
Home > Romance > Hotshot > Page 30
Hotshot Page 30

by Ahren Sanders

  “Not your problem. I wasn’t going to hide it. Let me go handle this. Call you later.” I disconnect and thank my driver then grab my laptop.

  She straightens and glares as I approach. Even with the distance, I can feel the anger radiating off of her.

  “Good morning, Sasha.” I greet her coolly. “Twice in two days you have shown up to surprise me.”

  “We need to talk.”

  “Is the baby okay?” My eyes drop to her stomach.

  “Yes, he’s fine.”

  I thumb through my calendar and see nothing on my schedule for the day. “Did I miss something? There’s nothing on my calendar.”

  “No, Ren, we don’t have anything planned today. I’m here to discuss something entirely different. Pretty sure you know what that is.”


  “I’d really prefer privacy to the public sidewalk. Have some class,” she clips.

  “Do you want to come up to my office?”

  “Where your nosy secretary can see and hear everything? Absolutely not.”

  “Well, why are you here?”

  “Tonight after work, I’d like to meet.”


  “Your place. I’ll be there by six.”

  “My place isn’t an option unless you can be civil to Bizzy.”

  Her eyes flare with raw hatred. “That’s never going to fucking happen.”

  “How about a restaurant?”

  “My place. Six. Don’t be late.”

  “Is this really necessary, Sasha? You’re right here. I’m here. We can go into one of my conference rooms if you feel more comfortable. I don’t see the need to drag this out. Say what you came to say and let’s move on.”

  “Move on?” She points a finger in my face, almost hissing. “You’ve embarrassed me for the last time. Tonight. Six o’clock.”

  Without another word, she turns on her heel and stalks away, leaving the stench of her perfume in the air.

  I text Bizzy on the way up to my office, briefly explaining the encounter, and telling her I’ll be home later than expected. I know she’ll want to discuss it, but with her mom at her apartment, it’s not the right time.

  I breeze into my office, giving Gail a half wave as I pass. She’s on the phone and shakes her finger at me in a disapproving way, which is unusual considering she has no idea of my morning so far. My phone dings for the hundredth time, but I ignore it, knowing in about five minutes, I’ll be immersed in a shitload of work.

  Once I remove my jacket and sit down, Gail rushes in with a stern look on her face.

  “Are you ignoring your emails?”

  “No, I’ve been busy. My morning went to shit about ten minutes ago. Sasha was downstairs waiting for me. I guess my ignoring her yesterday in the suite wasn’t enough to dissuade her. She insists we meet tonight at her place. Looks like the peace is over.”

  “I take it she’s seen the news?”

  “Not sure which outlet she saw. Could have been the fact that Bizzy jumped in Nick’s arms, flashing her ring to the entire world.”

  “It’s a hard ring to miss.”

  I smirk at the small joke.

  “Regardless, we need to get to work. Can you get PR up here by ten? I need them to field and vet the requests and see which ones we’ll work with. Also, I instructed Nick to refer all calls to the office.”

  “Consider it done. I’ve also cleared out most of the emails with generic responses. The ones left are your personal messages from clients and vendors.”


  “Shaw, I didn’t get a chance to tell you yesterday, but I’m very happy for you and Lizbeth. You’re perfect together and you both deserve a lifetime of happiness.”

  “That means a lot,” I tell her sincerely.

  “Sasha’s going to be upset, but it’s time everyone acts like adults. Don’t let her put a black cloud over your engagement.”

  “She’s not. I’ve finally found a balance of my love for Bizzy and my son. Sasha doesn’t factor into that anymore. I caved to her in weakness but never again.”

  “Well then, I think I’ve said enough.” She leaves, shutting the door behind her and giving me an approving smile through the glass.

  I set up my computer and get to work, completely forgetting about Sasha.

  When there’s no answer after the second time I knock, I feel a small sense of relief. Maybe she is stuck at work and didn’t text to let me know just to be a bitch. Either way, I’m glad to be off the hook.

  I decide to leave as the door cracks behind me. My heart falls to my feet when my eyes land on her. She’s outdone herself, even more than usual. Her hair and make-up are flawless, and the silk dress she’s wearing screams seduction.

  “What’s going on?” Instantly, I’m suspicious.

  “Come in.” She steps aside and motions for me to enter.

  My suspicions hit red alert levels when I notice a few candles lit around her living room.

  “What’s going on?” I repeat, turning to her. Before I can stop her, she grabs my hand and places it on the lower half of her stomach.

  My son chooses that second to kick, and I step closer, willing him to do it again. I’m so lost in the moment, I’m caught off-guard when Sasha’s lips land on mine, her free hand fisting in my hair.

  My stomach turns as I yank away and hurl back, almost falling over her sofa.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and spit, trying to get the taste of her lip gloss off me.

  Rejection washes over her, quickly turning into fury. Her eyes slit as she crosses her arms and glares at me. “Don’t act so disgusted. It’s not like you haven’t kissed me before.”

  “What am I doing here, Sasha? Why’d you insist on me coming here? Was it to try and seduce me?”

  “Please, don’t fucking flatter yourself. We got lost in the moment.”

