Lovers in law

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Lovers in law Page 10

by Exley Avis

  So often, I’ve picked up women in bars – gorgeous women who’ve made me hard with just one smile – but next morning I’ve been left disappointed and desperate to get away. Once the sexy dresses, lacy underwear and cosmetics are stripped off, what remains is far less exciting.

  A bit like unwrapping a beautifully packaged gift only to find it contains a pair of socks.

  But Allie wasn’t like that. She sighed softly in her sleep, her face scrubbed clean of make-up, her naked body stretched out contentedly under the sheet, totally devoid of anything artificial.

  And yet she was still achingly beautiful.

  I couldn’t imagine ever wanting to get dressed and run away from her in disappointment.

  In fact, I couldn’t imagine ever wanting to get dressed. Full stop.

  As if hearing me thinking about her, she opened her eyes, taking a second to remember where she was and then seeing me. She smiled – that soft, sweet, come-hither smile of hers – and, despite my hard-nosed lawyer reputation, I was a lost man.

  “Good morning,” she purred, stretching lazily and throwing one of those endless legs across my hips.

  “Actually, it’s three in the afternoon,” I said, allowing her to pull me closer. “We’ve been asleep for hours.”

  She began kissing the length of my arm, from wrist to shoulder, taking playful bites out of my collar bone before burying her face against my neck.

  “If I remember rightly, we had a very busy night,” she said, nibbling my ear. “We were both incredibly tired.”

  She was right. The sex had been mind-blowing. The best I’d ever had.

  From the moment we’d locked the door of the suite behind us, we’d been all over each other. Our mouths and hands unable to satisfy themselves, wanting everything, all at once.

  Allie had been unbelievable.

  Insatiable, demanding, aggressive and yet tender. Making me feel strong and powerful, and convincing me I was a god between her legs.

  Most of my one night stands ended up in my bed for one reason and one reason only – my satisfaction – and I put my own pleasure way ahead of theirs.

  But with Allie, I think I could have been satisfied just watching her come, over and over again.

  She was shameless about using my body to satisfy her own desires, greedy for my touch and ravenous for my cock.

  And yet she was generous in giving herself to me. She knew instinctively where I wanted to be touched; watched my face to see what I liked and what I loved; and gave me the most glorious, filthy, horny blow job I’ve ever had.

  Other women were like fast food, compared to Allie. One quick taste and then hungry for something else a couple of hours later. But Allie was a flavour to be appreciated slowly. She tantalised and teased me, ensuring I’d never get enough of her and was always left wanting more of the same.

  “You look thoughtful,” she said, pulling the blankets up close around us and snuggling in against my chest.

  I pulled her in tighter and wished we could stay in bed for the next week. She felt so good in my arms – rounded and soft and with a body that fitted the ridges and folds of mine so perfectly.

  “I was thinking how good you taste,” I said. “And how hungry I am.”

  “So am I,” she said, sitting up at the thought of food. “Let’s order pasta.”

  Technically, it was our breakfast time and I laughed. “Why pasta?”

  “Firstly, because…” She leaned down and kissed me, her tongue coaxing its way between my lips and I surrendered to her willingly. “…we ordered pasta in the wine bar before you kissed me in the doorway. I liked the way it tasted on your lips. It helped convince me that I needed to sleep with you.”

  It was a stupid reason but I didn’t care. “And secondly?” I prompted stroking that peachy arse of hers.

  The vivid memory of tumultuous anal sex in the bath made my cock stand to attention. After getting so hot and sweaty in bed, we’d ended up in the huge bath together, where we’d soaped and oiled one another until we were both slippery and ready for sex again.

  To my delight, Allie had turned that softly rounded arse toward me, handed me the bottle of oil and told me to help myself.

  I hadn’t needed any persuading.

  I’d oiled my cock and eased myself into her slowly, ever so slowly. Her pussy had been tight but watching my shaft disappear between those peachy cheeks had been my biggest turn on ever.

