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Carnage Page 36

by Lesley Jones

  He nods his head, as if he’s actually heard a reply. “Good.”

  I push his long dark hair from his face and look down into his brown eyes with their little flecks of gold.

  “What are you doing?’

  “I’m just having a little father son convo with my boy.”

  “Well can you please not discuss my boobs with him, talk to him about music, football or someone else’s boobs, not mine.” His grin gets bigger.

  “Well son, it’s like this, your auntie Sam has a massive rack and she used to get them out for a living but uncle Bails put a stop to all that.”

  “Sean!” I shrieked. “You cannot tell our child things like that and why are you looking at Sam’s rack anyway?”

  He laughs as he stands up, catching me around my waist and lifting my feet off the sand; I wrap my legs around his hips. “I’m just joking, Sam’s tits are fake and horrible, and yours are real and perfect.”

  We look into each other’s eyes for a few long moments and despite our lovemaking just an hour or so ago, I can feel my insides coil and tighten with desire for him.

  “I love you,” I whisper.

  “I love you more, let’s get back and get naked baby, I’ve got a massive hard on again.” I slide down his body until my feet touch the sand. We walk back along the beach to the villa, stopping at a little bakery along the way to buy fresh bread.

  Later that afternoon as I lay in the shade reading a book. Sean’s mobile rings, he’s lying on a lounger next to me but he’s in the full glare of the sun, which finally broke through the clouds a couple of hours ago. We have only been taking calls from our family since we’ve been here and Sean mouths, “Len,” to me as he answers with, “Alright mate, what’s up?”

  The smile almost instantly vanishes from his face. “What?” He stands and takes my hand, pulling me up and with him as he walks inside. “For fuck’s sake, yeah, that was this morning.”

  His eyes look over me; I’m wearing bikini bottoms and nothing else. “Can we threaten them with anything?” He rakes his hand through his hair as I watch and assume this is another press related issue. “Yeah, yeah, I understand.” He walks over to the patio doors and pulls them shut and closes the blinds. “Well if they know we’re here, we might as well come home.” He looks back at me again. “No, we can be ready in a coupla hours, see what you can do and let me know.” I don’t wait to hear the rest, I head to our bedroom and start packing, we didn’t bring much, we already have a supply of clothes and our favourite toiletries here left over from previous visits. As I throw stuff into my Louis Vuitton luggage I can feel Sean’s eyes on me, he wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses my neck, just below my ear, sending goose pimples down my body.

  “Will you always do that when I kiss you there dya think?” I turn my head and smile at him.

  “As long as my heart is beating, I will react to you.” He grinds his hips into my arse.

  “You’ve made me hard,” he says into my ear and my nipples feel like they are going to explode.

  “And you’ve made me wet, but stop avoiding the issue, what’s wrong, why are we going?”

  He sighs and pulls me down into his lap as he sits on the bed. “Someone took photos of us on the beach this morning”

  “What, how, that beach was deserted?”

  “I don’t know, those lenses they use can zoom in from miles away, they could’ve been anywhere.” Well if one photographer has taken shots of us, that means there will be plenty more turning up trying to get the same thing. I’m glad we’re going home.

  “Oh well, it’s been a nice unexpected break and at least they didn’t get pictures of us fighting this time.” I smile and kiss his nose as I speak.

  “No, they got pictures of me sucking your tits and kissing your belly instead.”

  “Oh, fuck.”

  “Yeah, oh fuck, Len said you can’t see your tits in the pictures but that’s not the point and now the pregnancy stories are doing the rounds because of me kissing your belly.” I smile at him.

  “Well at least they know you love me and not Marley now.” He laughs and raises his eyebrows.

  “Yeah, I s’pose.” He’s quiet for a few seconds as he traces random patterns over my bare back.

  “I’m sorry G, its fucking ridiculous. Why can’t they fuck off and pick on someone else? Why can’t the Beckhams be a bit more interesting so they leave us alone?”

  “Don’t say that, I wouldn’t wish this shit on anyone.”

