Winter's Knight

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Winter's Knight Page 19

by Raine, H. J.

  “Mmmph,” Shea garbled, vibration ringing about Lucian’s cock. The angle somehow changed, and Lucianslid into Shea’s throat.

  “Shit, Shea, yes... oh good... so good...” Lucian bucked into Shea’s mouth, and Shea’s hips ground for friction to and fro. “Hot... just... nnngh...” Lucian shoved the metal home and withdrew from the terrifically amazing suction. Lucian planted a hand on the lounge, his arman iron bar across Shea’s front, and took up the paddle again. Shea had enough time to lean for balance against Lucian and the bench before the wood collided with rosy flesh, and Lucian struck in a blur ofsuccessive, heavy, blows.

  With unrestrained ardor, Shea started to roar. With each loud smack, Shea pitched headlong against the lounge and lurched partially upright to meet Lucian’s next hit. The swing of Shea’s form was hypnotic, impossibly erotic. Lucian’s hair stuck to his back and arms, and he kept going until his shoulder burned and his cock was screechingfor something, anything. Shea’s bellows were breaking on the crags of physical limits, and Lucian gave them both a needed reprieve. “Beloved,” Lucian panted, licking, touching, grinding, grabbing. “Do youwant me to fuck you?”

  Shea’s first answer was a lengthy miserere, no doubt at being made to speak when sensation was crowned king, but finally, he visibly swallowed, body undulating to Lucian’s demands. “Y-yes... God, please, mylord... master. Fuck me... I plead thee... f-fuck me.”

  The world disintegrated into distilled chaos. Lucian kissed Shea, tried to eat his lover alive from the mouth down. Shea’s lips and tongue were dry, and Shea’s noises spoke of starvation. Lucian fed themby stroking Shea’s cock and reaching for the line of foil wrappers under the bench. When Shea’s calls heralded warning, Lucian let go, covered himself in latex and slick, and marred Shea’s skin with the indents of his teeth. Together they wrestled into position, Lucian behind a prone Shea, gazes locking in the mirror. Shea grabbed at Lucian anywhere within reach, gasp and garbled moans urging. Lucian snarled in possessive want, and he removed the plug to a high whine. Tip to ring, and the shove inside was heaven and hell, bliss fueling torture that Luciandidn’t wishto stop.

  Shea pitched back into Lucian with a shout of triumph, and Lucian echoed it with one of his own. Shea’s body sucked himdeeper, and Lucian slapped a sweaty grip on the bench and Shea’s hip. “Oh... Shea!” Theywere the onlywords Luciancould manage, and he cut the ties on control, fucking Shea fast, deep, and hard.

  “Oh God!” With each voracious thrust, Shea cried out with unrestrained desire and need. “Yes.... please... God... good... shit... Luke...” A grinding, repeating, twisting shove and Lucian’s balls were tight, everything screaming with the demand for release. They were sweat slicked and puffing for air, and Shea tautened under Lucian. “Soon.... gah... Sire... I’m....”

  Lucian tossed his hair out of the way and then dipped lower, slowing just enough to make them both sling curses for the delay. There was nothing but sex and rhythm, and the burn built a tower ready to fall. At some point, Lucian realized he was speaking, loudly enough to drown out the slaps of flesh thrashing in the room: Shea’s name, Shea’s titles, and pieces of praise. Part of Lucian stood to the side, amazed, but the important parts readjusted to claim Shea’s dick, so full that Lucian’s throbbed in sympathy, and Lucian pumped intime to his mad pace.

  With a desperate wail, Shea shuddered, rolling uncontrollablyinto Lucian’s hand, bodyjudderingto the wind of Lucian’s will. Wet, thick heat flowed over Lucian’s fist, and Lucianstrangled a yellwhenthe tunnel about his cock spasmodically constricted. Lucian slammed into Shea, reckless and without relinquishing his grip. Lucian’s moans rose and fell, clamoring in his ears in tune to Shea’s breathless shouts, but Lucian abruptly silenced when he finally spilled, freezing and staying deeply within Shea until the orgasm was done with him. Lucian collapsed across Shea’s back, hair scattered in a stringy curtain, too warm in the leather pants wrapped around his thighs but too uncaring to do anything more than familiarize himself with gravity. He listened to Shea’s soft sighs of satiation, and his heart broke and remade itself while he counted long eyelashes floatingover a ruddycheek.

