Tamer_King of Dinosaurs 3

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Tamer_King of Dinosaurs 3 Page 2

by Michael-Scott Earle

  “I went hunting and caught us some red meat,” I whispered.

  “Ohhh,” she muttered. “Yum. You are quite an excellent provider, Victor.”

  “Thanks,” I said.

  “Hmmm,” she sighed, and I felt her face press into the back of my neck. Then the ebony-haired spider-woman inhaled deeply and fell back asleep.

  I joined her only a few moments later.

  Chapter 2

  “Victor?” Sheela asked in a whispered voice, and I felt her fingers stroke my face.

  “Huh? What?” I muttered as I tried to shake free of the deep sleep that clung to me. Almost as soon as I spoke the words, I felt myself drift back into the nothingness of exhaustion.

  Damn. I was really fucking tired. I felt more tired than I had a few hours ago when I had hunted the stag.

  “It is almost lunchtime,” her voice was a soft purr that didn’t really tug me from my stupor. “Galmine and I have slowly cooked the stag meat all morning.”

  “Just five more minutes,” I said with a sigh, but then I opened my eyes anyway so that I could look at her. Although I had just seen her a few hours ago, I still needed to catch my breath when my eyes drank in her beauty.

  “I tried to wake you earlier, but you were sleeping deeply.” Sheela’s face was only a few inches from mine, and her mouth upturned into a careful smile as soon as she saw my eyes open. I saw the sharp points of her canine teeth point out from the top of her full lips, and I reached up my hand to stroke back some of her blonde hair from her face. Her skin looked almost human, but she had a thin layer of peach-colored hair coming from her follicles.

  Other parts of her looked human as well. Her yellowish eyes were perfectly sized for her face, but the pupils were distinctly cat-like. Her hands looked like human ones, except her nails were sharpened claws that probably could have torn the flesh from my bone. Her breasts were a perfect round shape and her arms, shoulders, stomach, hips, and legs were toned to a muscular, but still feminine, state of perfection.

  Sheela was absolutely stunning in every way, and the cheetah-like spots of fur on her shoulders and cat-like attributes just added to her exotic appeal.

  “You are staring at me,” she whispered as her cheeks flushed a bit.

  “Just thinking about how lucky I am,” I replied.

  “To be alive?”

  “Well, that,” I said with a chuckle, “but more that you are in my life. I would have never thought a woman like you would be into a guy like me.” My hand continued to stroke her hair back, and her fingers slid across my chest so they could cup my cheek.

  “Why would you think that?” she asked.

  “I dunno,” I sighed. “I wasn’t much of a catch back home. Guys like me don’t normally land supermodel lovers.”

  “I do not understand what a supermodel is,” she said, “but you are strong, clever, handsome, and charming. On this world, you have protected us and demonstrated your worth countless times.”

  We stared at each other for a few moments, and her cheeks turned a bit redder when my hands moved to her narrow waist.

  “I like it when you blush,” I finally said.

  “I feel foolish,” she whispered, “but I cannot help it around you, Victor.”

  “Sooooo,” I said as realized that we were alone in our small hut. “Where is everyone else? Did they eat?” I could hear Trel speaking off in the distance, but her voice was just a whisper carried on the wind, and I figured she was by the new doorway.

  “Galmine, Kacerie, and Trel are giving our new tribe members a tour,” Sheela said. “We are waiting for you to eat lunch. I believed you would be upset if you slept through most of the day, so I came to wake you.” Her eyes stared deep into mine.

  “You did good,” I said as I moved my hands from her hair, cupped her chin, and pulled her down to my lips.

  We kissed softly for a few moments, and she let out a purr that traveled from her mouth, down my throat, into my belly, and caused my dick to harden. I was no longer half asleep.

  “I wish to please you,” she sighed when our kiss broke.

  “You do,” I said as I glanced down her bikini-clad body. “I think you deserve a reward.”

  “A reward?” she raised a puzzled eyebrow, but then she almost immediately let out a soft laugh. “They are right at the gate, and will be expecting lunch soon--”

  “No, Sheela,” I interrupted her. “You will do as I say. Pull down my underwear.”

