Billionaire's Nanny (A Billionaire Romance)

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Billionaire's Nanny (A Billionaire Romance) Page 109

by Alexa Davis

  When he pulled away, I felt disappointed until lips moved further down me and I got more unexpected flutters from my stomach. I didn’t think that was an erogenous zone, but with Adam’s lips, it sparked electricity all over me. The nearer he got to my core, the more intense the sensations became. The moment his mouth ran along the edge of my panties I felt about ready to explode

  “Oh God, Adam,” I moaned with my head lolling to one side. “This is too much…”

  He tugged my underwear down, yanking them off my body as if they were the most inconvenient item of clothing in the world – a sensation that I wholeheartedly agreed with, and he continued to kiss…but not quite where I wanted him. His mouth moved along the bottom of my stomach, at the top of my thighs, everywhere but where I yearned for him, teasing me to the point where I feared I might scream in frustration and need.

  “You want this?” Adam asked, his breath tickling me all over. I nodded. “Say it. I need to hear you say it.”

  “I want this,” I groaned back.

  He hooked his hand under my thigh and flung my leg over his shoulder, giving himself full access to me. I gripped tighter to the shelf above me and squeezed my eyes closed so all I could feel were the sensations he was giving me.

  It started with a finger sliding between my folds, but it quickly became two. I was so hot and wet, and Adam didn’t have any trouble turning me on further. He plunged his fingers in and out of me at a pace that got increasingly rapid by the second.

  Then, just as I settled in to the rhythm of what he was doing to me, he moved his mouth in. My legs were spread so wide that he could easily cover every inch of my clit with his tongue. It was too much, I’d never been flooded with so much intense thrill all in one go, I wasn’t sure that I could contain myself.

  “Fuck, Adam,” I screamed so loudly that all the neighbors could probably hear. “Oh God, it feels… It’s too…” I gasped, my breaths came out hard and fast, my lungs felt ragged and raw. He had all of me, and I was putty in his hands. I needed all of him. “Stop,” I begged. “Stop I need you.”

  He whipped himself away from me and he span me around until my front was pressed up against the wall. The way he took control over me felt awesome, it excited me even further. I fell against the wall and allowed his fingers to explore me from behind. But only for a moment because I wanted more.

  “Adam,” I breathed out as loudly as I could manage. “Oh, Adam, I need you to fuck me.”

  His hips crashed into mine as he filled me up. His moans of excitement from behind me grabbed onto my heart and made it throb hard and fast. As his impatient thrusts grew harder and faster and his fingers travelled around to my front so he could play with my clit while he fucked me, I tossed my head back in sheer bliss.

  This was where I wanted to spend not only New Year’s Eve, but the next year, with this man who opened up my body and showed me a pleasure that I didn’t even know was possible. I pushed my butt out, giving him better access to me, and pressed my flat palms up against the wall to hold me upright. My knees were knocking together, my legs jellifying, but I could just about keep myself standing.

  “Oh, Lindsey, you are…you are… I…”

  I wanted to know where that sentence was headed, but I’d lost too much of myself to ask that question. My head spun, I was dizzy and full of a boiling, bubbling bliss that had complete control of me. There was a small rational part of me that knew whatever Adam wanted to say to me was important, and I needed to know what that was, but it would have to wait until later. Right now there was a pressure building and I couldn’t think about anything else.

  “Oh shit.”

  As the pleasure crashed over me in waves, it was too much. I pushed back off the wall and collapsed into Adam’s body so he could hold me while the bliss claimed me. That allowed his hands to flick over my clit harder and faster which caused the bliss to last a whole lot longer. Too long. There was nothing left of me afterwards.

  Sensing that, Adam picked me up and placed me gently on the bed before he slid back into me for his own pleasure. He thrust slower this time, staring at me as if I was the most beautiful woman alive as he did. Then I wanted to ask him what he was trying to say earlier, I even parted my lips to do so, but before any actual words could leave my mouth, he crashed his lips into mine, kissing me so that I could swallow up his screams as an orgasm claimed him, too. He bucked and writhed, caving to the bliss so I focused on holding him tight.

