His Beautiful Revenge: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

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His Beautiful Revenge: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Page 118

by Michelle Love

  A devilish grin forms on his plump lips. “That bad, huh? Now I have to hear some. Come on, baby, make your man happy.” His hand runs down my leg to squeeze my knee, leaving it there.

  “Neanderthal, telling me to make my man happy. Welcome to the new age, Kyle. Women don’t do that anymore,” I say as I find a song I like on the radio and turn it up.

  “Women’s lib, who needs it? You know you all want men to take care of you. And all of you want to take care of us. Your secret is out. You like making your man happy. I know you do, baby,” Kyle shouts over the loud music.

  I do like to make him happy, but I’m not reading those words to him. He’d get too excited and I’d get too embarrassed. Instead, I place a sweet kiss on his cheek. “There, that should keep you happy for the next thirty minutes or so.”

  Trixie’s parking lot is full. Kyle pulls to the back where the employees park. His friend Cody works here. We park next to his beat up, old truck.

  Kyle unhooks his seatbelt while I unhook mine. Turning swiftly, he has me on my back before I know he’s done it. I laugh as his face is close to mine.

  “Kiss me, baby. You know you want to,” he says with a smile.

  I do want to, but …

  “Kyle, people will see us.”

  “Not through these tinted windows, they won’t, Ally. Kiss me.”

  Playfulness pushed aside, his eyes get darker blue with that lusty look he’s come to have at times. My hand moves to his neck and I pull his face to mine. The moment our lips touch warmth spreads through me.

  The words from the book creep into my head, making me hunger for him to fill me like the shirtless guy did to the damsel. His kiss is hungry as he nips at my bottom lip. My lips ache when he leaves them, trailing kisses and nibbles down my neck.

  Crap, that makes me so hot for him. His hand runs over my stomach, up to just beneath my breast. He wants to touch it, but won’t until I allow it.

  The tremble of his hand, holding himself back until I say he can, excites the hell out of me. I sit up, but his mouth finds mine again, trying to push me back down. Upright I stay, placing my hands between us.

  “No, please, baby, don’t stop,” he murmurs against my lips.

  I’m not stopping him, though. Just unbuttoning my shirt, exposing the lacy, dark blue bra I put on this morning. I take his hand in mine, then place it on my breast. He stops the kiss, pulling his head back as he looks at his hand then back at me.

  “Wow! You’re letting me do this?”

  I nod and bite my bottom lip as he looks at my chest.

  “So pretty.” His head drops to kiss the top of the one I put his hand on.

  Two kisses later, he moves his hand away, taking me by the waist as he pulls me to him, peppering kisses on top of both of them. I tangle my hands in his curls, holding him to my chest.

  A low growl comes from his throat, then I’m on my back again. My legs apart, and he’s in between them, pressing his body onto mine.

  The hardness of him pulses against me. As if it’s crucial, his mouth finds mine, thrusting his tongue into my mouth as one of his hands squeezes my breast and the other pulls at my hair. His body grinds against mine.

  The bulge grows. A need to feel it in my hands arises. Slipping my hand between us, I touch it through his jeans. Its long, wide, and hard. I move my hand up and down the length of it.

  Kyle groans and kisses me even harder. So it must work for him. I want to find out what it feels like to be filled with it, just like the book said.

  The woman screamed in ecstasy when the shirtless man filled her. I wonder if I will.

  The button to his jeans proves hard to pop open. My struggles with it must have brought what I’m doing to Kyle’s attention, as his kisses soften. His hand grabs mine, tugging it away from the button up to his lips.

  I blink up at him. The lusty darkness gone, his eyes are back to sky blue. But he’s smiling.

  “You want to stop?” I ask, rather confused.

  Isn’t this what all guys want?

  “We have to, Ally,” he says as he pulls me up with him. “I got carried away and you did too. We have to wait to do more.”

  My hair must be a mess because he’s running his hands through it. His face is so damn close to mine that I could fall back on those kiss-swollen lips of his and make him forget we can’t do more.