  “Yes, Victor.” Her eyes glowed from the light coming through our hut’s entrance.

  The blonde woman's fingers moved down my stomach, and I rested my head on my hands while I watched her pull my Fruit of the Looms over my penis. As soon as she was done, I lifted my hips a bit, and she pulled them completely off.

  “Straddle me and put me inside you,” I ordered.

  “Yes, Victor.” Her breaths were coming out in ragged gasps, and she quickly swung her leg over my hips. Once she was in position, she used the fingers of her right hand to pull aside her bikini bottom and the fingers of her left to guide me into her.

  We both gasped when we were joined, and her eyes closed as she rolled her hips a bit so that I penetrated her deeper. Neither one of us moved for a few moments, and I realized that she was waiting for me to tell her what to do.

  “Ride me, Sheela,” I ordered.

  “Yes, Victor,” she replied as she began.

  “You like it when I tell you what to do?” I asked.

  “Yes, Victor,” she sighed as her eyes opened to stare into mine.

  “Good,” I sighed as I forced my hands to stay behind my head. I really wanted to grab her waist and slam her down on me, but I had done all the work last time we made love, so this time I was going to see how she liked it the other way around.

  “Faster, Sheela,” I instructed after she’d set the pace for a few minutes.

  “Yyyeeessss, Victorrrrr,” she moaned as she moved quicker.

  “You were hoping this would happen,” I said. “That is why you came in here alone to wake me up while the others were busy.”

  “Yessss, Victor,” she gasped, and I could feel her body start to twitch as she pushed herself down on me.

  “Don’t climax yet,” I said. “Wait for me.”

  “Y-y-yes, Victor,” she groaned through gritted teeth as her eyes burned into mine.

  The pleasure of our love-making was unbelievable, but what was almost crazier was how I had gotten here. Just a few months ago I’d been on Earth, working a job with the Los Angeles Animal Control Center. Yeah, I was a dog catcher, but I’d been a really damn good one, and I’d been pretty happy with my job, even if my life needed a bunch of work.

  Then I was picked up by aliens, given special cyber eyes, and put on some sort of crazy dinosaur world with a bunch of other humanoid species. For the last six weeks, I’d helped three beautiful alien women survive against impossible odds, built a fort to protect them, and fallen in love with each of them.

  It almost seemed like a dream, but the beautiful woman pleasuring herself with my body was entirely real, and the feelings we had for each other were amazing. Sheela had never seemed happy, but I knew it was because she had never been with someone who respected and cared for her. I did, and watching her accept the physical process of our love made me beyond happy.

  “Okay,” I gasped as I felt my body began to buck out of my control. “You can climax with me.”

  “Yes, Victor. Yesssss.” Her voice turned into a growl, and our bodies twisted together as we orgasmed.

  Afterward, she lay against my chest and let out long sighs of contentment. I could still hear Trel talking, but her voice sounded farther away than when Sheela had first awoken me, and I guessed they were making a long walk around the inside of the wall.

  Thoughts about what we had built in the last few days reminded me of the work I still had to do, and I traced my fingers down Sheela’s back before I squeezed her amazingly tight ass.

  “It’s probably time t
o eat,” I said.

  “Yes,” she agreed with another sigh.

  “I didn’t really get a chance to talk to our two new friends. Did you speak to them when they woke up?”

  “A bit,” Sheela said. “The woman with the silver-hair that floats off the ground is named Liahpa. The other woman seems to be mute.”

  “Mute?” I asked. “She can’t talk?” I thought back to last night and realized that the strange woman with the green scales and gems on her forehead hadn’t spoken when we rescued her.

  “It appears so,” Sheela shrugged, sighed, and then sat up from my chest. Her long hair fell down over her face, and I moved to push it back over her shoulder before I let my hand trace down the front of her chest.

  “I guess I should go introduce myself. I didn’t get much of a chance to last night, and they weren’t awake when I went back to bed this morning.”

  “You were tired last night,” Sheela said. “I was surprised to find you had gone out hunting this morning.”

