His Beautiful Revenge: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

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His Beautiful Revenge: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Page 45

by Michelle Love

  “I am,” Kip and I say in unison.

  A quick kiss I give his cheek then climb off the bed and climb on the other one. Kip gets out of bed, slowly and groans like an old man as he walks over to watch the screen and hold my hand.

  I shriek with the cold as crap gel he squirts on my stomach. “Sorry,” the guy says. “I suppose I could’ve warmed it up.”

  “You think?” I ask as I give him a nasty look.

  He shrugs. “Maybe next time.”

  His little wand roams over my belly and he makes little sounds like hmm and huh, then he looks at me. “So, were you wanting a girl, Peyton?”

  I smile and nod then look at Kip. “Sorry, I told you so. Mothers just know sometimes. Perhaps I’m a little psychic.”

  The man hums a bit. “Or maybe I heard you as I walked down the hallway. Because I was about to say that I’m sorry, maybe the next baby. This one is a boy.”

  “Told ya!” Kip gloats. He fist bumps the air and smiles like he just won the lottery. Although that probably wouldn’t even phase the billionaire.

  “Man! A boy! It’s not that I’m disappointed I’m having a son. It’s just that Kip was right and I hate when that happens.” I pout.

  A little tickle he gives me under my chin. “Is mommy mad that daddy was right?”

  I bat at his hand. “Yes.” Then I stick out my tongue for good measure. “So what are we going to name him? I like Samuel.”

  He shakes his head. “No way. I want something cool and cutting edge. Maybe Zap or Zing.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “There’s no way I’m naming a kid either of those hellacious names. How about Bruce or Gary?”

  Kip fakes a yawn as the ultra-sound guy gives him a tissue and gestures for him to wipe the goo off my tummy. He does as he says, “Come on, Peyton. The kid doesn’t want to get beat up every day and robbed of his lunch money. How about Streak or Flash?”

  “We aren’t having a super-hero, Kip!” I push at his chest and laugh.

  “You don’t know that.”

  The guy laughs and pushes the cart out of the room. “Good luck you two. Congrats on the baby and you may want to think about the name, Tyrese. It’s my name and I like it.”

  As he leaves the room, we both shout out our thanks to him and get right back to arguing about the baby’s name.


  Though in a hospital bed, it’s still nice to hold my love in my arms as we sleep. So much has happened in the last couple of weeks, it’s bordering on mind blowing.

  Apparently I died a few times and gained a brother. He turned out to be a cool guy and we are so damn alike it’s uncanny. Peyton freaks me out with how close the two got while I was comatose. But it’s getting to be okay with me.

  I suppose having all brothers has her used to hanging out with guys and that’s cool and all, but it’s odd seeing her cutting up with a guy who looks like me, but isn’t me.

  Her body is formed to mine and though still unable to do to her what I want to, I crave her. Small kisses I place on her neck and she moans and wiggles. Her ass presses against my dick and I have to pull away as it will be too hard to control myself and if the nurse catches me making love, she’ll have my hide.

  Peyton twists in my arms and opens her eyes. “Hi,” she says as she runs her arms around my neck. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you each time I wake up to find you all over me. I thought it might never happen again and I say a silent thank you to God every single time.”

  “Do ya?” I kiss the tip of her nose. “So if I’d passed on to the other side, are you sayin’ you’d never love again? Are you tellin’ me, you’d never get over me?”

  Her eyes go dark and she moves in close, our bodies only covered in thin hospital gowns as she donned one since I have to wear one. “I will never get over you, Kip. Not ever.”

  Her lips touch mine and I harden in an instant. My tongue thrusts through her lips and I wrap her tight in my arms as my dick pulses against her stomach. I pull my mouth away and groan. “Fuck, Peyton! What have you done to me?”

  “What have you done to me, is more the question,” she says with a cute little smile.

  I shake my head and her lips are too juicy and ripe and press mine to hers again. Fuck what the doctor said. The stitches are secure and I feel almost normal again. My dick certainly does.

  The IV is the only thing hampering me, so I pull Peyton on top of me as I kiss her. She moans and grinds against me. “Do you think we can do this?” she asks.

