Of Wolves and Men

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Of Wolves and Men Page 32

by Barry Lopez

  Adams, John, 142

  adaptability, 13, 15, 21, 291

  admiration for wolf, 28-29, 85-86, 104, 114, 163, 166, 169, 257

  Adventures in Error (Stefansson), 70

  Aelian, 221

  Aeneid (Vergil), 272

  Aesop’s fables, 217, 248, 250, 251, 253, 254, 254m-56m, 255, 260. See also individual titles

  agricultural vs. hunting views of wolf, 102, 233

  Ahgook, Robert, 60, 80-81

  Ahtena, 109

  Ailbe, Saint (bishop of Emily), 246m

  Alaska, 1-3, 13, 18, 19, 21, 25, 26, 30, 37, 60, 66, 72, 79, 99, 143, 159-60, 162-63, 195, 224

  Alberta, Canada, 99, 194, 290

  Albertus Magnus, 219, 222

  Albigenses, The (Maturin), 268

  albino wolf, 21

  Allen, Durward, 39

  Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, 289-90

  alpha animals, 31-32, 33, 44, 49, 52, 90

  Alphouns, 230

  amaguk, 79, 87-88

  Amala and Kamala, 245-47

  American Fur Trading Company, 177

  Andean wolf, 17-18

  Andersen, Peter, 237

  Angur-boda, 274, 275

  Animal Master, 90-91, 93, 132

  animal trials, 145

  annual cycle of wolf pack, 36-37

  antelope, 59, 99, 105, 195, 269

  Anthus family, 205-6

  Apollo, 210, 271-72

  Arapaho, 105

  Arcadia, 205-6, 231

  Ankara, 105

  Aristotle, 215-16, 219, 271

  Arizona, 290

  Asia, wolves in, 14, 291

  Asian wolf, 13m, 15

  Assiniboin, 99, 115

  attacks on men. See man, as prey

  autistic children, 244, 246

  “Autumn at Taos” (Lawrence), 268

  Avianus, 253, 254

  Babrius, 253, 254

  Bailey, Vernon, 189

  balsam root, 117

  barking, 39-40, 42

  Barthe, Angela de la, 228

  Bartholomew of England, 221, 222

  battues, 149, 171

  Bauterne, Antoine de, 70

  Bear in the Flat, 104

  bears, 27, 67, 69, 81, 87, 104, 289

  beast epics, 258-59

  “beast machine,” 147, 255, 258

  beasts of Gévaudan. See Gévaudan, beasts of

  beaver, 54, 177, 177m

  behavior. See specific types

  behavior, evolution of, 81

  Bella Coola, 4, 104, 106, 121

  Beowulf, 141

  Berekhiah ha-Nakdan, 253

  berkuts. See eagles hunting wolves

  Bernheimer, Richard, 229

  Berserker, 230, 234

  bestiaries, 205, 216, 217, 219-21, 257

  Beston, Henry, 248, 249, 284

  beta animals, 34

  Bettelheim, Bruno, 264-66

  Bewick, Thomas, 255-57

  Bible, wolf in, 141, 184, 210, 214, 218, 226, 240

  Bidpai, 253

  Billings (Canadian hunter), 176

  biological sciences, 3, 16, 224, 288, 289, 290-91, 293

  as metaphor, 77-78, 79-80

  as tool, 284

  Cartesian dualism in, 258

  cf. Nunamiut perceptions, 78-85, 291

  research affected by wolf killing in, 72

  Bird Shirt, 106-8

  Bisclavret (Marie de France), 235

  Blackfeet, 117m, 123, 124, 269

  Black Plague, 208

  “Black Wolf and His Fathers,” 269

  black wolves, 21, 22, 66, 83

  Blackwood, Algernon, 268

  Blanca, 192-93

  Blind Bull, 103

  Blue Mountains, 288

  Bond, James, 164-65

  Boone and Crockett Club, 163

  bounties, 151, 158, 187, 194-95

  fraud and, 188-89, 198

  hunting for, 25m, 165, 168, 179-87, 184, 186-87

  laws, 171-72, 181-83

  on dogs, 173m

  paid, 182-83

  Bowstring men, 118

  breeding, 26, 31-33

  Bridger, Jim, 177m

  British Columbia, 25, 30, 194, 195, 290

  British Columbia wolf, 21

  British Isles, 13, 147, 171, 172, 208, 236, 236m, 239, 246m

  Browning, Robert, 268

  buffalo, 54, 55m, 58, 60, 96, 99, 174, 177, 179

  Burgot, Pierre, 241

  Byron, George Gordon, 225

  bystander phenomenon, 62

  caching, 63

  Caddo, 105

  Call of the Wild (London), 269

  Cambrensis, Giraldus, 236m

