Assassin's Return

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Assassin's Return Page 6

by Marie Medina

  “About what?”

  “You traveling alone. It’s dangerous.”

  “I never said it wasn’t dangerous. I simply said I could handle myself. I saved your mate, after all,” Jareth said.

  “Humans don’t refer to their lovers as mates, you know,” Samuel said.

  “But doesn’t the word emphasize the bond so nicely? The intimacy?” Jareth grinned. “I think you two are perfect for each other.”

  Quentin looked up at Samuel. His mind raced, but he couldn’t find words, especially with Jareth there.

  After a moment, Jareth cleared his throat as if to draw Quentin’s attention from Samuel. “You need to eat, Quentin. I got a bit carried away.”

  “Does blood taste different to vampires?” Samuel asked. “Tasted awful to me.”

  Jareth laughed loudly. “Thank you, Samuel. I can always count on you to keep my ego in check.”

  “I’m serious,” Samuel said. “It tasted metallic like blood, but there was something else.”

  “The anger probably gave it more of a bite, plus you were in pain. But I am very old. I don’t usually let others drink my blood. No one but Julianna.”

  “I feel ten years younger, but doesn’t mean I ever want to do it again,” Samuel said.

  “I feel like I’m floating,” Quentin said, wishing he could simply curl up in Samuel’s arms.

  Jareth took all of Quentin’s weight on himself. “Samuel, go fetch him something to eat. Some wine as well. We’re going to sit over here and have a chat.”

  Samuel watched them a moment before nodding and turning away.

  Quentin sat at the small table outside the tavern and eyed Jareth. “What do we need to chat about?”

  “You and Samuel. What next?”

  “What next? I don’t know.”

  “Do you love him?”

  Quentin looked Jareth in the eye. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  “And he loves you. That’s why I’m asking what comes next.”

  “I suppose that depends on you.”

  “And you, I hear.”

  Quentin knew they’d probably discussed him, but it felt odd to actually know it. “He almost died today.”


  “And,” Quentin took a deep breath, “I don’t care how it happens anymore. If you don’t let him stay, I’ll come with him. Letting him leave without me isn’t an option.”

  “Because you almost lost him?”

  “I suppose that was the moment, but I’ve been thinking about it since yesterday.” Quentin sighed and rubbed his forehead. “I’m sleepy.”

  “You’ll be fine. Samuel will be back soon.”

  “I’ve never had many choices in life. There was always someone who needed me—my parents, my sister, and then my nephew. I thought about it last night after Samuel fell asleep.”

  “I think Samuel needs you, too.”

  “Yes, but it’s more about me needing him.” Quentin took a deep breath. “I’ve never needed anyone before. But now? I need him.” More quietly, he said, “I really need him.”

  “Glad you’ve found your answer. I was a bit concerned.”

  That caught Quentin’s attention. “Is he … hurt? Worried?”

  “Tell him what you just told me, and you’ll be fine.”

  “I’m not as strong and confident as he is. I never have been.”

  “He loves you anyway. That’s all that matters.”

  “I guess so.” Quentin slumped forward on the table a bit.

  “So, just to be clear, you are in love with Samuel?” Jareth asked in a somewhat louder voice, his eyes sparkling.

  “Don’t answer that,” Samuel said as he rushed to the table with bread and cheese, a wineskin hanging from his wrist.

  “I was asking for my own knowledge. I didn’t even see you there,” Jareth said.

  “Liar,” Samuel said, sitting beside Quentin.

  “Am I?”

  “Yes. I always know when you’re lying.”

  “Do you? Hmmm, perhaps I don’t want you around any longer,” Jareth said, rising to his feet. “I’m going to go retrieve Jesse. He’s over there with your friend, playing with another child. You said her name was Christy?”

  “Yes,” Quentin said, craning to see where Jesse was rolling a ball with another little boy.

  “I’ll go apologize for getting blood in her storeroom. Emergencies can get messy,” Jareth said.

  “Tell her we’ll clean it up,” Quentin said.

