The Hidden Two

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The Hidden Two Page 7

by Kimberlee R. Mendoza

  Helena started with CPR. It seemed to bring him back, even if for a moment. Then she went to cleaning the blood. There was so much of it. “It was a through and through. That’s good, because then I won’t to have to dig out a bullet.” She cleaned him up and poured alcohol on a warm towel and tried to treat the wound. “Myers can you flip him, so I can get the other side?”

  Myers and Deshawn helped.

  Helena then worked to sew him up, her hands visibly shaking.

  Bryce winced. That was good. He was alive and felt pain. Laura would take it.

  After Helena was done, she stood staring at her bloody hands. Myers escorted her out of the room, probably to clean up in the shared bathroom outside.

  Eri and Willow removed the bloodied bags and rags from the bed, pulled a chair from the patio, and placed it by Bruce.

  “Sit,” Eri said to Laura.

  She nodded but barely felt herself slide into it. Every extremity felt numb. How did this happen? Was it their enemy, or was it the Cartel, or was it someone else? The moment of the bullet hitting replayed over and over in her mind, like a sick animated GIF to her psyche.

  This was once again her fault. Why did she have to go running? He knew there would be danger. Always did. Guilt encompassed her, followed by a chaser of grief. She reached to hold his hand. It was cold, lifeless. “Please, honey, you have to live. You’re all I have.”

  Outside, a scream pierced the night.

  Willow and Helena ran to the door, just as Myers ran in.

  “They have Deshawn.”

  Laura jumped up. “Who, who has him? What happened?”

  Tears pooled in Helena’s eyes, as she tried speak. She croaked, getting nothing out.

  “We went in the bathroom hut to clean up. I heard a car drive up outside. I didn’t think too much of it, until I heard her scream,” Myers said.

  “Myers?” Laura looked at him.

  “We entered the bathroom. Something slammed against my head.” He took a deep breath and continued, “I fell backward against the sink. I heard Helena scream. The room was spinning. Everything was a blur. I was trying too hard to clear my head…to stand…to see what was happening. When I finally got my bearings, she was gone. For a moment, I thought they took her.”

  Helena shook her head. “These two masked men came out of nowhere and grabbed Deshawn from the porch. It happened so fast.”

  First Bryce, now Deshawn. Wait, no first Willow, then Eri, then the men. Who were these people? Why are they just targeting one of them, and not killing all of them? “They are trying to break us.”

  “What?” Myers asked.

  She paced, shaking her head, and then stopped in front of her tall friend. “Whoever is doing this…it isn’t just about killing us. It is about tormenting us. That is why they took Willow, then Eri, then shot Bryce, now Deshawn.”

  “They aim to hurt us emotionally.” Helena touched Myers’ arm. “We’re next.”

  He visibly swallowed and pulled her into him. “You are not leaving my sight.”

  “But why Deshawn? He doesn’t have a girlfriend here.”

  “He’s muscle. First, they take out Bryce, then him. I would say Myers is next.”

  Myers stepped forward with a scowl on his face. “Laura, I think this is about who you care about. They haven’t gone after you. Just everyone around you.”

  The thought had occurred to her. “I’m sorry everyone.”

  He wrapped an arm around her. “I didn’t say that to hurt your feelings, I just think we need to acknowledge it.”

  She nodded, fresh tears pooling in her eyes.

  “What do we do about Deshawn?” Eri wiped a hand over both her tear-stained cheeks.

  Laura was torn. She wanted to go get him, get their friend, but didn’t want to leave Bryce. “We have to go get him, but I need to be with my husband.”

  “No, go,” Bryce whispered.

  Laura fell to her knees by his side. “You’re awake?” New tears trickled down her face, falling to the mattress. “I thought I lost you.”

  “Not yet. Too tough for that.” Lightly, he touched her hand.

  She laced her fingers with his and leaned to kiss his cheek. “I’m not leaving you, okay?”

  “They need you. You know they need you. No one ever fights or thinks like you.”

