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Hotshot Page 10

by Ahren Sanders

  “Y’all ready?” Claire interrupts my thoughts, handing me my purse. “Because I’m pretty sure whatever you’re talking about is highly inappropriate for this floor. Remember, children are around the corner.”

  Shaw kisses the fingers still against his mouth and lowers my hand, squeezing it lightly. “We better go.”

  “No, Mom, you know this won’t be a problem. Why do you always ask?” I roll my eyes at Claire who’s giggling at the conversation.

  My mom’s maternal instincts must have kicked in because as soon as Claire and I finished eating and dissecting my entire weekend, Mom called wanting to hear about the trip. I glazed over the romantic details but filled her in. She praised Shaw for his kindness and generosity, offering to make him dinner one night next week.

  Unfortunately, with my schedule, next week wouldn’t work, so instead, I invited my parents to Nicky’s game this weekend, reminding her Shaw’s company suite had room for everyone. Of course, she jumped at the idea, but now is questioning whether it’s okay. She does this every time, knowing Shaw always has enough tickets and space for them.

  I try to end the conversation but give a little yelp when Claire kicks me in the shin, mouthing to me to ‘tell her’.

  “So, Mom, I need to tell you something.” It comes out like a croak and I swallow, trying to calm my nerves.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, I wanted to tell you, I’m seeing someone.”

  “You are?”

  “Yes, it’s still new, but I think it’s pretty serious.”

  “Okay.” She goes silent, waiting for me to say more.

  “He’s amazing and wonderful. I think you and Dad will approve.”

  I’m met with more silence, which makes my palms start to sweat.

  “Well, the thing is, you know him. Pretty well.”

  “Crenshaw Bennett finally see the light?” she guesses without further probing.

  “H-h-how’d you know?”

  Her laughter flows through the line so loud that Claire joins in.

  “Baby, there is no one, I mean no one, I’ve ever seen you look at the way you look at him. I used to wonder if you and Nicky would ever move beyond friends, but the first time I saw the way you looked at Crenshaw, I knew which brother you loved.”

  “Oh my God.” I slap my hand to my forehead. “Was I that obvious?”

  “A mother knows.”

  “Mom, you have no idea.”

  “I think I do. You may think you hid it well, but as I said, a mother knows.”

  “We’re going to tell Nicky and the rest of his family on Saturday night. So you think you can hold off talking to Maria until Sunday at the game?”

  “I can try, but I think you’d be surprised. She’s already called today wondering if you had a nice time. She was prying, looking for information.”

  “Oh, shit —I mean crap!”

  She laughs again, and I can picture her shaking her head.

  “Lizbeth, I’m happy for you. This is a good thing. I only want you to be happy and so does your dad. Go with this. Crenshaw is an exceptional man.”

  “I love him,” I admit to her and lock eyes with Claire. “I’ve always loved him.”

  “I know, which is another reason I’m so happy for you. You deserve this.” Her voice cracks, causing a lump to swell in my throat.

  We don’t talk about my cancer very much, but I know how scared she and Dad were. I heard them one night when they thought I was asleep, discussing treatment plans and selling everything they owned to get me into an experimental program, if it came to that. Luckily, it didn’t. When I went into remission, I was excited, but I remember my mom’s wails as she held me close and thanked God and everyone else responsible for my care.

  “Mama, please don’t.”

  Claire scoots next to me, grabbing my hand.

  “I’m sorry, but you’ll never know how much hearing you’re in love fills my heart. I’ve dreamed of so much for you, and this makes it real.”

  “Jeez! You have to stop, or I’ll be a blubbering mess, and I have to get ready for work.” A hiccup escapes as I try to fight back the tears.

  “Okay! Okay! I’ll stop. I’ll call you on Saturday to get the details for the game. I love you.”

  “Love you, too, Mom. Talk soon.” I hang up and lay my head on Claire’s shoulder.

  “You know if Shaw shows up and you’re in tears, he’ll blame me. I’d hate to kick your boyfriend’s ass.” Her own voice is raspy.

