Stolen Hearts: A Dark Billionaire Collection

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Stolen Hearts: A Dark Billionaire Collection Page 31

by Elizabeth Knox

  A bit confused, I ask Christian and Logan. “Did he just leave?”

  Christian gets up and walks down the hall, a moment later coming back to the living room. “Yeah, he sure did. Looks like he took your car too, Lo.”

  “There Jordan goes being dramatic again. I swear that’ll never change. My apologies,” Logan mutters, sounding stressed. I’d never assume that Jordan is the melodramatic one. Naturally, I’d assume that trophy would be handed to Christian.

  “There’s nothing to apologize for,” I say,

  Logan smiles softly, showing me he’s trying as hard as I am to make light of the situation. “While I’m not exactly keen on this entire situation, there’s nothing I can do to change the delivery of . . . discovering I have a sister. I can’t control that, but what I can control is what we do from this point on. It’s obvious to me that your ex-boyfriend’s family is dangerous, and we’re very well prepared for that. However, because we’ve just met, I’ll have to undergo certain security measures that we wouldn’t normally need with family. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  I nod, “I think so. You’ll want me to sign a non-disclosure agreement, right?”

  I can tell Logan doesn’t want to do this, but he has to. It’s all about risk, and right now I’m at a high-risk level. “Yes, I will. Although, I have to work out the kinks and speak with my lawyers first thing tomorrow morning to ensure I’m not missing anything. I’m sure that after documents are signed and we’re covered legally, Jordan will open up a bit.”

  “It’s okay. I’m fine, really. He’s allowed to feel the way he does about me. This isn’t easy for any of us and I had expected you two might not like the idea of having a secret sister.”

  “You’re just another person to share our crazy life with,” Logan chuckles, rising from the couch.

  “So, what should we do now?” I ask him quickly, needing to know some sort of plan. I might not look like it, but I’m a nervous wreck.

  “You should explore your new house and get acquainted with it. I need to go home and tell my wife about today. Tomorrow, Carlos and Reggie can bring you to the office and we’ll go over some legalities and discover a bit more about the other. Does that sound good to you?”

  “Yeah, it sounds like a plan,” I say, feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders.

  “Great. I’ll see you around ten a.m. Are you a coffee fan?”

  “Oh gosh, that’s adorable. I love coffee!” For a moment, I forget I’m pregnant and quickly take down my excitement and rephrase. “I love coffee, but I’m trying to go without so much caffeine right now.”

  “Oh, okay. Well, I’ll make sure we have something decaf for you. At least that still has a little bit of caffeine.”

  “Thank you,” I reply, meaning every word of it. Logan gives me the hope that we can somehow turn this situation around. I can only pray he does. After all, I’ve already lost my father to a heart attack, and while my mother is still living, she won’t ever be the same. The last thing I need is to lose more family.

  Chapter Ten

  Your soulmate will be the stranger you recognize.

  ~ R.H. Sin


  Christian left with Logan a few minutes ago after their talk with Madigan. Carlos ended up coming back with a hell of a lot of food and not nearly enough people to eat it. At least we’ll have leftovers for a few days.

  “Do you want to see the house?” I ask her. She’s sitting down on the barstool, staring blankly at the wall in front of her.

  “Yeah, we might as well.”

  Madigan shoots off her seat and walks down the hallway, pausing at a door between the dining room and kitchen. “That’s Carlos’ bedroom. He’ll be living here as well. He doubles as your maintenance man, will clean if you need him to, and is pretty handy with a gun if I require any backup.”

  “Oh, so . . . is he one of your guys?”

  “Yes, he works for my security company. For the most part, we’re contracted out to your family but take a few small cases throughout the year for any additional men I have on my roster. I assigned him to be your driver because he doesn’t care what he’s doing. Carlos will do whatever is required of him.”

  “I guess that’s a good thing,” she says with a slight giggle at the end. It seems like she’s starting to lighten up after her stressful conversation with her brothers. I’m glad she is because if she didn’t, I might’ve had to choke her out.

