Letters of Love (Green Division Series Book #3)

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Letters of Love (Green Division Series Book #3) Page 4

by Ashley Monahan

  “We’re trying to distract you. What better distraction than a man?”

  “I’ll take a man if he’s a reasonably priced contractor and will cut me a deal.” She smiled. “That’s the only interest I have in any man at this point. They are all dicks.” Aubrey downed her second glass.

  “She hasn’t had any in quite a while,” Jill commented.

  “If you two came over to rub it in my face about how happily married you two are—”

  “Oh stop it, we’re trying to get you laughing. We’ll stop talking about men.” Taylor tried to make amends.

  All went quiet.

  “Then what do we talk about?” Jill said after a few moments of silence.

  “We can talk about your sex lives, mine isn’t open for discussion.”

  “Because it doesn’t exist,” Jill added unnecessarily.

  “I’m well aware.” Aubrey got put out with her two friends. Their job was to make her feel better. They failed miserably.


  Aubrey was saved by her phone. She stepped away from her intoxicated friends.

  “Mack!” she answered happily.

  “Hey Sis. How are ya?”

  “Oh, I’ve been better.”

  “Mom told me about the bakery. I’m sorry.”

  “Me too.”

  “I can come home for a few weeks when I get back to help out.”

  “Stop. When you get back you’re taking it easy and spending time with Meg. There’s nothing that can be done now anyway. So when are you surprising Mom and Dad?”

  “The twenty second. So you get your little fanny down there on the twenty first and meet with us.”

  “I’ll see what I can do with work, I might be a few days late.”

  “You better be here. I haven’t seen you in a year.”

  He’d made her feel guilty successfully.

  “I’ll do what I have to do to get there.”

  “A few days away from Maine will be good for you.”

  “I can’t argue with that.” She paced around her spare bedroom. “So are you safe over there?”

  “Safe as we can be. Don’t worry, I’ll be home and this is the last time I plan on being deployed. One more year then I go to bein’ a civilian like you.”

  “I can’t wait.” Aubrey smiled.

  “Me either truth be told.” Mack cleared his throat. “I’m getting too old to be rolling in the dirt with the bad guys.”

  Mack was thirty eight and served in the Army as an NCO. With the age gap, Mack and she hadn’t been incredibly close as kids. He graduated high school when she was in fourth grade. Their interactions after that were him in the capacity of overprotective brother/baby sister. Since her college years there hadn’t been much need for him to be protective due to her lack of a love life.

  “I have to go, but remember the twenty first. Call Meg, she’s the one planning this little surprise.”

  “I will. You take care over there.”

  “I will. Talk to you later kid.”

  “Love ya Mack.”

  The phone line went dead and Aubrey stared at it for an extra few seconds.

  “Aubrey! Get out here! We’re almost out of wine!” Jill yelled.

  Aubrey sat down on the bed and looked out the darkened window. All she wanted to do was take Gunny for a ride and race across the fields. The feel of the cool breeze against her face was more appealing than another glass of wine.


  “I’m coming. Keep your pants on girls.”

  “We don’t swing that way!” Taylor yelled. That comment brought a smile to Aubrey’s face.


  Ben pushed the shopping cart through the aisles, Kip at his side throwing in food as he went. Ben’s choices consisted of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole wheat pasta and bread. Kip, well, Kip ate like a kid. Fruit By The Foot, Pringles, Pop Tarts, and Cookie Crunch were among Kip’s contributions.

  “I’m embarrassed to shop with you. Does Hanna feed you this crap?”

  “Please.” Kip opened the container of Pringles and popped one in his mouth. “Of course she doesn’t. That’s why I’ve gained five pounds since I moved in with you. This is like Heaven.”

  “If Heaven is a heart attack and diabetes.”

  “You have your definition.” Kip held up the Pringles. “And I have mine.”

  “Heaven doesn’t come in a can of Pringles mate.”

  “You know, you’re right. Heaven is found in between a woman’s legs.”

  Ben smiled and shook his head. He wasn’t going to argue that, but he also wouldn’t say that in a crowded public venue.

  “You are one crass man.” Ben noticed an elderly woman who shot both of them a death glance. “Pardon my friend ma’am.”

  Ben motioned for her to go in front of them.

  “Hmph.” She pursed her lips and walked away with her nose pointed upward. Ben nailed Kip in the stomach.

  “Jesus, man. You were a little low, you almost got the boys.”

  Ben pushed forward to the checkout line.

  “Woah,” Kip coughed on one of his Pringles. “She’s a hottie.”

  Ben looked over his shoulder at the object of Kip’s attention. A woman leaned over in the bread aisle.

  “She’s alright.” Ben recognized the face...and the backside.

  “If I didn’t have Hanna—”

  “You don’t have Hanna. Go for it,” Ben enticed, curious what Toad would said to young Kip.