  Helena came to her side. “I can stay. You know Myers and I will be the next target. It isn’t safe for us to be together anyway. I can stay here, dress the wounds, and make sure he has food and water.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely. I can speak the language, so it should be no problem at all.”

  Laura leaned over her husband and whispered in his ear, “What do you think?”

  “I think you should go,” he whispered back.

  “You know I love you and that dying while I am gone is not an option. If you truly love me, you’ll still be here when I get back.” She kissed his cheek. “I have something I need to share with you when I return, and you need to be lucid to hear it.”

  “Understood,” he said with a genuine smile.

  She kissed his lips this time and then stood to face the room. “Then let’s go get Deshawn and kill anyone with him.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Helena paced in the room, waiting for the call. Claustrophobic from the metallic smell of blood in the hot room, she opened the door and stood on the small veranda breathing the outside air deep into her lungs, though the humidity outside did little to help. She glanced around. With the exception of a Yucatan bird nipping at cracks in the ground, the courtyard was empty. Finally, her cell rang, and the light gray and yellow bird took flight.

  She answered and had her orders. “Understood.”

  This would be the hardest day of her life. She loved Myers. At some point, she began to need him. And she cared for most of these people on some level. But all of this was bigger than Myers. This was bigger than her feelings. This was about true family. Her heart might hurt for a while, but as Alicia always said, men were like buses—another would come along eventually. Helena walked to Bryce’s side and stared down at him. His breathing indicated he was still asleep. In a moment, that would certainly change. It would be good to make sure he couldn’t fight back.

  She withdrew a syringe from her bag and walked back to his side. She stuck the needle deep into his neck. His hand started to rise. Eyes opened. Then both relaxed. Her heart thundered in her chest. No going back now. Grabbing a pillow, she straddled him and placed it over his face. Instantly, even despite the drugs, he started to thrash violently. Using every muscle she had, she fought his body’s need to survive. Just when her muscles began to fail, his body went limp. She pulled the pillow off and touched his neck. No pulse. She put a hand on his chest. His breath ceased to move. The deed was done.

  A huge part of her soul seemed to seep out onto the bed. This was harder than she ever thought possible. But it was necessary. Breaking Laura had always been part of the overall plan. It became apparent, almost immediately, that as long as Bryce was in her life, Laura could endure anything. That needed to change. It began here. Now. Today. At the loss of her lover, Laura would finally die inside, and then, they would crush her.

  Staring at his lifeless body brought a range of emotions. Sadness was one of them. Though the team would now disagree, she wasn’t a monster. Internally, she began to rationalize all she had done. After all, there were sound reasons—ones that only some would understand.

  When her boss decided to leave Helena with this group, he warned her she might fall for Laura’s “family”—love them even. He said loyalty was a tricky thing but keeping it in check was another. She assured him. There was no doubt; she knew where her loyalties lay. It was not with this makeshift family that was always running from ghosts. Her loyalty would forever be locked to those administering payback for her dead father.

  Helena turned from the body and dialed Alicia.


  “It’s done.” H
elena’s voice shook. She cleared her throat. “Now what? Do you want me to join you? Get rid of the body? Leave it? What?”

  “One sec.” Alicia’s voice became muffled, as she was likely talking to their fearless leader. After a moment, she came back on. “We don’t think you should be pulled out just yet. It may be better to be the mourning friend for a while. We might be able to get her sooner that way.”

  Disappointed, Helena glanced back to Bryce’s body. “Fine, but this corpse is going to smell nasty in this heat. I think if I bury him, it would be better. Then it will also cover any trace of foul play.”


  “And Deshawn?”

  “He’s tucked away nicely.”

  “Okay. Be safe. These people are no joke.”

  Alicia laughed. “Neither are we.”

