Voodoo Knights: A Reverse Harem Romance (Black Magic Harem Book 1)

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Voodoo Knights: A Reverse Harem Romance (Black Magic Harem Book 1) Page 9

by Amanda Rose

  “As if I'd –” I get cut off by my dad opening the door. He's already dressed in a green Mr. Rogers sweater and gray slacks. He adjusts his glasses and looks around the room like he suspects there is someone in here with me. He probably heard me talking. Fortunately, he can't see them.

  “We leave in forty-five minutes.” Dad must have been up for a while now because it sounds like he's already had both cups of coffee.

  “Could you imagine his face if he could see me now.” Sam says wickedly. “A shirtless tattooed bad boy spending the night in bed next to his luscious daughter.” I want to punch him or tell him to shut up or something, but I can't because my dad is right there. If I say or do something suspicious in front of him I can guarantee he will notice.

  “Do always have to be such a sleaze. Cause I really don't feel like listening to it right now.” Krim growls from where he's laying at the end of the bed. He grabs his messenger bag and crankily covers his head with it. Krim is definitely not a morning person.

  “I'm up.” I say doing my best to pretend that they aren't there. Sam slides his hand under the blanket toward my bare thigh. I 'stretch' somewhat exaggeratedly so that I can smack him away.

  My dad gives me an odd look before closing the door. I wait till I hear the creak of his footsteps going down the hall before I speak.

  “No bugging me when there are strangers around. If I start yelling like a crazy person I might get locked in a padded cell, then I'll just be a sitting duck for giant spider monsters to gobble up.”

  “Spinnekop,” Bastian says sitting up.


  “Last night. It was a spinnekop.”

  “Um … the giant grudge-spider-monster's name was Spinnekop?”

  Krim sits up with a dramatic sigh.

  “No, she was a spinnekop, a kind of loa.”

  “There are more of those things.” I say in disbelief. Then I decide I have to deal with school first and monsters next. This conversation is tonight-Serefine’s problem. “You know what never mind. I can't deal with this right now. I have to get ready for school.” I start to climb out of bed when I realize I'm not wearing pants. I stop pulling the blanket a little tighter over my lap.

  “Sebastian would you grab me a pair of pajamas out of the top drawer over there?” I ask pointing towards the giant armoire on the opposite wall. He climbs out of bed without a single word and after digging around for less than a minute holds up a pair for me. My eyes trail along the muscular swell of his arms and shoulders. He carried me up here and laid me in bed like a princess. I feel my face heat at the thought.

  “Yeah those are great.” I say without meeting his eyes. He hands them to me and I start putting them on under the blankets. As soon as I'm decent I climb out of bed careful to touch the guys as little as possible. I turn to head for the bathroom when Bas gently touches me on the shoulder leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake.

  “You are very powerful, but you need training. Brute strength will only stave off death for a short while.” Sebastian's emerald eyes lock onto mine and hold my gaze. “We can teach you what you need to know, if you let us. Serefine if you die there will be no one to protect the innocent from the invisibles.” His deep rich voice is laced with sincerity. Great. What am I supposed to say to that? No Bas, just let innocent puppies and kitties and children get gobbled up by invisible monsters.

  “Fine. Now if you don't mind I'm going to take a shower.” I go over to my drawer and pick out an outfit really quick. Nothing special, just an oversized hoodie and red and black leggings that from the anime, Hellsing.

  “Thank you.” Bastian's voice is soft and his words kind but the way his eyes trail a line of fire over my body on my way to the bathroom is oh so naughty. He might be a white knight, but he isn't a saint. As soon as the door closes behind me fan myself with my hand then immediately feel stupid for doing it.

  I shower as quickly as I can so that I have time to do my hair and makeup. Nude lip, simple eyeshadow a little liner and black thick rimmed cat eye glasses. I have contacts but I never where them because glasses are epic fashion accessories... and I hate sticking stuff in my eyes. When I get out of the bathroom all three guys are gone and there is still no sign of Zandor. It's just me and the cat in the room. I take the moment alone to check myself out in the mirror I even do several stupid poses before I plop down on the end of the bed to put on my black and white combat boots.