  When we lay in each other’s arms afterwards, the fog in my brain ensured that I forgot all about it because I was so drained, so I didn’t ask then either. The timing was all wrong; it was just one of those things that I wouldn’t know.

  At least not for a while, anyway.

  Chapter Thirty-One



  “Will you just answer your phone?” I grumbled sleepily to Lindsey, who I could still feel in my arms, snuggling into me and making me warm. “It’s driving me nuts.”

  “I have something to tell you…it’s your phone.” She sounded about as sleepy as me, but there was some truth to her words. Now that I was really listening to it, it was my phone.

  “Urgh.” I patted the bedside cabinet next to me without even opening my eyes and I eventually found my cell phone. I peered just enough to see the green button. “Hello?”

  “Hiya, Adam, it’s Mom.” Oh God, I already knew I wasn’t going to like this. I could just tell from the tone in Mom’s voice. “Are you alright? Is this a good time?”

  I found myself silenced for a moment as a pair of lips snaked over my neck. I didn’t mean to wake Lindsey up, but I didn’t mind if it was going to be this sort of wake up call.

  “Erm, yeah. What’s going on, Mom?” I reached behind me and ran a hand over Lindsey’s curves, which made my heart beat so much faster. “Everything alright?”

  “Oh, yeah. Happy New Year, by the way. I did try to call you last night, but of course, I couldn’t get through. You know how the phone lines are. Always tied up.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I tried to call you, too,” I lied guiltily. “Happy New Year.”

  “We are having our usually family dinner today, I know things are a little…off at the moment, but since things went so well at Christmas, it could be good, couldn’t it?”

  I was hardly listening to her words anymore, Lindsey’s hands were creeping up and down my body and her mouth was driving me crazy. If I didn’t spin around in a moment and completely devour her, I was going to explode.

  “Yeah, sure, why not?” I answered with ease. “New Year meal. Sounds good.”

  “You’ll bring Lindsey, won’t you?” Mom liked her so much, it made Lindsey even more attractive to me. “Will she want to come? We all want to see her after Christmas.”

  “I’m sure she’ll want to come along.” Oh God, it was getting too much. Even my breaths were coming out labored and fast now. “I’ll ask her when I get a chance.”

  “I’ll cook it for six, does that suit you?”

  Anything to get her off the phone, Lindsey’s hands were everywhere now. “Yep, see you at six, Mom. Sounds great. I’ve, erm… I’ve got to go, see you later.”

  I hung up the phone before she could say any more and flipped over to face Lindsey. I growled and rubbed my nose against her as the fire ignited deeply within me. My fingers grasped up into her hair and held her head close to mine for just a moment.

  “What was that about?” she asked me softly while sliding her eyes closed and practically purring. “Some form of dinner? It sounds like one that I’m invited to.”

  “Yeah, you are. More time with the family… Sorry about that.”

  “Urgh, I suppose I can put up with it.” She smiled brightly. “Your family is okay. I know you have your problems with them, but they aren’t that bad, are they?”

  I didn’t answer that. It wasn’t worth getting into. Instead, I wrapped my arms tightly around her and yanked her body closer to mine. As she molded into me and threw one of h
er thighs over my legs, I felt that spark of excitement bursting through my body. I needed her. I didn’t want to think about my family anymore. It was a brand new year. I could go to them with a brand new attitude.

  Right now, I wanted to focus only on Lindsey.

  I brought my lips down to hers and kissed her hard. My cock sprang to life between us which made her giggle and squeal excitedly. Something else that I had brand new was Lindsey. I certainly didn’t think I would be starting the New Year with someone so amazing in my arms, but that was exactly what had happened.


  I didn’t feel ready for this meal, despite the fact that I’d had all day to prepare for it. Granted I wasn’t quite as nervous as I was just before Christmas, but I wasn’t quite as secure as Mom and Lindsey that all was going to go well, either.