  “It doesn’t seem like it should be, but it is. So many people complain about shit these days. Even when they’re getting paid handsomely to do the work, they always want to whine and moan.”

  “It’s how people are. Everyone assumes that their feelings matter when it comes to their job. When in reality, it doesn’t. They’re paid to be doing something, which most of the time, they don’t want to, but guess what? They need to suck it up and deal with it.”

  For the first time since meeting Madigan, I’m starting to like her. She’s not just all good looks. There’s a good brain behind that alabaster skin of hers. If I’m lucky, this job won’t be so horrible after all.

  We slowly walk down the rest of the hallway and head up the stairs, but I can’t help but think about what she was telling her brothers. I overheard every last word of it, and when the comment was made about her being multiple colors, I instantly knew what she told them.

  Madigan is running from a man who purposefully put her in harm's way. Someone who enjoys hurting the one person he’s supposed to protect. I loathe men like that and men like him. They’re despicable creatures who deserve nothing more than to be put in the ground. If this Vinny fellow even attempts to come for her, I’ll make sure a round goes through his head the second I see him. Protecting a Steele is my job, and I don’t take that lightly.

  We come to the top of the stairs and she sees a few doors. I point to the one on the right, with the door hanging wide open. “This is your room. There’s an en-suite attached and a huge closet.”

  Madigan scrunches her nose together, “I don’t have any clothes except the ones I’m in right now.”

  “Okay, I’ll send Carlos out to fetch you some clothes for tomorrow. After we go to Steele Enterprises, we can head to the mall and replenish your wardrobe. I’ll just need to know your sizes.”

  “Oh, wow. I wasn’t expecting that. Thank you.” Her cheeks flush with a soft pink color, and I catch her avoiding my eye contact as she looks to the floor.

  I clear my throat and continue speaking, “I’ll be right across the hall in my own room, and this is an additional room. We don’t have anything in it right now, but if you want it to be converted into anything, we can do that.”

  “You’re going to be across the hall?” She seems a bit flustered at the thought of me so close.

  “Yes, is that a problem?”

  “Uh, no. I . . . across the hall, really?”

  I nod my head, confirming what I’ve previously said. Although, I should elaborate a bit. “Yes, I will be directly across the hall from you. In the event we need to get out quickly, I’ll be as close to you as I can.”

  “As close to me as you can,” she repeats, like a broken record.

  I’m starting to think she has a problem with me being so close. This could end up working in my favor. At first, I hated the idea of having to babysit her. But . . . is it such a bad idea guarding a beautiful, single woman? I’ve never had to do this before, mostly guarding important men for a majority of my career. Although, I’ll see the positive sides of things where I can.

  I don’t like her that much, but who says I have to like her? Madigan Archer-Steele could be the bit of fun I need. And, it’s clear that she might have some sort of feeling toward me. Even if it’s solely sexual, I’ll take it. Fuck, and Brooklyn was ragging on me last week that I needed to find a nice woman. She even tried to set me up with one of her friends. Where’s the need to set me up when I’m not looking for a relationship? The only thing I’m looking for is a friend, with every sort of p
leasurable benefit possible.

  I couldn’t get a clear read on her before, but now that her stress level is going down, I might be able to figure out just how she ticks. “Does the idea of being close to me alarm you?” I ask, taking a step closer to her while I use my index finger to bring her chin up so she’s forced to look at me.

  “N-no, not at all,” she tries to lie but fails miserably.

  “Alrighty then,” I chuckle, heading down a couple of steps. “Go relax. I’ll have Carlos come up and get your sizes, then he’ll go grab you some clothes and when he comes back, I’ll hang them on your door.”

  I don’t bother sticking around to see her face or listen to whatever her response is. All in all, I think I’ve left the impression I hoped I would. Now, I can go grab some grub. Tomorrow should be pretty interesting, to say the least.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Let the healing be easier than the hurting.”