  The phone went dead, and Helena went to work. Moving the body ended up being quite the chore. Bryce had to weigh twice as much as she did. Using the bottom sheet as a catalyst, she dropped him from the bed, then dragged him outside, through the courtyard, and around the back of the building. The sun was high, and the temperature was scorching hot. Perspiration saturated her back and face as she tugged him to a remote space in the vast desert. Every once in a while, his head would bounce on a rock, and she cringed. A few buzzards called and circled close to her position. Her muscles squealed for her to quit. This had to be far enough.

  She laid him straight and then began collecting rocks to cover his frame. Though her body felt weak and tired, she didn’t stop. Each rock became heavier and heavier, but this had to be done before they returned. The entire task must have taken two hours. Desperately, she needed water and rest. Just one more thing to do. She fashioned a cross out of two sticks, weaved it together with the stem of another plant, and then pushed it at the top of the rocks.

  “I really am sorry, Bryce. You were a super nice guy. You just picked the wrong woman to love.” She took a step back, kissed four fingers, and touched it to the rock. “Vaya con Dios.”

  In the distance, a vehicle bounded toward the motel. Oh no, they’re back. She sprinted for the room. Inside, a bloody stain ran the length of the bed. That would be their problem to clean up. She grabbed a water bottle from the small fridge, drank until it was empty, and then relaxed in the chair, trying to still her rapid pulse. The moment in front of her would need to be the best acting job of her life. If any one of them suspected foul play, there was no doubt she would join Bryce in the desert.

  The SUV stopped outside, and Helena mustered some tears. Within seconds, Laura traipsed in. Instantly, her smile fell, and her eyes went wide. She stared at Helena for an explanation.

  Helena bowed her head, pretending to cry. “I am so sorry, Laura, I really am.”

  “Why? Why are you sorry.”

  Helena met her worried eyes. “He didn’t make it.”

  “What? No,” Laura screamed and buckled to the floor, her body wracked with sobs.

  The group, minus Deshawn, ran in one behind the other. All looked to the bed and then to Laura. The reality of the situation came to them quickly. Myers began to cuss and then hit the wall creating a two-inch hole. Helena had the ability to calm him, but she couldn’t. Not this time. This was on her. The villain. The hypocrite. The monster. How could she console anyone when she felt so retched?

  Charlie left the room with hands cupped behind his head.

  Willow and Teddy knelt to Laura’s side, trying to console her.

  “What happened?” Myers asked.

  Helena mustered some tears—some actually real. This was not easy. Call it fear or conscience, her eyes watered. “All of a sudden, he just stopped breathing.” Not a lie. She could sell that. “I buried him in back. I knew in this heat… he would… it would make him start to—” She stopped. That wasn’t a statement that could be finished. “I can take you to him, Laura.”

  Laura nodded and tried to stand on what appeared to be wobbly legs.

  Willow and Teddy came on each side of her and helped her walk. Together, the team staggered to the makeshift grave. For a moment, no one talked.

  Finally, Myers spoke. “This isn’t right.” His voice choked, “I’ll miss you, man. You were like a brother.”

  Laura opened her mouth, but no words escaped.

  The other few said their thoughts, memories, and goodbyes; Helena heard none of them. Her mind was too far from what was happening. This moment filled her with a weird sense of evil, making her seem inhuman. Out of body, she felt numb—maybe it was her way of disbanding any conscience.

  “What do we do now?” Myers croaked through tears.

  Laura used his shoulder to stand and wiped her face on her sleeve. “We find whomever is responsible and return the favor.”

  Helena stared at the floor, afraid to move, scared to look up, knowing that right now, her expression would not save her from this wrath.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Laura stared at the rock grave, saddened to her core. One side of her could melt into this desert and lay her life next to her husband’s. The other desired revenge, and if they were trying to break her completely, they failed. Half of her still lived, and it was fueled, ready to kill. That would be the feeling she would give in to. It would propel her forward, like it did Myers when he lost Denise. She glanced behind her, and their eyes met. He understood. His loss was fresh in his mind, too. Together, they would see an end to this hidden enemy. No more being their mouse. It was time to bring their own claws out and hunt them down.

  “Myers, can I see you a moment…alone?”

