Gypsy Oracle Cards

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Gypsy Oracle Cards Page 4

by M Jacqueline Murray


  LOVE: perhaps a moment of uncertainty with lovers or relatives, don’t do something rash you might regret

  WORK: do not make decisions hastily or randomly, put off important decisions until you can make them thoughtfully

  HEALTH: think positively, maybe take a break, get away and don’t take life so seriously

  ADVICE: Do not take yourself too seriously, but recognize that superficial or frivolous behavior can have consequences.


  •Above – Past: recently, things have been light and carefree

  •Below – Future: people or situations that are carefree or frivolous are on the horizon

  •In front – Obstacle: being scatterbrained, flighty or indecisive will be the challenge

  •Behind: Advice: avoid superficial or thoughtless behavior

  REVERSED: This card is considered positive when it appears reversed. It could spell the end of superficial or irresponsible behavior. It takes on a negative meaning only if it signals the end of a carefree time. This card is strongly influenced by other cards. If associated cards suggest a past painful event, reversed this card suggests it will be some time before cares will be lifted. If associated with negative and relationship cards, it could indicate the inability to maintain commitments, betrayal, infidelity or disloyalty.


  •Vera Sibilla: Ten of Clubs: Levity: reduces good and bad of associated cards, inconsistency, imprudence, lack of attention or foresight

  DATES: August 15 to 20

  NUMBERS: 50 / 15


  Original Italian title: Omaggio di Preziosi, tribute of precious items, valuables

  This is generally a good omen card suggesting the realization of aspirations or wishes, or the arrival of a gift or inheritance.

  •winnings, inheritance, abundance

  •situation improves, successful endeavor, achievement

  •bribery, flattery

  SYMBOLS: The room depicted is quite empty except for a table on which there is a box containing precious stones (gemstones) and a winged statue. The room itself looks elegant with gold trim, a painting and red drapes. The precious stones represent a gift either financial, such as an inheritance or winnings, or situational, like a brilliantly passed exam or improvement in the workplace. The emptiness of the room can indicate there is a void; that material things alone do not fill spiritual and emotional needs. The box symbolizes a home for our most precious, intimate and secret thoughts and feelings, be they conscious or unconscious, on display or hidden inside. The table pictured has many legs suggesting that the weight of the riches requires extra support.

  STRAIGHT: This card suggests a situation that suddenly and dramatically improves. This could be due to an uncertain period coming to an end or that considerable help has been given that changes the situation for the better. It can represent overcoming obstacles which give way to success and esteem. Although usually considered a positive card, this card can be ambiguous in that material wealth can distract or dazzle and result in vanity, greed or be detrimental to relationships. There is a responsibility that comes with weath. When this card is associated with “Falseness” or other negative cards, it could indicate flattery, false devotion, bribes or deception. It can also indicate a situation where someone is trying to buy affection or favor.


  LOVE: gifts exchanged between lovers, happiness within reach, union has social, economic or emotional benefits

  WORK: many projects come to fruition, markets move in a positive direction, professional success and improved image

  HEALTH: therapies and cures are successful, results are as desired, all will be well soon

  ADVICE: Accept gifts graciously but be wary of the motivations of the giver. Check for strings attached. Be aware of the responsibility.


  •Above – Past: personal situation has recently dramatically improved

  •Below – Future: the situation will dramatically improve, abundance and aspirations or dreams will be realized

  •In front – Obstacle: rewards to be gained if obstacles are overcome, be aware of the burden of wealth and privilege

  •Behind: Advice: be cautious of the source of gifts or compliments and the weight that comes with great fortune

  REVERSED: When reversed this card represents a loss of some kind. This could be a gift not received, a lost inheritance or other unexpected loss or debt. It can represent the inability to save money, to not set aside what’s necessary or to squander money. It could represent finance and stock market losses, the sale of items to procure money or bad investments. If accompanied by the “Thief” card it can indicated a theft, scam or blackmail. This card is only positive when reversed if it is associated with cards suggesting victory, success or achievement which could indicate the end of a period of economic dependence or blackmail.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Three of Diamonds

  •Vera Sibilla: Eight of Diamonds: Present of Jewels: Objects, proposal, offer, luxury, everything right or luxurious, parcel

  DATES: September 2 to 7



  Original Italian title: La Superbia, pride

  This is a card that communicates an attitude of superiority, pride, or lack of humility

  •arrogance, conceit, vanity, showing off

  •overly ambitious

  SYMBOLS: The central figure of this card is a peacock, with its beautiful fan tail. The peacock is characterized as an animal that likes to celebrate their plumage, displaying it proudly and symbolizes a person who is full of themselves, lust or vanity. This peacock is not displaying his plumage, rather is calm and settled and sure of his position. This peacock is perched on a dry branch, devoid of leaves, this barrenness symbolizes losing sight of what is important while admiring one’s self. In the background, there is a wall which symbolizes the isolation and barriers that come from an excess of pride.