  ~ Seeker


  Last night, I hid in my room like a teenage girl. I heard someone come up the stairs and checked to see if I had a bag by my door. Much to my surprise, I had a few of them. In the bags were a few various outfits, including jeans, blouses, a couple of dresses, and some pretty undergarments. I ended up sneaking downstairs for some food in the middle of the night and Reggie caught me walking back into my bedroom. The entire time, he didn’t say a word. We stood in silence as I felt his eyes raking over my body like I was some sort of dessert choice in a bakery.

  Now, it’s nine in the morning and I’ve just finished changing into a pair of jeans with a beautiful emerald green chiffon dress blouse. Carlos grabbed two pairs of shoes for me while he was out as well. One set is a cream-colored flat, and the other is a simple black pump. I opt for comfort today and slide on the flats.

  With the way I left New York, I couldn’t pack anything to bring with me, however, I was smart. I put the basics of my makeup kit in my purse. Which is essentially a primer, concealer, foundation, bronzer, a little basic natural eyeshadow palette, and mascara. I really am hoping that Reggie takes us to a fully compatible mall because I need to replenish my collection, plus a hairdryer and curling iron are desperately needed.

  A loud knock comes to my door causes me to jump in place. “Yeah?” I call out to whoever is on the other side.

  “Are you ready? We need to get going in a couple of minutes if we’re going to beat traffic,” Reggie’s voice says through the door.

  Immediately at hearing his voice, my heart beats a little more rapidly. I don’t notice it at first, but the moment I do, I’m silently giving myself a talking to. He’s a bodyguard, not a man forged from the fire. There is nothing special about him to cause a reaction like this. Plus, I’m pregnant, running from my crazy ex-boyfriend and his family, and because of all that, I have no reason to be looking for anything romantic. Maybe if my situation was different, I might entertain it, but I can’t. Actually, I can’t. Jesus, this is like some sort of romance novel. Beautiful, rich girl protected by a handsome bodyguard. My life is no fairytale, and I doubt any of this will end up the way a romance like that should.

  I walk a few feet toward the door and open it, revealing Reggie to me. “Yeah, I’m all set. Let’s get going, shall we?”


  I walk straight past him at his short response and head down the stairs, walk toward the garage door and see that Carlos is standing there waiting for us.

  “Good Morning, Madigan. Did you sleep well?”

  I smirk, “Yeah. It’s the first good sleep I’ve gotten in weeks.”

  “Great, I’m so glad to hear that. Come, let’s get you into the car.” Carlos walks behind the driver’s seat and opens the door for me. I get in the SUV and buckle my seatbelt while Reggie gets in on the opposite side of me and does the same.

  Carlos gets in and starts up the vehicle as the garage door opens and starts to reverse. I take the opportunity to make some small talk with Reggie and figure out what our plans will be like today. “Are we going by a mall later, or what sort of area are you taking me shopping in?”

  “I was going to take you downtown. There are plenty of boutiques where I think you’d be able to find what suits your needs. Why, is there someplace you’d like to go?”

  “Yes, I need to get some beauty supplies. So, if it’s possible, I’d like to go to a mall. If we go there, I know exactly which stores to go to get what I need.”

  Reggie chuckles, “I forgot you didn’t get too in-depth into your conversation with your brothers last night.” I get the sense he thinks it’s hysterical I need to go grab some makeup.

  “What is so funny to you?” I demand to know, growing a bit irritated.

  “Logan’s wife owns a makeup line. It’s a lot safer for women because of the lack of chemicals. She only uses natural products. Her office is in the same building. I’m sure we could just go a couple of floors down and grab some prototypes of her stuff. It’ll probably be a great way for the two of you to meet, anyhow.”

  “I knew Logan was married, but I had no idea his wife was a businesswoman too. But, uh, what do my brothers really do anyway? My dad was deep into stocks. Or at least that’s the extent of what he told me.”