  “I’m sure as hell goin’ to try, love. You may have to do most of the work though.”

  Her breath is hot on my face. “I can do that.” Her mouth falls on mine as she pushes the hospital gown I’m wearing out of the way and slides her hot cunt over my aching cock without hesitation.

  We both groan. She holds me behind my neck and slowly moves her body up and down, stroking me gently. She pulls her mouth from mine and sits up. The hospital gown she wears is covering up her body and I pull at it, taking it off her and revealing her bouncing breasts.

  My hands cup them both and I squeeze them as she rides me. “You’re fucking beautiful, baby,” I tell her as I gaze at her body.

  Our child plumps her belly and makes her glow. Peyton looks at me with more love than I’ve ever known. “You’re fucking beautiful.”

  She moves a little faster, careful not to touch my stitches, either set. The heat inside her makes me crazy for her and I pull her to me so I can place one of those delectable breasts in my mouth.

  Just like I remembered. Perfectly juicy. I moan and run my tongue over her nipple. A little bite I give it and she moans as she strokes my hard as nails dick. Her whisper heats my ear. “Do it harder.”

  I comply with her request and bite it harder as I run my hands to grab her ass and squeeze both cheeks. She growls and then her strokes get harder and faster. “Fuck me, baby,” I hiss as I start to feel the first sensations of an impending orgasm.

  Little whimpers she makes as she bounces up and down on me. My cock starts to twitch and then her body erupts and tightens around me. She moans loudly and I pull her down to me, kissing her hard to stifle the sound she’s making.

  My orgasm moves into full mode and I groan as it feels fantastic, but also it hurts. Her weight is suddenly too much and I push her to sit up and take it off me.

  My breath comes in short bursts and she looks at me and her eyes widen. “Fuck! Kip, your stitches!”

  She jumps off me and runs to the bathroom. She comes back with a small towel and wipes the cum off me, then herself, and throws another small towel over the two small spots on the sides of my stomach. “Shit! Shit! Kip! Damn it, I’m so sorry, baby.”

  “Get the nurse, mate. It hurts like hell.”

  “God, I’m sorry!” she wails.

  My fingers find the button to call the nurse in. The oldest woman I’ve ever seen comes into the dark hospital room. The light comes on and the blood has seeped through the towel.

  Her dark eyes move back and forth between Peyton and I. “What did you do?”

  Peyton breaks into tears and whimpers, “I just had to feel him.” She runs to the bathroom and locks herself in.

  “I had to feel her too,” I confess.

  The old nurse comes and pulls back the towel and sees the broken stitches. “I hope it was worth it.”

  I laugh then flinch with the pain. “Is it ever not?”

  “Jokes huh?” she smirks. “I hope the doc doesn’t even give you a pain killer as he re-stitches you. Kids now days can’t seem to realize this life is nothing but time.”

  I find her comment a bit on the sadistic side. “I know it’s been a million years since you were young and in love and maybe even fucked righteously, but believe me when I tell you that it was completely worth it.”

  Her yellow eyes stare me down. “I heard you’re having a son in a matter of a few months. You’ll need to leave his mother alone for at least six weeks and maybe more. Tell me, lover boy, will it
end like this, with torn stitches?”

  I gulp and I think I may be trembling. “Well, of course it won’t end this way.”

  “Come out you coward,” she shouts and pounds on the bathroom door.

  “Come on, leave her alone and see to me!”

  Peyton opens the door. “I’m so sorry.” Water drips down her legs. “My water broke.”

  Part 11 Fading Star


  Pink flushes my cheeks as the doctor wags her long, thin finger at Kip and I as we lie in our hospital beds in the room that is now both of ours. I have officially been admitted into the hospital on complete bedrest as my water is leaking slowly.

  I thought it was sex that messed up my pregnancy but it wasn’t. The leak was caused by an infection I must’ve contracted from the sheets of the motel I stayed at when I first got to L.A. In a way, it still was having sex that did it. That is where Kip and I made up and got back together. If I had just went to his place the way he wanted me to then I would never have gotten the infection.

