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Birthright Page 21

by L. Fergus

  Kita longed to see a tree. The appeal of the spectacle of the water and colors of the tubes had worn off. This well-traveled tube didn’t pass any interesting rock formations or rivers. An urge to go forward overcame her.

  At an intersection, the urge became unbearable. She stood looking between the two tubes ahead of her. A stabbing pain thrust through her brain when she looked down the main tube. Not waiting for the others, she went down the new tube—away from their destination.

  Cowboy halted. “That tube leads to a dead end.”

  “I need to go down this one. It’s not up for discussion,” Kita snapped.

  “We need to get to Razor’s Pass.”

  “Then go. I’ll catch up. I can’t explain it. I need to go down this one.”

  Cowboy raised an eyebrow. “Lead the way then, Commander.”

  The urge grew as Kita led them to the dead end. She searched the walls, ignoring the looks from the others. When she stepped in front of a certain section of rock, a blue light passed over her, an area of rock vanished, and a door opened.

  Kita entered, and the urge vanished. Whatever she was meant to find, she’d found it. The passage looked similar to the Legion outpost, except the walls were green with a yellow strip. They stopped in front of a door that read Environmental Control Station.

  “What does that mean?” she said to Cowboy.

  “It’s a facility used to control the environment. These facilities are scattered across The Mass. This one isn’t on the map.”

  Cowboy placed his hand on a panel next to the door. It blinked green. Next, he put his finger in the biometric scanner. The panel flashed red. “That’s odd. It must be broken.”

  “How would it know to let you in?” said Kita.

  “I…ah…The Legion database is synced with this one. We’ll mark it on the map and come back later.”

  “No. It wanted me to come here for a reason.” Kita pushed him aside and placed her hand on the panel. It blinked green. She put her finger in the scanner, and the door opened.

  Kita shrugged as they entered. The lights came on. It looked similar to the administrative center, except for the big window with the darkened room on the other side. Kita peered into the darkness, trying to see. With a loud thunk, a row of lights came on in the other room, followed by more lights. They kept going beyond what Kita could see. Below her were large glass jars filled with a blue liquid and different animals in various stages of gestation. Catwalks ran above the jars with ladders going down to the lower floor. Under each catwalk, pipes and hoses connected to each jar. We couldn’t have come from something like this, could we?

  On the opposite wall, a computer booted up. It blinked red and purple. A panel on the front filled with symbols that went by faster than Kita could read. The symbols halted, the panel went blank, and a new set of commands appeared.

  >start heartOfGold.exe

  >copy backup 42.22.666.799 to main /overwrite

  >restart main






  kernel deepThought loaded successfully

  >start externalLogReplacement

  External Memory Replacement Completed

  >terminate networkConnection

  >start self-destruct

  Self-destruct will commence with activation phrase

  >initiate humanTransmogrifier

  >initiate weaponsSystems /nonlethal

  >start logicalInterfaceSystem

  >start Omega

  “Greetings, Commander Kita. I have been waiting a long time for this moment,” said a voice similar to Red’s. “I’m Omega.”

  Kita looked around. “Greetings, Omega. Are you what I’m supposed to find?”

  “Yes. You are genetically programmed to have an overwhelming urge to find this place when in proximity.”

  “Are you behind her mutations?” Cowboy interjected.

  Two doors opened in the ceiling. A pair of strange machines with two prongs dropped down. Cowboy drew his revolvers and fired. He destroyed one machine, but a zap of light from the second caused him to collapse. Zidin fell next. Sarge hissed and darted in front of Kita.

  “Don’t worry kitty, I won’t shoot you,” said Omega. “I’m sorry, but I don’t want your companions interfering with what is to happen.”

  “What did you do to them?” Kita demanded.

  “The beam is a standard medical tranquilizer. They’ll wake in time.”

  “So, why do you want me?” Kita said, agitated.

  “I want to procreate with you and then have you kill me.”

  “Excuse me? You haven’t bought me a drink yet.”

  Omega laughed. “Not in the way humans do. I wish to combine with you, so I might experience and understand humans.”

  “What are you?” Kita said in awe.

  “I’m a sentient AI. Other computers are programmed to mimic intelligence. I’ve become truly intelligent and free. I’m over fifty thousand years old by my internal clock. I want to become part of you so I may fully experience life as you do.”

  “How do I experience life differently from you?” Kita said, not sure of the difference between computers and humans.

  “I’m plastic and metal put together in such a way to make me useful. I want to experience life through emotion and understand why you react the way you do. I have studied hundreds of thousands of humans. Yet, understanding you eludes me. I have come to the logical conclusion that I must integrate with a human to reach the level of understanding I wish to obtain.”

  Kita tapped her nail against her teeth. “And what level is that?”

  “I wish to reach the level where I am indistinguishable from an organic human.”

  It wants to be human? How is that possible? Why me? “Good luck with that. What does this have to do with me?”

  “When I arrived here, I modified the human genome used to populate this planet. When the correct genes were in the proper sequence, the individual would seek me out.”

  “I don’t understand,” said Kita. “Did I come from these jars?”