  “Nonsense,” Jareth said. “I’ll do it.”

  As Jareth walked away, Quentin asked, “Will he?”


  “Part of his image?”

  Samuel met his gaze. “Hard to say with things like that. Depends on his mood.”

  Quentin said, “He was lying. And he knows the answer to that question.”

  “Does he? Then am I allowed to know?”

  Licking his lips, Quentin softly said, “Maybe later.”


  Quentin popped a chunk of cheese in his mouth and chewed thoughtfully. “You two and your banter. You’re rubbing off on me.”

  “That’s no answer.”

  Quentin swallowed and said softly, “When Jareth told me you were going after a man who seemed to be following us, I made my decision. I want you at my side.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes. No matter where we go or what you do for a living. I want you.”

  Samuel leaned in. “Are you saying you’re in love with me, too?”

  Quentin held his lover’s gaze. “At least it didn’t take me two damned years to figure it out.”

  “Then say it.”

  Quentin raised one eyebrow. “You haven’t.”

  “I have.”

  “No, you said, I think maybe I already am in love with you. When you arrived, you actually said, I’m not saying I’m in love with you.” He broke off another chunk of cheese. “You haven’t said it.”

  “All right then. I’m in love with you. I wish I’d figured it out sooner.”

  “But you were so immature, like you said.”

  “Stop it and say it already.”

  “So demanding,” Quentin said before drinking more wine. But then he wiped his mouth and took Samuel’s hand, looking down at their clasped fingers. “This isn’t at all what I was expecting. Not in any way. But I do love you. I want you to come home with me tonight. And come home to me every night, no matter where home is.”

  Samuel leaned in to kiss him, but their lips never met. Jesse came running up and barreled right between them, climbing into Quentin’s lap. Jareth came up right behind him.

  “Sorry,” Jareth said. “He was adamant.”

  Quentin looped his arms around Jesse. “That’s quite all right.” He kissed Jesse’s forehead and looked into Samuel’s eyes.

  “Did I miss something important?” Jareth asked.

  “Don’t you have a storeroom to clean?” Samuel asked, not breaking the eye contact.

  “Hmmm. See you two later,” Jareth said before strolling away.

  Samuel began ruffling Jesse’s hair. “Now, where did it go?”

  Quentin looked down. “What?”

  Samuel leaned over and kissed the top of Jesse’s head. “My kiss. The little rascal stole it, so I stole it back.”

  Quentin laughed and hugged Jesse tighter, feeling the pressure finally leaving his chest as he met Samuel’s gaze.


  Three Days Later

  Samuel smoothed his own robes and then moved across the large dressing room to help Quentin with his.

  “Why do vampires wear these things?” Quentin asked as he tried to wrap the sash for the bottom layer of robes around his waist.

  Samuel straightened it for him and tied it securely as he said, “It’s a status thing from ages back. Only vampires could afford the silk. And certain dyes. Now it’s just tradition.”

  “Then why are we having to wear them?” Quentin picked up the next layer an
d shrugged it on.

  “It’s a formal occasion.”

  “Did Jareth insist we be invited as well? I only know one thing about Lord Thanos, and that’s how much he likes his privacy.”

  “He does, but he’s become more outgoing since finding his mate, Declan.”

  “The leopard shifter. Yeah, I’ve seen him with his little brothers before.”

  “Adorable, aren’t they?” Samuel said with a smile.

  “They’re getting a little big to be adorable.”

  “They’re shifters, not wild animals. They’d never hurt anyone.”

  Quentin turned to the mirror and smoothed his clothes. “I’m just nervous and rambling. Thanos is a good lord. He always sends help when crops don’t do well. And I know the shifters are safe. It’s strange, though, the way Declan’s brothers don’t stay in human form long.”

  “It’s something to do with their father. A demon curse, I believe. Thanos explained it to me once, but it’s been a couple of years.”

  A knock came at the door, and Samuel said, “Come in.”

  Jareth came in, smiling, and then pushed the door open wider. “I thought you might like to meet Jesse’s new friends.”

