Hades Pain (Devils Riot MC Book 6)

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Hades Pain (Devils Riot MC Book 6) Page 1

by E. C. Land

  Hades Pain

  Devil’s Riot MC Book 6

  E.C. Land

  Hades Pain

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are all products of the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblances to persons, organizations, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

  Hades Pain. Copyright © 2019 by E.C. Land. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations used in articles or reviews. For information, contact E.C. Land.

  Within this book there will be mention of characters from the Iron Vex Mc series by Elizabeth Knox that I do have the obtained written permission from her to use these characters. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to either Elizabeth Knox or me.


  Publisher: Knox Publishing

  Publishing Link: www.knoxpub.com

  Cover Design by Charli Childs, Cosmic Letterz Cover Design

  Developmental Editing by Courtney Lynn Rose, Knox Publishing

  Formatting by E.C. Land, Knox Publishing

  Proofreading by Rebecca Vazquez, Full Bloom Editorial and Jackie Ziegler, Knox Publishing

  Created with Vellum




  Bleed Through The Pain


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37


  Available Now

  Coming Soon

  Chapter 1


  My Betas – Thank you for being the first to read. And in doing so pushing me to keep going with all the different plots that form in my head. I’m grateful for what you all have done with helping and giving me input.

  My Knox Publishing – I don’t know what I’d do without you all. You’re all so wonderful in your own right. From encouraging me to keep going when I feel like giving up to kicking my ass in gear when it’s needed. The best thing about meeting you all is that I’m able to tell you my ideas and plots that fill my head and help me figure out what to do next.

  My Family – I’ll always be thankful for my husband as he continues to show his support in my writing. No matter how annoying I become, he lets me ramble on and on with the different things I come up with. Even sends me music when I need encouragement. My kids, now they are a huge part of this as I show them you can follow your dreams and shoot for the moon if you put your mind to it.

  For those who find their one and only. Live with a smile. Love with a passion that consumes you, so you won’t ever regret a day of not knowing someone’s out there for you. Someone who will always hold that special place in your heart.

  LIVE LOVE LAUGH, those are the words to live by and remember the pain will always heal.


  My Pain – Adam Calhoun & Hosier

  Catch Hell – Adam Calhoun & Katie Noel

  Time Stand Still – Rush

  Love – Hosier

  Holler Boys – Upchurch

  Tombstone – Adam Calhoun

  Without Me – Halsey

  Long Bumpy Road – Hosier

  Walk Through The Fire – Ruelle

  Rise n Shine – The Lacs

  Feeling Good – Demun Jones

  Die Tonight – Adam Calhoun (feat. Upchurch)

  Rolling Stoned – Upchurch

  Love Me Anyway – Pink

  Find You – Ruelle

  Don’t Take the Girl – Tim McGraw


  This content is intended for mature audiences only. It contains material that may be viewed as offensive to some readers, including graphic language, dangerous and sexual situations, murder, rape, and extreme violence.

  Bleed Through The Pain

  Pain is where it hurts

  Doesn’t matter if it’s mental

  Or physical

  It’s all the same

  We’re all the same

  We all bleed red

  Even though it’s blue

  Life goes on

  Same as pain

  Whether it’s abuse of the mind

  Or of the body

  It’s all the same

  We’re all the same

  Our blood is all red

  Even if it’s blue on the inside

  Life goes on

  We live through hell

  We bleed through the pain

  And go from there

  Nothing stays the same

  Yet it’s all different

  Well besides the fact we all bleed the same

  Live through the pain and you see the light

  Or well some of us will

  Some of us won’t

  Just remember to breath and it’ll all be alright

  ~ E.C. Land



  Life doesn’t ever go the way it’s supposed to. It sure wasn’t what I’d planned when I was a kid. Sure, growing up, I’d always planned to join my uncle’s club, but I never intended to be a part of another charter. However, the day my family was killed in front of my eyes and my sister was taken my life changed completely. My Uncle Hammer sent me to live with my grandma who lived near the National Charter for the Devil’s Riot MC. Hammer told me that he wanted to know I was safe while he continued to search for my sister, who I’m sure is most likely in an unmarked grave somewhere. From what I’ve learned over the years about the people who took her, there’s no way she’s survived the torture they’d planned for her. Sometimes, I can feel guilt swirling around me at not being able to help my family, I’d simply been too young to have saved her. And even now years later all three of their faces haunt my dreams but my sister’s more so. She’d been innocent in all of this.