  “We can’t have that.” I lift my head and look at her, seeing her eyes glisten. “So we better get ready.”

  “And by the way, I’m inviting myself to the game on Sunday.”

  “Hooker, you’re always invited. You’re the one who turns me down.”

  “Yeah, but I’m taking front row seats to the moms. And I can’t wait to see the look on the faces of every woman in that box when they figure out Crenshaw Bennett is officially off the market. There may be tears shed.”

  I smile at the thought. For years, I’ve watched the lustful eyes of the women he works with, pining after him the minute he steps foot into the company box. My heart lurches, knowing that, finally, after all these years, he’s taken.

  By me…

  Chapter 11


  The buzzer on my phone rings through my office, and I curse at the interruption. Gail’s not at her desk when I glance up and remember she’s running an errand for me. Whoever’s calling in is being routed through her phone. It’s my first instinct to ignore it until I see it’s the reception desk.

  “What?” I bark a little too forcefully. It’s not Angie’s fault I’m knee-deep in contracts.

  “Yes, this is Angie in reception.” She pauses, and I assume it’s because I was rude.

  “Sorry, Angie, I was in the middle of something. What’s up?”

  “There’s a Sasha Crane here to see you.”

  My heart drops to my feet, and I inhale swiftly. What the fuck? “Tell her I’m not available.”

  “She’s insisting, saying she’ll wait.”

  “Take her number and tell her I’ll call her back.”

  “I tried that.” She’s full out whispering now, and I hear Sasha talking to someone in the background. “She’s refusing to leave until she sees you.”

  “Is she harassing you, Angie? Do I need to call security?”

  “No, she’s on her phone. She thinks I’m calling Gail.”

  “I don’t have time—”

  Angie cuts me off, her voice changing into a more authoritative tone. “Miss Crane? It seems Mr. Bennett has actually left for the day. I apologize for not knowing. Apparently, he had an off-site meeting with a client.”

  She lies like a pro.

  “I don’t believe you,” Sasha hisses, and the line goes dead.

  I hang up with anger brewing inside. That woman is fucking nuts. I should kick my own ass for getting drunk enough to sleep with her.

  A few minutes later, Gail storms in without knocking and throws an envelope on my desk. I look up to see her hands planted on her hips.

  “Who is this WOMAN?” she seethes.

  “She’s a mistake, a huge mistake.”

  “Well, she apparently has no clue because she still calls you Ren. Anyone who knows you never uses that name.”

  “Do you really want to get into this?” I raise an eyebrow, expecting her to back down. Instead, she challenges me with her eyes.

  “I’m not a choir boy, Gail. Everyone makes mistakes. She’s one of mine.”

  “She’s showing up at your work unannounced, calling me enough to drive me crazy, and putting Angie in a rough spot. How do you think we should handle this?”

  “She’ll go away. She’s a bitch, a total bitch.”

  “Is she going to cause problems for you?”

  “Not in my business. She’s a shady lawyer with no ties to the sports industry. I told you be
fore, she rides on the coattails of her father’s firm.”

  “What about with Lizbeth?”

  Her question is like a punch to my gut. I hang my head, scared to look at her disapproving glance.

  “She won’t touch Bizzy. No one touches Bizzy. I’ll handle it.”


  I snap my head up at her use of my nickname; it’s unheard of from her.

  “We’ve been working together for almost three years. I see things. These last few weeks, I’ve noticed a change. It’s a good thing.”

  “It’s better than good, it’s great. For the first time in my life, I feel like I finally have it all. Nothing is going to mess this up. Especially not Sasha Crane.”

  “She doesn’t seem like a woman to be ignored.” She points to the envelope she threw. It’s clearly an invitation of sorts.

  “Tough shit. I told her there was nothing between us, and I meant it. If she pulls something like today again, I’ll be stronger in my message.”

