Hot Knights

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Hot Knights Page 55

by Rue Allyn

  Tera and Sparrow glanced back at the cute spectacle, and she noticed a look of awe upon Sparrow’s face. Is somebody smitten?

  Sodor shrugged and moved to carry Morgana as well, not to be outdone by Rowen. Morgana held out a hand and smiled. “Thanks handsome, but I do have a little bit of self-respect, unlike my sister.”

  In response, Melissandra winked at her sister from where she rested comfortably in strong arms, against Rowen’s chest. “I love you.” Sabin whispered softly into Tera’s ear and squeezed her hand. The tender endearment reminded Tera of all that she had to look forward to with Sabin by her side.

  The group arrived at the top of the hill, the gigantic, ethereal castle looming high above them. The spacious entrance was wide, with a high arch encased in golden engravings. Tera recognized the intricate golden border of the archway to be Celtic in design. Beginning from the gold lining of the archway stretched colorfully painted flowers in the art-nouveau style. Vibrant shades of green, pink, red and of course, more gold-leafing created a façade that she could have gazed at for hours. But Sabin guided her through the doors, and past the doormen dressed in sleek golden silk. She’d think a castle like this would be guarded by men in armor, not gold.

  Sabin seemed to pick up on her thought process and explained in a soft voice to the group as they padded through the long, elegant entry corridor. “Since there are few who know how to access this place, including the Gods, the Kingdom of Hy-Breasal is very safe. The castle does not need protection from its people either, because they are the most content. Breasal is the High King of the world, or at least he was, and he is certainly the most fit ruler to keep his people rich in food, luxury, and contentment.”

  Sparrow spoke up. “He was the High King of the World? As in no longer?”

  Rowen didn’t miss a chance to answer. “Yes. The Human Realm has greatly changed, and is no longer deserving or capable of being ruled. It is when High King Breasal retired to his own island that the faeries and many other mystical creatures went into hiding in their own created realms.”

  The conversation was cut short when they noticed a regal presence awaiting them at the end of the corridor. The figure moved toward them, his sumptuous golden robe that cascaded around him etched with intricate Celtic symbols. The clothes wrapped around his body were a unique mixture of leather and gold silk, so he looked both fierce and elegantly regal.

  Sodor was the first to rush the king and embrace him in a fierce hug. “It has been long, High King,” he said before kneeling before Breasal. “Please forgive me for my outburst in the prison.”

  The king laughed, and only a slight trace of wrinkles etched near his eyes as he smiled. “Forgiven, Sodor. I must say, a brief stretch of prison time certainly builds character. It was quite a surprise to see you lose your composure.”

  Rowen patted Sodor on the back before giving the king an embrace of his own. “Sodor did royally lose his cool. But then again, Chaos tends to have that effect on people.”

  Now Sabin stepped forward, but instead of hugging the king, he bowed. “I present to you, High King, my love Agrotera, Dryad of the Muir Woods, and also, Sparrow, Morgana, and Melissandra, Wiccans of Alameda, California.” Motioning to Duncan and Michelle who held hands, Sabin continued the introductions. “And this is Duncan, noble vampire, and Michelle, a Mayan were-jaguar.”

  Only Sparrow curtseyed, dipping gracefully in her jeans, and then glared at her friends when they sent her entertained looks. “What? That’s what they do in the movies.”

  The King laughed and all smiled with him. “You are brave in battle and in your antics.” Breasal bowed toward her. “Come, I will show you all to your rooms.”

  Morgana smiled. “Wow, an escort from the King himself! What did we do to earn such a vacation?”

  Another bout of laughter came at the King and he smiled at the women. A flicker of recognition passed through his eyes but quickly disappeared. “I am retired these days, but I admit that I take great pride in hosting guests in this beautiful place. And a hidden island rarely gets many visitors. Your presence will be very celebrated here.”

  The King spared another long glance at Sparrow, as if assessing her before he gestured to a doorway. “I thought you all would be most comfortable in close proximity. This door leads to a parlor with three adjoining sleeping rooms. I have attendants inside that will prepare to dress you.”

  “Prepare to dress me?” Sparrow asked sheepishly.