  “I’m getting worried now, how will they be when the baby comes, I feel like going back to Australia, leaving all of this bollocks behind, I’m over it G, I’m really fucking over it.”

  “Sean, it will be someone else’s turn in a couple of weeks, I know they are being a pain in the arse right now, but you can’t let them make you walk away from everything. You can’t give up your music or the band; you would hate it and eventually hate me and our baby for being the cause.”

  “Don’t talk shit, I’d do anything for you and the baby, I want you safe G, I want you and the baby safe and I will do anything, give up the band if that’s what it’s gonna take.”

  “We’ll take on extra security and see how we go, let’s not make any decisions until after the baby’s here, I love you, stop worrying.”

  * * *

  The photographs of us on the beach actually do us a massive favour, they’re really quite beautiful and show nothing but a couple in love and enjoying each other, they put paid to the ridiculous rumours about Sean’s sexuality. They show Whorely up for the complete liar that she is and have hopefully convinced the press of what a complete bullshit artist she is and they will now actually leave us alone and move on, looking for their next victim.

  The Monday after we arrive home, we are back at Richard Curtis’s office for my twelve week ultrasound and we have been told that as long as the baby is lying in the right position, we might be able to find out the sex.

  Sean has a tight clammy grip of my hand as the room fills with the now familiar whoosh of our baby’s heartbeat, all of my other checks were fine, my blood pressure is perfect, nothing unusual was detected in my urine sample and my bloods have all come back fine. Despite this, we are both as nervous as hell as we look from each other to the screen. It’s amazing the difference a few weeks make, we can now clearly see the baby’s spine and arms and legs, the doctor calls out information to the nurse and she types everything into the computer, I stare, amazed that all of this is going on inside of my belly and as yet I haven’t felt a thing.

  “Look at his arms move about G, dya reckon he’s gonna be a drummer?” I smile at Sean.

  “Shit I hope not, listening to you practise guitar in the early days was hard enough, let alone listening to an aspiring drummer.”

  “Cheers babe and there was me thinking that one of the reasons you loved me back then was because of my amazing guitar skills.”

  “No, I loved you because I couldn’t not, I loved you because it was what I was put on this earth to do.” I look away from the screen and back to Sean, his eyes are full to the brim with tears, he brings my hand to his lips and kisses my palm gently, I realise the room is silent, Richard Curtis and his nurse Moira are both staring at us.

  “Well,” Professor Curtis breaks the silence. “Your baby has decided to cooperate, we don’t usually tell parents the sex until the sixteen week scan because we can’t really be sure until then but looking at these images, I’m pretty confident that you have a son on the way, congratulations.” I burst into tears.

  “A son G, we’re having a boy.” I nod and smile through my tears. “Thank you, thank you so much,” Sean says through his own tears.

  The doctor and nurse leave us alone for five minutes while we pull ourselves together, eventually returning to tell us that everything is perfect. We make an appointment to return in four weeks and head home to share our news with our family. Sean actually doesn’t wait until we get home, he’s on the phone to Marley as soon as we
are out of the building, then Lennon, then he insists we call into my parents on the way home, where him and my Dad share almost the entire contents of an eighteen year old bottle of Laphroaig whiskey and from where I end up driving us home and putting a very drunk, but ecstatically happy Sean to bed.


  Thanks to the hot and steamy photo shoot we did before leaving for Portugal and the pictures taken of us on the beach, the press left us alone for the rest of summer.

  Over the years, Sean and I had done a few shoots together, but that was by far the raunchiest, the photographer had me wearing not a lot and draped all over Sean on a motorbike, wrapped around him in bed and various other poses where we looked as though we were having sex with our clothes on. They were all very tasteful and I must admit, the whole thing got us pretty turned on, to the point where the helicopter taking us to the airport cost Sean an extra thousand pounds as we were late getting ready after the unplanned sex we had, twice, once we got home. Best grand he ever spent in my book.