  “We don’t have to wait,” I say as I lean closer.

  The smile he gives me is so damn sweet that it’s apparent in an instant he’s doing this for me. “Yes, we do,” he says, his hands buttoning my shirt back up. Stopping just before he covers my breasts up, he takes one more look. “So beautiful.” He sighs and buttons the last two buttons.

  “Kyle, I want to do this,” I protest, taking his hands in mine.

  The twinkle in his eyes makes me want to grab him and pull him to me. “Not like this, Al. Not in my truck outside Trixie’s bar and grill. That’s not the memory I want for you to have of our first time. Plus, precautions have to be taken and we’ve taken none. That’s something we need to talk about.”

  “What types of precautions?”

  The slight smile on his gorgeous face makes me a little peeved. “Birth control, baby.”

  My eyes close and I shake my head. I’m so stupid. “I forgot all about that. Kind of dumb of me. Damn romance novel.”

  Kyle picks the book up off the floorboard. It must’ve gotten knocked off, along with my purse. “No more of this. I’ll keep it so it can’t tempt you to read it anymore.”

  I blush crazy hard. “Come on, Romeo, buy me a chocolate shake,” I say as I push at his chest.

  We walk into the dark café from the back entrance. Cody spots us. “Hey, Kyle,” he says.

  They do a fist bump as he smiles cunningly at Kyle. “You pulled up twenty minutes ago. Are you two having a lover’s quarrel or something a little more romantic than that?”

  Kyle tussles his shaggy brown hair. “Mind your business, boy.” Throwing his arm around my neck, he pulls me close, kissing the side of my head. “Hey, guys, I play the winner,” he says to one of the guys playing pool.

  I frown at him as he lifts me to sit on a stool at the bar. “Kyle, I can’t stay away from the house much longer.”

  He grins at me and hands me his cell phone. “Give your parents a call. Tell them about your battery and that I’m taking care of it. But we’ll have to drive down to Alamogordo to pick up a new one and won’t be back until later on tonight.”

  This will never work, but I take it and make the call. Mom answers, but speedily puts my father on.

  “I’ll take care of it, Alyssa.” Dad’s fast to respond. “It’s not Kyle’s responsibility.”

  Kyle overhears my father. “I want to do it, Mr. Devlin. I want to show you I’m capable of taking care of your daughter,” he says. Then he takes a big bite of the burger that the plump, red-headed waitress placed in front of him.

  “Tell him it won’t be necessary,” Dad says.

  “Just let him do it, Dad,” I say, getting a little sick of this back and forth crap.

  “No, ma’am. I’ll jump start your jeep, and you’re coming home. I’ll be at the school parking lot in fifteen minutes. Be there!”

  I hand the phone back to Kyle with a smirk on my face. “Told you.”

  “It was worth a try. I’m done anyway. Come on, let’s go,” he says as he lifts me off the bar stool. I grab my shake, taking it with me. A guy at the pool table gives him a gesture, seemingly asking, what’s up. “I’ll be back later, dude. My girl needs my help.”

  His girl! How cute that sounds.

  With his muscled arm thrown around my shoulders, Kyle pulls me close to his side. The sun as we walk out practically blinds me. It was dark in there.

  Up in his truck again, I sit next to him, my head on his shoulder, holding his hand in my lap as he takes me back to the school. Daddy’s already there with the hood up on the jeep and the cables connected to my battery and his.

  As he l
ooks up at the truck and sees us so close, he frowns and looks away. How I wish he would just let me grow up without all the theatrics. There should be no reason my loving Kyle should affect him. Yet it does.

  Kyle pulls up on the other side of my jeep. He jumps out and helps me down. My body grazes his as he places me on the ground. He gives me a wink and I give him a smile. Before he lets me go, he reaches in, grabbing the romance novel.

  “I’ll read some tonight, then give you a call and we can discuss it,” he says, making me blush.

  Dad yells, “If you can drag yourself away from him for a minute, Ally, I need you to try to start the jeep.”

