Winter's Knight

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Winter's Knight Page 13

by Raine, H. J.

  The yelp echoed in the room, and while Shea flinched, he didn’t tryto get away. Instead, Shea’s cock twitched. “Please, again, Sire?”Shea pleaded.

  “So sweetly requested, so delightfully fulfilled,” Lucian droned, drunk on Shea and struggling to keep goals, plans, and long-term direction in his brain. He turned his head to the side, kissed the forming bruise in a misdirecting move, and his teeth sank into the flesh just under the curve ofthe same cheek.

  “Nnnnggh... oh... Luke...” Shea’s upper body tried to embrace the wall, as he held his ass out for Lucianon shakinglegs.

  Lucian groaned, withdrew, and slipped his fingers into the split of Shea’s ass, pressing their lengths over Shea’s entrance without penetration, earning a low whine and a roll of Shea’s hips. He stood, leaned against Shea’s back, and smeared kisses along Shea’s shoulders. “Five of my marks to match the five sets of your old wounds,” he said, petting Shea’s belly. He let his touch trail south to pubic hair, toyed with the curls. “And whentheyfade, I willrenew myclaimonyou.”

  “Oh.” Shea pressed his cheek against the wall and fought for his breath. “Oooh...” Understanding and chagrin colored the second elongated syllable, and the muscles under Lucian relaxed. “What... what now, my lord?”Shea asked quietly.

  Lucian hummed, used the height advantage provided by Shea’s stance and bare feet to speak into Shea’s ear. “Now, beloved, we have a lessonintrust.”

  Shea’s neck bent, and dark eyelashes fluttered closed over a highcheekbone. “Aye, Sire. As youwill.”

  Lucian heard the resignation in Shea’s tone, smiled, and wrapped Shea into an embrace. “Yes, exactly as I will.” He kissed Shea’s earlobe, took his time exploring the shape and savoring the minute tremors that shook Shea’s frame. “So you will take me to your bedroom, undress me, affix me to your bed, and fuck me to my demand, sweet Shea.”

  Shea’s head whipped about to look at Lucian, though his body stayed locked in position. Lucian’s cock positively ached with need at the display of such intense obedience.

  “What?” Shea asked, incredulously. “You want me to what?”

  Lucian repressed a laugh, arching a brow and slipping a hand around, up, and into Shea’s hair. He squeezed. “Get me naked, bound, and fucked, beloved. Is that somehow distastefulto you?”

  The grunt of breath sounded like it was knocked out of Shea. “N-no. Not at all, just... wasn’t anything like what I was expecting, Luke. I’d... I’m... uhm...” Shea babbled, and Lucian stroked his chest. “If you tell me what to do, I’ll do it, gladly. I’ve topped, but haven’t done anytyingdown. I know what I like, but...” Shea’s voice lost its confidence. “Not sure I’ll do for you.”

  Lucian fisted Shea’s cock, pulled at it, steady and slow. He tsked with a cluck of his tongue. “Sweet Shea, do you have any doubts as to my ability to tell youwhomand what I want to the letter?”

  “Ah...”Shea’s eyes hazed over. His fingers dragged against the wall. “No,”Shea moaned. “No doubts at all, myliege.”

  “I didn’t think so.” Lucian stroked Shea until the man’s hips moved with the motion, and then he stopped. “I’d be an idiot if I didn’t want to indulge myself of this beautiful form.” Lucian let his hands wander, brushing, petting, and lightly smacking the side of Shea’s erection. “And I put myself in your care without reservation, Shea, just as you lay kept in mine.” Lucian put his other palm to brace Shea’s dick and teased it with another slap. “Do you understand me, beloved?”

  “Y-yes,” Shea stammered, gasping with another light hit. “You... youtrust... me.”

  “Entirely, my Shea. With everything I have.” Lucian kissed Shea’s cheek and stepped back, fingertips at the base of Shea’s spine. “Move as you like ahead of me and lead me to your room, please. I’ll be right behind you. Once there, I will tell you what to do next, you have myword.”

  Pushing away from the wall, Shea visibly steadied himself but did as Lucian asked, walking to the stairs and going up them a measured step at a time. Lucian stayed close, approving of Shea’s hand on the banister and smiling when Shea glanced back. Upon seeing Lucian exactly where expected, something lightened in Shea’s gaze, and he climbed more quickly.

  The stairs led directly into the lofted bedroom, a rich rug covering the hardwood. Shea’s king bed was against the back wall, unmade quilt rumpled, and a heavy, wool Indian blanket in sunset colors folded at the foot. The nightstand was lit by a reading lamp attached to the slat headboard, the surface of the stand covered in books. Two dressers rested against the short wall, tucked under the planes ofthe roof’s eves. It was comfortable, relaxed... entirely Shea. Lucian sighed in happiness, the bile of the night’s misfortunes settling and no longer choking him. This was real, this was something he could affect, and he kissed Shea soundly when the man paused to look at Lucian with a blend of anxietyand caution.

