Reggie: Changing a Wolf's Heart

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Reggie: Changing a Wolf's Heart Page 8

by Jana Leigh; Kerri Good

  “He is in the third car. Darry and the others will take point. Our job is to get Reggie and get the hell out. No muss, no fuss. Got it?” Devon said and pulled the car around the corner to intercept the group of Rogue cars.

  Levi nodded, focusing on the third car. His mate was inside, and he was going to save him and get him back to where he belongs, with Ruby and him. They already had plans to shuffle the trio back to Milliken. All the New Council was going to be housed there.

  He knew that even though he did not deserve it, he was part of the Council too. It would take some getting used to. When this was all said and done, he was going to sit down with Quin and Jaden and have them explain what he was supposed to do now. He could not see them actually letting him have a voting place on the Council like the rest of them.

  He had tainted blood in him.

  Devon aimed the car right at the third vehicle and sped up. He hit the tail end of it a swung the SUV in a circle. That was going to hurt. Levi jumped from the side, flung open the door, and grabbed the closest person to him.

  The Rogue jumped and turned to fight with Levi. He made his claws come out and swung at the Rogue, who was standing between him and his mate. Levi caught a glimpse of someone coming out of the SUV behind the Rogue but did not take his eyes off the huge man to see who it was. He sliced the big man"s chest, and he roared in anger and Levi pulled back to strike again. But before he could, the large man dropped to his knees in front of him and standing before him was his mate swinging a tire iron.

  “Well, I think he may be out for a while.” Reggie said and then leaned over and kicked the man on the ground in the stomach. “That"s for Ruby. Ready to go, my handsome rescuer?”

  Levi growled and pulled the shorter man close to him, so they were face-to-face. “I hope you don"t call just anyone handsome, or we may have a bit of a problem.” Reggie laughed and hit him upside the head. “Levi, I would know you anywhere, Ruby told me all about you, including your amazing blue eyes. Which I must say she greatly understated.”

  Levi laughed and pulled him in for a quick kiss and then let the man go. He laughed again at the stunned expression on Reggie"s face. “I see we will have to work on that mouth a little.”

  Devon came around the side of the car and smiled at them. “Took out all the Rogues except for that slimy bastard, Roarke. He managed to slink away with his tail between his legs before I could catch him. There is a car on the next street over. Darry will clean up. Let"s get Reggie back where he belongs.”

  Levi smiled and pulled his mate behind him as they ran around the corner from the crash sites. It was a good thing, because the human police were arriving in droves after people called to report the multicar accident. At least, they would not have to explain to them.

  As they ran, Levi"s grin got larger and larger as he thought about the last few months.

  He had been so lonely and tonight for the first time, he was going to be under the same roof as his mates. Life could not get any better. He would worry about the rest later.

  First, he needed to see Ruby with his own two eyes and make sure she was okay.

  Finally, they reached the truck that Darry had left for them, and Devon climbed in the driver side. Levi pulled Reggie"s hand until they reached the passenger-side front door, and he pulled it open and climbed in. Pausing only for a moment to look at his mate"s confused look before plucking the thin sexy man off the ground and onto his lap with a loud squeal.

  Devon laughed and shook his head. It must have looked very strange to have them all in the front seat arranged like that, but Levi did not want to sit next to his mate. He wanted him on his lap.

  “Uh, you do realize that we are driving through Denver with me sitting on your lap? It may be a little conspicuous.” Reggie said dryly.

  “Don"t care.” Levi said shortly and then tightened his grip on Reggie"s waist.

  Devon chuckled and said, “Reg, I am sure you have not had a picnic being held captive and all. But, your mate here has been burning the candles at both ends for the entire time you were gone. He would help with Enforcer duties in the daytime and search for you and Ruby at night. Drove us all crazy with his maps and tips. I figure you and Ruby will both be lucky if you get to see or talk to anyone for the foreseeable future without Levi attached to your side.”