  “I’m getting Hanna back. She just needs time.”

  “I dare you.” Ben raised his eyebrow. “If she gives you her number, I’ll buy you a twelve pack.”

  “Deal.” Kip put the Pringles in the cart, ran his hands through his short hair, and strode over to Aubrey. Kip was a looker, no doubt about it, but he was a kid.

  Ben watched discretely. To his surprise, she didn’t tell Kip to fuck off. After a minute of chatting, she walked down the aisle and waved to Kip.

  “What just happened?” Ben said curious.

  “She gave me her number.”

  “Shut the hell up.”

  “I’ll get my twelve pack now.”

  “Where’s the number?”

  “Up here.” Kip pointed to his head.

  “Mhm.” Ben knew that was a lie. “No twelve pack.”

  “I’m telling ya. Okay, I gave her my number.”

  “That doesn’t count bud.”

  “I can’t go anywhere these days without seeing you,” Toad said with disgust latent in her voice from behind them in line.

  “I’d say that’s a two way street,” Ben said.

  “So you’re a friend of his?” Toad asked Kip.

  “He’s an acquaintance.” Kip loaded his items onto the belt. “Don’t hold that against me.”

  There would only be one checkout line open.

  “I feel for you.” She gave Ben a dirty look.

  “Listen, I did you a favor,” he said slightly pissed off. “I didn’t have to take that ticket back.”

  “Mmhm.” Toad picked up a magazine and thumbed through it. “Thanks.”

  “You can’t do anything nice for anyone anymore,” Ben said hushed.

  “Nice!?” Toad’s mouth dropped.

  “Hey.” Kip pointed a hand at each of them. “Play nice, we’re all adults here. Some better looking than others.”

  Ben’s face flushed bright red as did Toad’s.

  “Aubrey, right?” Kip pushed their cart ahead. She looked at Kip. “I’m making a spaghetti feed tonight.” A spaghetti feed with all the ingredients Ben purchased...and was going to cook. “You should join us.”

  “Ah—” Ben’s jaw dropped.

  “No, I have plans. Thank you for the invite though Kip.” She smiled warmly at Kip, then the smile disappeared as she settled her eyes back onto Ben.

  “That comes to one hundred twenty dollars and fifteen cents.”

  Kip paid for the food and began to load the bags. Ben kept his
back turned, the red pigment in his face started to fade back to white.

  “Nice meeting you Aubrey.” Kip leaned past Ben to wave to her.

  “You too Kip.” Toad didn’t acknowledge Ben’s presence any longer nor did Ben in reverse. They walked to their vehicle.

  “You two get along well.”

  “She’s the hag I told you about.”

  “Hardly a hag. Jesus, she’s a fucking ten. Remember what I said about Heaven.”

  “Shut the hell up Kip.” Ben unlocked the Jeep and loaded the groceries into the boot.

  Ben spent his afternoon off catching up on reports. Lame. Or dedicated. Depended on how one spun it. Kip informed him he was lame. Maybe he was.


  Aubrey’s blood pressure had to be through the roof. Her ears flushed bright red as did her cheeks upon arguing with Asshole once again. It felt as though the world tried to conspire against her at every corner—as he was at every corner, every turn. She stewed.

  Kip was a looker, but he was a kid. Damn, she must be getting old. Young twenties was a “kid”. She herself was thirty, not an old woman by far, but Kip made her feel that way. Little party boy. And surprise, he’d be friends with Asshole. That made him an asshole by association.


  One week later.

  Aubrey watched as the remnants of her bakery were scooped up by a bucket loader and loaded onto a dump truck. The end of her dream. Thankfully she had to be off to work for the evening, a welcome distraction from where she stood at that moment.

  “Thanks.” Aubrey waved to the foreman of the crew and struck off to her truck. A large crowd gathered to watch the event. The final demolition of the bakery was big happenings in the small town. No one had anything better to do on a Thursday afternoon.

  Aubrey’s flight left the following morning. Off to see her parents and Mack. It would be the first time her family had all been together in more than two years and she couldn’t wait. And to get out of Maine for a week was an added bonus.


  Ben kicked his legs up on the back deck. The spring sunshine warmed his bare feet. Finally, the time of year he loved so much was coming.

  “Yo, Ben, phone. It’s your brother,” Kip yelled from inside.

  “Bring it to me you lazy bum,” Ben called to him.

  Kip slowly came outside wearing only his boxers. True bachelors.

  “Don’t be a douche.” He passed him the phone.

  “Hello.....hey Jack....Yeah, I’m home, I don’t have to work until this afternoon....You sound like something is wrong....What’s going on?”

  Kip starred from the sliding glass door not giving Ben any privacy.