  Ducking my head so he won’t see my pink cheeks, I sit in my jeep. It starts right up. Dad closes the hood, cables in his hand. “Get going, girl. I’ll be right behind you.”

  Kyle moves promptly to my door. “Bye, baby. I’ll call you in a little while,” he says, just before he drops a kiss on my lips. I freeze with this.

  My father’s glare could melt ice. Hastily, he retreats to his truck, not saying a word.

  “Bye. I’ll talk to you later, Kyle. Thanks for the shake,” I say, before I pull away with my father right behind me.

  I’m not even out of the car fully when Dad pulls up next to me. He’s out of his truck and clutching me by my arm, dragging me into the house. “Did you do that on purpose? Did you leave your lights on so you could go on a date with him?”

  Mom looks up at us from her place on the sofa, yet another romance novel in her hands. This one has a man with long black hair riding a horse towards a red-headed damsel in distress.

  So many damsels with problems in the old days.

  My mother’s voice shrill, she asks, “What’s happened, David?”

  Shaking me as he talks, he says, “This one here went out with Kyle. On a date!”

  I wiggle against his grip, trying to get him to let me go, but he hangs on.

  “Dad, that was no date. He was going to bring me home. We just stopped and got something to eat and drink, then we were coming straight back, unless you were going to let us go get a battery in Alamogordo.”

  Finally, he lets my arm go. Crap, that hurt. I hope he didn’t leave a bruise.

  I look it over as my mother comes to my side. She looks at the place on my arm he was holding so tight. It’s red, but I don’t think I’ll bruise.

  I swear she looks worried.

  “David, you didn’t need to handle her so roughly. You could’ve left marks on her. Then what would you have done?”

  My father runs his hand over his face. “I don’t know. I didn’t think about that. The only thought in my mind was about her going against our rules, yet again. This has to stop, Alyssa. You’ve never done this. You’ve always followed the rules we’ve set. It’s so close and now you decide to go hog wild.”

  “Hog wild!” I shout. “Wow! I mean, come on! I’m not an out-of-control teenager. The melodramatics need to come to a halt.” I move away from my mother’s hold on me, looking back at my father. I swear he looks more afraid than mad. “What are you so afraid of?”

  My parents sit down on the sofa together. Dad holds Mom’s hand. Neither answer me for the longest amount of time.

  My mother finally says, “Tomorrow we’ll have a visitor. He’s the son of one of our dear friends. He’ll be staying with us for a week. It’s just that we want none of our family problems to leak out in front of him. It would be an embarrassment to us if you had signs of physical abuse on you.”

  How insane!

  “Okay. I’m not hurt. I’m okay, you guys. You’ve never hurt me in my entire life. Yeah, Dad was a little rough, but he’s never been before. Who are these people who make you feel like our family has to be so perfect?”

  Dad runs his hands through his hair. Again, I sense he’s nervous. “People we used to hang out with a lot before you were born. Very nice people. It’s not about them. It’s about us. This thing with you suddenly going against us has us confused. I suppose we’re coming off strange because this is so strange to us. We love you, Alyssa. Your happiness means everything to us. When I saw you all hugged up next to Kyle, I lost it.”

  “If you want me to be happy, then stop this stuff about Kyle. I love him. I’m going to live with him, and God willing, one day I’ll marry him.” My words seem to make them pale even more. “Why are you taking this so hard? Kyle’s a great guy. You’ve always adored him.”

  Dad clenches his fist. “We thought he was your friend. We love the kid as your friend. In time, you’ll come to see why we have our rules, Alyssa. Please don’t do this again until after you turn eighteen. Don’t run off alone with him. We want to trust you. Honestly, we do. But if you do this again, we’ll have no choice but to take your car away and give you a ride to and from school ourselves.”

  Take my car away because of forty-five minutes with Kyle? Wow, this is passed bat-shit crazy!

  “Fine, I’ll give you no reason to do that. I’ll be eighteen soon enough and get the hell out of here. I wish you could accept me as an adult. Who I want to have a relationship with is my business and mine alone. As long as he’s a good guy, that’s all that should matter to you. Kyle’s the best and you two know it. I’ll be in my room, but just so you know, I feel like I don’t even know who you guys are anymore.”