  Gail seems to approve and hands me the small bag in her hand then gives a small wave as she leaves and shuts the door behind her. I tear open the envelope and let out a chuckle of disgust. It is an invitation to a formal dinner to celebrate Sasha being named a junior partner in her father’s firm. She finally wore the old bastard down.

  A note falls out with a message directly to me.


  I’ve been thinking about the way we left things that morning at my house. It was ugly and unnecessary. This will be a special night for me. It’s important that you are there. My whole family will be in attendance, and I think they’d like to meet you. I respect your decision to take things slow, and hopefully, this can be a new start for us.

  See you next week.


  I rip through the note and invitation and toss it in the garbage. If I were at home, I’d burn the damn thing. She is fucking crazy. Images of the last time I saw her creep into my head. They are quickly replaced with Bizzy’s smiling face when I left her in my bed this morning. She was naked and tangled in my sheets, her long dark hair spread across all the pillows. Last night was the first night since we got back that we had all night together.

  It took some persuasion on my part, but she finally agreed to use her damn key and meet me there when I got off work. I used every ounce of restraint I had to get through my conference call with a colleague on the west coast, knowing she was waiting at home.

  When I arrived and found her lounging on my patio reading, I couldn’t get to her quickly enough. There was no time for words as I lifted her in my arms and immediately took us to my bedroom. Finally, I had her in my house, in my bed, and I wasn’t wasting any time.

  I grin and adjust my cock, thinking about how she proved just as eager as me and we were both naked in under a minute. We fought for control, but in the end, I relented and let her take over. She crawled up my body, straddling me, and when she sunk down on my dick, I moaned in pleasure.

  Her face took on a whole new expression, knowing she had me under her spell. Slowly, she moved back and forth, bracing her hands on my chest. It was too much. She was teasing me, moving enough for me to feel every inch of her tight pussy clenching my cock. Every nerve in my body started buzzing as her eyes locked with mine.

  I had to force myself to breathe. She was the most breathtaking thing I’ve ever seen. She swiveled her hips a few times then finally lowered her naked body to mine, kissing me with so much love I had no choice but to roll us over and fuck to her until she was shouting my name.

  The look on her face plays over and over in my head as I reach for the bag Gail dropped on my desk. The black satin box falls out, and I open it to see the contents I had specially made for Bizzy.

  It’s perfect, exactly what I had in mind. I check my watch and see I have three hours before she has to be at work. Packing my laptop and shoving the contracts into my briefcase, I rush to get out the door. Gail laughs at me when I breeze past her desk and yell I’ll be available by cell.

  Tomorrow night can’t get here soon enough.

  “She seems different,” my mom states, referring to Bizzy who is currently in an animated conversation with my dad and Nick.

  They’re laughing at something, and she throws her hands in the air, her body leaning into Nick as they enjoy the joke.

  I stiffen and glance at my mom who is watching me closely. “Yes, she does,” I agree, trying to sound normal.

  “Rory said she met someone. Someone special.” She takes a sip of her wine, watching for a reaction.

  Bizzy already warned me she told her mom, and Rory and Tom were going to stay quiet until the game tomorrow. Then all bets were off. By the looks of my mom, she’s already figured it out.

  “Met someone, huh? Wonder if it’s that hockey player in Tampa that asked for her number?” Mathis joins us, intentionally riling me up.

  My blood runs cold as I glare at his daring smirk.

  “Oh! I hope so! He’s so cute. They’d make a great couple!” Mom chirps, nodding.

  “For fuck’s sake!” I growl and shove my brother in the gut.

  He grunts and lets out a loud howl, bringing all the attention to us. Bizzy looks at him with concern, then she sees the fire in my eyes and stills. Her smile starts to fade until I crook a finger at her to come, and she gulps the rest of her wine, walking over. Halfway to me, she fingers the necklace I placed on her last night. It’s a single chain choker with a diamond studded ‘B’ in the middle. Most people would assume it represents her name, but to me, it’s a symbol of my commitment.