  Two half-grown leopards walked into the room, the second one carrying a giggling Jesse on his back. Samuel saw Quentin tense.

  “Be careful, Jesse. Hold on tight,” he said, biting his lower lip.

  “He’d only fall about two feet or so, and his feet are only inches above the ground,” Jareth said. “Ziro and Haru are only seven, and their leopard forms are growing very slowly compared to real leopards.”

  “In case you haven’t noticed, Your Majesty, I’m a worrier,” Quentin said.

  “I know, which is why I wanted to come and tell you that all of the gypsies have been caught,” Jareth said.

  “And are they members of the Blood Clan?” Samuel asked.

  “Former members. They were spying on Declan’s brothers actually, but then one of them spotted me arriving. These men still see vampires as their enemies and think it’s fine to use shifters like slaves. But they value demon blood, so they were very interested in these two.” He knelt between the shifters and stroked both of them. “Thanos is going to be pretty unyielding during their trial, I think.”

  “Will you stay for it?” Samuel asked.

  “Yes. I’m a witness, after all, as well as a victim,” Jareth said, smiling as Jesse climbed onto his back.

  “Oh, Jesse, don’t do that,” Quentin said, moving to pull him off the king.

  But Jareth waved him away. “He’s fine. It’s nice to be reminded some people do like me, after the number of times people have tried to kill me.”

  “How many times has it happened?” Quentin asked.

  “Too many,” Jareth said, rising with Jesse on his back. “Come on. Let’s head to dinner.”

  “Jesse can come, too?” Quentin said as they walked out into the hall.

  “Of course. Thanos is a quiet man, but he doesn’t mind children at all. Ziro and Haru are coming as well. If Jesse gets restless, he can play on the floor with them,” Jareth said. “Oh, and before you leave tonight, we need to talk about your new position. If you’re willing to accept it.”

  Samuel faltered a bit but soon caught up. “New position?” he asked, casting a glance at Quentin.

  “Yes. You can’t be an ambassador anymore. All that traveling. You have a family to think of.” Jareth turned to Quentin. “By the way, when are you two getting married?”

  “That’s up to Quentin, of course,” Samuel said with a smile, giving in to the banter even though he wanted to demand the king tell him about this “new position” right away.

  “Like I told you a few days ago, it’s customary to propose first. And you haven’t done that,” Quentin said.

  “What?” Jareth said, rounding on Samuel. “I thought you two settled this three days ago. It certainly looked like a done deal to me when I packed my things and came here to stay with Thanos and give you two some privacy.” He raised one eyebrow. “Or perhaps you were just that pleased to see me go.”

  “I promise you’ll be the first to know of our engagement,” Quentin said. “And we loved having you. Jesse was looking for you the next morning.”

  “Children do tend to like me. We have similar temperaments,” Jareth said, his expression quite serious.

  Quentin laughed. “Yes, you and Jesse do seem to be on a similar level, at least emotionally.”

  “My, I seem to be rubbing off on you,” Jareth said. “I’ll try not to do any more damage while I’m here.”

  Jesse reached for Quentin, who opened his arms and let him slide into them. “I think I’ll survive,” Quentin said. “Do your worst.”

  “I must say I do like how you’ve warmed to me,” Jareth said.

  “I’m right here, you two,” Samuel said.

  “We know,” they both said, and then they laughed.

  “I’m not sure the damage can be undone,” Samuel said under his breath as they entered the dining hall.

  Jareth quickly handed him a glass of wine from the tray a servant offered. “Drink,” he said. Then, leaning in, he whispered, “You’re going to like it, and so will Quentin. Stop worrying.”

  Samuel downed half the glass, trusting the king while also knowing to never underestimate what the man might have in mind.

  Chapter Five

  Quentin bent and lifted Jesse from where he slept on the floor, snuggled between and partially on top of the two young leopard shifters. He tried his best not to wake them, but one opened his eyes and yawned. It lifted its head and licked Jesse’s cheek before settling back down by his brother. Cradling Jesse close, Quentin reached over and petted the leopard, watching him squeeze his eyes in delight.