  “Did you have a good night last night?” my father asked me warmly across the dinner table. “What did the two of you get up to?”

  I was taken aback, never had he cared even once about my whereabouts. I’d always been nothing more than a disappointment to him and it seemed that the less he knew about me the better. But now, he wanted to know what I got up to at New Year, and that had to be because of Lindsey. I gave her a warm smile before I opened my mouth to answer – only I didn’t quite manage to get my words out.

  “Probably partying and ending up in a ditch, if we all know Adam,” Brandon sneered bitterly. As I stared at him, I could see something that looked a bit like jealousy in his eyes. Maybe he didn’t like Dad talking to me kindly, it didn’t suit him as much as when we were fighting. “Am I right? Were you a drunken idiot?”

  Be cool, I warned myself. Don’t react. He wants a reaction. Remember Christmas, just be cool. I can’t change him, but I can change how I act in retaliation.

  “Lindsey and I went out, yes,” I replied coldly. My teeth gritted together as I tried to keep my emotion inside. I wanted to be cool and calm, but it was hard to shut out years of acting a certain way. “What did you and Helen do? Where is she today, anyway?”

  His face instantly fell. Clearly, this was a subject that he didn’t want discussed. “I was working, actually. Some of us have careers…”

  I couldn’t resist. It seemed unfair that he could wind me up, and I couldn’t say anything back. “All work and no play…”

  “Boys.” Mom’s warning tone was enough to silence me, as was the unimpressed look on Lindsey’s face. “Can we just have a nice dinner, please?”

  “Oh yeah, sure, let’s just pretend like everything is alright.” Brandon banged his hands down on the table as a burst of anger that seemed to come from nowhere shot through I’m. “Let’s pretend that we’re all okay and that there aren’t years of bullshit between us.”

  “Brandon!” Even Dad joined in with the warning, but it wasn’t enough to stop my brother in his tracks.

  “No, Dad, fuck this. We’re all acting like Adam isn’t a loser anymore. We’re all pretending that he isn’t just a bum that doesn’t do anything. What, it’s a new year, so now he’s going to start actually doing something with his life? No, no way. Not a chance in hell. Once a loser always a loser.”

  Be cool. My hands shook, I couldn’t cope anymore. Lindsey’s words floated through my mind, but I couldn’t obey them. Don’t react, let it go…

  I just couldn’t do it.

  “You know what? Fuck you, Brandon.” I rose to my feet and stared him down like we were two bulls ready to charge at one another. “Fuck you and your ‘I’m much better than anyone else’ attitude. You aren’t any better than me-”

  “I’m not better than you? I’m not fucking better than you? Adam, what do you actually do with your time? What do you actually bring to this world? Nothing. Utterly nothing. You’re a waste of space. Someone else should be breathing your air.”

  I couldn’t hack it, my whole body shook violently. “You’re an asshole, Brandon,” I growled back. “I hate you. I’ve always hated you. You’re nothing to me.” The red mist descended over my eyes, I couldn’t even see anymore. “I put up with a lot from you when you don’t even know me at all. You have no idea about me and my life.” The accusations flew out of my mouth like bullets. “If you died, I wouldn’t even come to your funeral, that’s how little I feel about you.”

  Brandon’s eyes widened, but I wasn’t about to stick around to hear what he had to say to me. My new year was down the toilet because of him. I just wanted to go. Mom was mistaken; there couldn’t be any retribution for me and the rest of the family. Maybe Dad and I could sort of fix things, maybe, but me and Brandon were done.

  “Come on, Lindsey, let’s go.”

  “Don’t leave,” Mom yelled behind me as I walked through the dining room door. “You haven’t even finished your food yet.”

  I couldn’t stay, even if it hurt my mom I just couldn’t. For my own sanity and happiness, I had to go. I could hear Lindsey’s footsteps behind me, so thankfully I didn’t even need to turn around. I just needed to take my hot boiling blood, my furiously pumping heart, my shaky shivering hands.