  With a gentle kiss and murmur of warning, Lucian slipped from Shea, busying himself with the necessary motions to get his beloved to the nest awaiting themon the couch. “Rest and let me, sweet Shea,” Lucian instructed, unbinding and removing restraints. Shea didn’t respond with much more than a slow blink, and Lucian left a small pile of soiled leather on the floor. “Cool touch,” Lucian whispered, cleaning themup with wipes he fetched from a pack beneath the lounge. Lucian stripped out of his boots and pants, and though Shea’s tiny grunt was the only answer, Shea went willingly and helpfully upright upon Lucian’s suggestion. Lucian assisted Shea to the couch, helped Shea to lie downonthe pillows, and joined Shea, tuckinga blanket around their feet. Lucian pulled Shea into his arms. “My brave, sweet, summer Shea, your service to me is over for now, and I will remember your perfection for the rest ofmydays.”

  Nestling further into Lucian’s hold, Shea gave a slow, deep sigh against Lucian’s throat. Atrickle of hot tears dampened Lucian’s skin, but these were not like the sobs that had met Lucian just inside the front door. Here and now, safe and relaxed and secure, Shea’s breathingpicked up onlya little. Shea cleaved to Lucian as if to bedrock, and Lucian found solace in returning the embrace.

  Gradually, the crying passed, and Shea swallowed while Lucian stroked his hair. “I... I’m gratified that I was able to serve youso, myLord.”

  “You are incredible Shea. In every way.” Lucian suppressed a sliver of the sleepy, old fear that always rose with the tide of emotions Shea inspired. “I’ve... never been so... happy as I am with you like this,” Lucian said with unsuppressed wonder, and he hugged Shea tighter. “Or anywayI canhave you. Thank you.”

  The chuckle that rumbled from Shea’s chest banished the last shadows of worry from Lucian. Shea was very much still Sheldon of the too-long name, solid and content in Lucian’s arms. The scene had worked, the night had been successful, and Lucian’s eyes burned, but for once, he didn’t mind.

  “You’re more than welcome, Luke.” Shea paused to rub his cheek against Lucian’s shoulder. “Hm. Does that mean that I should get to work putting up a white picket fence? And is that enough for you to trust me with the keys to the castle walls and the code to stop the crocodiles fromeatingme?”

  “The atrocity of white picket will never disgrace my land,” Lucian said loftily. “But keys, codes, and disarming techniques for the moat I can do. Can’t have you risking life and limb every time you come and find a happyending.”

  “Such a shame...” Shea murmured, and paused for Lucian’s laughter, which dwindled as the atmosphere took on undertones of seriousness. “Speaking of endings,” Shea said evenly. “I heard that one Mr. Boehler met his deathinprisonthe other day.”

  “Heavens, but the rumor mill does grind,” Lucian said, tryingand failingto keep the abject satisfactionout ofhis voice.

  “But you wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”Shea asked, archly.

  “Me? Wield the ability to ensure that the man who tortured and tried to kill my reason for existence would lose his balance on a slippery shower bench in full view of other inmate witnesses and break his neck?” Lucian clucked his tongue. “I’m flattered, but even I do not control so much.” Lucian smiled, as it was precisely the truth. He didn’t have suchconnections.

  So it was a wonderful thing that Kris Fawkes definitelydid.

  “A pity, really,” Lucian continued. “Meeting such a fate the day after he signed a fullconfession that will, no doubt, cause much trouble for many nefarious creatures in our fair city. I’m sure there are hundreds of men gnashing their teeth that Gary went in accident instead ofwithpurpose.”

  Instead of asking any of the questions Lucian thought were coming, Shea reached up for a kiss, slow and sweet. “I’m sure,” Shea said, with a tired quirk of lips. “And speaking of gnashing teeth... uhm... I told Mom that w
e’d be coming over to dinner next weekend, and I swear she thought it was the second comingofChrist, she was so beside herself.”

  “Oh,” Lucian said with a false depth ofkeen insight. “That explains the voicemail inquiring about casseroles and cider. Not quite the traditional Communion fare, but I’llmake do.”

  “Mm.” Shea’s sigh had laughter and content threaded through like gold woven into a tapestry of pastoral peace. “Good.” He paused, pressing closer to Lucian’s side, and Lucian hoped the willingness to stay would last a lifetime. “I can go home again,” Shea said softly. “Thank you.”

  “Beloved, all I do has and always will be for you.” Lucian kissed Shea’s forehead, settling into Shea’s warmth, and conversation became steady breathing became slumber. Lucian woke some hours later, rested and entwined with Shea, and outside the sun was beginningto shine.


  If you liked this book you might like: Hearts Under Fire, “The New Deal,” “Swing Shift,” and “Luck in the Making”




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