  “There is no we! I don’t have moments with you.”

  “Bullshit! We are having a baby and you chose to defile my reputation. I warned you about this, Ren. I’ve been more than accommodating with your playboy ways and insistence we do this separately, but I draw the damn line with you proposing to another woman while I’m pregnant. Especially Lizbeth Hastings! She’s a bottom-leeching, nobody who has your entire family fooled. Look at her, for God’s sake! Don’t get me started on her public display of affection with your own brother yesterday on national television. It was pathetic. If you won’t wake up and see it, I’ll point it out. She won’t be around my child.”

  “You have no say in who I choose to marry, nor do you have a right to judge her and Nick’s relationship. It has nothing to do with you. And don’t ever insult her again. Your nasty jealousy of her has followed her throughout her life. I’m lucky she’s stuck by my side. If this is what was so important you demanded us meet, you’ve wasted your time and proceeded to piss me off royally. This was a mistake, Sasha.”

  “Jealous of her? You’re delusional.”

  “Then I suggest you find a way to get over your petty grudge against her from high school. We’re adults now, and it’s time to grow up and move on.”

  Her face reddens, and the room takes on a new chill. “She’ll always be the cancer girl who used her illness to gain sympathy. It’s sickening. I won’t subject my child to her level.”

  I’m done. This was a huge mistake, and I have to leave before I say things that can’t be retracted. This woman is aiming for ammunition to use against me, and it’s close to working. I start for the door, and she catches me by the arm, digging her nails in. Even through the fabric of my shirt, I feel the pinching of skin.

  “We were fine. Things were going well for us. I could see you coming around to accept this and even open your eyes to the possibility of us working things out.”

  “You mistook my kindness and deference. I love my son, and therefore would do anything for him, even if
that meant submitting to your demands. It was all for him. Don’t fool yourself into thinking it was anything more.”

  “That’s absolute bullshit! Things were going exactly as planned. With her gone, we were moving forward, building a foundation that would have eventually worked out. I saw the way you started to look at me. She should have taken the fucking job and stayed in North Carolina.”

  My body turns solid, struggling to see through the red haze as her words sink in. “What did you say?”

  She realizes her mistake too late.

  “What was going exactly as planned? And what the fuck do you know about Bizzy’s job offer?”

  “I did what I had to do to get you to see reason. You were being ridiculous, following her to Charlotte like a fool. Leaving your life and responsibilities behind. I knew once you found out we were having a boy, you’d change your tune.”

  “The sex of this child didn’t matter. I’ve always loved them.”

  “Well, lucky for me, once I knew it was a boy, I had more leverage, and it worked to my advantage. Getting you home was easier than I thought.”

  Once I knew it was a boy… replays over in my mind, and I start to shake.

  “Sasha, how did you know it was a boy? And what do you mean about getting me home?”

  We’re so close, I can see her pupils flare at the sharpness in my tone.

  “It doesn’t matter, Ren, because I’m giving you one last chance. Make a decision here and now.”

  “Bizzy is going to be my wife, and you need to learn how to deal with that.”

  “You’d choose her over your own son, because essentially, that’s what you’re doing.”

  “There is no choice. It was a period of weakness, me thinking I couldn’t have both, but I can and I will. This child will never feel unloved because I won’t allow it. He’s going to grow up in an environment where, hopefully, his parents can find it in themselves to hide their disdain for one another and put their differences aside. I’ll make sure of it.”

  I pry her fingers loose and finally reach the door. No more words are exchanged as I haul ass away from her.

  This time she’s gone too far and fucked with the wrong man. Her manipulation is over; she has no more control over me. And she’d better stay the hell away from Bizzy.

  Chapter 32


  I look around the condo and notice the door to the balcony open. That’s where I find Shaw sitting, with a half-empty bottle in one hand and a full tumbler in the other. He stares at the dark sky, still dressed in his suit pants and dress shirt from this morning. I’ve had a nagging feeling all day that something was wrong, knowing he had another appointment with Sasha.

  In the five weeks since he left her house, she has changed her attitude, no longer including Shaw in anything. Her calls and texts have stopped. There are no updates, and she refuses to answer his requests. He had to bring Caldwell back in the mix in order to get an update. Even then, it was a six-word email.

  The baby is fine. Progressing nicely.

  She’s switched her appointments without notifying him prior. She canceled all classes and rescinded his and his mother’s invitation to her baby showers. Basically, all ties are cut. Part of me wants to rejoice in celebration, but it’s hurting Shaw to miss so much at this point.

  “Hey, sweetheart.” I go to him quickly.

  He moves his arms, allowing room for me to sit. I wrap my arms around his neck and lean in to kiss him.

  “Babe,” is his only response.

  “What happened? Did she change her appointment again without telling you?”

  “Not this time. This time, she went straight for the jugular, hit me where she knew it would hurt. She asked for me to be removed from the room, claiming that my fiancée worked with cancer patients, and she was fearful of the possibility of me bringing germs into the room. She put on a good show for the nurse and sonographer, even shedding a few tears.

  “When I questioned the nurses about getting an update on the baby’s progress, I learned she still didn’t sign the form allowing me access. I tried to explain it was my money paying for all these extra ultrasounds and added tests Sasha’s requesting, but nothing worked.”