  “Oh, how exciting. I knew I was underdressed.” Melissandra looked down and appraised her flowing tie-dye skirt and Jefferson Airplane t-shirt.

  “If you don’t mind my asking, what occasion are we dressing for, besides your presence, I mean?” Morgana asked. “I do know that my sister’s lack of fashion sense is probably royally offensive.”

  The King smiled. “I have not laughed so much in more than twenty years. You fine ladies will have to come visit again. You are always welcome no matter your dress. ’Tis not the first time I have seen tye-dye.” The king smiled fondly, as if recalling a distant memory. “And concerning our occasion, I see that Sabin has left it a surprise. Let us just say that it is very momentous.” The King offered Sparrow a curious glance once more before continuing. “I will leave you to my attendants.”

  “And you, Knights,” the King motioned to Rowen and Sodor. “Join me in the library. Zeth awaits us there with ale.”

  When she turned to follow the other women, Sabin instead took Tera’s hand and led her down the hall. She couldn’t help but gaze at the floors, walls, and ceilings all around her. The castle was of the most intricate and curious design. Remnants of design from all ages of the past, and futuristic, magickal elements were mixed effortlessly throughout the palace.

  “This is for us.” Sabin brought her to another wide, tall door. The rich mahogany was inlaid with inlays of gold and silver.

  She smiled up at Sabin and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. After their lips tasted each other sweetly, she smiled nostalgically. “This room is quite different from our first.” Tera sighed happily. “The Red Victorian will always have special meaning for me.”

  “I imagine you might like to continue living with your family in Alameda. If that is the case, I suspect we might be visiting the Red Victorian on some occasions.”

  “What occasions?” She looked up at him, pleased that he was sensitive to her desire not to leave her family yet.

  “Such as when the pleasure I give you will defy a mystical sound barrier.”

  Her knees buckled from under her. As if on cue, Sabin swept her up into his arms and walked into the incredible room.

  “Like now.” He smiled lovingly at Tera with intent that filled her heart with ecstasy. Today had been an incredible day, and was about to get a lot better indeed.

  The opulent room was awash in sunlight. Tall windows were bordered by rich hanging fabric. Like the windows, the bed was also oversized and covered by large puffy blankets with intricate crimson and gold embroidery. The floor was pristine marble—not that Sabin let her walk on it. Carrying her across the room, he laid her on the billowy comforter. As her body sank down, the covers puffed up around her body like a cloud.

  “I love to see my Dryad surrounded in luxury and comfort. I want to spoil you this way forever, my love.”

  She reached out and grasped him by the shoulders, pulling him down until he was just a breath away. “Starting now?” She smiled wickedly, giving herself up to her newfound wonton ways.

  “Starting now.” Sabin flipped her over on the bed so her stomach met the mattress. Reaching his hands to her sides, he caressed the skin under her shirt. Slowly, he inched the hem up. Pulling the shirt over her head, he pressed kisses along her spin before unclasping her bra.

  A moan escaped her as his strong chest descended upon her back. Resting atop her, he suckled on the skin of her neck, nibbling sensually as his hands gripped her soft curves. A breath that sounded more like a pant escaped her as he sucked h
arder against her neck. “That feels good.”

  Sliding his hands under her, his fingers caressed her body. He found her nipples and twisted them gently. She mewed from surprise and pleasure. Her own voice was husky with determination. “My turn.”

  Turning over against Sabin’s strong body so that they were face to face, she brought her hands down to the fly of his leather pants. Her eyes took in the hardened length that sprang loose. “Someone is happy to see me.”

  “Very happy to see you.” He replied sensually. In just another moment, Sabin was free of his pants and was tugging off her own. As he knelt by the bed, he grabbed her into his arms and she wrapped her legs around his muscular torso. Diving into a room-spinning kiss, their tongues entwined in the language of steam and raw need. His lips broke away as if they were desperate to utter something.

  “I love you, Tera.”

