Stolen Hearts: A Dark Billionaire Collection

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Stolen Hearts: A Dark Billionaire Collection Page 34

by Elizabeth Knox

  “I like that she’s hot,” I spit out.

  “C’ mon, you can tell me. It’s obvious I know anyway. You want to stick your pickle in her jar, don’t you?”

  “Brooklyn Steele, chill!” I whisper-scream at her, thinking I’ll stop but then I continue. “Maybe I do like her, beyond all that beauty and shit. She challenges me and I like the playful flirting.”

  “Oh my goodness!” Brooklyn jumps up and down clapping her hands, making my cheeks flush red.

  “Relax, woman. Nothing has happened and it probably won’t.”

  “Why do you say that? Do you know something?” Brook asks, cocking a brow.

  “No, everything is fine.”

  “Then you should go for it. You haven’t ever been with anyone in the entire time I’ve known you. If anyone deserves to find happiness romantically, it’s you, and if you like her it means that she can’t be a bad person, so I’m shipping this romance. I think I’ll call you . . . Meggie, or Radigan.”

  Christian and Madigan open the door and come back into the room. “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow for dinner. Meet us at Mason’s, six p.m., okay?”

  “Sounds good.” She smiles brightly at her brother, seeming a lot happier than a little bit ago. I think everything is starting to overwhelm her.

  Christian exits the room and I pick up Madigan’s bags from the floor. “Are you ready to get going? We have a lot more shopping to do today,” I say to her.

  She nods, coming over to grab one of the bags. I keep it planted firmly in my grasp. There’s no way I’m making a pregnant chick carry a damn thing. “I’ve got it. You don’t have to worry about them. Plus, plum is more my shade versus red.”

  Madigan cackles, “Okay, if you insist, I won’t argue.”

  Madigan and I both head toward the door when Brooklyn shouts, “Radigan is totally it.”

  “Huh?” Madigan says, shooting her neck back to Brooklyn.

  “It’s a company I need to work with. I couldn’t remember the name, but Reggie helped jog my memory,” Brooklyn lies, staring at me with a smile.

  Fuck. I need to figure my shit out. If I do this, I’ll be crossing a line that I never have before and I don’t know if I want to cross the line, because I’ll never be able to come back from it.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Live with the uncertainties, my dear. Invent little moments inside those maybes and grow there.”

  ~ Akif Kichloo


  The entire day was filled with shopping for clothes and a few things to make my house a little more home-like. I’d picked up a few more pairs of jeans, blouses, bras and panties, a couple of bodycon style dresses, and some shoes. We stopped by a store that sold a few things for the house before we both left and I grabbed some small little décor pieces. I thought we might need to go by the grocery store, but Reggie informed me that Carlos grabbed groceries while he was out shopping for me last night.

  The last couple of hours things have felt a bit off with Reggie. I can’t really pinpoint it because I haven’t known him for more than a day, but he’s been quiet which isn’t normal from what I’ve witnessed.

  I spent the last forty-five minutes ripping tags off clothes and putting them away. I hate that I had someone watching me because I couldn’t get what I feel like I really need. It’s not exactly like I can go maternity shopping with a man who doesn’t have a clue that I’m pregnant. Not to mention, if I did, I’m sure he’d run and tell my brothers immediately when I’m not ready for that to happen yet.

  I exit my room, walk down the stairwell, and head into the kitchen. Reggie is sitting at the island drinking a coffee. I could smell it before I even hit the last step. No one ever tells you how much you’ll crave coffee the moment you can’t consume gallons of it every day like you used to. It’s so frustrating. But no one tells you a lot of things about pregnancy, like how it’s so hard to poop, and no, I’m not kidding. It’s like your body betrays you in every way possible.

  “You hungry?” I ask, walking right up to the fridge and pulling the door open. Carlos did a decent job grabbing a variety of fresh meat, fruits, cheeses, veggies, and more. He even bought some of my favorite yogurts. I doubt he knew, but score!

  “I’m famished,” he admits, taking another sip of his coffee.