  My legs are heavy as lead as I walk up the stairs to my room. I fall on my bed in utter exhaustion.

  How can my parents be so hard? Kyle is so sweet and faithful. I know they see that in him. What is their problem?

  My birthday can’t get here soon enough.



  My heart’s beating hard in my chest. I’ll see her today. My mate will finally be with me. Not entirely. I must take it slow, but at least I’ll be able to touch her and hear her voice.

  What she must sound like in person?

  I’ve listened to her voice in the background a few times, over phone calls to her parents. The last time was five years ago. I’m sure it’ll sound different since she’s matured.

  They told her I’m coming, but a different version of me.

  What will she think of me? Will she look at me with interest or indifference? Is she going to be sweet to me or ignore me because of her other love interest? How will she smell? Will her hair be up or down? Will I be able to keep my hands off her?

  The drive has been exceptional for me. The time to think and clear my mind of all the negatives which stab at my brain, has been awesome. Top down on the jag, I cruise down the highway, merely hours from seeing my Alyssa.

  In school, she waits for class to be over. She’ll go home and soon I’ll be there with her. Together at last. How hard it’ll be not to blurt out everything to her.

  My love for her will see me through and help me stay strong. I don’t want to overwhelm her. Tough though it will be, I’ll go slowly with her. Take the time for her to get to know me.

  Funny how I never envisioned how a girl in this day and age would take to having to marry a man she barely knows. Our unique condition will help her to understand better than if we were normal humans.

  She’ll need me once she changes, and I’ll need her. We have to be as one once that happens.

  The time to change is so close. I’ve waited forever for it. This time together was supposed to be about me helping Alyssa get used to the idea of the change and what’s expected from us.

  Instead, I have to take the time to get her over another man before I let her in on our condition.

  How much does she love him, I wonder? How hard will she hang on to him?

  Is it possible for her to find love for me while healing a broken heart?



  The night passed and Kyle never called. I’m not sure why. He’s never done that before. Scotty jumps out of the jeep as I pull into the school’s parking lot.

  Laura smiles at me as she waits on the steps. “Hey, Ally.”

  “Good morning, Laura. Did you see K
yle before you came to school?”

  “Not even one car was at his house this morning, and I was up at six. It looks like they all went somewhere.”

  Now I’m starting to worry. “He was supposed to call me last night and never did. I know he was going to hang out at Trixie’s and play pool. Do you know if he came home after that?”

  The door opens and Kyle’s best friend, Cody, comes out. His arms come around both of our shoulders. “Hello, ladies. So who can I walk to class this morning?”

  We both shrug him off us. “Neither, stud,” Laura says with a laugh. “We’re walking together to our first class.”

  “You heard from Kyle?” I ask him.

  He walks away from us. Looking back to answer me, he says, “Not since last night.”

  Kyle’s whole family is gone. This is not good.


  The day went by like molasses, but I’m finally out of my last class. I drive straight to Kyle’s house. I’m pushing my luck with my parents, but I need to see if anyone went back to his house. Almost to his house, I can see the empty driveway.

  Crap! What could’ve happened? Why is his whole family gone?

  It has to be bad or he would’ve called.

  Wait, my cell phone is at home, since my freaky parents don’t allow me to take it to school. Maybe he did call or send me a text.

  Time to haul ass home.

  Mom’s messing around in the kitchen when I walk in. “Mom, where’s my cell?”

  “Hello to you too, Ally. It’s on the nightstand next to my side of the bed. Why?”

  I’m halfway up the stairs as I call back to her, “Kyle might’ve called.” Grabbing the phone, I unplug the charger.

  Please let there be a call from him. The blank screen deflates me.

  No calls or texts!

  Why would he not tell me at least a little about what’s going on? Is it him who has the family all gone? Maybe he was in an accident. What if he can’t talk?

  His mother would never call me if he was. Why does she dislike me so much?


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