  Reggie turned and looked at his mate for the first time closely. He was handsome and hot, but he could also see the signs of strain and exhaustion in his face. There was also an air of uncertainty. Reggie"s wolf did not like it. He was howling inside at the thought that his mate would not accept him and Ruby. How was he going to feel when he found out that they claimed each other already?

  Levi leaned in and took a deep breath, and just like that, the cat was out of the bag.

  Levi"s demeanor changed dramatically. With gentle ease, he slid Reggie off his lap and placed him in-between Devon and him, and turned to look out the window.

  Devon frowned a little and opened his mouth to speak and then must have caught the scent, because he closed his eyes and mouth and continued driving although his speed increased.

  “Who was holding you?” Devon asked instead.

  “My dumb ass mother and Roarke. They were not the ones in charge, though. They kept talking about someone they called the Master. I put a trace on the account they wanted the New Council funds transferred to. Unless they are really brilliant, which they are not, they will never know. We should be able to track them through the money they spend.”

  “I will let the Alphas know. Did they hurt you or Ruby?” Devon said and Levi growled.

  “Just knocked us around. My mother would not let anyone hurt me, but they did hit Ruby. I tried to protect her as much as possible.” He muttered but knew his mate was going to blame him.

  “You did what you had to.” Levi said softly but still looked out the window.

  Reggie wanted to cry and scream and tell them the whole story, but he knew this was not the time. His mate was not in the mood to listen, and he was too choked up to speak.

  They had not intended on hurting the big wolf, this is what he was afraid of. He had to claim Ruby when he did; they needed the protection that it provided. Besides, Reggie had not been able to control himself around Ruby, just like when Levi got over being mad, he would have a hard time keeping his hands off him.

  Devon drove the SUV to the underground parking garage that Quin had insisted on being built just a month ago. It had a staging area that they used when they were going on patrol. Currently, that area was buzzing with activity. Reggie could see that there were other cars and wolves, who had just arrived.

  He searched for the small female who had taken his heart with her when he left her in the apartment. It only took him moments to locate her, but it felt like a lifetime. Levi stepped from the car and caught the small woman as she flew into his arms. Reggie watched, and Levi hugged her and buried his face in her neck. It brought tears to his eyes the feeling of completeness that flowed over him. His mates were together finally.

  Ruby pulled back, kissed Levi shyly, and then turned toward him. She stepped to him and cried again as she threw her arms around him. He did the same thing, buried his face in her neck, and breathed deeply. Damn it, he could smell their claiming, and he looked up to warn her about Levi"s reaction. They needed to get into a room, together and alone so they could explain and talk.

  “I love you.” Ruby said to Reggie as he pulled back, and she kissed him. He heard the small gasp that Levi let loose, and he pulled back to look for his other mate.

  “Fuck!” He whispered as he watched Levi walking away stiffly.

  Devon stepped up to them and said quietly, “Let me.” When Reggie nodded, he went after Levi.

  “What?” Ruby said quietly.

  “Levi smelled our claiming in the car. One minute he could not keep his hands off me, the next he looked like I shot his pet.” Reggie said, “I know you have known him longer than I have, but what my mother said still keeps coming back t
o me. Do you know about his parents?”

  “No, he would never really talk to me. The only times we did, he always told me that I needed to see the world before we mated. I thought it was because he did not want me.

  Now, I think maybe he was worried about his past. I think we need to talk to Quin. He knows Levi the best. He grew up in the same Pack, and Levi listens to everything that Quin says.” Ruby said looking around to see if she could find where Levi went. “If he thinks he can hide from us, he is wrong. I will not have it!” She yelled.

  Everyone who was in the garage, stopped, looked at her and smiled. Cloe stepped forward and raised her hand. “Hey Ruby, do you need something?”

  “Yes, my stupid ass other mate.” She stormed and walked toward the entrance to the building as Reggie stood stunned watching her.

  “Hey, I am Cloe and this is my mate Teagan.” The tall woman said and then pointed at Ruby"s back. “I think you were supposed to follow her. We will have enough time to sort this out later. Right now, I think she is on a mission.” Reggie laughed and ran after Ruby, who had already made it into the lobby and was barreling down on the two men who were standing by the desk obviously arguing about something.