  “You looked even more surprised that I got that big stag,” I said as I smiled at her.

  “Yes,” she said. “You impress me every day, Victor. Last night was no exception. It was a good decision not to answer any of Liahpa’s questions after you had saved her and the green-scaled woman.”

  “Yeah,” I said as I thought again to last night. “I’ll need to talk to them.” I lifted up my hips, slid my underwear back up, and then moved to grab the rest of my clothes. I had laid them by the fire, and they were dry and smoky smelling now. We were all kind of stinky from not bathing and showering for six weeks, and even though the women’s bodies all smelled good to me, I was conscious that I was probably stinky to them.

  The sun outside was warm when we exited the hut, but there was a bit of a cold breeze in the air. The wind brought the scent of pine needles from the nearby redwoods, and it made me think the temperatures were soon going to get colder. On the one hand, it would be a welcome change from the sweltering heat, but on the other hand, cold weather meant that we’d have to do a better job with our housing, and it could make food harder to come by.

  The “doggie-door” to our small circle fort was propped open with a short log, and I smelled the scent of cooking meat coming through from the other side of the wall. I followed my nose and walked under the doggie door and into the new courtyard of our territory. The much taller and thicker posts were set stoutly in the distance, and my eyes were drawn to the trio of triceratops posted at our makeshift gate.

  Tom, Katie, and Nicole lounged peacefully there, but the three of them seemed to sense my exit from the hut, and they turned around to stare at me. I still didn’t know exactly how my taming powers worked, but I sent them a command that let them know they could continue to relax, and the trio turned back around to face the gate.

  “Wow, what is this?” I said as I gestured to the array of meat cooking on the ground beside the inner wall of our fort. The various large pieces looked to be resting on hot rocks, and even though the venison was sizzling, I couldn’t see any smoke.

  “It was Trel’s idea,” Sheela explained as she gestured to five holes dug in the ground some three feet from where the meat cooked. “She said she had an idea for making a fire that didn’t have any smoke, so she tried this. It works very well.”

  “Yeah,” I said as I bent to inspect the holes. They looked like air intakes, and I realized Trel had built the fires underground. The fragrant meat was cooking on rocks that were covering the holes where the fires actually were, and the air was getting sucked in through this side passage. It was all sorts of genius, but that was usual for Trel.

  I heard the spider-woman’s voice off to our left, so Sheela and I each grabbed spears and walked around the smaller inner walls until we saw the group of women standing in the middle of the field some fifty feet from us. The beautiful black-haired woman was gesturing with her clawed hands to the four other women, but she waved to us as soon as she saw us.

  “Victor!” she called out, and the others turned. I noticed both Kacerie and Galmine smile when they saw me, but the floating woman with silver skin crossed her arms and it appeared as if her red eyes narrowed.

  “Hey,” I said when the group walked over to us.

  “Good morning, Victor!” Galmine said as she gave me a hug. “Did you rest well?”

  “Yeah.” I returned her hug, gave her a quick kiss, and then flashed my eyes over to Liahpa. “We didn’t really get a chance to talk last night. I’m Victor and--”

  “I understand,” the woman said as she hugged her arms tighter around her small breasts. “You are a male.”

  “Uhh, yeah. I told you that a few times last night.” I shot a questioning look at Trel, Kacerie, and Galmine.

  “She has no men on her world,” Kacerie said with a shrug. “Can you imagine?”

  “I can,” Trel said quickly. “Men are sooo idiotic that-- well, Victor is not, but I can understand why a society would do away with all its males if they didn’t need them to reproduce.”

  “Soooo uhhh yeah,” I said as I turned back to Liahpa. “I guess that’s why the sight of me is freaking you out more than the sight of giant lizards.”

  “Correct,” the silver-woman said as she narrowed her red eyes at me. “Your… friends have been updating me on this situation on this planet and have spoken to me a bit about their own worlds. I apologize if I came across as rude last night, but I am still in a state of shock.” Her voice still had that strange echo-like tone. It was really pretty and reminded me of a choir singing.