  On my birthday in late September, the boys played at a charity polo game, it was a beautifully warm and sunny Sunday and I chose to wear a long flowing cheesecloth dress that we had bought from a retro stall at Camden market a few weeks before, it was cream and very seventies in style and showed off my growing baby bump beautifully. I teamed it with a big floppy orange hat and a pair of espadrilles and was thrilled with the look.

  Dave picked me up with Ash and Jimmie already in the car, the boys had left earlier to sound check, I get kisses, cuddles and birthday wishes from all of them and for some reason I have butterflies in my stomach today and no idea why.

  When we arrived we were shown through to the VIP area where we were offered champagne, I obviously declined and asked for water, we were there about fifteen minutes before I spotted Marley appearing from behind the stage and head over to us. Tom and Billy appeared next followed by my Husband. I watched him, waiting for him to spot me; my heart was racing in my chest. He looked stunning and quite literally stole my breath away.

  “Fuck me, he’s hot,” I laughed as Ash whispered in my ear, stating exactly what I was thinking. He was wearing a pair of leather jeans and a v necked t-shirt that wasn’t quite long enough and showed off just enough belly and the start of that V thing he had going on that drove me absolutely insane for him.

  “Put your tongue away G, you get to go home and tap that for dinner later.”

  I smiled as Sean stopped, spoke and shook hands with various people.

  “I taped that for breakfast and I want it again for lunch.” We had spent the morning having birthday wake up sex, followed by birthday shower sex, my libido hadn’t waned a bit during my pregnancy and my belly wasn’t big enough to get in the way yet so we were enjoying every inch of each other as often as possible before the baby arrived.

  “Maca for breakfast has gotta be better than a Macbreakfast any morning.” I smiled at Ash, my dirty minded sister in law, some people might be offended at someone else perving over their Husband but I knew how much she loved my brother, despite her comments about Sean. “Yep,” I said to her. “A MacGasm is definitely the way to start the day; in fact, I can’t get out of bed until I’ve had multiple MacGasms.” Ash spat champagne everywhere as we both shrieked with laughter, causing the best of British society to turn and look at us.

  Sean was talking to a footballer I recognised and I watched as the footballer’s Wife/girlfriend/date twirled her hair around her finger as she looked my Husband over like she wanted to lick him from top to toe and stop for a while somewhere around his middle. As if he suddenly sensed my eyes on him, he looked up and met my gaze, his head tilted back as he looked me up and down and I knew that he wanted me just as much as I wanted him. He licked his top lip as he replied to something the footballer’s companion, whore, slut, whatever, said, but didn’t take his eyes off me. He held out his hand and gestured slightly with his head for me to join him and kept his eyes on mine as I walked toward him. I took his hand as I reached him and he pulled me in, kissing me full on the mouth.

  “You look stunning Wife,” he said into my ear.

  “You look totally fuckable. What are you trying to do to my blood pressure Husband?”

  The footballer laughed, his thing didn’t.

  “Tony, this is my Wife Georgia.” I put my hand out and shook his.

  “Sorry darling, what was your name?” Sean continued and I couldn’t have loved him more.

  “Melinda but everyone calls me Mel,” she squeaked. I smiled sweetly but didn’t offer my hand.

  “Melinda, my Wife Georgia McCarthy.” I nod and smile some more and almost combust as Sean rubs his hand over my bum through my dress, I turn my head to his and smile.

  “What time you on?” I ask him.

  “In about an hour, how you feeling?”

  “I feel fine.” He nods at me as he rubs his hand over my belly and leaves it to rest there.

  “Congratulations on the baby, do you know what you’re having?” Footballer Tony asks. We do but it’s not public knowledge and we both say no together and laugh.

  We politely say our goodbyes and make our way over to the rest of the band. I give my brother, Tom and Billy a cuddle and every one wishes me a happy birthday and comments on my bump. Sean spends the next half hour with his hand protectively over my belly as people come over and talk and congratulate us and I can’t believe how much our son responds to his Daddy’s voice and every time I feel a little kick, Sean looks at me with the most heart breaking smile on his face but he doesn’t say a word, it’s just between us, communication between us and our son.