  “Alright. We do have pots and pans in here, right?” I ask, not really sure which cabinet they’re tucked away in.

  “Yeah, in the one next to the dishwasher.”

  I don’t respond but go to the cabinet that Reggie directed me to, pulling out two skillet pans. I can make grilled chicken in one pan with veggies in the other as long as we have some decent spices in this joint. I put the pans on the stove and heat up the bigger one where I’ll put the chicken breasts in. Searching through the kitchen, I find a fully stocked shelf with every sort of spice I can imagine and continue to look through cabinets, finding chicken broth and various sauces. Carlos did a fantastic job while grocery shopping.

  I grab some vegetable oil for the pan, allow it to bubble, and grab the meat out of the fridge, sitting the four breasts in the pan. They can sit there for about ten minutes while I chop up the vegetables and toss them in the other pan. “I should have dinner ready in about fifteen minutes,” I say to Reggie as I put a little bit of salt and pepper over the veggies. I see some minced garlic in the cabinet and shake it a couple of times over the pan, because who doesn’t love some garlic? I’d put garlic on everything if I could.

  “Smells pretty good,” Reggie comments as I continue to do my thing.

  I actually spend a bit longer than fifteen minutes making our dinner. I decided to make a garlic butter sauce for the veggies since the chicken will be pretty basic. I plate the food and turn the burners off, putting the leftovers on the two burners behind the ones that were used.

  The second I turn around, Reggie is off the barstool and grabbing a plate, digging a fork in he must’ve grabbed on the way over in the veggies. “Shoot, I apologize for my bad manners but this smelt too delicious.”

  “If I had known you were this hungry, I would’ve started cooking when we got back,” I say, going over to the drawer where I think the cutlery is. Lucky for me, I’m right. Over the next couple of minutes, we’re both silent, eating every bite that we can. I have to hand it to myself, this stuff is delicious. I haven’t had to cook in ages because of living with the Falcones so I thought I lost my touch.

  “Did you have a good day?” Reggie’s question catches me off guard. Part of me thinks he’s being a jackass but I realize he genuinely wants to know.

  “Yeah, it wasn’t too bad. It didn’t go how I expected, but when does life ever do that.” I laugh at the end, trying to make the conversation a tad less serious.

  “I can imagine it’s a big adjustment for you. Just remember whatever was said to you today was for a reason. You’re really lucky that these guys are your family. A lot of people would kill to be in the position you’re in, not because of the money or anything like that, but because of their sincere nature.”

  “Thanks, I think?”

  “I’m just trying to say, if anything was dropped on you, you’re handling it well.” The way he says it makes me feel like he knows about the family business, but of course, he does because he’s on their protection detail.

  “Did one of them call you?” I ask. How else would he know?

  “Logan did, he told me what happened today. I’m sorry Jordan is being a dick to you, but I’m sure it’ll change soon. He’s having a hard time since he’s having issues with his own mother. Christian and Logan have given up on that woman, but he hasn’t. Honestly, I don’t think he ever will.”

  “I didn’t even know their mother was still alive. I assumed she was dead. Christian hasn’t talked about her to me ever. I mean, I knew our father was married at one point and cheated on her . . . but I thought she died after that.”

  “No, she is very much alive. Only, she prefers to cause headaches for Jordan now, but that’s a con
versation for another time. I was only trying to let you know if you need someone to talk to about what you learned, I’m here. I’m one of the only people who you can talk to, minus your brothers, Brooklyn, and Selena.”

  “Thanks,” I mutter finishing my dinner quietly.

  After I’m done, I rinse my dishes off in the sink and put them in the dishwasher. Reggie rinses his own plate off and does the same while I pack up the leftovers and put them in the fridge, rinse off the skillet pans and pop those in the dishwasher as well.

  I shut the door to the dishwasher and turn, bumping right into Reggie. He’s staring down at me like I’m water in a desert. While we’ve had a few flirtatious moments, he’s never once looked at me like this.

  “Uh, everything alright?”

