Black Mercy (San Francisco Rock Romance Book 1)

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Black Mercy (San Francisco Rock Romance Book 1) Page 1

by Stacy McWilliams

  Black Mercy

  A San Francisco Rock Romance

  Stacy McWilliams

  Copyright © 2017 Stacy McWilliams

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be duplicated, transmitted, in any form or by any means– whether electronically, mechanically, by photocopying or any other means, without prior written consent. To do so would result in Legal proceedings.

  This novel is a work of fiction and any similarities to any party are coincidental.

  The ownership of this work is protected by Copyright and belongs to the author.

  To my mum and dad. Thank you for pushing me to achieve my dreams and thank you for always being there when I need you. Love you both very much and happy anniversary.



  1. Interview Trouble

  2. An Unexpected Meeting

  3. Sister Woes

  4. Bar Trouble

  5. Trouble Sleeping

  6. One Day Early

  7. Welcome Amber

  8. Old and New

  9. Singing and Stories

  10. Family Meetings

  11. A Welcome Surprise

  12. The Unexpected Call

  13. A Rush of Feeling

  14. Night Time Visit

  15. The Morning After

  16. Girl Time

  17. Will I or Won’t I?

  18. To Bed or not to bed

  19. Cops and Robbers

  20. Daggers at Dawn

  21. A Rose by Any Other Name

  22. Funeral Funk

  23. Desserts or Disasters

  24. A Mess of Epic Proportions

  25. D day



  I was sitting in a café for the third day straight, in a booth at the back. Hidden from view of regular customers. The past three days had been painful, as a plethora of au pairs came to be interviewed. But I hadn’t wanted any of them. As soon as they saw me, their eyes lit up with dollar signs and their faces changed. I wasn’t interested in hiring a girl looking to get in my pants. I needed someone who was going to look after Soph and baby Lucca without trying to get me.

  Soph, or Sophia, was my beautiful one-year old daughter. Her mom Olivia walked out on us when she was four weeks old. Leaving me with a newborn and a large hole in my bank balance. I came back from the studio, having been away working with the band for a few days. Desperate to see Ollie and Sophia.

  As I arrived home, I heard Sophia crying and walked upstairs to find her in her crib. When I picked her up I heard the front door close. I made my way downstairs to find the note from Ollie, propped up against our wedding photo, telling me she was out and that I had sole custody of Soph. My world crumbled. I had been with Ollie since we were sixteen and I thought I’d be with her forever.

  A throat clearing made me look up and Kitty, my manager’s assistant, was standing in front of me. Next to her stood Lexa, the manager of the au pair agency. Kitty was tall, straight black raven coloured hair, with a nice rack and a tight ass. Lexa was curvy without being fat, a bigger than average rack and auburn wavy hair. She had green eyes, with flecks of brown in them and her eyes smiled when she did.

  Kitty held out a latte for me and I took it gratefully. I had been out the night before and hadn’t been home yet. I could have let Kitty and Gregory handle the interviews, but I needed to know who was going to be looking after my babies. I had to be here. Kitty had already interviewed and vetted them; now it was up to me to choose who I wanted to watch the kids and shield them from the craziness that was my life.

  My mom had been watching the kids, but she was getting on. My last au pair had fucked off back to Australia, leaving me in the lurch a few weeks before. I had to get my shit together, and hire someone so I could get back to them. I didn’t like leaving them alone for too long, especially Lucca because he was tiny. I was worried about him missing his mom.

  Lucca was my best friends’ son. While she was pregnant they found a lump in her breast and last week Cassie passed away. She didn’t tell me that she was ill and, although I knew she wasn’t looking well, she told me pregnancy didn’t agree with her. She left me with Lucca and drove to the hospital for a check-up. She called me that night telling me that something wasn’t quite right, and would I mind keeping Lucca for a few days while they treated her? I didn’t mind at all and offered to drive out. But she assured me she was all right and would be home within a few days.

  The following morning I received the phone call. She had left a letter and the adoption papers in the hospital. They had already been officialised. She had left me custody of her boy and had asked me in the letter to watch over him. She didn’t have any family left and Lucca was conceived on a one-night stand, so he had no one else. I had to keep him. I didn’t have a choice. Cassie was my best friend and Lucca was all I had left of her. Plus Sophia adored him. I just needed someone to help me look after him.

  Lexa and Kitty sat down slowly and my third day of interviews began. The girls were all fans, which didn’t bother me, but one glance told me I couldn’t hire them. Most of them were under twenty-one and some were still at college. Which meant touring with us was out. I was pleasant for the most part, but I started to get pissed off. By the third interview I wanted to be anywhere but here.

  My phone went just as the third interview ended and I saw it was my publicist, Mark.

  “Mark, dude. What the fuck? I told you I wasn’t to be disturbed.” My tone was ice. I could almost see Mark’s six chins wobble as he swallowed. The sweat pooling on his forehead as his nerves got the better of him. Mark hated confrontation, and I was forever butting heads with him. But he was the best in the business, so I let it go.