  Either way, you look at it, I am to blame. The doctor is reading us the riot act on how we must follow all the rules that our doctors lay down. Our beds are close enough that if we both reach out we can hold hands.

  Kip reaches out for me, I take his hand and the doctor gives us a frown. “Why can’t you two keep your hands off each other?” She shakes her head and looks at me. “I will have you moved to another room if I have to Peyton.”

  My mouth drops open. “For holding hands? Damn, Doctor Love. You certainly don’t stand up to your last name.”

  Kip snickers and she turns her narrowed eyes on him. “This is not funny. Your child is in a dire situation. If he’s born right now, his lungs will not be fully developed. Peyton needs to keep that baby inside her for at least another week. Even then the baby could still have major health problems for the rest of his life. Thanks in no small part to you two having to ‘feel’ each other as you so eloquently phrased it.”

  Kip lets my hand go and looks down. It pisses me off how she’s trying to make him feel guilty about this. It brings up my ire and I snap, “He’s not the one to blame, it’s my fault. All of this is my fault. I seduced him and that’s why his stitches broke. I have this damn infection because I refused to leave the dirty motel and go home with Kip. Everything is my fault, so leave him alone.”

  Dr. Love levels her eyes on me. “Don’t put all the blame on your shoulders, Peyton. Allow Kip to carry half the burden here.”

  I shake my head. “No! This is my fault and my burden to bear, not his.”

  Kip looks at me and frowns. “Peyton, stop that. I am to blame as well. I should’ve had more sense than to go against the doctor’s orders. And the thing about the baby is just a complication and no one’s fault. The damn, dirty motel is what needs blamed for the current condition of our baby. I’m going to have that place shut down.”

  Kip’s mother sweeps into the small hospital room, carrying a teddy bear in her arms. “Good morning, Dr. Love. It’s beautiful out this morning.” She places the bear on the top of the dresser that’s in front of the beds.

  Dr. Love smiles at Chloe. “I’ve been inside the hospital since before dawn. I have no idea if the morning is a nice one or not.”

  Chloe taps the bear on top of the head. “I brought in a spy to help us keep an eye on these love birds. A nanny cam is inside the bear and the nurses’ station has the monitor.”

  Dr. Love claps her hands and turns to us with a broad smile. “Fantastic! That should keep you two in check.”

  Kip shakes his head. “That is not necessary. How could you do that, Mum?”

  Chloe moves fluidly to Kip’s side and runs her long and elegant hand over his cheek. “I could do that to be sure my babies are all taken care of and doing what they’re supposed to be doing. Your only agenda is to be still and get better. Nothing else.”

  It’s official, I truly hate that so many people are up in our sex life!

  Kip’s agitated voice draws my attention. “I think I may just move this little party back to my place. I could have a private nurse there to see to us and then everyone can leave us the hell alone!”

  Dr. Love changes her tactic quickly. “Now, Kip,” she says with a soothing tone to her voice. “You and Peyton and your baby are much safer here in the hospital. I’ll make sure you’re left alone as much as possible and will let the other doctors know you’re tired of being lectured. But for the baby, if no one else, please stay here.”

  Kip reaches back out for my hand and I take it. “Okay then, as long as everyone stops acting as if we are incapable of acting like the responsible adults we both are, we’ll stay. But it stops now! The talking down to us like a couple of stupid teenagers is done!”

  Inwardly, I’m smiling, but I don’t let it show on my face. Dr. Love looks properly chastised and offers an apologetic wave as she leaves, turning back to say just before she leaves, “If you have anything you need don’t hesitate to ask.”

  Chloe watches the doctor go then turns back to Kip. “Little harsh, son. Don’t you think?”

  Kip shakes his head. “No! It was necessary, Mum. You have no idea what we’ve endured. It started with Nurse Ratchet, she gave us what for and I was rather pissed about that as she felt she needed to bitch at us as Peyton stood with water trickling out of her and should’ve been taken care of.”

  I take up his rant. “Then the doctor from the emergency room came in to stitch Kip back up and the nurse told on us to him and he told us a bunch of horrifying medical facts about the condition of Kip’s insides. He made us feel like crap. Then Kip’s doctor made a visit, and we got another long lecture and he had visual aids to show us.”