  “I wonder where they went?” I muse aloud as I tie my shoes laces.

  “I don't know about Sam, but Kriminal, Bas and I will meet you at school” Zandor is laying back relaxing on my bed acting like he doesn't have a care in the world in the exact same spot the cat had been only a second ago. Huh.

  “You go to my school too?” I ask.

  “I do know.”

  “Why?” I ask in disbelief. He shrugs his perfect shoulders.

  “I don't know … sounded kinda fun.”

  “You've got to be kidding. I'd much rather stay home and read a book or play video games or something.”

  “That can be great but … it gets kind of lonely you know.” He scrunches his eyebrows for a moment and his eyes get this faraway look that only lasts a moment before he's brushing it off like it was nothing and putting a smile back on his face “If you wanted to stay home today we could finish watching that anime we started the other day.” He pointedly looks at me. What is he talking about? I never watched anime with him. It was just me and … the cat. I look up. His golden eyes are twinkling with mischief now. That's impossible. Then I feel stupid even thinking it. Last night I was attacked by werewolves and giant spider monsters that I repelled with a magic spell.

  “No way. You can't be.” I stutter. I said things to the cat I would never say to a guy I just met.

  “I won't tell anyone about your V card, promise.” He says with a wink.

  “I–” I stop talking because his body starts shrinking and morphing a second later my grandma's cat is sitting on the bed. I'm not sure which revelation is more shocking that my grandmother's cat is actually a hot guy or that I told said hot guy I'm still a virgin only hours after meeting him. “I changed with you in the room you little perv.” I whisper angrily. I don't want to be too loud just in case my dad is nearby. I feel like I'm losing my mind yelling at a cat.

  “I closed my eyes and didn't see a thing. Cross my heart and hope to die.” Zandor's normal voice comes from the cat and he makes an X over his heart with his right index … finger err, claw? I feel like I'm in Hocus Pocus or an episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch or something.

  “I should still kick your ass.” Cat Zandor twitches one ear back listening to something.

  “Heads up cutie, your dad is coming up the stairs.”

  “This isn't over.” I say pointing at Zandor while he does his best puss in boots expression.

  “Sera?” My dad says as he opens the door. I finish tying my shoes really quick and stand up.

  “Yep. I'm ready.” I say grabbing my backpack off the window seat and my phone and earbuds off the nightstand and heading out the door as quickly as I can.


  The first thing I notice when my dad drops me off at school is Kriminal Lacoste. He is leaning body relaxed against the solid frame of his red and black Indian motorcycle, lithe muscular form wrapped in a classic leather jacket, tailored jeans and black leather boots a tattooed hand holding his cell phone. The red messenger bad is slung across his chest drawing the eye right to his muscular chest. I kissed him yesterday … twice. I realize I'm just standing there staring at him like a total freak. Wow get ahold of yourself. He isn't that hot. I adjust my backpack stand up straight and head towards him. He glances up and narrows his steel eyes when he sees me heading in his direction.

  “Miss me already your majesty.” He says with a smirk. His cool commanding voice cuts through the noise of a busy campus. The sound alone makes blood rush through my body, my toes curl, and my heart beat a frantic rhythm in my chest. His pale skin,
mussed ebony hair and masculine jawline give him that polished rebel sort of look.

  “Hah, you wish.” I slip my hands in my front pockets and try to act cool even though I can still imagine the feel of his lips on mine. “So, my dad won’t be home till like eight or nine so if the four of you want to come over and like teach me voodoo stuff or whatever that'd be cool.”

  “Your dad isn't picking you up?” he says running his fingers through his silky locks. Everything about him just oozes overconfident bad boy.

  “Not today. He's the new dean of the science and engineering at a university here in New Orleans and it's gonna take him a few days to get up to speed. Why?” I ask not sure why exactly he's asking.

  “You will meet me here after class and I'll give you a ride home.” He commands calmly. His tone is a little to bossy and possessive for my liking. I'm a little taken aback but I decide to let him down easy. After all we are in this Laveau thing together.

  “Thanks for the offer but maybe some other time. I might want to check out the local area before heading home.” I smile in an attempt to turn him down as nicely as possible on the off chance I'm making more of his bossy tone than I should. “Anyway, I should probably get to class.” I turn to head towards the building.