  “I know Mase, but some chick is trying to sell her story. Something about you hiring a nanny or some shit.” His nervous voice made me antsy because he was bang on the money. I was trying to hire a fucking nanny and some idiotic chick was trying to make a pretty penny selling that to various news companies. Shit. No one knew about Lucca yet and I wanted to keep it that way, but his next words made that near impossible.

  “Mase, they know about Cassie. One of my friends at the local paper called me and gave me a heads up.”

  “Fuck,” I slammed my hand down on the table making Kitty and Lexa jump a mile, “do they know about Lucca?”

  “Yeah. Some nurse in the hospital confirmed seeing you at Cassie’s bedside and told them about Lucca leaving with you.”

  I wanted to walk out of the stupid café and back to the kids, but I was going on tour in three months and had to finish our new album before we went. I needed someone to watch the kids.

  “Has that dick of a sperm donor come forward?”

  “No, but as soon as her name’s released and people find out that you have Lucca, he will come forward looking for cash.”

  “Get Linderson and Anders on it and squash it! Hasn’t Grey found him yet?”

  “No. Not yet. I’ll do what I can. But Mase, nothing’s gonna keep this quiet for long. You know that.”

  “Yeah I fucking know. Now fuck off and put the brakes on this.”

  I ended the call and glanced over at Kitty. I didn’t need to tell her what was going on, she knew me well enough not to ask. I had a feeling she already knew if the guilty look in her eyes was anything to go by. I wanted to punish her for not telling me. Bend her over my knee and spank her ass until it was a nice shade of red. Before sticking my cock into her hard and fucking her until she almost came. Then I’d pull out and jerk off while she watched.

  Her face tightened. I knew she knew what I was thinking about. She shook her he
ad slowly and I smirked at her. She would give in; she always did. She had told me it was over a million times, but hadn’t yet followed through. Her guy was a complete douche. He took everything and anything and had hit on her friends. But she wouldn’t leave him. I wanted to lay him out. She was a fucking gem and he treated her like shit. Taking all her money and snorting it up his nose.

  It was finally time to break for lunch. I was so fucking glad there was only one interview left before I could blow this joint and head back to the studio. I’d call my mom and get her to stay another night, but the thought of not seeing Soph at bedtime tore me up. I walked through the back to the exit and lounged just outside, lighting up and inhaling slowly. I needed to reign in my temper. I wanted to fuck so badly, and I was furious that someone had leaked about Cassie. It wasn’t their fucking business. Now this poor baby was about to be thrust into the public eye because some stupid cunt couldn’t keep their mouth shut.

  My thoughts swirled round and around, the smell of garbage assaulting my nose as I inhaled. I was horny as fuck. Losing control made me want to fuck hard to get back the control I needed. Although I could get pussy whenever I wanted, recently it and a fucking stiff drink, were all I wanted. I needed pleasure to bury the shitstorm in my head. Kitty walked out and stood beside me.

  “Kit, I wanna fuck and spank you so hard for not telling me what was going on.”

  Her reply was breathless and I could see her chest heaving as she answered me. “I know, but I told you, we can’t. I can’t. Not anymore.”

  I turned towards her, taking in her raven hair, striking hazel eyes and stunning figure. Her gaze followed me and I saw her nipples perk up against the silk of her white blouse. Her scorching gaze followed my eyes as they ran over her body. She stepped towards me and I pushed her down onto her knees. We were hidden by a dumpster and the curve of the alley. Her black heels stuck out and she couldn’t move in her tight ass skirt

  She unzipped me, unsurprised that I wasn’t wearing anything under my jeans. She licked the tip of my cock, before sucking it into her mouth. Her gag reflex was amazing, and she drew me all the way in, until I was fully sheathed in her mouth, before she pulled back slowly, licking along the shaft. I groaned. She knew just what to do to get me going. Her hand snaked around, pressing between my sack and cock.

  I pushed back in and wrapped my fingers around her hair, holding her in place as I began to pound into her mouth. My knees weakened and after a few minutes of fucking her mouth and having her suck me I began to tingle. I knew what was coming. Pulling her hair tighter I exploded down the back of her throat on a low groan. But it wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough.

  I watched as she sat backwards. She swallowed and then stood, looking up at me through her eyelashes as she moved closer. I pushed her against the wall and moved behind her, trapping her in. She moaned my name and my cock stirred again as I pushed her skirt up and ran my finger over her mound. Taking in how wet it was.

  I turned her away from me, smacking her hard on the ass as I pushed her against the wall, whispering in her ear. My breath came hot and heavy at the thought of what I was gonna do to her back at the office later.

  “Kit, I’m not gonna fuck you right now. I’m going to leave you wet and wanting. Later I’m gonna spank the fuck out of your ass for not being honest with me. You get me?”

  My voice was hoarse as my words made her wetter. Her breathlessness increased as I continued to run my finger over her panties, enjoying how soaked she was becoming at my words. I pulled my fingers away and she groaned, earning herself another smack. I was going to have fun with her later. Bending her over in my office as she begged me to fuck her. My cock was already straining and, as he stood out in the gap, I moved away from her. I shoved him roughly back into my trousers before heading back into the café.