  Reggie laughs, looking up to Carlos, who’s staring at me in the rear-view mirror. From the way things are going, they know something that I don’t. “I’m sure they’ll tell you more after you sign the legal documentation today.” Reggie’s response only makes me want to know more.

  “What makes you say that?”

  “I just have a hunch.”

  Hunch? Yeah, right.

  “Whatever they’re doing must be pretty risky since I have to sign an NDA,” I state, keeping my eyes on his. When I was a little girl, my father used to tell me that eyes were a path to one's soul, but more than that, they’re the first indication to tell if someone’s lying to you. If the person you’re speaking to can’t maintain eye contact, they’re probably lying.

  “I’d agree with that statement.” He raises a brow, snickering. “If you’re trying to trap me into giving you information, it won’t work. I’ve been doing this for far too long to fuck up now. All I will tell you is what I already have.”

  “I’m not trying to trap you into anything,” I say, lying straight through my teeth. I doubt he can tell I’m lying with how sweet my tone of voice is.

  “Madigan, you’re adorable. You’re a woman, which means you’re sneaky. But, you’re also a Steele, which means you always desire to have the upper hand. There’s no way you’re not trying to trap me.” I don’t know whether to be appalled or thank him. Obviously, my father and brothers must always like to be on top when it comes to work. And when it comes to work ethic, I admire that.

  I sit back in my seat and remain silent for the next twenty or so minutes. Carlos drives us through the city until we’re driving up to a skyscraper. From the side of the building, I can see that it’s ours, considering my last name is plastered in giant white letters. Carlos makes a sharp right into the entrance of a parking garage and something on his dashboard is scanned, gaining him entry to the parking garage.

  “Logan had us install a few extra security measures to every aspect of the building, including the garage. When any car comes in, their transponder is recognized,” Reggie points to a small black thing on the inside of the windshield, nestled in the center at the top. “It submits a radio signal that the device recognizes and allows everyone who works for the company to use this garage.”

  “Oh, that sounds really fancy,” I say, wondering why they’d need to increase their security measures. I’m betting Reggie must understand that my thought process has shifted to even more curious. “Are you going to tell me why security had to be vamped up here?”

  “No, not until I have to, or have the authorization to do so.”

  I scoff, frustrated with the secrecy. “You really love to keep things to yourself.”

  “No, I don’t. You’re still a stranger to the Steeles,
even if you are family. I won’t say a word until Logan gives me authorization because he is the one that signs my paychecks.”

  “You’re just a brown-noser,” I grumble as Carlos goes up another level and pulls into what looks to be a reserved parking spot. I don’t wait to get permission or anything of the sort before I unbuckle myself, open the door, and hop out. I see the door for the elevator and immediately walk in that direction.

  “What in God’s name is wrong with you?” he shouts, letting that super southern hick-boy accent slip out again.

  Most people might stop, but I don’t. Nope, instead, I keep walking until I hit the button for the elevator to take me up. Aggravated footsteps come pounding on the concrete behind me and I know I’m about to get an earful from him, so I decide to throw him off.

  “That accent of yours is adorable when you’re upset.” I realize after I’ve spoken that there’s a good chance it looks like I’ve just flirted with him and that wasn’t my intention. I feel the heat rising in my chest, but that’s when I notice his expression. Instead of being shocked, thrown off guard or flustered like I thought he would, he’s grinning like the cat that caught the canary.

  Well, that didn’t go as planned.

  Chapter Twelve

  We’re a mess you and I, but the truth is, you captivate me in ways no soul ever will

  ~ Perry Poetry


  If I’m not mistaken, she was just trying to rile me up. Others might care to know the reasoning behind it, but I don’t. It’s plain and simple. Madigan is trying to flirt with me, to get me aggravated so I act out. Women just like her have done the same to me over the years. I’d always get pissed at them trying to trick me like some immature boy into misspeaking or acting inappropriately. Her, though. . . I want more from her.


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