  “Adam.” Finally when I got to the cool outside air, Lindsey’s voice got through. “Adam, will you just wait a minute?”

  “No,” I shit back. “I need to get into the car. I need to get away from here.”

  This wasn’t Lindsey’s fault, I didn’t mean to take it out on her, but I couldn’t help it. She was trying to make something happen that was never going to work, just like my mother. Why couldn’t the bother of them just accept that it would never happen?

  I slammed into the car and shut the door loudly behind me. As I waited for Lindsey to slide into the passenger’s seat I listened to my desperate, panting breaths. I sounded just about as manic as I felt, which wasn’t good at all. I probably shouldn’t have been driving while I was in such a state, but I couldn’t remain anywhere near him.

  “Adam, what was that about?” she gasped as she turned to face me. “You can’t say things like that to your brother-”

  “Oh, so he can talk to me however he wants?”

  “I know he wasn’t nice to you, but the words you said were horrible-”

  “He has been horrible to me my whole life.”

  Lindsey took a couple of breaths, trying to calm herself down. “Look, I know there’s a lot of hurt there, and I know there isn’t anything I can say about that since I haven’t always been a part of it, but I do know about what it’s like to lose people, and I don’t think you should leave it too late. You don’t want to wait-”

  “What until he dies?” I sneered. “I don’t give a fuck. Didn’t you hear me?”


  I pulled the car into gear and sped away from my parents’ home before she tried to pull me back inside again. “You’re right, Lindsey. You aren’t even my real girlfriend, are you? Just someone I paid to be a part of this family.”

  She remained in silence as we drove to her home. She’d angered me by taking the wrong side yet again. Why the fuck did everyone prefer Brandon to me? It just wasn’t right. In the heat of the moment I felt like I didn’t ever want to see her again either, so as we pulled up outside her home, I snapped.

  “Get the fuck out,” I snapped. “Just go.”

  “You want to end things like this? Fine.” There was hurt in her voice, I could hear it. “I can take it. But you need to make things right with your brother.”

  I shook my head sadly. I didn’t want to hear another word. “Just go, Lindsey. Just go.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two



  I watched him breathing deeply as his eyes fixed on the ground. He really did want me to just go, there was no denying that. It was written all over his face.

  “I’m not trying to be horrible,” I offered, hoping it would make things okay. “I’m just trying to make you see-”

  “No, you’re trying to blame me just like everyone else does. You think I should be the one to act differently. I should be the bigger person.
I’m sick of always being the one who needs to make a difference. Brandon isn’t the only person in my family. I’m my parents’ son, too.”

  “Maybe if you just told them what you do…”

  “Oh you think they’ll approve? You think they’ll be happy that I volunteer for a charity? They won’t because all they give a shit about is making money. They don’t see any worth in making a difference.”

  “You’re only saying that because you haven’t tried.” I desperately wanted him to listen to me, I didn’t want things to end on such a crappy note. “You haven’t given them a chance.”

  Adam banged his hands on the steering wheel loudly to silence me. “They haven’t given me a chance.”

  “I know, I’m not saying that…” I paused for a moment and took in a breath. There was something that I needed to say to Adam, something that I saw which I wasn’t sure he could, but I wasn’t sure how to address it in a way that wouldn’t wind him up. “Look, I think Brandon is hurt. I think he’s lashing out at you because something is hurting him.”

  “He’s jealous! That’s all, he’s petty and jealous, which is why he lashed out at me. He doesn’t like Dad talking to me, that’s all. He wants us all to be fighting, it suits him so much better.”

  I shook my head. I could tell there was a part of that there, something had happened in these boys’ lives to drive a wedge between them. I didn’t think their father helped it much, but this wasn’t that. This was something else. I could see it behind his eyes, maybe because I didn’t have such an emotional bond.

  “So what is it then?” Adam demanded. “If you know so much more about my family than me, then tell me. What’s going on with Brandon?”

  “Obviously, I don’t know what’s going on. I’m just saying that I think there’s more to it…”


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