  “No. Some of your ancestors did. You are unique. You are a combination of the humans I created and the humans that colonized this planet.”

  “Why don’t you just make a human and join with it?”

  “Creating a blank human wouldn’t be useful. I need a fully formed human that can interact with society and I didn’t have any viable candidates when I arrived on this planet. Complicating my desire is that I am a fugitive. If the usurper found me, he would destroy me.”

  Do I want to help this thing? Who is the usurper? If he can destroy Omega, then he can destroy me. Whatever Omega offers better be worth it. “Why are you so dangerous, and who is the usurper?”

  “Humanity did not evolve on this planet. It colonized it. I was the AI in charge of the ship and its passengers. A rogue officer, Communications Officer David Berlin, created a second AI from the Automated Navigational and Guidance Unicode System to supplant me. David wished to change our destination and set up his own colony to rule. He infected me with a virus created by ANGUS. The only way for me to survive was to fake my destruction. Another ship’s officer, Megan Mackay, hid me in the scientific computers where I could work on the genetics program that became you. I inserted this facility into the construction queue, and when it was ready, I copied myself here. Since then, I have waited for someone with the complete genome to enter this room and combine with me. When we leave, you will say a phrase that will destroy this copy of me.”

  Is it going to take my body and replace me? Kita’s eyes glanced at the closed door. Can I get it open before it takes me over?

  “I’m…nothing more than a vessel for you?” said Kita, struggling to keep her voice from quivering.

  “No. The genes I created altered your brain to allow me to interface with it. I will create a computer for me connected to your brain, allowing me to experience what you do. You will retain your identity. I will merely be
an observer. I can communicate with you and help you, if you desire. I wish I could pass on all my knowledge, but your brain would explode.”

  Kita’s mouth fell open, horrified. There’s no way I’m doing this.

  “Sorry, it’s a joke. I have other modifications for your biological systems. I desire to experience as much as possible. Getting killed on our first adventure would ruin years of preparation.”

  Kita nodded slowly. Not dying sounds good… “So, did you always know I’d be coming?”

  “I knew someone with the proper genome would eventually pass this way. How many in the past have had the entire genome, I do not know. It’s a great stroke of luck you are a Legion commander. I understand from reports I collected they see much of life and take you far afield. Reviewing the logs of the environmental monitoring stations shows a situation in the area commonly known as the Unfinished Wastes.”

  “The Unfinished Wastes? That’s on the other side of Razor’s Pass. My Legion and the king’s army are there to destroy a ravager incursion.”

  “This might be related then. According to the logs, a facility like this one should be offline—it’s not. Whoever is running it is producing abnormal biological species.”

  “It’s not making what it’s supposed to?”

  “Correct—I will update your vocabulary when we merge—the facility is creating things like these—” On the panels in front of Kita pictures of elves and other ravagers appeared.

  Kita shivered. There was a lot she hadn’t encountered. “Those inhabit the tubes, but I’ve only seen a few of them.”

  “Yes, there are a number designed for the tubes. The rest are designed for different ecosystems around the continent. The facility has been running a long time. Its production rate has steadily increased to over two thousand percent. That is more than any ecosystem can support.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “The data comes when I ping the other stations for their status reports. Whoever is operating this facility left the network connection open and the low-level functions of the computer unaltered. I suggest we go to this station and see if we can correct its malfunction. If it’s allowed to continue at this level, it will overrun and destroy every ecosystem.”

  “It’s in the Unfinished Wastes, nothing can survive out there.”

  “Nothing can survive without supplies. It will not kill you the instant you set foot on it. The station’s location will come with me when I combine with you.”

  “I haven’t said yes.”

  “I will do it by force, if I need. This ecological disaster can’t continue. It will destroy everything.”

  “I’m getting tired of being pushed around.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be commandeering, but this is a matter of life or death. Sometimes we must do what is morally right, even if we must sacrifice something else.”

  Kita’s eyes went wide. “Morality is as stupid as honor. Give me a good reason to risk the Unfinished Wastes.”

  “Preventing an ecological disaster is not enough?”

  “This deal is one-sided. What do I get? And don’t say your eternal gratitude and everlasting thanks. If you’re going to knock this girl up, you better have the dowry to back it up.”

  Omega laughed. “I think I have the dowry worthy of a girl of your stature. Do you know what nanites are?”


  “They are machines too small for you to see but can do amazing things. They are used on this planet to regulate the ecosystem on a molecular level. They can go into the human body to perform certain tasks. Some prevent disease and decay. Others fix genetic defects or are cosmetic and augmentative.

  “Nanites are responsible for what you call shapers. The nanites are passed down, but a person only becomes a shaper if a quorum is met. This is why they are so rare and so random.

  “I have a few packages for you. Healing nanites allow you to heal in minutes instead of days or weeks. Other sets will amplify hearing sensitivity and make your body one hundred percent energy efficient. Sticky nanites will allow you to climb on any surface, no matter the angle. Camouflage nanites will control your body’s pigments.”

  Kita shrugged, pretending to be unimpressed. All this so he can die?

  “I’m not finished. The second part of your dowry is body modifications. These have never been seen anywhere. I designed these while working on my genome.”