  He nodded and followed her farther out into the desert. The rest of the team seemed to watch, but slowly returned to the building. Helena was the last to go, maybe waiting for Myers, but eventually, she left too.

  Once they were gone, Laura fell into his arms and sobbed. Hard. Wrenching. Her body trembled, as she gasped for breath. He held her tight, stroking her hair, and she could tell he cried with her. Finally, when she could cry no more, she pulled back. “Sorry, I just needed a friend.”

  His own eyes moist, he nodded. “Always. Never apologize.”

  “I need to tell you something, but you have to promise not to judge me or stop me no matter what happens.”

  He touched her shoulder, concern in his eyes. “You know I’ve got you no matter what. Bryce was my boy, and I will look out for his wife.”

  Yes, and that very reason was why they needed to have this conversation. Once the group knew the truth, he would definitely be the one to try and stop her. “Myers, listen. I need you to promise me that you will not try to stop me from going after these people, no matter what I’m about to tell you.”

  “No matter what.” He held up three fingers. “I want this just as bad as you. I’ve got you. Scouts’ honor.”

  “Were you even a scout?”

  He shrugged. “For a millisecond, yeah, sure.”

  She stared at him a moment, her heart racing. It was hard to push the news past her lips. “I’m pregnant.”

  His eyes remained on her, vacant without response, as if they didn’t seem to compute her words.

  “Did you hear me?”

  He nodded, mouth open, obviously dumbfounded.

  “Say something.”

  “For real?”

  “Yeah, for real.”

  A huge smile spread across his face. He grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. “Congrats, Mama. Did Bryce know?”

  She shook her head and stepped back. Fresh tears slid down her cheeks. “No, I had planned to tell him tonight.”

  “You waited so he wouldn’t stop you.”

  This man knew her well. “Yes.”

  “And that is why you made me promise not to stop you.”

  She paced around him, kicking at a rock. “I need this fight, Myers. You know that more than anyone. These people just killed the father of my baby and the man I loved. They will pay.”


  “Okay?” She looked to him, surprised.

  “Yeah, you know I love you guys. That baby deserved a father. This is personal for me, too.” He cleared his throat from emotion. “You do what you’ve got to do. I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

  “There is one more thing.”

  Myers folded his arms in from of him and nodded for her to continue. “Don’t tell me twins.”

  “Hardly.” She wrinkled her brow. “No, something is wrong here. Tell me you sense it, too.”

  He tilted his head sideways, obviously trying to understand what she meant. “How so?”

  “Don’t you find it a bit strange that this enemy is somehow finding us? That they know where we are at all times?” She paced a few feet, hands on hips, allowing her mind to fill with possibilities. “We are continually careful. Always have been, and yet, they know us—where we will be, even when we are all alone in the middle of nowhere.” Spinning on her heel, she spanned her arms out to encompass the vast empty backdrop. “Look around, Myers. Why would they come here? To Mexico? Somehow, they are always waiting. Watching. Ready.”

  He studied her before speaking. “Are you sure that last night was the same people from before and not cartel?”

  She stepped closer and looked him in the eye. “I would not be alive. They would have checked. This felt personal.”

  His head dropped, sending his focus to an open hole at his feet. He kicked the dirt, not speaking, but apparently thinking. She waited. Maybe she was crazy and needed his voice of reason, not that Myers was that voice to her. But with the exception of Bryce, she had always trusted Myers more than anyone else on her team. He had always been loyal. No way would he lie to her or give her smoke. Whatever he said, whatever he thought, he would share with her honestly.

  “I agree. Something isn’t right.” He glanced over his shoulder, back to where the group had disappeared behind the building. “Is it one of us? I have a hard time believing that, but could it be?”

  “Hopefully not.” They were close—family—but then, her training and experience always gave her pause. Often the enemy was closer than most thought. Harding had proven that. “But if so, I don’t know which one. Willow was kidnapped, and you saw Teddy’s response. I don’t think that boy could do it even if he wanted to, and why would Willow do that to herself?”


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