  Kip squeezes my hand and adds, “Then that obstetrician, Dr. Love, was assigned to Peyton and she let us have it again. I’m very tired of hearing about it. And you can take that bear and toss it in the rubbish bin. I’m about to go crawl in bed with Peyton and take a nap. Not ravage her, just hold her and sleep.”

  “Aw.” I squeeze his hand. “You still want to cuddle with me even though I have on an adult diaper and we both are constricted by our IVs?”

  His deep blue eyes go soft as he looks at me. “Yes.”

  Chloe drops one side of his bed and helps him to stand up. She lets him hold onto her as he takes the two steps it takes to get to my bed. I pull the blanket back and he slips into my bed.

  His mother moves his IV stand and mine so they’re on the same side. I turn on my side and he does too as he spoons me from behind. His presence has me feeling calmer immediately.

  I’ve been upset and nervous since the doctor told me I could lose the baby or that he might be born with problems that could last the rest of his life. Now that Kip has me in his arms, I feel like nothing bad can happen.

  “I’ll leave you two alone so you can rest. I’ll stop by your place and let Peyton’s family know you’d like to be left alone until, maybe this evening?” she asks.

  “This evening will be fine, Mum. Thank you.” Kip’s hand strokes my stomach.

  Chloe turns the light off and closes the door behind her. Kip’s lips touch my neck as he whispers, “Sleep, love. When we wake up things will look a little bit brighter.”

  How I wish that was true!


  The delightful aroma of fresh coffee wakes me up and I’m happy to find Peyton still nestled in my arms. My pain killer has worn off as it seems we’ve slept all day. Darkness is all I see through the small slats of the mini-blind that covers the window.

  “Evening, son,” my father’s voice says softly. “You about ready to wake up?”

  I yawn and lift my arm to stretch but am constricted by the lead on my IV. How sick and tired I am of having this damn thing on. How sick and tired I am of being in this damn little hospital room. I turn over and rub my eyes.

  Mum and Pop stand just inside the doorway with smiles on their faces. Peyton stirs and groans a little. “I hate this bed.”

  I help
her turn over. “We slept all day, love. If you can believe that.”

  “Barely, this bed is making me crazy,” she says.

  “Pop, help me get out of her bed so she can stretch out.”

  My father comes, but instead of helping me out, he unlocks the wheels on the bed and rolls us as Mum takes our IV stands and rolls them along with us.

  “Wanna tell me where you could possibly be taking us?” I ask as we go out the door and down the hallway.

  It’s dimly lit as many of the other guests of this fine facility are still sleeping. The nurses’ station we pass and one young nurse is standing with a coffee pot in her hand. “Good evening, Kip and Peyton. I’ll be in with a coffee for you, Kip and a tea for you, Peyton.” She smiles sweetly at us as we cruise down the hallway.

  “What is happening?” Peyton asks.

  Mum answers, “It’s a surprise.”

  A golden glow is flowing out of one of the doors ahead and remarkably Pop turns us into the room. It’s bathed in the gold light as a bunch of candles are lit in the room. A large bed with a deep blue comforter stands in the middle of the room.

  Flowers are everywhere and elements of home are all over. As we’re rolled to the bed I can see in the bathroom and fluffy blue towels hang on the towel rack.

  My very first acoustic guitar sits on a stand near the bed and on the other side a laptop computer sits on a nightstand. Mum maneuvers our IV stands around the bed and says, “I heard you loud and clear this morning, son. We had this queen size hospital bed brought in for you two and some things from home.”

  Two nurses come in and help me out of the little hospital bed first. “How about a shower?” One asks me with a smile.

  “Oh, hell no!” Peyton nearly shouts.

  They laugh. “He can take one by himself, don’t worry, Peyton,” the nurse adds.

  She removes the lead from my IV, freeing me up and I am more than thankful. “There you go,” the nurse tells me. “You are free to go take a shower. There’s a bottle of a reddish orange solution in the shower and you need to clean your stitches with that. It seems you have a small infection in the incision they made to take out your appendix. We’ll have to keep those extra clean and an antibiotic will be added to your IV when we get you back out here.”


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