  “Undress me,” Lucian whispered. “And kiss and touch me anywhere you like except for my cock and balls.”

  Drawing close, Shea watched Lucian’s lips, and blunt fingers moved to the pearl buttons of Lucian’s dress shirt. Fumbling the first two with hands that trembled, Shea glanced to his work. Lucian murmured tender tones of satisfaction, petting Shea’s bare hip in encouragement. Shea stopped at Lucian’s chest, silken undershirt revealed, sighed, and leaned forward to brush the edge of Lucian’s jaw with dry lips. The slow presses moved to the corner of Lucian’s mouth and stopped there.

  Lucian didn’t know ifit was hesitation or game, and he queried with sound followed by almost inaudible words. “Mybeloved... would love to taste you.”

  The groan vibrated against Lucian’s skin, and Shea covered Lucian’s mouth with warm lips. Tentatively, Shea’s tongue flicked against the seam, and big hands spanned Lucian’s back. Lucian molded himself against Shea, temporarily forgetting roles, rules, or the point of any exercise other than the singular search to explore every corner of Shea’s mouth. Lucian grasped Shea’s arm, braced the man’s lower back when Shea shook, and let the kiss linger untilLucian was hard and dying to do more than the parameters he’d set. “Keep going, Shea. See what you’re doingto me.”

  Shea breathed a note of longing, but moved back enough to continue. The buttons of cuffs and shirt fell quickly to a more focused assault, and Shea simply let the cloth slip to the floor. Tugging the undershirt over Lucian’s head, the silk slid along the length of Lucian’s hair, sparking static, and it joined the growing pile of clothing. Shea brushed his palms against Lucian’s shoulders and down to the waistband of Lucian’s dress slacks. Going onto one knee, Shea undid belt buckle and fly, but then clucked his tongue and reached for the heels of Lucian’s shoes. Lucian stepped out of them with Shea’s help, smiling as Shea removed socks with devout impatience.

  Shea pulled on the fitted slacks, probing to get under the snug briefs, sliding palms against Lucian’s ass to peel back the fabric and carefully avoiding Lucian’s stiff cock. Lucian stepped out of the final layer, and Shea chuckled breathlessly. “D’ya have these things painted onto you?”

  “Mm, sometimes sewn,” Lucian answered. He ran fingers through Shea’s thick curls, massaging scalp and nape, and Shea froze. “Very good. Remain on one knee, sweet Shea, and put your hands behind your back, please.”

  Complying quickly, Shea looked at Lucian, swallowing and eyes wide with sudden vulnerability. Lucian cupped Shea’s cheek, reached and yanked the elastic from his own hair. He bent, letting the weight of the lengths fall across Shea’s shoulder and arm, and kissed Shea’s forehead. “I want you to suck me, sweet Shea, until I direct you to stop.” Lucian tilted to hover over Shea’s mouth. “A small kiss if you concede, please.”

  “Ah, God.” Shea sent up the prayer as though it were a plea, but he met Lucian in a hungry mesh of mouths. Shea broke away, and Lucian barely had time to uncurl before Shea was serving Lucian’s cock with the same fervor.

  Lucian grunted, and Shea opened wide to take Lucian in deep, tongue dragging, lips tightening, chee
ks hollowing on a fierce suck. Lucian rocked into the wet tunnel, stayinghunched over and watchingShea’s hands dig into thick forearms, shoulders and neck rolling as Shea started to bob over Lucian’s shaft.

  “Yes,” Lucian hissed. “Oh, yes...” He clung to Shea, letting himself utter praise when he’d normally force silence. He cried out when Shea swallowed him to the root, and Lucianpulled free whenShea retreated. “No more for now,” Lucian whispered, thumbing Shea’s lower lip. “Don’t want to come for you just yet. Stand, go, and lie down on your back on the bed as youlike.”

  Kissing Lucian’s thumb, Shea nodded. Hands still clasped behind his back, Shea surged forward and stood, chin lowered, before he made his way over to the bed. Lucian stared in abject fascination while Shea tipped his head, studying, and climbed on his knees onto the bed. He fell down in a heap, rolled over onto the mattress, and layontop ofhis arms.

  “Damn,” Lucian said, somewhere between approval and chagrin, and clambered between Shea’s legs. Shea watched Lucian, gaze hazy, and Lucian tapped Shea’s thigh. “Adjust for comfort as you need, but I like your hands out of play for the moment.” Lucianbent and kissed the inside ofShea’s knee, began makinghis wayto the juncture ofbody.