  Ruby stalked right up to the two towering men, and grabbed Levi by the ear and pulled him down to her level hard. Reggie almost laughed out loud at the astonished look the poor man had on his face.

  “Owww!” Levi yelled and tried to pull back. Ruby only twisted his ear and made him hold still.

  “You do not walk away from Reggie and me when we are talking. You need to learn a few of the rules I have decided we are setting up in this relationship. Number one, you are going to stop being an asshole. Don"t assume that you know everything that is going on without talking to me. I have had a hell of a few months, and I will be damned if my mate will brush me aside like I don"t know what I am thinking or feeling!” Ruby screamed at him. Her voice was not shrill and out of control. No, his little mate was finally showing Levi what she was made of. After talking to her over the last few days, he knew that she had not stood up for what she wanted. Because of that, he thought that Levi assumed that she was not sure enough to make up her mind about mating. He could not have been more wrong. Ruby just needed a little push to let out her inner bitchiness. This was going to be a treat watching this.

  Devon had stepped back and was looking at Ruby with his mouth open again. Reggie assumed no one had ever heard Ruby actually raise her voice. A couple came rushing through the doors looking expectantly toward where his mate was still unleashing her anger on their mate. There was no way to stop a bulldozer that was out of control.

  “Hey, Ruby!” Levi whined when she shook him a little with her tight clamp on his ear.

  “Now, I have waited like a good little girl for the last year for you to come to your senses.

  You refused to listen to me and take me seriously. I, for one, think you should be on your knees groveling for my forgiveness instead of acting like a petulant child who lost his favorite toy!” She yelled and then turned and smiled at her parents calmly. It was kinda scary how in control she was.

  Not letting his ear go, Ruby pulled Levi along with her when she went to see her parents as they stood looking both happy and astonished to see their daughter. Reggie was sure it was because before she was kidnapped, Ruby had held all of her emotions inside. She was becoming a wonderfully demanding and amazing woman. The perfect mate for two wolves. Now he just had to get Levi to realize it.

  “Mother, father, it is so good to see you. I have a lot to tell you but right now, I have to deal with this idiot. How about we plan to have dinner later tonight?” She said calmly.

  Devon stepped forward, smiled at her parents, and then said, “Ruby, we are going to have to move all of you north to the New Council compound. The security there is better and that is where Quin has decided the new headquarters will be.” Ruby looked at the large Beta and smiled a little. “That is fine; we will leave in the morning. For now, could you tell me where we are going to stay for the night? Mom, dad, would you mind terribly bringing dinner from the restaurant to the apartment? We can talk then, just give us a few hours to get settled.” Her mother stepped forward and hugged her daughter whispering something in her ear that made her laugh and then nod. She kissed her parents on the cheek and then pulled Levi behind her toward the elevator calling over her shoulder. “Devon, what floor? And Reggie, move your ass. We have some serious ass kicking to do.” Devon called out the directions to the floor that they would find an apartment for them to share. Ruby never broke stride or her hold on Levi"s ear. Reggie actually found it kind of funny the big wolf was not protesting or making a sound the entire time that Ruby had his ear. They may be making progress.

  The trio entered the elevator, and she pushed the button and then began tapping her foot in impatience as they waited for the box to rise to where they were finally going to be alone. Reggie could not wait. First, the show seemed like it was going to be good and makeup sex was truly amazing, or so he had heard.

  Once again, Levi tried to free himself from her hold. It could not be the most comfortable feeling bending over with your head twisted at such an odd angle, but Ruby growled and frowned at the man which made the struggling stop. Reggie raised a hand to hide the smirk on his face, because he figured at this point, he would be next if he pissed her off.

  They arrived on the floor, and Reggie was surprised to see the nice apartment the elevator opened right into. The whole floor was one apartment. The décor was just what he would have picked. The walls were an amazing pale blue that seemed to shimmer as they moved. The furniture was red leather and had colorful accent pillows thrown everywhere. It kinda looked like an upper class Egyptian themed room, he loved it.