  Krim slips his phone in his pocket with a sigh and stands up with incredible fluid grace taking three deliberate steps toward me. His long stride quickly closes the distance between us the sound of his footsteps loud enough they can be heard despite the noise of the surrounding city. He stops with the tips of his boots practically touching the toes of my own. His narrowed eyes look down at me and they are absolutely stunning. I feel so tiny with his massive form looming over me. God, why do I have to be so freaking short. I stand up as straight as I can, trying to make myself as tall as possible. “You will not leave campus without me.” he says his voice dropping to an almost growl that sends a shiver down my spine at the same time it pisses me off. Now, I remember why this guy irritated me so much.

  “You need to back the fuck off, buddy. Don't ever think you have the right to tell me what I can or cannot do. If I want to leave campus without a body guard, I fucking will.” I look him right in the eyes and poke him in his firm chest. If I have to spend a lot of time with this guy because he's my knight or guardian or whatever he needs to know I hate no wait loathe being bossed around.

  The sound of the first warning bell rings around the open court yard letting everyone know class is starting in five minutes. He clenches his jaw in anger and glares daggers at me.

  “You know what, if you want to die princess, then be my guest, leave.” Krim snarls before stomping off toward the building.

  I wait till I see him disappear through the doors before heading for my first class. Hopefully I don't have to see the silver eyed a-hole for the rest of the day.


  I get to my Physics class just as the bell rings and the first thing I notice is Kriminal Lacoste glaring at me from across the room. Of course he's in my first class. I try to ignore him, but I can feel his eyes on my back. I check in with the teacher a somewhat stern older woman with short grey hair and dark eyes named Dr. McLaren. She gives me a bunch of papers then asks me a few questions about physics and calculus to make sure I'm up to speed. Lucky for me I don't seem to be too behind.

  “Hmm.” She looks around the class room for a second then looks down to reference a chart. “I'm gonna put you in a group with …” She looks in Krim's direction and my heart drops “Sally Bordnick and Kriminal Lacoste.” She gestures for me to follow her to the back of the classroom. “Serefine this is Sally–” She gestures to a dark-skinned girl with a slim build and thick bottle cap glasses. “and this is Krim.” She gestures at him sitting on a stool his arms crossed over his chest “These two are the top of your class so I'm leaving you in good hands” with that she heads back towards the front of the classroom.

  “Alright. What do I do?” I say in the most upbeat voice I can manage. I aim my question at Sally, so I don't get in an argument with Krim.

  “Should I tell you what to do or would you rather fumble your way through it.” Krim says. Sally looks between the two of us confused.

  “We've met.” Both Krim and I say at the same time.

  After that we politely try to ignore one another. And the rest of class goes by pretty quickly. I have to admit even though Krim is a jerk he's exceptionally good at physics and by the time the bell rings I'm basically caught up.

  A tall red-haired guy with pale skin and a ton of freckles comes up to introduce himself.

  “Hey, my name's Scott.” He says a little hesitantly.

  “Hannah's boyfriend, right?” I say putting my notebook and calculator and stuff back in my backpack. Relief floods over his face.

  “Yeah. She wanted me to show you where we meet up to go to English.”

  “Cool.” I grab my backpack and follow him into the busy hallway.

  “Sorry you got stuck with that guy.” He points in the general direction of my shared lab station. Krim is still there typing something on his phone at record speed. “He's rude to everyone. I should've invited you join my group.”

  “It's fine. His parents know mine.” I quickly lie then regret my choice. Man, I should have just said we were neighbors. Oh well, too late now.

  “Really? For some reason I thought his parents were dead. It's probably just the wounded bad boy look he's got going on.” Scott talks so fast I can barely understand him.

  “No. They're alive.” I lie again, and it is really not believable, but Scott seems completely oblivious to my hesitation. We break out of the crowded hallway in to the big common area. Hannah is leaning against a wall reading a book called Spirited.

  “That's a good book. I finished last week.” I tell her with a smile. She tucks her bookmark into it and sticks it in her backpack somewhat haphazardly. Inwardly, I cringe. The pages are probably getting wrinkled as we speak. I'm OCD when it comes to my books. I go out of my way to keep them in the best condition possible.