  “Wait, what? No, no, that’s not possible....I’m telling you it can’t be....No...” Ben said in clear denial. “Get a second opinion....Then get a third, they’re wrong...”

  Kip retreated inside knowing he shouldn’t be witness to the conversation.

  “Ah...is it treatable?...How long did they say?...Jesus Jack...no, no, I’m sorry. I’ll come over...No, I understand, you guys need time...I’m so sorry...I’ll check in with you guys later this evening...Tell Tiffy I love her...Bye.”

  Ben hit the end button and looked at his phone in denial. That conversation didn't happen. The news he’d been given was a dream. A nightmare. Because if it wasn’t...

  Ben stood and tossed his phone onto the lawn in a fit of rage.

  “This isn’t fucking happening,” he said aloud angry at the world. “This can’t be happening.”


  The four day break from work and Maine had refreshed Aubrey. Her parents were brought to tears when the three of them arrived: Mack, Meg, and Aubrey. And during the family dinner her first night there, Mack took a knee to propose to Meg. It was a long time in the making. Mack and Meg had been together for eight years, but Mack was gun shy after his first marriage. And Meg was in the same shape. The following three days the family spent lounging by her parents’ pool, barbecuing, and basically enjoying one another’s company. Aubrey was sad to leave so soon, but one has to face reality sooner or later.

  “Hey,” Jill yelled from the lobby of the airport.

  “Hi Jill.”

  “Ready to go home?”

  “Ready to go back to Florida.” Aubrey smiled. “I miss them already.”

  “We’re glad to have you back girl.”

  “Let’s go home.”

  Jill put her arm around Aubrey’s shoulder and they walked out together.

  Though she’d rather be in the warmth of Florida, she was glad to see her two babies, Gunny and Trixie. After visiting with her babies and unpacking, Aubrey had a busy afternoon planned. Watch television and fall asleep. Back to the grind the next day.


  “Uncle Ben!” A little redhead flew toward Ben at full speed. Tiffany “Tiffy” Anderson had shoulder length curly hair that bounced as she ran and freckles covered her face. At all of nine years old, she was as fiery as her hair color. She wore a purple sundress paired with tights, both covered in mud.

  “Hi gorgeous.” Ben lifted her high into the air and kissed forehead. “What are you up to today?”

  “Playing with Miley.” A little golden retriever pup ran after her.

  “Looks like you two found some good ole’ springtime mud.”

  “It was her fault.” She ruffled the fur on the muddy dog’s head. “She gets me in trouble.”

  “You don’t need any help getting into trouble, you do well all by yourself.” Ben tickled her sides.

  She smiled, the baby teeth missing from her smile added to her young innocence.

  “Where’s your daddy?”

  “Inside.” She took Ben’s hand and led him into the house. “Him and Mommy are planning a trip for us to Florida. To Disney World!”

  “And I don’t even get an invite?” Ben frowned as though he was hurt.

  “You can come!”

  Ben laughed. “I was joking. I think it’s a trip for the three of you, you’ll have fun.”

  “Oaawe,” Tiffy said in disappointment.

  “Hi Ben,” Tiffy’s mother Joanne said. Joanne looked tired, but put on a strong front for Tiffy. Joanne was thirty five, but on this day looked to be in her late forties. Tiffy’s sickness had aged her instantly.

  “How are you doing?”

  “We’re good.” She walked over and kissed the top of Tiffy’s head. Miley trotted in behind them and left a trail of muddy footprints. “Though it looks like you two have gotten into some trouble.”

  “It was Miley’s fault.” Tiffy pointed to the pup who cocked its head sideways at the accusation.

  “Mhm. Let’s you two cleaned up.” Tiffy, Joanne, and Miley walked out of the dining room and upstairs.

  “How are you holding up?” Ben asked his brother Jack. Jack looked as haggard as Joanne. His jet black hair was disheveled and his five o’clock shadow black.

  “As good as we can be I guess.”

  Ben pulled a chair out.

  “What are you looking at?”

  “We asked Tiffy to make a list of all the things she wanted to do and see. We want to make as many of her dreams come true as we can.”

  “When are you going to Disney?”

  “She has a doctor’s appointment the end of this week and we’ll make plans after that.” Jack brought his hand to the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. “I, ah.” Jack’s voice broke and he took a deep breath.

  Ben squeezed Jack’s shoulder and held his emotions at bay. There was nothing he could say to alleviate Jack’s pain. Jack cleared his throat.

  “We have a couple of these covered, but I won’t lie, some of these are we’re going to have to be creative with.” He smiled.

  “Catch a unicorn.” Jack read from the list. “See the North Pole and visit Santa’s workshop. Go skydiving. See the Amazon.”

  “She’s a dreamer.” Ben smiled. “I’ll do whatever I can to help you guys out.” He took the list from J


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