  Ruby did not bother stopping to check out the place. Pulling Levi behind her, they moved down the hallway and into the master suite. Reggie guessed the grand tour would have to wait for a while.

  “Strip.” She growled and released Levi with a shove and then looked at both men and raised her eyebrows. “I am sorry, did I stutter? Speak too fast? I said strip!” The men looked as she started taking off her clothes and throwing them on the floor behind her, Reggie felt his body stir and the sight of his female mate getting naked. He looked at Levi, who stood there with his eyes stuck on what she was doing, though he had a frown on his face.

  When she was done undressing and standing proudly naked in front of them, she began to tap her foot. It made her pert, little breasts bounce a little, which earned a moan from Levi.

  “Listen here, buster. I am not going to start this relationship off with you being all bitchy and hormonal about the fact that Reggie and I had to claim one another to survive. So Mr. Paranoia, no we did not secretly sit around and talk about how we should claim each other without you. For your information, Reggie just woke up a few days ago. We claimed each other because his psycho mother was being crazy and Reggie felt I would be safer with his mark. We did not plan this to hurt your sorry ass.

  Although why I am explaining this is beyond me. You had plenty of time to claim me for the last year. You are the one who was being pig headed. Now, I said strip, we are gonna get this done one way or another, and don"t think for one minute that I am going to be nice about this. You pissed me off. This is gonna be a down and dirty FUCKIN".

  You get to make it up to me later when I have had a chance to actually forgive you for being an asshole."” Ruby stated and paused to give them a moment to absorb what she said.

  They must have taken a little too long because she raised her hand and extended her claws and walked up to both men with an evil grin on her face. With one slice, their shirts were gone and with two more, their pants hung around their ankles.

  “If you don"t want me to cut the underwear off with the nail, I suggest you do it yourself.” She said smugly, walked to the bed, and lay down in the middle.

  Reggie punched Levi in the arm and then dropped his underwear to the ground and pulled the unmov
ing man along with him to the bed. Reggie took off Levi"s underwear, pushed him onto the bed, and then climbed in afterward. It was as if someone turned on a switch then. Levi bounced back off the bed and started stammering.

  Ruby licked her lips while she looked at her mate"s thick cock. He was a little larger than Reggie, but just as long. Wow, how did she get so lucky?

  “Ruby, honey, we can"t do this, you know, like this. You deserve so much…” Levi said and then howled when Ruby reached up and grabbed his testicles and squeezed a little.

  “Get your ass back in this bed, or I take out the claws.” Ruby growled.

  FUCKIN" A, Reggie thought, what a woman. And she was all theirs. He would worry about the rest later, for now, they needed to make the tri-bond and get it done.

  Levi fell back onto the bed and then tried to smile at Ruby, who was having none of that.

  She pushed him back on the bed, crawled over him, and looked down at him. “I know that you have been with other men, so I am going to claim you, and while I do, Reggie is going to get you ready, then he will claim you. Got it?” She said calmly.

  “Uh, yeah I guess. Can I at least have a kiss?” He said.

  “Baby, you can have more than that.” She said and fell down on him and took control of the kiss. Levi had never submitted to anyone before, but he knew that after his behavior earlier he was going to have to do more than just submit to his mates. His stupid jealousy had ruined what should have been the perfect night. When he had smelled Reggie and Ruby"s claiming mark, he had seen red. He figured that they had already claimed each other and would not want to claim him too. They had done it without him.

  He had never thought about the reasons for it. Stupid.

  Ruby aggressively kissed him, running her tongue on the seam of his lips until he opened for her. She explored his mouth deeply and refused to allow him to try to control the kiss. Linking her fingers with his, she pushed his arms so his hands were above his head. He could feel Reggie moving on the bed and jerked a little when he felt the man"s hands on his thighs parting his legs a little. It caused Ruby to have to move up more on his chest and break the kiss. He looked up and smiled as she turned her head to see what Reggie was doing.


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