  “I love you more.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Later that evening, the main hall echoed with joyous music. The floor was full of swirling skirts and sweeping golden suits of the dancing townspeople awaiting the guests of honor. The High King sat on a throne of rich mahogany with blinding golden upholstery. He was wearing his crown, an intricate weaving of golden metals in an ancient Celtic design. His dark hair was tucked beneath his crown, framing a wise, handsome face. Immortally stuck in his late thirties, Breasal appeared the perfect age for a king, old enough to appear wise, but young enough to appear rough and ready to fight for a Kingdom. And now he sat with a look of pride and anticipation.

  Walking down the aisle with Sabin, Tera almost felt for a moment as if she was getting married. Her dress was the finest cloth she had ever felt. The fabric wrapped against a fancy corset was a pale golden shade with intricate, vibrate gold stitching across the bodice. The skirt fell loosely to her own preference, and swayed elegantly as she walked toward the king in her golden shoes. Half of her long auburn hair hung in loose curls, the rest bundled atop her head held together by braids and fragrant yellow and white flowers.

  Not far behind them, Sparrow walked the aisle with Rowen, while Morgana and Melissandra were accompanied by Zeth and Sodor. Michelle was escorted by Duncan, who even Tera had to admit, looked ravishing in his leather and gold outfit for the celebration. Sparing a glance at Sabin, her heart warmed. His handsome face seemed to glow with pride and her own body heated with a love buzz. Gazing ahead once more, Tera’s heart stopped as she saw the Goddess Artemis walk into the room and take a seat next to the King.

  Her Goddess mother was dressed in an equally elegant fashion, but opted out of a corset. Instead, the Goddess wore only flowing, gauzy layers of golden fabric, her crown containing the same elegant up-do and fragrant flora. Artemis smiled at Tera’s approach with Sabin. She realized that never had she seen her Goddess mother smile so. Sabin squeezed her hand, then clutched it against his chest as he escorted her. He must have known that the Goddess’ presence had pleased her greatly. Tera’s chest swelled with so much happiness she thought that her rib-cage might break.

  When the four women and their escorts arrived before the High King, the Knights stood back, and Breasal rose. “Today we are all gathered here in celebration to pay homage to five women who live much like the generations of old. These mortal women live with awe of the world, with a spunk and playfulness of one who never tires of the earth’s pleasures, and with courage to protect it. Despite their mortality, Agrotera, Dryad of the Muir Woods; Sparrow, Melissandra, and Morgana, Wiccans of Alameda, California; and Ixchel of the Mayans, took up their wits to battle the creatures of a darker nature. They battled immortals to secure peace within their own, fragile world, and today we pay homage to their hearts which radiate with goodness.”

  The crowd roared in applause and High King Breasal continued. “Morgana. Please kneel.” Looking radiant in her perfectly fitted, golden dress and tamed golden locks, Morgana knelt curiously. The High King took his long sword from where it hung in a leather and gold woven belt. Placing it upon her shoulder, the King beamed. “For your bravery in battling those who cannot be killed, risking your mortal life for the good of your people, I Knight you Morgana. Now rise.”

  Tera’s heart stopped as she watched the event unfold. They were being Knighted. She was awestruck and couldn’t believe that Sabin had kept such a thrilling secret. No wonder her mother looked so proud. When Morgana stood, the King reached toward an attendant who stood with a golden box. Tera could not make out what was inside, but watched the King.

  “Morgana, your gift for this Knighthood, fitting of your level of bravery, is this Ring of Immortality.” A large band of Celtic gold knots was fitted by a large ruby stone. The king slipped the ring upon Morgana’s middle finger. “While you wear this ring, forged by my own hands, you will be immortal. Also, with this ring, you may always find your way here from the Realm of the Fog.”

  Morgana held herself with pride, obviously trying to contain her awe. The crowd roared with excitement as the King turned next to Melissandra and began to give her the same noble treatment. As she watched her friends each receive their rewards, Tera was suddenly reminded of the implications of her own ring, which she imagined that she, too, would receive. She could spend forever with Sabin.

  Her thoughts were interrupted as Breasal asked her to kneel, which she did, heart pounding with anticipation. But when she stood to receive the ring, Breasal called Sabin forward. “This ring was forged by my hand, but one of my finest Knights has requested to present the ring himself.” Then Breasal placed the intricate golden ring, which framed a brilliant emerald, within the Goddess Artemis’ palm.