  “It’s like having two very large cats. I worried some, at first,” Thanos said from behind Quentin, “but they’re happy. And that’s all that matters.”

  Quentin liked the soft-spoken vampire, who was very different from his louder and seemingly more opinionated mate, Declan. “Yes, I suppose that’s all that matters.”

  “You’re welcome to stay here tonight. If you wish. The ride back will be very bumpy this late,” Thanos said.

  “Thank you, my lord. That might be best. Right now, I need to find Samuel and the king,” he said.

  “They were out in the garden. I can show you to the boys’ room. Their governess sleeps in the next room, with the door cracked. She’ll come down and fetch the boys in a little bit.”

  “Yes, that would be fine.”

  As they walked down the hall, Thanos said, “You seem a bit overwhelmed still. Declan took some time to adjust. He hated all the stuffiness and formality.”

  “Oh, I’m fine. Just worried about doing or saying the wrong thing. I know I shouldn’t be.”

  “No, you shouldn’t. And you’re welcome back any time. Ziro and Haru love other children. And for better or worse, some children are afraid of them. They’d love to play with Jesse some more.”

  “You can tell what they’re feeling in their shifted forms?”

  “To a certain extent. Their faces can be surprisingly expressive. And since Declan and I can’t have children, they’re our whole world.”

  “Yes. That’s how it is with Jesse.”

  “I’d say he’s very blessed to have you and Samuel.” Thanos ushered him onto a room and then went to a slightly open door on the far wall and knocked. “Pearl?”

  A young woman opened the door. “Yes, my lord?” she said, before smiling over at Jesse and Quentin. “Oh, is the little love going to stay? It is late to be jostling in a carriage.”

  “Yes, we’re going to stay. He gets up really early, just so you know,” Quentin said.

  “Oh, that’s fine. The boys get up with the sun and come jump on my bed.”

  Quentin laughed. “He may do that, too.”

  Pearl gestured to the other side of the room and grabbed a blanket from a shelf by the window. “I made the crib
up just in case. You can lay him right down. Does he kick his covers off if they’re too thick?”

  “He hardly moves once he’s settled. Just one blanket will be fine.” He bent over the crib and laid Jesse down. “Thank you. Don’t hesitate to come get me if he needs anything.”

  “Oh, we’ll be fine, don’t worry,” Pearl said as she tucked the blanket around him.

  As he and Thanos quietly left the room, Quentin spotted Samuel and Jareth. “I put Jesse down in there. It’s so late I thought we might as well stay,” Quentin said as they approached.

  “Excellent. We’ll have more time to talk,” Jareth said. “Are they close to me, Thanos?”

  “Yes, the blue room across the hall in the corner.” Thanos gave a slight bow to them all. “I’ll see you all in the morning. I’m sure my mate is still debating with the magistrates, who are probably hoping to be rescued about now.”

  “Good night, my lord. And thank you again,” Quentin said.

  “You’re most welcome,” Thanos said, nodding to the other two men and moving down the hall.

  “This way,” Jareth said, pointing in the other direction.

  The king remained mostly silent as they walked, and Quentin asked, “Are you two thinking or plotting?”

  “I won’t speak for Samuel, but my plotting is all over and done with.” They rounded another corner, and Jareth stopped by one door. “I’m here. That one over there is yours.” He opened his own door and said, “Come in. I have a little proposal for you two.” The king closed the door behind them and then moved over to a sideboard that held many bottles. “Some wine?”

  “I’m fine, thanks,” Quentin said as he sat down. This room was done in red and gold, and Quentin had to move a few cushions aside to get comfortable.


  “I’m fine, too.” He beside Quentin on the long couch, but not right next to him.

  Jareth poured himself a glass before joining them. “I have no desire to make Samuel continue doing his present job if he doesn’t want to do it anymore, but the fact is he’s become indispensable to me. The only people I trust more are Julianna and my steward. What I want is for Samuel to continue living at the palace in the royal dominion and oversee our network of informants while also training and managing the royal guard.”


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