  “Yep, better than alright if you ask me,” he whispers in a raspy voice, taking his hand to grab my jaw gently. Out of nowhere, his lips come crashing down onto mine like a herd of wild mustangs running through the open fields of the Midwest. I’m taken aback at first, not quite sure how to feel at this moment. Part of me wants to fight back, to say no, but it feels so good to be wanted after not being desired for so long.

  I match the tone of his possessive kiss, only wanting more before he suddenly pulls back from me just as I’ve gotten a taste of him. He walks away and heads towards the back of the kitchen island, turning toward me. I’m speechless, not sure what to think.

  “It’s obvious you want me considering you’ve been flirting with me since the moment we met. I’ve never done this shit before but I’m fighting with myself internally. All I want to do is sink my cock inside you but I’m trying not to do that. Fuck! Do you even know how hard you make this? I haven’t so much as looked at a woman in three years, and here you come along and my dick is standing at attention for you. Jesus!” Reggie tears off from the kitchen and all I hear is the slamming of the front door.

  I doubt he’s left, but I’m the one left in confusion right now. Boy, does it suck to be pregnant and have the hots for your bodyguard.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Don’t let a hard lesson harden your heart.”

  ~ TheSuccessClub


  I charge out of the house like I’m physically on fire, needing to get as far away from Madigan as possible. Right now, Madigan is kerosene, only making me burn even more. I place my hands on the top of my head and pace on the small porch outside her home, not sure what to do.

  I crossed a line and a big one at that. Here I am, doing something that I’ve never done before, putting my dick before my duty. I’m not even gonna say it has anything to do with heart because it doesn’t. In no way, shape, or form is my heart invested in Madigan. At least not yet.

  Fuck, I haven’t been in love with anyone since Cheri. Since her, no woman has even gotten close to my heart. Then again, why would I let someone else chew up my heart and spit it out like it never mattered? I think not, savage creatures. By savage creatures, I’m talking about women.

  The only thing I want to do right now is call Logan. Not because he’s my boss, but because he’s my best friend. He’s the only person on this planet that knows me through and through. The best parts and the absolute worst ones. And never has he judged me for any of it.

  I pull out my cell and curse before dialing his number. As the ringing fills my ears, my heart beats so loud I can feel it in my head. “You good?” Logan immediately asks if I’m okay, making me feel like even more of an asshole from what transpired a few minutes ago.

  I don’t know how I’m supposed to tell him this or why in the fuck I thought it was a good idea to even bring this up. “I kissed her.”

  “You what?”

  “I kissed your sister,” I elaborate, waiting for him to say something smart-assed back to me, but when he doesn’t, I’m alarmed.

  “Why the hell are you calling me and telling me that?” If anything, he sounds more annoyed than concerned.

  “’ Cause I don’t know what the fuck to do and you’re my best friend. It’s my job to protect her, and here I am slamming my lips onto hers. I don’t even know why I like Madigan, why I’m so intrigued or want more, but I do.”

  “Listen, Reg, I really don’t care who you’re kissing, even if it is my sister. She’s single. You’re single. I don’t see there being any sort of problem here, but there will be a problem if you hurt her, so before you act on it any further, you’d better be damned sure of what you’re doing.”

  “I’m calling you because I’m conflicted,” I confess, running my hand through my hair as I take a seat on the porch swing.

  “What for? There’s no reason for you to be conflicted unless you’re worried about your job.”

  “Partially,” I admit, unable to shake the feeling that proceeding any further could ruin the relationship I have with the Steeles, not to mention get me fired.

  “You have nothing to worry about. You and your company provide excellent security to us and the only reason we’d ever sever that relationship is if you suddenly start sucking at it.”

  “I don’t ever see that happening,” I scoff, rolling my eyes.