  Artemis looked on the scene with a calm happiness and walked toward Sabin. Releasing the ring to him, she nodded, as if a long stream of communication passed between them, unheard.

  Sabin turned to Tera and placed his palm upon her cheek softly prior to kneeling before her. “Tera, you are the love of my immortal life. You are everything that makes the world beautiful. An immortal life is a long one, and I could imagine no happier eternity than spending it watching you smile.”

  As Tera realized what was happening, a tear of happiness began to trail down her cheek. Then she heard the words that she never imagined would be for her.

  “Agrotera, will you accept this ring of immortality, and be my love, my mate for eternity?”

  She nodded and gasped with happiness, finally releasing a breath as she accepted the ring. She threw herself into his arms and welcomed the feeling of ecstasy that was bursting within her heart. She had eternity with her dream, and also, her friends.

  The crowd cheered as the Knighting ceremony ended, and Tera was still buried in Sabin’s arms. Tera felt a soft, gentle palm upon her shoulder. Turning, she saw Artemis’s twinkling green eyes, and a wide smile, which was a very seldom occasion for the serious goddess.

  “Agrotera, on this day I see that you are very happy, and that fills my immortal soul with a peace and happiness that I have not felt since the years that I was worshipped.” Artemis caressed her cheek in a rare display of affection.

  “You are unique to me, Agrotera, from among my many children. Brave enough to battle immortals, but,” the Goddess paused before speaking once more with heightened admiration, “also, you are brave enough to love.” Artemis leaned forward to kiss her cheek.

  Once again, lit by the fire of absolute happiness, Tera threw herself into the arms of her Goddess mother. Artemis seemed uncomfortable at first, not used to being embraced so, but then let herself melt against her adoring Dryad daughter.

  They hugged a few moments, then feeling cheeky, Tera smiled as big as she could. “I hope my wedding gift is that you’ll visit more often.”

  From nearby Sparrow chirped up enthusiastically. “Hey, can you bring Dionysus with you? Now that sounds like a good time.”

  Artemis shook her head, but was clearly entertained at the girl’s request to hang with the God of wine and entertainment. Instead of answering either question, the Goddess looked to her r
ight at the handsome King. “Come Breasal, let us recline together and enjoy the festivities.”

  With that, the elaborate hall was a swirl with elegant fabrics, twirling in dance and celebration. Duncan pulled Michelle onto the floor and Sparrow and her aunts followed, escorted by the Knights of the Fog. Artemis sat on the throne beside Breasal, and they appeared to be in fervent conversation.

  “I wonder what they are talking about. Usually she is a woman of few words.” Tera said.

  “They are speaking on Eris’ punishment. She will remain in Tartarus for some time until her true punishment is decided.”

  “In all this festivity I nearly forgot about her. Tartarus, that’s good right? Isn’t that worse than Hades?”

  “Let us not speak of Hades and Tartarus. Today is only about our love.” He pressed a kiss upon her palm as he led her to dance. “I love you so much, Tera.” Sabin and Tera made their way into the celebrating crowd. With her palm upon Sabin’s shoulder, it was hard not to stare at the ring that would change her life.

  The only thing better than staring at the enchanted ring was gazing at the handsome man, the love of her life. His eyes glittered with a happiness that flooded Tera’s heart. In her home city, the secrets of the fog had delivered her the love of her life. Tonight was the first night of many lifetimes more, of eternal happiness, and excitement.


  “It seems, my love, that I have been enlightened to the perfect spot.” Sabin carried Tera across the winding limestone. Home to the faeries, Heliodor was a massive plane of crystalline mineral mountains and dense forest. Here the fae, the faerie folk, drew power from the elements and enjoyed privacy from disbelievers. Now the romantic ambience would serve Tera and Sabin on their honeymoon.

  “Oh really? Do you spend much time in the realm of the faeries?” One of the fae creatures hovering near her face tapped a tiny finger against her nose. The tiny faerie was such a bright light, Tera could hardly make out the body or face of the creature. Squinting against the brilliance, she finally focused on a porcelain-skinned faerie with eyes like crystal, and long hair the color of butter. The faerie smiled bashfully and pointed to Sabin before giving a coy thumbs-up signal.


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