  See, my mom grew up in a way of life that sickened her to the point she was ready to end her own life when she met my dad and my uncle. From what my uncle told me when I asked about them he said my dad fell instantly for her and stole her away from the evil she’d been living in, leaving that world behind. Little did she know that it would bite them both in the ass as well as their children’s. I can still hear the screams of terror of my sister. The smell of the gun powder as it filled the room after putting a bullet in my dad’s head and the warmth of my mom’s blood as it seeped from the slit in her throat. The day it happened, I lost everything all because some sick motherfuckers wanted what they thought of as theirs. Theirs to offer as a sacrifice for the devil they worshiped.

  After that day, I told myself if they want to worship a devil, I’d become the man they seem to want to hail praise, and I’d burn every single one of them before pissing
on their burning bodies. That’s why my brothers named me Hades. I’m known for the torture I give those who cross the club and it usually has something to do with fire. I take no mercy on those who don’t deserve it. I live for sending fuckers straight home to the flames of Hell. The ones who have decided to harm the innocence of this world always meet the end by me in some way. Well, I should say by my club’s hands.

  You see, my brothers and the women they’ve claimed have all lived through one hell or another. Shit, I even found the one I wanted to claim; however, before that could happen, everything went to hell.

  Closing my eyes, I can still envision her.


  The precious light to my dark.

  Emerson is nothing like the women I’ve been with in the past. Not one word could describe her. She has this beautiful light that seems to surround her and from the moment I laid eyes on her, I swore to myself I’d die before seeing her light diminish. That’s why when we were taken, I fought like hell against those who took us. Needing her to get away from the hell that we were heading for. A hell I wish I could escape from.

  During the time we spent together in the first hellhole we’d been in, I shared with her things I never thought I’d share with anyone other than my brothers. And most of them didn’t know any of this until all the shit with Lynsdey’s sadistic stepbrother went down. My blood still boils when I think of what he’d done not only to her but Cleo as well. I’d like nothing more than to bring the asshole back from the dead only to torture him the right way. However, I’ll take the idea of him burning in hell as closure.

  Emerson, though, I’d told her everything. From my childhood drinking chocolate milk at the table with Oreo cookies while my mom hummed songs to my sister and me to when they were taken from me. I even wanted her to know about my life with the club how they took me in and became my family.

  But now, since I helped Emerson escape, my dreams aren’t simply filled with nightmares of my family. No, they contain a beautiful fiery redhead with emerald eyes and a smart ass mouth who could keep me on my toes. The vision of her is what’s keeping me going for now. The only reason I’ve been fighting to stay alive. To get home to her.

  “Ready for your daily dose, pet?” my torturer asks gleefully as he comes toward the cell I’ve been chained in since arriving here. His words draw me out of my thoughts, yet I refuse to give him pleasure in knowing I’m not.

  “Bring it on asshole,” I mutter, gritting my teeth together as I wait for the whip to slash into my back.

  “As you wish, pet,” I clench my teeth at being called a pet. At the first strike of the day I vow yet again to see these fuckers burn. I’ll take what they throw at me cause in the end, I know they will get what’s coming. The devil will reap out all that is deserved. I know, without a doubt, my brothers will find me soon or later.



  You know how a song gets stuck in your head and you continuously hear it on replay? Well, that’s the way my life has been for the last month. It’s constantly on repeat, yet everything is fuzzy enough. I can’t seem to remember every detail.

  See, before Thanksgiving, I’d been kidnapped alongside one of the members of my sister’s men, and those are a part of my worst nightmare. Or at least, I thought of him as that until the night of my escape. Men I’d never seen before came into the building where we were being held and shot poor old Timothy Rogers right in front of me. The warmth of his blood had splattered on my face.

  Sucking in a harsh breath, my mind wanders to the man who’d been with me at the time. The one that’d been determined to help me escape so that I could bring help. Yet I’d been too late. By the time I’d gotten to the clubhouse, I’d ended up passing out before relaying the information that would have saved him.