  Scott takes her hand and the three of us head to class. They make such a cute couple. We get there before almost anyone else. Scott and Hannah sit near the back of the room and hold me a desk next to the windows that overlook the big courtyard while I talk to the teacher.

  He's one of those old guys that clearly works out a lot. He's probably going on seventy, but would have a way easier time outrunning werewolves and spinnekops than I would. He’s one of those teachers that tries really hard to be cool. Dan – not Mr. Reynolds – as he insists on being called tells me the class is finishing up a section on Shakespeare in a couple of days, and I quote 'so I can just chill and read during class until we start the next section'.

  About thirty seconds before the start bell rings Krim saunters into the room locks eyes with me smirks then walks over and sits down in the desk directly in front of where I'm sitting. The air around him is perfumed with his distinct leather and jasmine scent. Why do the hot ones always have to be such dicks? I resist the urge to kick the back of his chair. Scott and Hannah look at each other for a second then Hannah quickly types something on her phone. Mine vibrates a second later. Surreptitiously I look at the text.

  'Is he your ex?' my eyes get wide with shock and I look between her and Krim's leather clad back. Why would she think that? I quickly type a reply.

  'no. y?' I hit send. She looks at her phone then starts typing what looks like a pretty long text.

  'He always sits on the opposite side of the room as far from everyone as he can get.' Somehow, I'm not surprised he's an antisocial prick. A second later another text comes in 'and he looked at you like he could eat you up' I feel my face heat.

  'He did not.'

  'Did too. Soooooo.' this text is followed by half a dozen random emojis. I really like both Hannah and Scott and I've only known them for like five minutes. I'd really like to be their friend. I only hesitate briefly before figuring what the hell.

  'We kissed once.' She gets the tex
t and she raises her eyebrows and hands her phone to Scott. He reads the text conversation looking between Krim and I and then types something before handing it back to Hannah.

  'Was it good.' Fortunately, I don't have to answer because Mr. Dan sees Scott handing Hannah back her cell phone.

  “Cell phone's away please.” he looks pointedly in our direction. She mumbles a quick apology before stuffing it back in her backpack.

  I zone out and doodle in my notebook while Dan goes over tomorrows test and paper. I'm innocently zoning out when I feel a chill travel down my spine.

  Krim shifts and looks back at me before his grey eyes flick to something outside the window. I glance in the general direction and I see a blond girl sitting on one of the wooden benches rocking back and forth like she’s about to pass out. Clinging to the top of her head is an ugly black imp about the size of a large iguana. As if it can sense me watching it turns and looks right at me. It has two little horns on its head and bright yellow eyes. Opening its mouth wide it gives me a warning hiss flashing me forked tongue. The girl reaches up and runs her fingers through her hair her hand passes right through the creature as if it isn't there.

  It's feeding off her. I have to stop it before it kills her. How I know this is beyond me. I just do.

  I raise my hand and ask to go to the bathroom. As soon as I hear the door click behind me I take off down the deserted hallway toward the courtyard. I burst out the door only to realize not only do I have no idea what I'm doing but this courtyard is in view of half a dozen classrooms.

  “Cutting class on your first day. Sounds like something I might do.” Hot breath teases my ear. A shiver travels down my spine and goosebumps break out on my skin. Startled I turn around. Samuel Baron is leaning against the wall less than a foot from me. He's got his leather trench coat on but otherwise he is just as shirtless as he was this morning. The dark fabric of his jacket frames the creamy mocha skin of his torso emphasizing every dip and valley on his six-pack abs. Large shoulders and a broad chest taper into low slung pants that expose a deep v of muscles. The sexiest thing about Samuel Baron though is the relaxed predatory grace with which he carries himself. A black cigarette is hanging out of a wicked slash of a mouth. He is holding a bottle of rum in one tattooed hand and a cane with a silver skull on the other. Samuel Baron is lust incarnate. I swallow involuntarily ignoring the sudden rush of heat that pulses between my thighs. I stand there gawping at him like fool for a moment or two before I realize I'm doing it.


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