  I’m telling you, Allie Lawless had it all. Beautiful, intelligent and sexy. Not to mention breathtakingly creative and erotically adventurous between the sheets.

  This was a woman I could fall for – seriously fall for – and I dreaded the moment we’d have to put our clothes back on and face the outside world.

  Allie straddled my hips and took my cock in her hand. The soft, damp folds of her pussy rested against the base as she moved her hand up and down, her long red fingernails looking so sexy against my black pubes.

  “I’m also ordering pasta because I can eat it one handed and don’t have to let go of your beautiful cock for a minute,” she said.

  My laugh caught in my throat as she lifted up and lowered herself down onto me, engulfing my cock in her hot, pulsing pussy and making me forget completely about food. I reached for her but she grabbed my wrists and held them down on my chest.

  “I didn’t give you permission to touch,” she said, a night’s practice telling her exactly how she needed to move to make me come.

  And before you ask, I’m an equal opportunities employer in bed. I’ve never had a problem with strong, dominant women making the moves on my body. Every man needs a bit of punishment and control now and then, particularly when it’s being meted out by the hottest woman I’d met in a decade.

  I came breathlessly, calling her name, her pussy silky smooth around my throbbing cock as she orgasmed. She collapsed forward onto my chest, laughing throatily as if it was the best fun she’d ever had. Any woman who can make me come that hard and then have me laughing a second later, had to be someone special.

  “We seem to have missed out a few steps in this dating thing,” I said when I caught my breath, pulling the sheets up around her so she wouldn’t get cold. “I don’t really know a thing about you.”

  She downed the remnants of a glass of champagne and kissed me so I could taste it on her lips. “Okay. So what do you want to know?”


  She thought hard for a moment. “I have two older brothers – one’s a psychologist and the other works in the City,” she began. “I was captain of my school netball team…”

  “I bet you looked great in a gym kit.”

  “Don’t interrupt the witness.” She scowled and pretended to look fierce but it only made me laugh more. “When I was eleven, I broke my arm falling off my pony and I speak French and Italian fluently.”

  “Although you can’t say no in either language apparently.”

  “Well I don’t hear you complaining.” She propped herself up on one elbow and let the other hand trail across my chest, her fingertips learning its contours as well as driving me crazy. It hadn’t taken a clever woman like Allie long to work out how and where I loved to be touched. “Your turn,” she said. “Dish the dirt.”

  I took a deep breath. “My favourite dessert is tiramisu, preferably licked from the navel of a beautiful woman. But I’m allergic to oysters.”

  “Shame. They’re an aphrodisiac.”

  “Do you really think I need the help?” Whatever my shortcomings, a lack of sex drive wasn’t one of them. “When I was ten, I had my appendix out.”

  This sent Allie scurrying down the bed to check for the scar. When she found it hidden amongst my pubic hair, she kissed it better and then let her mouth roam along the inside of my thighs.

  “Go on,” she said, nibbling the skin of my balls while I tried to concentrate.

  “I love to ski but I’m useless at snooker. I’m just too impatient. I have three sisters – two older, one younger – and th
ey’ve always spoiled me rotten.” It was a well-used line but she fell for it all the same.

  “Do they know what a naughty boy you are?”

  “I doubt it. But even you haven’t seen my really bad side yet.”

  “Then I’m looking forward to it.” Her tongue licked up the centre of my exhausted cock and all the way across my chest to my shoulder. “Why do you pretend to be so terrifying?” she asked. “Everyone warned me off you.”

  “Because I’m a perfectionist.” I’d always been harder on myself than anyone. “When I was in pupilage, my pupilmaster was a bear of a man but it taught me to do everything right first time. I expect the same from everyone I work with.”

  “I hope I haven’t disappointed you so far.”

  The last few hours had been the most exciting I’d ever spent in bed with a woman. My only disappointment was that we had to vacate the room on Sunday evening.

