corset, pulling the ribbon until it was completely snug. Then, before Daisy could even take notice of the dress, the luxurious fabric was being slipped over her head. Fayna’s nimble fingers were already buttoning the back of the dress by the time Daisy had the opportunity to look down at it. The dress was a brilliant shade of burgundy.

  It was a lovely dress that was long and fell to the floor around her feet. The fabric was silky and cascaded with such beauty. The bodice and sleeves of the dress were done in fine lace. The neckline came up to be a collar, reminding Daisy of Victorian dresses.

  Fayna backed up and looked at Daisy. “Wow, it fits you like a glove. I just need to hem the skirt.”

  She kneeled in front of Daisy and began sticking pins through the delicate fabric, making a perfect line all the way around the dress. She quickly and expertly sewed it in place, and then took the pins out.

  “You have to be the fastest sewer I’ve ever seen,” Daisy complimented, kicking her leg out a bit to get a good look at the hem. The dress still flowed all the way to her feet but hovered just above the ground.

  “Why, thank you, miss,” Fayna smiled. “Let’s finish getting you ready.”

  She guided Daisy over to a vanity and sat her down. Another women proceeded to style Daisy’s hair in luxurious finger waves and skillfully applied red lipstick and winged eyeliner. The final touch was pinning a burgundy veil over her head. Daisy slipped on a pair for gray ballet flats and she was ready.

  “I must say, you are too beautiful to be human.”

  Daisy was pretty sure that was supposed to be a nice compliment, though it felt a little backhanded. She smiled at her, “Thank you, and thanks again for helping me get ready.”

  “Of course,” she nodded.

  Standing from the stool, Daisy walked over to the door. She had never been so dressed up, and it made her feel a little awkward, as if she were wearing a costume. When she moved into the main room, she noticed Nyle sitting on one of the couches, idly staring up at the ceiling. Daisy stood still and admired him for a moment. Even with red and puffy eyes and his white messy hair, he was handsome. Nyle was dressed in a flowing burgundy robe that went to his knees, with slightly darker swirls embroidered all over it. Underneath, he wore something that resembled a tunic suit. He left the collar buttons unfastened.

  The gentle patter of her feet caught his attention as she closed the space between them. The moment his gaze met her, Nyle’s pained expression softened. Standing from the couch, he walked over to her.

  “My God, you’re stunning,” he said to Daisy, taking in her appearance.

  “Thank you,” she blushed, resting a hand on his chest. “And you look very dashing as well.”

  “I’m nothing in comparison,” he insisted, his fingertip tracing her jawline as he studied her face.

  The Royal clan gathered in the land behind the palace. Every single person was dressed in burgundy, the shade never differentiating. Only Daisy, Asalei, and the sisters wore veils. Daisy assumed it was something symbolic of Thalydias’s family, which made Daisy feel honored that she was wearing one as well. Everyone was seated in rows; Daisy sat with Nyle by her side, and Asalei on the other side of him.

  As the service began, an entire orchestra played from the side, sounding out the most profoundly melancholic requiem. Six men appeared at the very back of the crowd, carrying a golden bed. Thalydias’s body rested on top of it, wrapped in fine burgundy cloth. Daisy couldn’t pull her eyes away as the men slowly marched toward the front. She noticed people in attendance crying quietly to themselves. Thalydias was a passionately loved, and feared, leader of the clan.

  When the men passed by the front row, Asalei wailed at the top of her lungs. Daisy looked to the side, seeing Nyle gripping his mother’s hand tightly as she wept. Asalei’s beautiful porcelain face was etched with a look of complete sorrow, flushed with red as she struggled to breathe through her tears. Nyle’s lip quivered at the sounds of her cries, but then he shut his eyes tight and clenched his jaw.

  Thalydias was placed upon the pyre on stage. The people in attendance lined up, and one at a time laid a single flower on Thalydias’s body. After a while, thousands of flowers piled atop of Thalydias, completely covering him. Asalei couldn’t hold back her sobs. Nyle took her in his arms, cradling her to his chest and swaying lightly in hopes of calming her.

  The council of elders took to the stage, reading off
a sermon in a language Daisy couldn’t understand, or even detect. They spoke for a long time. At certain parts of their speech, whatever they were saying made Asalei cry louder, but she would then ease. Daisy wished she could help comfort her, but she didn’t know what to do or what to say.

  Once the council left the stage, Nyle gently released his mother as one of his sisters held her in an embrace. He stood and looked to Daisy, extending his hand to her. Her eyes widened, wondering what it was they were doing. Putting her hand in his, Nyle pulled her to her feet and walked by her side as they made their way to the stage. As they approached the funeral pyre, Nyle dropped her hand and put an arm around her, holding her tightly against him. Nyle’s voice then boomed out a few sentences in the same language the elders had used. In the end, his voice trembled, and Daisy instinctively put a hand to his chest. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath.

  His other arm extended out, raising his palm toward his father. Daisy could feel his heart was about to beat right out of his chest. There was a blast then, fire blasting out of Nyle’s hand. The pyre caught fire immediately, Thalydias and all the flowers disintegrating slowly by the all-consuming flame. She could feel Nyle trembling as he watched his father slowly turn to ash. Daisy hugged to Nyle, tears of her own rolling down her cheeks. She hadn’t known Thalydias well, but she wished she could have had the opportunity to get to know him. He would be sorely missed; that was certain.

  They rejoined his family as the fire burned. As the flames died out, the crowd dispersed in an orderly fashion. Nyle and his family moved into the palace, Nyle holding his mother in one arm and holding Daisy’s hand in the other.

  Once they got to the residential corridor, Nyle looked to Daisy and said, “I’m going to help my mother to her bed. Go ahead to the room, and I’ll be there shortly.”

  She nodded, giving his hand one final squeeze before turning to go to the room they were staying in. As she entered it, she found herself wondering if that would be their bedroom from then on. Daisy hadn’t really let herself ponder their future quite yet, though even the notion of it felt overwhelming. Her heart was too heavy to think about it, wishing she could help Nyle and his family cope somehow.


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