  Looseninghis shoulders bychangingthe clasp ofhis hands fromarms to wrists, Shea shifted. His head went back, eyes closing, and the leg under Lucian’s ministrations lifted and spread. Hips rolled in anticipation, and the faintest note of surrender floated fromShea’s lips. Lucian didn’t think Shea even noticed the noise, and Lucianshivered withpossession.

  “Bend your legs, sweet Shea,” Lucian ordered, licking Shea’s balls, and noting the weep of pre-come linking Shea’s cock to belly. “And tell me if you’re prone to comingfromrimming?”

  The note turned into a gasp, and Shea cut it offas if he were suddenly aware of what he was doing. He tensed, bending with abs flexing. “Ah... uh... uhm... not usually?” Shea ventured. “But you drove me there the other night with not too much more, and with the way I feel right now whenever you touch me, I might... It’s goingto be close, Sire.”

  “Then I’ll be careful,” Lucian said, and grasped the backs of Shea’s thighs. Lying down, Lucian put tongue to entrance in a wide, slow lap, diligently avoiding dick and balls.

  “Nnngh!” Shea arched over his hands, toes digging into the sheets and mattress, his head thrashed fromone side to the other, but his body stayed still for Lucian. Thighs bunched, and the ring beneath Lucian’s assault flexed.

  “Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” Lucian drawled. He nipped, sucked, and forced Shea’s body to accept slender, smooth muscle, teasing Shea until he heard desperation enter Shea’s breath and cries. He stopped, worked to get himself under control, and crawled to lie next to Shea. He pressed against Shea’s side, somehow managing the need to keep touch to a minimum. Lucian turned Shea’s face into a kiss, and Lucian led the rematch, kept it soft and well away from feeding the urgency thrumming from his core to his cock. Shea matched the gentleness, and the heat pouring off Shea and what Lucian saw unfolding in his mind’s eye threatened to shove him shallowly into a newly formed hot spring of submission. Lucian was terrible at bowing his neck to anyone, but the craving to show Shea the care he took with someone by being the example and the victimate at Lucian’s resolve.

  “Going to lie down, Shea,” Lucian said, proud when the words were clear. “Kneel where you can see me, hands on your thighs, please.” Lucian sat up and swayed, and loved it when Shea caught him. Lucian kissed Shea while rolling onto his back, arranging his hair ina fanand drawinghis knees up and wide, feet flat onthe bed.

  On all fours, Shea crawled to the spot between Lucian’s legs. “Is here all right?” Shea asked uncertainly.

  “Perfect,” Lucian said, toying briefly with his nipple and sending the other hand lower to press fingertips to his asshole. “Payingattention, sweet Shea?”

  “Uhm... yes?”Shea squeaked.

  “Like what yousee?”

  “Yes,”Shea said ona sigh.

  “Yes, what, beloved?” Lucian asked, fisting his cock and stroking.

  “Yes. Oh, Lord.” Shea’s tone grew more solid. “I love what I see, Sire.”

  “Very good.” Lucian muffled a sound behind his lips, teasing his head. “Now begins... the lesson in trust, myShea. Youneed to listento me. Canyoudo that?”

  Shea’s eyes flicked to Lucian’s face. “Yes, Sire. I can.”

  “Good.” Lucian gripped his inner thighs. He wanted to continue torturing himself, but not as much as he wanted to remain clear and keep Shea with himenough to follow instructions. “I’m going to tell you how you willfuck me, how youwillget me lost, and how youwill find me again. First you’re going to secure my hands to the headboard. What will you choose to use to do that, myShea?”

  “Uhm... a belt?”Shea answered witha question.

  “That’lldo. When I say, you willget my belt and tie me. After I’mtied, you are free to kiss and touch me as you want, except when I’ve given you specifics. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sire.”

  “Thank you.” Lucian licked his lips, rolled his hips, and his breath shuddered from his lungs. “After you tie me, you will hold one of my hands, let me clasp yours. You’ll need to pay attention to that, because you’re going to fuck my mouth.” Lucian paused, relishing the strangled sound that burbled from Shea’s throat. “Mm, lovely. Don’t come, and don’t be easy on me. I want to gag and choke on you, and you willdo that untilI let go ofyour hand. Agreed?”

  Shea nodded inquick jerks. “Y-yes, Sire. I will.”

  Lucian drank deeply of the sight of Shea’s broad shoulders, heaving chest, hard nipples, and rigid cock. He hummed in undisguised pleasure. “Perfect, beloved. After that, you’ll bend me in half and rim me until I tell you to stop.” Lucian’s cock dribbled, and he hissed through his teeth. “Don’t stroke me, then, else you might make me come, and that’s not to happen until you’re inme.”