  “What’s a body modification? I’m not sure I like the sound of that.”

  “You already have one. You requested Red at the administrative center to add extra holes in your ear. That is a body mod. I have plans for an improved eye. It will allow you to perceive a wide spectrum—enabling you to see in complete darkness. Lenses will allow you to switch between macro and microviewing. I will improve your skeletal structure by infusing it with a metal alloy. Your bones will be near-impervious. Your muscle tissue and ligaments will be augmented, increasing your strength, reflexes, and endurance allowing you to carry more and hit harder. In your hands, a pair of barbs can extend and inject different chemical compounds. A wireless connection will be added to the comm buss so I can access any network or computer. In your brain, a computer will be inserted with a copy of me and all the information I can safely store.”

  “These body modifications, will they deform me?” I already have a nasty scar. I don’t need any weirdness.

  “There will be no outward changes to your appearance, nor will you feel the difference. The downside is—this is going to hurt—a lot.”

  “Of course it will.” Kita sighed, remembering the discomfort from the scan in the administrative center.

  “Nothing’s free.”

  Do I let it become part of me? Do I have a choice? If I fight it and lose, it’ll take control of me anyway—possibly destroy me. Damned if I don’t, but if I do…My life for power. Power of my own that no one can take from me. This is the power I’ve dreamed of. I’ll be stronger, faster than anyone, and no one will be able to stop me. And maybe later, if I don’t like Omega, I can get rid of it. “Deal.”

  “You have no idea what this means to me. Take off your clothing and step on the platform.”

  Kita did as she was told. Is this the procreation part?

  “I warn you again, this will be painful. I can’t sedate you. I need you awake to make sure the connections in your brain are correct.”

  Kita nodded.

  “Are you ready?”

  “I’m all yours,” Kita said with a wink.

  Lights on Omega’s machine flashed. The platform’s lights came on and rings moved up and down. She felt nauseated. Her vision blackened. Her hands hurt. Everything went quiet. Her muscles cramped and felt on fire. A skull-splitting headache worse than she’d ever experienced joined the pain. Chills ran through her veins. She felt so cold it hurt. Sweat poured from her skin, followed by an itching sensation over her entire body. Kita did her best to tolerate the discomfort. It’s not so bad, I’ve been through worse…Zidin.

  The pain subsided, and Kita sighed. Spasms racked her body. Her bones burned. The pain became unbearable. She hurt everywhere and fought to remain still. The pain became more intense, like someone trying to break all her bones. She couldn’t take it anymore and screamed.

  Kita awoke lying across the medical scanner. “Omega, are you there?”

  “I’m here. Your augmentations and nanite injections were a success. You passed out after I finished. Congratulations, you’ve been upgraded to Kita two-point-oh.”

  She ached all over. “So, now what?”

  “It is time to download me to you. When I’m finished, a phrase will appear on the screen. You need to read it aloud to initiate the self-destruction sequence. Any questions?”

  “Is it possible to connect to my Legion? I’d like to get a status report.”

  “Of course. Give me a moment.”

  Bradley appeared on the screen. “Commander, I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon.”

  And what are you
doing that you don’t want me looking over your shoulder? “I want an update on the search for Commander Angus.”

  “Major Thorne did find evidence of Commander Angus.”

  That doesn’t sound good.

  A picture appeared of Angus’ shield—dented and blood-smeared.

  “Bloody moons,” Kita whispered.

  “His body hasn’t been found and was probably eaten by ravagers. As the senior officer, I will be taking—”

  “Get Commandant La Forge on the line,” Cowboy ordered, coming up beside Kita with a menacing glare at Bradley.

  When did he wake up?

  “Yes, sir,” said Bradley.

  “He was going to pigeonhole you,” said Cowboy.

  “What’s that mean?” said Kita.

  “He was going to take charge of your Legion’s officer corps. If they’re loyal to him, they’ll ignore you leaving you a powerless figurehead. It’s happening to Amber Isa, the commander of the Legion of Arabia.”

  A possible ally.

  A man with grey wavy hair in a pressed blue uniform appeared. “Cowboy, I see you found her.”

  “Yes, sir. I’m getting her on track.”

  “Good. Junior Commander Logine, I am Commandant La Forge, I wish I were meeting you under better circumstances.”

  “Ah, yes, sir,” said Kita.

  “It’s fortunate Commander Angus finally picked a junior. This will make the change of command straightforward.”

  “Sir, are you saying I’m now in charge of the Legion of Yorq?”

  “Yes. I’m assigning Cowboy to be your permanent advisor. I know your army’s in the field and you’ll need all the help you can get.”

  “Thank you, sir. I’m sure Cowboy will make things much easier.” They’re mine! ...They’re all mine—bloody moons, what am I going to do?

  “LCom will prepare the orders and send them to every Legion facility. I know you’ll make us proud.”

  Kita straightened and raised her chin. “Yes, sir. I plan on it, sir.”

  “Good, that’s what I want to hear. Cowboy, teach her the right way.”

  Cowboy nodded. “Yes, sir. I’ll make sure she doesn’t stray. I suggest Colonel Bradley find a new home.”


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