  “Exactly my point. We’re in good hands, Reg. And, if you want to explore something with Madigan then just do it. At this point, you know her better than I do and seeing as you’re calling me and we’re talking about this, it must just mean she’s a pretty decent person. If she wasn’t, you wouldn’t be interested in her.” The thing is, I don’t know Madigan. Neither does he. She could be the fucking devil for all we know. I’ll just pray that she isn’t.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I mutter, feeling the need to get off the phone with him. Now, I just feel like an idiot for even calling, but I should look at the positive side of things. If anything ever does grow between us, at least I won’t have to have an awkward conversation with him.

  “Sometimes, I am.”

  I chuckle, shaking my head at how refreshing it is to talk to Logan and not others in the family. “If I were talking to Christian you know what he’d say.”

  “Probably tell you that he’s always right when that’s never the case,” Logan cackles.

  “You’re right about that. Well, thanks. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Talk to you later,” Logan states, ending the call.

  I take a few deep breaths trying to pull myself together. Logan said he doesn’t care, not in those exact words but they were pretty damn close. So, what in the hell is stopping me? I’m a man. I do my job well, and I’m a decent person. I’m not talking about falling in love with this chick, but . . . shit. All I do know is that I want something.

  Before I change my mind, I stand up and walk toward the front door, open it, and step inside her house, shutting it behind me. Madigan is sitting at the bottom of the stairs with her hand covering her eyes. She’s probably contemplating what just happened a few minutes ago, but she couldn’t look any less beautiful.

  “I’m sorry for acting the way I did, running off like that,” I say in the dead quiet, causing her to jump from shock.

  “Why did you?” The tone of her voice is so soft like she’s afraid of the answer.

  “Why did I what? Leave or kiss you?”

  She removes her hand from over her eyes and stares blankly. “Both, I guess.”

  “I kissed you because you’ve been driving me crazy with the flirtatious shit. I darted out the door because I’m conflicted as fuck when it comes to you. In all my years doing this, I’ve never been in a situation where I’ve had the hots for the woman I’m supposed to be protecting.” I’m as honest as I can be with Madigan since I don’t want to lie. There is a part of me that wants to hide a small fraction of the truth from her to better protect myself, but I don’t.

  “I don’t know what you want from me. Really, if you’re looking for a relationship or something, I’m not really sure I’m girlfriend material.” The way she laughs at the end of her sentence makes me feel like she’s putting herself down.

  “Why don�
�t you think too highly of yourself?” I ask, obviously catching her off guard with the way her eyes widen at my question. She pushes herself up off the stairs and stands up, crossing her arms in front of the other.

  “I have baggage, Reggie. Plus, I don’t get why you want to kiss me or sink your cock into me, or any of that. I came here with a crime family coming after me. Is it the danger? Is that why I appeal to you?”

  “Who doesn’t? Not one person on this planet is perfect. As to why I’m attracted to you, I can’t pinpoint it. When I met you, there was something about you that resonated with me. I’m not sure what, but I got a feeling. It’s why I started the banter with you. I didn’t expect it to go down the flirtatious route, but it did, and then I kissed you and just so you know, I don’t regret it.”

  Madigan stares at me with a blank expression. I’m sure she’s trying to figure me out, so I continue.

  “I don’t know what I want. Honestly, I have no damn clue. I don’t know if I want you to be my girlfriend but what I do know is that our attitudes mesh well with one another. Whatever I say, you challenge me. You don’t just bend at whatever I’m saying, but when it’s important, you listen, so you trust me. Add in that you’re drop-dead gorgeous and I’m not too bad looking myself. Like I said Madigan, I’m not sure what I want. But I’m not standing here asking you to be my girlfriend. I’m just a guy standing here, telling a chick he’s interested in how he feels.”

  She cocks a brow, pursing her lips together. “So, you want to fuck and see where this goes is what I’m understanding?”

  “Maybe,” I shrug.

  “Make a decision, Reggie. What do you want?” Madigan demands an answer from me and I’m pretty sure she’s not going to let me get by without giving her one.

  “I wanna give this a shot. If it works great, but if it doesn’t, I’m still going to be your bodyguard. If shit goes south, I won’t be any less capable of doing my job than I am right now.”


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