  The man I’d fallen for two years ago only to have my heart broken the next time I saw him. I inwardly wince at my own stupidity for falling for someone so easily. I mean, I guess you can put it on the fact I’ve never been one for going out partying and fell for the first guy who hit on me in a bar. Like I said stupid, right? Then again, I have the worse luck ever. Especially when it comes to guys. See the first time we met, it was at the only bar in town worth a damn, Outlaw Racks, and we spent the whole night joking around. He even danced with me a few times. However, I forgot to give him my number and went back the next night, wanting to see if he would be there. Little did I know was he’d be sitting in the exact same spot as the previos night. But instead of me sitting there he had his tongue down some skank’s throat while another bimbo was kissing his neck while running her hands down his chest.

  Talk about one hell of a wake-up call.

  Hades. I hadn’t let myself say his name out loud or even in my head since the night I found him with slut one and two. Shit, I remember those two coming into my salon to get their hair done and left displeased when I refused to give them the time of day.

  Even took it as far as steering clear of him at all costs. Sad part is in all this, I ran into him again when I ended up at the Devil’s Riot MC clubhouse with my sister due to the storm surrounding her. It gutted me to realize I steered clear of him for no reason, considering the man didn’t even know who I was when Gadget introduced me to all the members of the club. That day, I decided since he didn’t seem to remember me, I’d forget all about him.

  Unfortunately, I couldn’t.

  Hades made a point of annoying me any time he was around.

  Then on the day, he was scheduled to take me to work that’s when my nightmares became a reality, and we were both taken by the man who’d been my very own boogeyman. The very same man I’m positive had a hand in killing my parents.

  I cringe as I think of all Hades endured at the hands of Timothy Rogers. Before he was killed, he would stand over us and gloat over the fact he had a prize to get in the good graces with some leader, all while beating on Hades. I wish more than anything that I could remember the names of the men he’d mention. But I’ve been unsuccessful in my attempts.

  The memory of Hades’ face and the pain on it as he ordered me do as he said is what stays with me. Constantly taunting me for being a failure in not only remembering the most important things but for letting him down.

  Pulling on my hair, I inwardly scream as I try my hardest yet again to remember. He never should have been taken; it’s all my fault. If I’d protested more, maybe Hades would have let me get someone else to take me to work. Then it would have been me to have taken most of the beatings. Sure, I was slapped around but nothing compared to what he went through.

  When they left us alone, I’d crawl across the floor as far as the chain around my ankle would let me and do my best to clean Hades’ fresh wounds. Those were the times I felt deep within me the most. Hades and I would whisper to each other talking about our lives. My eyes were opened up to a completely different side to him other than just seeing him as some horndog who fucked anything around.

  It’s been weeks since I woke up and between the chaos going on around here with the aftermath of Hades and I being taken then my sister’s house being blown up by her ex-husband. God, I wish I’d put a bullet in his head a long time ago, but I didn’t, unfortunately. Along with all that, the asshole took my nephew. I don’t know much else since I refuse to leave Hades' room. I prefer to be surrounded by his smell than be out there with everyone else. I don’t want to have to see pity on their faces let alone the anger I’m sure some feel toward me. I wouldn’t blame them for being angry with me either.

  At least not until I can remember. I need to find him before something worse happens however, I know in my heart I’m too late for that. From what I can remember of the men who showed up to meet with Timothy, they weren’t too happy and killed him on the spot right there in front of Hades and I. Worst of all was the sick look they gave Hades when they saw me standing behind him. It was one of pure evil. Especially the man who’d pulled the trigger on Timothy.

  “You think you can protect this one a
s well?” one of the men asked. I can still see the sinister smile he gave the two of us. When they attacked Hades, he fought them all, but his downfall was when he turned to me and ordered me to run. Even though I know I did what he wanted, guilt consumes me. I should have stayed behind to help him. Maybe then we both might have gotten away together.

  Who am I kidding? I’m weak.

  God, I hope he’s still alive. I don’t know what I’ll do if he’s gone for good. Sobbing, I curl up into his pillow.

  “Please be okay, Hades,” I whisper into the empty room, tears streaming down my cheeks. Knowing no one can hear me. Or they’re all just leaving me be, knowing I’m nothing but a failure.

  “You can run, but you can’t hide, girl.” A man's laughter fills the night and all I can do is push myself forward.

  Stumbling over a fallen tree limb, I bite the inside of my lip to keep from crying out in pain. Once I regain my balance, I run. Thrashing through the woods, I can’t hear anything else over my own heartbeat, but I can feel it in my gut that if I were to stop, they’d find me.


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