  We had first felt him move when Sean had got back from America, I thought that I’d felt a few flutterings during the week Sean was away but as soon as he started talking in the car on the way back from the airport where I had gone to pick him up with Milo, I’d felt a definite kick and had grabbed Sean’s hand and placed it on my belly.

  “Say something let him know you’re home, he’s missed you.”

  Sean’s eyes had filled with tears as he said, “Hello little man, hope you’ve been a good boy for your Mum while I’ve been gone?”

  The rapid movements actually made me feel quite sick but I said nothing, loving the sensation and the look of absolute pure joy and love on Sean’s face. Since then we’d spent endless hours lying on the floor or the bed at home, Sean, singing or talking to my belly as our little boy kicked and squirmed inside me. We knew he had to stay there until he was cooked and ready to be born but we were beside ourselves with excitement and couldn’t wait till we could finally meet him.

  Len appeared as if by magic, my handsome, organised, big brother and manger of Carnage.

  “Ten minutes,” he lets the boys know, he kisses Jim, then Ash and then turns to me. “Look at my baby sister, happy birthday, you look stunning George, pregnancy definitely suits you, can’t believe how much that belly’s grown in a couple of weeks.” He kisses my cheek.

  “Don’t she look fucking gorgeous, Len.” I blush furiously as I feel like the eyes of the whole place are on me. Sean kisses my cheek. “Sorry baby, didn’t mean to embarrass ya, I’m just so proud of my beautiful Wife and the fact that the little person inside your belly was put there by me.”

  I don’t respond at first, I can’t, I know that I will cry if I speak, I swallow down my sobs as I whisper to him, “I love you so much Sean, so much.”

  He smiles down at me. “I know you do, but I still love you more.”

  “Never.” I smile and shake my head.

  “Right people, time please.” Len claps his hands.

  Sean kisses me. “Stand where Milo tells ya, I want to be able to see ya, don’t leave his side.”

  I smile and shake my head. “Go, I’ll be fine.”

  There’s about two thousand people at the event and many of them are now crowded around the stage waiting to watch Carnage perform. Len has gone with the boys and Jimmie and Ash grab each of my hands and lead us out of the marq
uee to where Milo is waiting for us with two more security staff from the event, they lead us through the crowd to the front of the stage, where there is a small sectioned off area, there are a couple of people already there but I don’t know them.

  “Right there George.” Milo points to a spot that’s been sprayed on the grass in bright yellow.

  “What?” I’m confused.

  “You need to stand right there divvy,” Ash says and moves me towards the spot by my shoulders.

  “‘Scuse us love,” she says to the lady in pearls standing next to the yellow marking. “But this spots taken.”

  The three of us burst into laughter, even Milo laughs at Ashley’s joke, he then proceeds to make everyone other than us three girls move out of the sectioned off area.

  “Why do I have to stand here, I don’t understand?” I ask anyone that wants to listen.

  “Sean’s orders, he’s worked out where he can see you best from the stage so he insisted the organisers let him have this area marked and sectioned off with extra security so that he knows your safe.”

  “You’re fucking kidding me?” I ask in disbelief. Milo shakes his big head.

  “Nope, boys got it bad George, he was worried that you would get pushed about and he wanted you to be able to watch from out here and not the wings, your safety is his priority at all times right now, you have precious cargo on board remember?” My hands instantly find their way to my belly; my son has stopped doing acrobatics for now and is resting quietly. I turn back toward the stage as I hear a guitar twang a few times, the boys are having their guitars adjusted by the roadies and sound crew in the wings, then suddenly they’re on stage and the crowd goes wild, well as wild as posh people get over a band.

  Sean looks right at me and winks and despite the years, my knickers still melt at the sight of him on stage. “Good afternoon Surrey, thank you for joining us on this beautiful day and donating to a very worthy cause, now let’s get you all loosened up.”


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