  STRAIGHT: This card describes a person, situation or behavior that is influenced by an excess of pride or lack of humility. It indicates an unbalanced attitude, perceiving one’s self or a situation in an overly positive light. This card can suggest a situation where the lack of humility can damage the inquirer such as the inability to acknowledge one’s mistakes or limitations. It is a warning against being charmed by pride such that the inquirer is blinded to their surroundings, the reality of a situation or the inner qualities of people around them. An excess of pride can result in contempt for others and detachment. It is a card to remind us that when we are treated, or treat others with haughtiness, coldness or detachment, we cut ourselves off and cultivate an atmosphere where misunderstanding, hatred or despair can develop. If this card is associated with many positive cards, it can indicate something to be proud of, an achievement or success is near at hand. A healthy ego is good, but do not become excessively proud.


  LOVE: the inquirer enjoys the admiration of many suitors, new loves are favorable, pride can cause relationships to fail

  WORK: the inquirer’s skill and ability will be noticed, successful interview or new job is possible

  HEALTH: energy and well-being are not lacking, physical health is good.

  ADVICE: A healthy ego is a good thing, but be mindful of your behavior, exercise greater humility.


  •Above – Past: an excess of pride, arrogance or conceit has led to this situation

  •Below – Future: a major achievement or success is possible

  •In front – Obstacle: an excess of pride can lead to isolation, misunderstandings

  •Behind: Advice: acknowledge strengths and limitations, avoid haughtiness

  REVERSED: When reversed this card suggests a healthy awareness of one’s limitations as well as their strengths. It may indicate the need to be more sure of one’s self and b
e proud. With this balance, relationships can be restored as there is demolition of the walls that separate. It can indicate the resumption of a friendship or relationship, or an improvement in relationships with colleagues or friends. This card does not influence surrounding cards, it indicates a past behavior that has been resolved. It can be a negative card if it is associated with reversed cards such that the combination suggests sadness or emotional turbulence.


  •Vera Sibilla: Two of Clubs: Pride: amulet for improvement, beauty, magic

  DATES: March 28 to April 2.

  NUMBERS: 69 / 18


  Original Italian title: Speranza, hope

  This is a positive card, providing encouragement that relief for the current situation is coming.

  •anticipation, waiting

  •believing in a positive outcome

  •clairvoyance, psychic powers, translation

  SYMBOLS: The card depicts a troubled woman. The setting is an open space with a beautiful sky and she is sitting alone on a hill or a rock. She is bending in on herself, curled almost into a fetal position. Her position suggests she is focused within herself and that the impact of her hopes is very personal. She has a white blindfold and is holding on to a frame with a chain. The blindfold suggests an inability to see outward, so she is focused inward. Hopes come from within. They are born from introspection and clairvoyance.

  STRAIGHT: This card is a positive one that suggests that events will turn in favor of the inquirer. Whatever situation the inquirer has been focused on, it will be resolved. It is not only realizing the hopes and desires of the heart but having confidence that the situation will be favorably resolved. This card can be more than just an answer to a question, it can help elucidate deeper meaning for other associated cards. With ending cards, hope could be extinguished signaling a time to give up or move on. It can symbolize past hopes, past beliefs or certainties that must be abandoned in order to move forward. It can suggest we need to build new hopes for the future, to look inward and understand what are our deepest desires and acknowledge them.


  LOVE: previous disappointments will resolve, despite appearances, what has been lost will be regained, maintain hope

  WORK: although the situation is critical, there is reason for optimism, a strategy executed will be successful

  HEALTH: will power and courage are reinforced, adverse medical conditions will be overcome

  ADVICE: Believe in your hopes and vision for the future.


  •Above – Past: something hoped for has recently materialized, deep desires have been realized

  •Below – Future: there is hope that the situation will resolve favorably

  •In front – Obstacle: recognizing the difference between what can be hoped for and what is hopeless

  •Behind: Advice: maintain your focus, look inside yourself for your vision for the future

  REVERSED: This card reversed suggests plans for the future will be disrupted. This card warns that the inquirer has misplaced hopes, for whatever situation they have been “hoping” to unfold. Enthusiasm will be dampened, or expectations will be dashed. It represents a pessimistic mood or discontent with the way a situation unfolds. Only when associated with rival or enemy cards, could this card take on a positive message of ending the hopes of others to take advantage or defeat us.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Eight of Hearts

  •Vera Sibilla: Eight of Hearts: Hope: realization of hope, success, investment, meeting, solution of problems

  DATES: October 2 to 7

  NUMBERS: 77 / 8


  Original Italian title: Casa, house

  This positive card can symbolize either a physical place, a home or personal epicenter or an emotion of security, solidity and prosperity.