  “Mmph. Shit, Luke.”Shea gasped. “I’llremember.”

  “Remember and ignore what I say other than my cry to stop.” Lucian reached further, gripped ass cheeks and parted them, dying in that instant to be filled and riding the wave until he could speak again. “Then you’ll fuck me with fingers. Up to three and until I tell youto use your dick and not your hands.”

  “Three,” Shea echoed, gaze fixated on what Lucian was doingwithhis hands.

  “Y-yeah,” Lucian stammered. “And when you take me, there are rules. Readyfor them?”

  “Rules? Uh.” Shea’s eyes snapped closed. “Okay. Tellthemto me, please, Sire.”

  Lucian laughed. “Your dedication is admirable, sweet Shea. You will fuck me until you nearly come, pull out, and change positions, and do it again. You will switch up position twice for a total of three different ones. In each position, no matter what I command, you willonlystroke mycock sixtimes untilafter youget into me in the final move. Then you will do whatever you want to get me off as fast as you like, along with yourself. Do youhear me, beloved?”

  “Six. Yes, Sire, I hear you.” Shea opened his eyes and took a deep breath.

  With a heartfelt groan, Lucian forced his hands above his head, hips rising despite his efforts not to allow it. “Hard and fast as you like, Shea, and I enjoy havingmyhair pulled, and I like hands around mythroat without pressure. Now.” Lucian snapped his attention to Shea and poured every hungry ounce ofneed he had into his voice. “Fuck me.”

  Shea scrambled offthe bed, goingfor Lucian’s belt. The leather whipped out from the loops with a snap, and Shea returned with the length. Lucian put his hands into position, and Shea wrapped the belt about Lucian’s proffered wrists, twice. Lucian’s breathingsped up, and Shea fed the tongue through the buckle and pulled it tight. The excess of leather got threaded about the slats of the headboard, and then Shea looked at a loss as to how to secure the end.

  “Use the buckle again,”Luciansuggested.

  “Oh!” Shea tucked the end back through the buckle, threw the latch into
the appropriate hole, and fastened it. Shea yanked at the joint and when it held, he dragged his lips alongLucian’s bound wrist. “There.”

  Lucian arched. “Shea,” Lucian managed, impatient and vision tunneling with his lover above himand hands out of play. “Feeding me your cock would be lovely right about now.”

  Shea laughed, the rich tone doing amazing things to Lucian’s insides, and his fingers threaded between Lucian’s. With a low groan, Shea straddled Lucian’s chest and placed the tip of his damp cock against Lucian’s lips. The moment Lucian lunged, Shea’s hand tightened on Lucian’s, and Shea drove forward, deep into Lucian’s mouth.

  There wasn’t time to moan or to think. Lucian held his breath, and his throat constricted painfully. His lungs protested, his mind went white, and he forced himselfto swallow instead of gag. A minuscule piece of his rational mind admired Shea’s abilities to obey to the letter before it was obliterated by Shea’s cruel thrusts. Lucian lost track of everything between the frenetic scrambles for oxygen, though he knew Shea’s grip found his hair because his scalp joined the blissful raw fire building in his torso and beyond his tonsils. Shea gave him an inch to suck wind, and Lucian heard Shea’s rattling cries through invisible cotton. His balls ached, his heel caught in the sheet, and Lucian took another plunge, thrust, and hold before the edge of unconsciousness threatened.

  In the next heartbeat, Lucian could breathe, and he blinked tears from his eyes. He coughed, a thrill coursingthroughhis veins whenhe understood that he’d let go because he’d gone lax against the mattress, surrendering. He fucking loved being right about what he could and couldn’t do.

  Hands suddenly gripped Lucian’s thighs and wrenched him down until his arms were taut, then doubled him up, rolling his hips until thumbs spread his cheeks wide.

  “Fuck!” Lucian yelled, hot breath against his entrance before a wet, rough tongue probed deep and then swirled about the hole. “Oh, my...” Lucian made fists and fought the headboard and Shea’s hold, and found both unforgiving. Lucian’s groan was watery, rose and fellinthe rhythmofnippingteeth, swift suction, and plunging damp muscle. The sensations kept coming in waves, and Lucian’s jaw hurt from the force of its clench. “Shea... touch me... God... damn it... oooh...” Lucian rolled again, snarling when Shea didn’t do as asked, and it was then that Lucian remembered that he controlled the next phase. Lucian’s eyes flew open, got confused by the line of sloping ceiling. “B-beloved... sstop...”


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