  “You’re okay,” I said, feigning indifference and earning myself a sharp slap across my buttocks. I made a mental note to insult her more often.

  I stretched out my arm and Allie lay her head on my shoulder so she could curl up against me. It felt as though a missing piece of me had been restored and that I’d been waiting a long time for a woman like Allie to make me whole.

  I tutted at myself. A few hours of mind-blowing sex had turned me into a hopeless romantic.

  “Where do we go from here?” I asked suddenly, not realising I’d spoken until I heard the words out loud. “Do you want to see me again?”

  The trembling against my chest told me Allie was laughing. “I’m the woman. That’s supposed to be my line,” she said. She pretended to give the idea a great deal of thought. “But let me see. Do I want a second date with a man who is film-star gorgeous; has a body that would make a nun turn to sin; kisses like no one else I’ve ever met; defended my honour and got himself arrested; has the hugest, most beautiful cock I’ve ever seen and has spent the last few hours visiting mind-blowing orgasms on my eager body? I don’t know, Radford. That’s a tough question. What would you do?”

  It was my turn to laugh at myself. “Okay. I see your point.”

  “The real issue is, do we tell other people?” Allie asked. “Can we keep this quiet until the end of the case?”

  “I don’t see why not. Everyone will find out about my arrest. And they might jump to conclusions. But no one need know there’s anything more going on.”

  “I quite like the idea of being your dirty, little secret.”

  So did I to tell you the truth. I’m not proud to admit that I’ve had affairs with a couple of married women and there’s nothing like a bit of clandestine sex to ramp up the excitement levels.

  Not that Allie needed to try any harder to keep me interested.

  “There’s no point in antagonising Daniel Greene though,” I said. “We need to be discreet for the next couple of months. Even though it’ll be impossible to keep my hands off you.”

  “Not if I step down from the case.”

  “What?” The thought of losing her sent me into a panic, both professionally and personally. “You can’t!”

  Allie felt me tense against her and sat up. “I’ve been thinking that me giving up is the most sensible way out,” she said although she’d never convince me of it. “Mike can back you in court and I’ll do any extra research from my office. That way, I don’t have to see Daniel again and we won’t give ourselves away.”

  “But having you in court with me doubles our chances of success.” This wasn’t an exaggeration. The case had become watertight since Allie’s involvement and her leaving would pull the plug.

  She was adamant, however. “I was a big enough distraction before we ended up in bed together. It’ll be even worse after this. We can’t possibly work together.”

  Disappointment rushed in on me, quickly followed by guilt. “I can’t let you do it. This was your way into a partnership. You have everything resting on it.”

  “Which is exactly why I said I didn’t want to get involved with you,” she reminded me. “Business and pleasure never mix.” Seeing my stricken expression she rushed to reassure me. “I’m not blaming you,” she said. “It’s as much my fault.”

  This was one thing I couldn’t disagree with. “It was completely your fault. You started it. You kissed me first.”

  “Only because you’re so insanely good looking.” She feigned anger. “You didn’t play fair.”

  “Neither did you. How was I supposed to resist a sexy woman who went to dinner without her underwear?”

  “Serves you right for looking at my bum.”

  “Would you mind if I did it again?”

  Without waiting for an answer, I flipped a laughing Allie over and held her down on the bed while I kissed every bone down her spine. She struggled half heartedly, giggling too much to make a proper attempt at escape, while I licked and bit my way around that perfect arse of hers.

  Who needed pasta when peaches were on the menu?

  “Don’t stop,” she sighed, eventually surrendering and stretching out languorously. “Even if we don’t see each other during the day, I give you my full permission to do this every single night.”

  “If that’s an offer of settlement, I think I could recommend it to my client,” I said.

  Her thighs parted automatically so I could slide my fingers down and into her pussy. I groaned when I found it ripe and ready for sex again. She’d tasted so good on the stool in her kitchen and there hadn’t been chance since to give her succulent sex the attention it deserved.