  •family and emotional bonds

  •home, office, security

  •responsibilities, self-reliance, independence

  SYMBOLS: The card depicts a large and well maintained house. The house is a symbol of comfort, stability, security, protection and family. The house is not just a building or family residence, it is the central place through which life and love flow. The house as a home is the place where the family gathers and represents the origins of the family; it’s roots or foundation.

  STRAIGHT: This card suggests a stable environment. It can represent more than a family situation, it can also represent a stable work environment, or relationship. The card also suggests serenity in the home and family harmony. When interpreted in the context of other cards, it can represent the essence or heart of the problem or situation.


  LOVE: love relationships are sweet, passionate and fulfilling, new relationships are stable, reconciliation can occur

  WORK: economic stability, success, sales and new deals are as expected

  HEALTH: good health, strength and mind is relaxed and free of stress

  ADVICE: Feel secure in your surroundings, stability, protection and help is near.


  •Above – Past: you have depended on your home for stability and protection

  •Below – Future: stability and protection is in your future

  •In front – Obstacle: stability and roots are needed to overcome this situation

  •Behind: Advice: trust in the stability of your surroundings.

  REVERSED: This card is very negative when reversed. It symbolizes breakdowns in family relationships, quarrels, misunderstandings, or broken dreams. When the inquirer asks regarding a loved one, reversed this card signifies breakups, broken engagements, divorce, or dissolved partnerships. It is a warning to take stock of relationships, be they at home, in the office or with friends. It can also signal the end of a business relationship or failure of an enterprise.


  •Vera Sibilla: Two of Hearts: House: building, house, real estate, the core of the issue, domestic environment

  DATES: May 2 to June 2

  NUMBERS: 62 / 22


  Original Italian title: Viaggio, travel, trip

  This is a positive card that signifies travel or mobility.

  •trip, vacation

  •relocation, moving

  •agility, evolution, change

  •going forward, making progress, evolution of a situation

  SYMBOLS: The central figure of this card is a well-dressed man on a fine horse. He is carrying a pack and blanket with him, suggesting he is prepared for a long journey. The horse symbolizes our emotions and talents, harnessed and directed to move us forward be it towards success, communication or a destination. The traveler is on a path or road, that extends behind and ahead. Although it is unclear how long it is, it suggests that the journey has begun, symbolizing that everything that has been previously done or experienced has led to this moment in time.

  STRAIGHT: This card suggests a positive change for the inquirer. The most literal meaning is a change in location, travel for business or pleasure or someone coming or going. Long distance travel is likely rather than short trips. It can also represent change in a situation; one that it is evolving, moving forward or resolving. Whichever the case, it suggests that things are moving for or around the inquirer. It can also suggest to the inquirer that they need to abandon the old and move on to something new. In some cases, it is a suggestion that the inquirer plan a trip or travel. Although mostly a positive card, it can take on a negative meaning of saying goodbye to someone or something going away. Associated with the “House” card it could indicate a change of residence or with “Room” a visit to a hotel or rental accommodation. Associated with the “Letter” it could represent travel documents or passport.


  LOVE: a holiday or travel with loved one, honeymoon, a new relationship as a result of travel

  WORK: a c
areer involving travel, a driver, pilot, seaman, a transfer or relocation for work or business trip

  HEALTH: travel may be required to seek out a specialist or therapy

  ADVICE: Life is a continual evolution; keep moving. Staying still can result in missed opportunities.


  •Above – Past: there has been a change in location or direction that has affected this situation

  •Below – Future: a situation will make progress or travel will occur

  •In front – Obstacle: the challenge will be a change in location or long distance travel

  •Behind: Advice: moving forward, or changing location is suggested

  REVERSED: This card reversed suggests the failure of a trip, a canceled vacation, a journey to be avoided, a missed appointment, or something or someone is late or does not arrive. It suggests a lack of momentum. It can also suggest a reluctance to meet new people or visit new places. If associated with relationship cards, it could signal the relationship has ceased to move forward or has taken a step backwards. If associated with work and business, it could be a project that is stagnant or a promotion or transfer will not occur.

  OTHER CARD SYSTEMS: Three of Clubs

  •Vera Sibilla: Three of Clubs: Journey: travel, change, movement, change of place / project

  DATES: April 3 to 8

  NUMBERS: 54 / 23


  Original Italian title: Allegrezza al Cuore, joyous heart

  This is a very positive card signifying joy, lightheartedness and merriment.

  •glee, gaiety, joyous time

  •pleasure from entertainment or creativity

  •satisfaction, relief, resolution, celebration,


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