  We sat and had sandwiches for lunch and her heated gaze never left my own. I watched as she squirmed in her seat. When Lexa left to make a phone call, she moved closer to me. I ran my finger over her chest, pinching her nipples while we sat there. The more she squirmed, the better it was for me. As she went to the bathroom, I gave her a look. Telling her that if she got herself off, I’d take her to the brink over and over, but keep her waiting. When she returned she looked even more frustrated and I smiled to myself. Knowing I was causing this, but not wanting to do a damn thing about it.

  After half an hour, her cell went, and she left to take the call. She was gone about ten minutes and I was about to call her, because the next interview was about to start, when she arrived. She was shivering, and her chest was heaving. I didn’t have time to question her because our next candidate was here. Lexa rocked to her feet, going out to meet the girl while I looked questioningly at Kitty. She smiled at me, but it was off and didn’t quite reach her eyes. I shook my head and turned to face the girl we were interviewing.

  As the fourth interview arrived I noticed one thing, the girl was hot. By my standards that meant she was stunning. She had long auburn hair, bright green eyes and a wicked smile that promised more than a good time. I wanted to fuck her, so she was out. I couldn’t bed the au pair, but I could give her my number and I did as she left. I was almost out of hope. I wondered if my mom would be able to cope another few days until I figured something out?

  I started to stand, ready to leave when Lexa spoke, “Mase, we have one more applicant. She was late to apply so she’s not on your list, but she’s a friend of my sister and is in need of a job. I told her to come along and see if she’s interested. I didn’t tell her who you were though.” She checked her cell and I rolled my eyes, glaring over at Kitty. She shrugged and drank her coffee without making eye contact with me. Kitty knew how much I hated unexpected surprises and she knew she would hear about it later.

  The thought of chastising her made my dick twitch. Kitty caught the salacious look in my eye, shaking her head at me and waving her engagement ring about as she brushed her hair away from her face. She pushed her tits out as she sat up. My mouth watered at the thought of her nipples in my mouth. I ran my fingers through my hair, mussing it up and glanced around.

  I shook off the thought and turned to Lexa, glaring at her. “When will she get here? What’s her name?” Her face blanched at the sight of my anger, and she shrunk back in her chair as I continued to question her. “Is she qualified to look after my kids?”

  Lexa squared her shoulders and I wanted to take her over my knee. She was pretty in an innocent way, and I wondered if I’d be able to break her defiance. “She’s twenty-two and her name’s Amber. She graduated summa cum laude, from the University of San Francisco with a joint major in accounting and business.”

  “What the fuck does she want to work for me for? She doesn’t think I’m gonna let some snot nosed graduate near my accounts or my business?” I asked with my temper rising to the surface.

  “Mase, she doesn’t know who you are, remember?” Her words cooled my ire a little, but why would someone like her want to work for someone like me. I couldn’t figure it out and peoples motives were something I needed to figure out. I was loathe to admit it, but I was a little intrigued by this girl that I’d never met or even seen.

  Lexa smiled as she continued to answer me and I relaxed a little. Man, I needed a fucking drink. Or a fuck. Or both right now. “She recently lost her job and is looking for another. But something different and out of her field of training. She’s also looking for something live-in.”

  My back was to the door. When it opened I felt a shiver run down my spine. I watched as Lexa stood up and walked towards someone behind us. Kitty leaned over, putting her hand on my thigh. She whispered in my ear, “be nice to this girl and I’ll let you do anything you want to me later.” She ran her fingers up my thigh and over the ridge of my jeans, making my cock harder as I imagined fucking her so hard until she screamed my name. I licked my lips and she sat upright, leaning away from me just in time.

  Lexa walked round and so did the chick for my interview. She was in a grey
wraparound sweater dress. Her long blonde hair was in waves down her back, with a few strands clipped up from her face. Her face was round, with high cheek bones. Bright green eyes held a look of pure innocence as she looked at me in astonishment. I swallowed around the lump in my throat. I wanted to stand up to shake her hand, but my straining cock meant I had to stay seated and watch as she looked at me in amazement.


  Mase Michaels. My interview was with Mase fucking Michaels. Ellis was gonna hear about this later. Fuck, he was hot. My eyes raked over him, drinking in his chiselled jaw, gorgeous blue eyes and dimples that moved as he smiled at me. His dark brown hair was styled up messily and some of the longer bits touched his forehead.

  My heart pounded in my chest at how gorgeous he was, but I needed to keep my head. I needed this job, so I swallowed and looked at the girl beside him. Her eyes were narrowed on me. I shivered at the look of distrust that was evident on her face.

  Lexa sat down and motioned to the seat beside her, indicating I should sit. I did and my dress rode up a little. I glanced over at Mase and he watched as I pulled my skirt down before sitting up ready to face him. He licked his lips and my ovaries quivered. I gave myself a mental slap. If I wanted this job, then I couldn’t go getting all googly eyed over him, regardless of the fact he was a rock star and guys like him didn’t exist on the mortal realm.

  “Hi,” he watched me like a tiger observes his prey. “I’m Mase.” His smile was dazzling and I smiled back, reaching over to shake his hand.


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