  Campbell, Joseph, 5

  Canada, 13, 15, 21, 25, 30, 58, 70, 71m, 88, 93, 99, 194-95

  Canidae, 17

  Canis (wolf ancestor), 17

  Cape hunting dog, 18, 39

  Captive Girl Ceremony, 132

  captive wolves, 151, 152, 184

  behavior in, 29, 32-33, 41-43

  and dogs, 69

  extrasensory communication in, 50-51

  feeding habits of, 41, 95, 96

  as gene pool, 16

  red wolves as, 279-83

  scapegoat animal among, 52

  training eagles to hunt with, 156

  vocalization among, 39

  caribou, 4, 67, 101, 194

  as Naskapi prey, 88-93

  as sacred meat, 90, 93

  as wolf prey, 3, 54, 58, 59, 60-61, 85

  Caribou House, 93, 123

  Carpenter, Edmund, 87

  Carpenter, Louis, 119

  Carson, Lawrence, 163

  Cartesian dualism, 258

  Cascade Mountains wolf, 13m, 21

  Cather, Willa, 268

  cattle, 138, 181, 273. See also livestock industry

  Caxton, William, 254

  Caywood, Bill, 187-88

  chase, 25, 60-61, 84

  chase-without-death, 101

  Chaucer, Geoffrey, 225

  Cherokee, 105, 109

  Chesterton, G. K., 252

  Cheyenne, 103, 105, 113

  Cheyenne Wolf Soldiers, 115-20

  children’s literature, 250-51

  China, 13

  Chinese wolf, 13m; 15

  coat. See pelage

  cognitive mapping, 48-49

  coins with wolf image, 272

  Collectanea rerum memorabilium (Solinus), 216

  color, 4, 10, 21-24, 83

  Colorado, 187, 188

  communal care of pups, 35-36

  communication, systems of, 4, 24, 38-52. See also specific types of

  conservation of energy, 60, 60-61, 89

  “conversation of death,” 62, 94-95

  copulatory tie, 26, 196

  Corbin, Ben, 184-86

  Courtaud, 149-50

  Cowan, Ian MacTaggart, 16

  “cowardice” of wolves, 147–18, 175-76, 184m

  coyotes, 14, 17, 67, 69, 196

  Cree, 99, 124

  Crisler, Lois, 152

  Crow, 106, 110, 110m-111m, 113, 118

  Curnow, Edward, 181

  Curran, James, 70

  Currumpaw Wolf, 192-93

  Custer, George Armstrong, 154

  Dakotas, 168

  Dall sheep, 54, 195

  Dante, 205

  Danube River Valley, 14

  death, appropriateness of, 95

  deer, 55, 59, 99, 101, 159, 195

  Defoe, Daniel, 268

  Delphi, bronze wolf at, 272

  den raiding, 185, 188, 191, 197

  dens, 10, 27, 82, 85

  deodants, law of, 46

  Department of Fish and Wildlife, 288

  Descartes, René, 147, 254-55, 258

  description, physical, of wolves, 18-26

  “Destruction of Sennacherib, The” (Byron), 225

  Deucalion’s flood, 231

  Devil, the, 140, 145, 204, 209, 210, 213, 221, 225, 234, 236, 238, 239, 240, 241
br />   Devil’s dog, 239

  diet, 54-55

  digestion, 53-54

  dingo, 17

  dire wolf, 17

  diseases, 29-30

  named after wolf, 216m

  dispersal, 13, 16, 36, 64–65

  distances traveled, 4, 25, 25m

  distribution, 12-14

  Divina commedia (Dante), 205

  Dodge, Colonel Richard, 176

  “Dog and the Wolf, The” (Aesop), 254m, 257

  dogs, 17, 69, 197, 209

  bounty on, 173m

  coursing with, 153-54, 156, 168, 172 feral, 14, 69, 150, 172-73, 197

  as prey, 2, 69

  in tales, 110-11m, 261

  cf. wolf, 19, 26, 52

  dogs of the Death Spirit, 273

  dog-wolf hybrids, 69, 71, 110m

  domestic stock, 94-95, 181, 223m

  attitudes toward, 138, 181, 184-85, 190, 266, 273

  lack of prey signals in, 94-95

  in Middle Ages, 208

  by outlaw wolves, 191-92

  predation on, 146, 150, 171-73, 182

  See also cattle; livestock industry dominance behavior, 47

  dominant/submissive relationship, 44-45

  Down’s syndrome, 227

  Duchess of Malfi (Webster), 268

  ducks, 37, 54

  eagles, 62

  hunting wolves, 155-56

  east, direction of wolf, 102, 268

  Eckles, Richard, 272

  ecological relationships, 10, 63, 67-73, 104.