  “I’m so sorry.” My gut twists and tightens at the anguish in his voice. Guilt turns in my stomach. She’s using my career as a crutch to keep him away.

  “It’s not your fault. I called Caldwell, and he’s working on getting me an update on the baby’s progress, and an appointment with the doctor to hopefully see the most recent ultrasound pictures. I’d like to know what they’ve discussed for the birthing plan. He’s almost thirty-three weeks. It’s time to talk about options.”

  “Caldwell will make it happen,” I try to reassure him.

  “I know.” He drops his forehead to mine and takes a deep breath. “I just hope it happens before we leave on Wednesday. He’s going to contact a friend that’s a judge and request a petition, demanding Sasha give me access to the information pertaining to the baby only.”

  “That’s positive news.”

  “That’s about the only positive news. Caldwell finally had a break and discovered exactly what Sasha was up to, and it’s not pretty.”

  My heart stammers in my chest. We’ve been waiting for this information since the night Shaw walked in the door after his confrontation with her. Once he explained what she said, we both knew she had been planning something.

  “Tell me,” I urge him to continue.

  “Caldwell has a relationship with an investigator. This guy discovered that Sasha hired a Private Investigator shortly after I told her about us. She wanted to know everything, digging up your life and mine. When you left for Charlotte, she saw an opportunity and took it. It pushed her over the top when I followed you a few weeks later. That’s when she put her plan in place. According to records that may or may not have been legally obtained, Sasha actually knew the sex of the baby for weeks before we supposedly found out together. There’s a way to look at the genes and discover the gender through the blood tests with genetic testing. She knew the whole time. All of it was a giant game to her, watching to see how far I’d bend to her will. It must have pissed her off that I wasn’t back in Miami, so she made this elaborate story to lure me home. Needless to say, it worked.”

  “Wow, talk about manipulative. This is cunning, even for her.”

  “I’m an idiot for falling for it. Why didn’t I catch on?”

  “Let’s not go there, Shaw. You did what you thought was right.”

  “Yes, but the whole time, she continued to work behind the scenes. You received the job offer in Charlotte because her father offered a handsome donation to the hospital if they’d keep you.”

  “W-w-what?” I stammer, not believing what he’s said.

  “Yep. Good ole Claude Crane wanted his daughter happy, so somehow, he was able to influence them to offer you a position—one he never thought you’d reject.”

  “So they didn’t really want me?” I feel like I can’t breathe as it dawns on me. Even though I didn’t want to stay in Charlotte, it was nice to think they believed in me.

  “No, baby, they did want you. But Evie threatened her counterpart if she tried to steal you.” He kisses my shoulder, tightening the arm around my waist. “But the administrator made the offer based on the promise of a hefty endowment.”

  “What a bitch!” I move to wiggle away, needing to pace. This is over the top. How dare she fuck with my career?

  “I wish it hadn’t come to this, but we knew she was vindictive.” He’s barely holding in his rage, and I know it’s up to me to calm us both.

  I run my hands through his hair, as he’s done to me all these years, hoping it has the same effect. He avoids my eyes for a few minutes then focuses on me.

  “She’s not going to get away with this. I’m not sure how to go forward while she’s still pregnant, but as soon as the baby’s born, I’m taking everything to court.”
  “Okay,” I agree.

  “She’s not getting away with this,” he repeats, and I think it’s more for him than me.

  “What can I do?”

  “You’re doing it. Listening to me, holding me, loving me…That’s all I can ask for.”

  “It doesn’t seem like enough.”

  His eyes rise to mine, and their pain is crippling. When I thought I couldn’t hate her more, she continues to prove me wrong.

  “I may have some good news.” I try to sound cheery.

  “I need good news.”

  “Your mom came to the hospital and had lunch with me today.”

  “That’s not unusual.” He chuckles. “Did she want to try and change the menu again for the engagement party?”

  “Nope, she brought magazines for us to pick out baby furniture. I thought we could finally discuss the nursery, considering it’s a priority.”

  A light flickers in his eyes, and his lips start to twitch. “Nursery furniture?”

  I nod.

  “Did you find something you like? Something safe?” He leans down on each side of the chair, putting the bottle and the glass on the ground.

  I nod again, this time a bit more enthusiastically.

  “Get it. I trust you.” The familiar gleam starts to shine in his eyes.

  “Don’t you want to see it? Know what it costs?”

  “Nope, you have my credit card. Charge it and have it rushed. We’ll set up the room as soon as possible.”

  “That was simple,” I mutter, right as he starts to nibble a path along my earlobe and jawline.

  “Right now, I want to fuck my gorgeous fiancée.”

  “Now? I thought you were upset.”

  “I was, and then you swooped in and made everything better, like you always do. So now, I want to show you my appreciation. Right here on this balcony.”

  A delicious shiver runs down my spine, and I’m instantly turned on. My body sizzles with excitement. “Right here?”

  His hands skim up my sides, taking my top upward with them. “Right here. In the open. I want you to ride my cock until I make you scream. Would you like that?” His voice is husky and laced with raw sex appeal.


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