  Perhaps it was time for her to find out exactly what my silver tongue was capable of.

  “I might need to attach some conditions to the settlement though,” I went on, turning her onto her back and spreading her legs wide so I could admire the sex-glossed outlines of her pussy. She lay there without embarrassment, displaying herself to me, well aware that I was already a willing slave to that part of her anatomy and loving the power it gave her over me. “If I agree to only seeing you in the evenings, I shall expect to find you naked in my bed every time I come home.”

  “That’s reasonable, in the circumstances,” she conceded.

  “And, at weekends, I’ll expect a full forty-eight hours of nudity, including complete compliance with all of my sexual demands.”

  As my mouth drew closer to her pussy she put her hand in the way, denying me access. “That, I’m afraid, is still open for negotiation,” she said. “I can’t possibly agree unless I know exactly what those demands involve.”

  “Then why not give me the next twenty-four more hours to make full disclosure?”

  Allie’s hand slid back up across her sex, her finger lingering very deliberately on her clit and driving me insane. “I’m expecting in-depth oral testimony,” she warned.

  What else could I do?

  My tongue washed up through her luscious groove and circled her clit. Allie cried out in rapture and put her hands either side of my face, drawing me in closer.

  And like the well-trained lawyer I am, I began explaining everything to her in minute detail.

  The next twenty-four hours passed in a blur of hot mouths on even hotter bodies, colossal orgasms and sex in every position the suite allowed.

  We drank another three bottles of champagne. Allie ate pasta with one hand wanking my cock. I spread tiramisu across her belly and breasts and made her come when I licked it off.

  By the time we finally got dressed on Sunday evening, even we were exhausted and ready to collapse into our own beds alone.

  “This has been the most incredible weekend I’ve ever spent,” I told her, zipping up her dress, devastated at having to cover up that gorgeous body. “Thank you.”

  Allie began fastening the buttons of my crumpled shirt. “Believe me, the pleasure’s been all mine. Give me your card and I might send you a brief sometime soon. What did you say your name was again?”

  “Witch! If I remember rightly, all this started because you turned up to
dinner without any briefs. Determined to lead me astray and have your wicked way with me.” She slid her arms around my neck and stroked my cheek. “I need a shave,” I apologised.

  “No you don’t. A shaved pussy and an unshaven chin are the best combination in the world. If we’re still adding conditions to that settlement, I don’t want you shaving at weekends.”

  “Hopefully I won’t have the time.” I kissed her, wanting to hang on to the fantasy we’d created in the hotel room that weekend, imprinting the memory of her lips upon my mouth. An hour from now, I was sure my arms would ache for the shape of her and I grasped onto every last second together.

  “We should go,” she said, her voice shot through with reluctance. “I’m exhausted and I need a good night’s sleep.”

  “I want to see you home. For all we know, Daniel Greene could be waiting for you.”

  I could see she wanted to argue but common sense took hold and she agreed. We walked outside to find a taxi but I didn’t let her hand go for a second. As long as I was touching her, I felt calm and knew she was safe.

  The taxi dropped us outside her flat and I told it to wait, following her upstairs and seeing her safely inside. She hadn’t picked up her messages all weekend because her phone battery had died and she plugged her mobile in to charge. Message alerts came up immediately.

  “Check them while I’m here,” I told her. “Just in case there’s a problem.”

  “A couple from girlfriends,” she said, reading each one in turn. “And one from Mike letting me know he’s back at work tomorrow.”

  She sent him a quick text, saying she’d catch up with him over coffee the next day. Then her beautiful features clouded over as she read the last message.

  “It’s from the senior partner.” She checked the details. “He sent it on Saturday morning. He wants to see me at eight o’clock tomorrow.”

  It didn’t sound good but I couldn’t worry her any more than she was already. “They only want to get your side of the story,” I told her. “I bet Greene’s been on to them already. Don’t give it a second thought.”


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