  See also individual animals

  Eddas (Icelandic sagas), 210

  Edgar of England, 147, 208, 239

  Edmund, Saint, 205, 206

  elusiveness, 65-66, 100

  encyclopedias, 206, 221-23

  Endangered Species Act, 152, 198, 289

  Endore, Guy, 267

  endurance, 25m

  Ericsson, Leif, 277

  Eskimos, 38, 113, 123

  killing wolves, 109

  perceptions, 82, 87

  on predation, 181

  as prey, 69

  See also Nunamiut etymological associations,

  wolf and light, 209-10, 272

  Europe, 13, 30, 70, 72, 147, 149-50, 154, 155, 156, 171, 228, 237, 239, 291. See also individual countries; Middle Ages

  European wolf, 15, 19

  evolution, 16-17

  extinction, 14, 16, 134

  extinct populations, 13, 14

  extrasensory communication, 50-51

  fables, 226, 251-57, 258, 254m-56m. See also individual titles

  fabulists, 251-57

  facial gestures, 44-47

  fairytales, 251, 263-66

  Falkland wolf, 18

  Faustulus, 242

  feeding habits, 29, 41, 53-55

  female wolves, 22-23, 32-33, 33m, 39, 40, 49, 66-67, 82, 83, 100, 192-93

  Fenris, 210, 274, 274-75, 276

  feral children. See wolf children

  fiction, wolves in, 267-70

  Field and Stream magazine, 144, 186

  fighting, 10, 27, 51-52, 66, 100

  Finland, 72

  “Firebird, The,” 261

  Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S., 290

  fishing, 54

  Flatheads, 100

  folk beliefs, 29, 216, 223, 223m, 229

  in bestiaries, 205, 219, 220-21

  in encyclopedias, 206, 222

  about werewolves, 236-37

  See also plants associated with wolves; medicine, wolf parts as

  folklore, 121, 145, 214, 220m, 291, 292 folk rhymes, 210

  folktales, 110m-11m, 261-63, 269. See also individual titles

  food sharing, 3, 29

  footpads, 20

  fox, 63, 67, 69

  fox, and wolf, in fable, 256, 259-61

  France, 150, 240, 245, 258, 259, 264

  idioms, 219, 220m

  werewolves in, 235, 241

  Francis, Saint, 212, 214

  Freki, 273

  Freud, Sigmund, 267

  Freudian associations, 26

  friendliness among wolves, 28, 37

  Fromm, Erich, 266

  fur, 19, 108. See also pelage

  “Gabriel-Ernest” (Saki), 268

  gait, 9, 24

  Galen, 215

  games. See play

  games named for wolf, 113

  Garland, Hamlin, 268

  Garnier, Giles, 240-41

  geese and wolf folktale, 263

  Gelert, folktale of, 261

  generosity in wolves, 29

  George, Saint, 223m

  Geri, 273

  Germany, 13, 150, 225, 240

  gestation, 26, 215

  Gévaudan, beasts of, 70-71

  Ghost Head, 112

  Gibson, James, 87

  Glacier National Park, 13

  glandular secretions, 49-50

  Gleipnir, 275

  Goldman, Edward, 14, 223, 290

  gold rushes, 178, 180

  Goldstream Valley, 2

  gorging, 53

  Götterdämmerung, 210, 275-76

  government hunters, 187-88, 189-92, 193-94

  gray wolf, 289, 290

  Great Britain. See British Isles

  Great Plains wolf, 13m, 134, 175-80

  Greece, 205-6, 231, 271-73

  Greenland wolf, 13m

  greeting, 12

  Grenier, Jean, 241, 243-44

  Grey, Zane, 193

  Grimm, Jacob, 221, 261, 264

  Grinnell, George Bird, 179

  growling, 40

  Gubbio, wolf of, 212, 214

  Gubser, Nicholas, 80

  Haida legends, 92m

  Hall, Edward T., 82

  Hammond, Jay, 144

  Haqibana, 105

  Ha-sass, 130

  Hati, 274, 275

  hearing range, 43

  Henriksen, Georg, 88

  Henrie, Captain Dan, 176-77

  heretics, 238

  Herodotus, 233

  Hesitant Wolf and Scrupulous Fox (Kennerly), 226

  Hidatsa, 104, 106, 112

  wolf bundle transfer rite, 133

  Histoires ou contes du temps passé (Perrault), 250

  History of the Goths (O. Magnus), 234

  Hitler, Adolf, 225

  Hobbes, Thomas, 258

  homeopathic imitation, 104, 106-8