  “About time,” my mom says a little too loudly, and my dad starts laughing.

  “Now?” she mouths at me and I nod, tagging her to my side. She folds into me and lays a hand on my chest, the other sliding around my waist.

  The whole group goes quiet, and Nick’s eyes grow wide. I brace, unsure of his reaction, and hear Bizzy’s breath hitch, her hand tightening on my hip.

  “I’ll be damned. I agree with Mom. It is about time,” is all he says, taking a long look at us.

  “What?” I’m confused by his remark.

  “You both suck at the secretive thing. I knew something was up the second you answered the phone last week in Tampa. My instincts kicked in. All suspicions were confirmed when I took one look at you both on Monday night. Do you think I’m an idiot? You had a blaze in your eyes that could only mean one thing. You were sending off some serious vibes.

  “And damn, Bizzy, I know you better than anyone. Don’t you think I can tell when something’s going on in your life? Give me some credit.”

  “Are you okay with this?” Her voice is small, and my heart starts to beat faster. His approval means a lot to her. I’d never really considered the off-chance he’d be upset.

  “Okay that you’re banging my brother?”

  “NICOLAS!” my mom admonishes, her voice screeching.

  Dad coughs to cover his laugh, and Mathis outright chuckles. Bizzy buries her head in my chest, obviously embarrassed.

  Nick ignores us and keeps his eyes on her. “To answer your question, no one will ever be good enough for you, but I guess my brother will do. So, yeah, I’m okay with this.”

  She relaxes, twisting to him. Even without seeing her expression, I know they exchange some sort of conversation without words. His face takes on a whole new look as it softens and a small grin forms.

  “Well, I personally am thrilled! Do I count?” my mom huffs, bringing all heads to her.

  “Of course you do, Mom.” I reach over and squeeze her shoulder. “But I had no doubt you’d be happy.”

  She likes my answer and curls into my other side, wrapping her arms around Bizzy and me.

  “So Shaw finally has a girlfriend?” my dad teases, taking a sip of his drink and eyeing me over the glass. I know that look; it’s telling me he’s happy, and also that he wasn’t fooled by our attempt to be sly.

  “Dad, I’m thirty years o
ld. Girlfriend sounds a little juvenile at this point, doesn’t it?”

  “What would you call it?” He’s challenging me to see what I’ll do.

  I remove the arm around my mom, lifting Bizzy’s chin up. There’s so much love and happiness on her face, my heart skips a beat. She gives me a small smile, waiting for my response.

  “I’d call it so much more. I’ve found the woman who makes my life worth living,” I say without reservation and watch her eyes transform into a stunning grey and start to glow.

  I bend and run my mouth over hers, wishing I could take her inside and prove how much I mean those words.

  “No fucking way! Quit that shit right now. I may be okay with this, but I never want to see or hear that corny ass shit again,” Nick hisses, shaking his head. “Just because I know about it, doesn’t mean I need to witness it.”

  My mom lets out a breathy sigh, but she seems to be the only one interested in my public declaration. Mathis looks horrified, and my dad raises his head to the sky, trying to hide his smirk.

  “Maria, would you like to help me in the kitchen? I think we should eat out here tonight. It’s a beautiful evening.” Bizzy steps away, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek and guiding my mom inside.

  I watch them disappear and turn back to see all eyes on me. Nick’s fun-loving attitude is gone, replaced with a glacial stare.

  “Don’t fucking hurt her, Crenshaw. She means the world to me.”

  Dad and Mathis visibly tense, watching us with concern.

  “Well, that’s one thing we have in common, because she means the world to me, too. I’d die before upsetting her. And you better get used to that because she may be your best friend, but she’s also now mine. I take care of her. It may be hard to accept, and I’ll give you that, but know this. Never worry about her with me. She’s now my number one priority.”

  “Glad to hear it. She deserves nothing less.”

  “If you two are done, let’s get to the good stuff.” Mathis shoves a glass of whiskey at me and a bottle of water to Nick.


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