  “I can understand,” I said. “We’ve all taken a bit of time to adjust to being on this world. The good news is that we’ve done most of the hard work with building a fort that can protect us from the dinosaurs.”

  “I understand,” Liahpa said as her hair seemed to twist up against gravity, “but I was more speaking to your presence. On my world, men were known as horrific monsters that captured and raped women to beget children.”

  “Uhhh, yeah,” I said as I glanced down to her arms. She was obviously uncomfortable standing even ten feet from me, and I tried to think of a way I could relieve some of her tension. “We should all eat. There is a lot to talk about, and the food is cooking.”

  “Victor isn’t like that,” Galmine said. “He is very kind, gentle, and a wonderful lover.”

  “So you say,” Liahpa said as her piercing red gaze seemed to push through me.

  “How did your people reproduce without men?” Sheela asked as we all moved around the fires.

  “Our scientists crafted sperm using DNA from males,” Liahpa answered without taking her eyes off me. “I don’t know exactly how it worked, but they added random traits to ensure no dilution of our gene pool. When a woman was ready for a young girl offspring to raise, she would be inseminated in a facility.”

  “So, you’ve never met a man? Like ever?” Kacerie asked as she helped Galmine move the meat onto clay plates and pass them around.

  “No,” Liahpa replied. “They are the stuff of myths, told to keep children afraid of what happens when they let masculinity run rampant.”

  “Ohhh boyyy,” I said under my breath as the rest of the women looked at me. Even Trel seemed as if she was a few words away from rolling her eyes, and I guessed that I was probably going to have a problem getting the silver-woman to follow my orders.

  “If you keep your distance from me, I won’t hurt you,” Liahpa said as she uncrossed her arms to take a plate of food from Galmine.

  “Hurt Victor?” Trel growled. “What did you just say?”

  “He is dangerous--”

  “You are an idiot!” Trel threw up her hands, and her spider legs drummed across the ground behind her. “You would be dead without his help. Maybe the men on your world are dangerous, but this man is a blessing.”

  “He is a man. They are all the same.” Liahpa’s strange voice took on a slight edge, and Sheela’s body tensed beside me.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” I said as I
tried to calm down the group of women. They all turned to me, and I forced a smile to my face. “Look, Liahpa, I have no intention of hurting you, or raping you, or whatever. I would like your help around our campsite, and I will do my best to make you feel comfortable. Did anyone teach you how to pull up your Eye-Q? Can you tell us what your abilities are?”

  “Yes,” the woman said as she looked to Trel and blinked. “My strength is 10, my movement is 10, my stamina is 10, and my ability is Mass.”

  “Holy shit,” I gasped. “Ten? For real?”

  The floating woman’s body was crazy hot and toned. Her bare-midriff-superhero looking jumpsuit accented all of her muscles, and I could clearly see the veins of her washboard abs where the suit didn’t cover.

  “Yes,” she answered as she looked at the other startled women. “Why? Is that low?”

  “No,” Sheela said. “You are very strong, I have only 8’s in strength and movement, and only 4-- well, now 5 in stamina.”

  “Or maybe you are just weak?” Liahpa said.

  Sheela frowned slightly, but before she could speak, Liahpa waved her hand and smiled. “I jest, of course. I am strong because of my occupation.”

  “What is that?” Kacerie asked.

  “Occupation? It is like a job.” Liahpa shrugged as she picked up a smoking piece of venison and tore off a chunk with her perfectly white teeth.

  “Ugh,” Kacerie sighed with exacerbation. “I know that. What did you do?”

  “I am a Lifter,” she said. “Professional. One of the best. Well, some say I am the best, and perhaps they are correct. My team has been the undefeated champions since my rookie year.”

  “Sports?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she answered cautiously as if she really didn’t want to talk to me. “Do any of your worlds have lift ball?”

  “No,” I said as I shook my head and took a plate of food from Kacerie. “But I’d be interested in learning how you play it.”

  “What are sports?” Galmine asked with her usual smile.

  “Competitive activity,” Trel answered. “On my world, males use it as an excuse to beat each other up.”


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