  Hopi Snake Dance, 128

  Hornaday, William T., 184m

  horses, 94, 124, 179, 220

  hour of the wolf, 209

  howling, 11-12, 27, 38-39, 40, 41, 42, 280

  descriptions of, 11-12, 39, 39m

  frequency of, 10, 81

  in myths, 115-17, 231, 275

  and native Americans, 38, 85, 103, 112, 129, 209

  responses to, 156, 175

  Huidekoper, Wallis, 190


  aerial, 3, 140, 144, 159-60, 162, 165, 166, 197-98

  big game, 139, 164-65, 194, 195, 288 buffalo, 55m, 96, 177, 268

  coursing, 153-54, 168, 172

  government hunters, 187-88, 189-92, 193-94

  predator control, 139, 141, 148m-49m, 169, 171-74, 181-83, 288

  recreational killings, 151, 152

  righteousness of killing wolves, 140, 141, 142, 144, 146, 161-63

  sport hunting, 153-66

  torture, 139-40, 152, 196

  traps, 108-9, 172, 189, 190-91, 192

  wolfers, 155, 168, 178-80, 184-85, 186 See also killing of wolves; trappers; wolfing

  hunting as a sacred activity, 91-92, 93-96

  hunting by wolves, 3, 36, 38, 55-63, 93-96, 222

  hunting methods

  Naskapi, 88-89

  native American/wolf correspondences, 99

  Nunamiut, 82-83

  hybrid swarm, 14

  Icelandic sagas, 234

  Idaho, 288, 290

  idioms, 208, 209, 219, 220m, 221, 226

  imitation of wolves, 85, 101, 104, 105, 106-8, 110, 111-12, 118, 129,

  “In Defense of Raymond Sebond” (Montaigne), 258

  India, 19, 245

  Indians. See native Americans

  initiation ceremonies, 129-32

  injuries, 10, 30

  Inquisition, 206, 208, 219, 238-39

  interactions with other animals. See individual animals

  interbreeding, among subspecies, 14–16

  intuition, 284

  Ireland, 236, 236m, 246m

  Isengrim the wolf, 250, 259. See also Ysen-grimus

  Isidore of Seville, 218

  Isle Royale, Lake Superior, 13, 25, 64, 72

  Italy, 13

  Itard, Jean, 244, 245

  “Ivan Ivanovitch” (Browning), 268

  jackals, 17, 253, 273

  Jamestown, Va., 171

  Japan, 14

  jaws, crushing power of, 26

  Jeffers, Robinson, 268-69

  John Jay River, 288

  Johnson, Eugene, 224

  Jungle Stories (Kipling), 267

  Kamala, 245–47

  Kendrick, Senator John B., 148m–49m

  Kennerly, Karen, 226

  Key to Animals on which Wolf and Coyote Bounties are Paid (Bailey), 189

  killing of wolves

  on federal land, 187, 190-94

  on Great Plains, 177-81

  methods of, 108-9, 139, 155, 157, 190-93, 196

  in Middle Ages, 239

  by native Americans, 108-9

  reasons for, 138-52

  rites of atonement for, 109

  after war, 150

  See also battues; den raiding; hunting; poisoning; predator control; strychnine; trappers; wolfing

  Kills in the Night, 110

  Kinnell, Galway, 268

  Kiowa, 118

  Kipling, Rudyard, 267

  Kleinfeld, Judith, 82

  Klukwalle (Makah ceremony), 129

  Krilov, Ivan, 252, 253, 257

  Kruuk, Hans, 56

  Kwakiutl, 109, 130

  La Fontaine, Jean de, 250, 253, 254-55, 257, 258

  Lai du Bisclavret (Marie de France), 235-36

  Larsen, Wolf, 269

  Laugher, 124-28

  Lawrence, D. H., 268

  legends, 4, 92m, 103, 133m, 210

  Leto, 271

  Lewis, Meriwether, 174

  lex talionis, 145

  “light” and “wolf”, 209-10, 219, 272

  literature, wolves in, 205, 267-70

  litter size, 27-28

  Little Red Riding Hood, 206, 250, 251, 263-66, 265, 267

  Little Wolf, 120

  Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, The (Plutarch), 242

  livestock industry, 180, 181, 185-86, 195, 288, 291

  in Montana, 181-83

  Llewelyn, Prince, 261

  Loki, 210, 273, 274, 275, 276

  London, Jack, 269-70

  lone wolves, 13, 16, 38, 60, 64, 65, 105

  longevity, 29

  Lorenz, Konrad, 29


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