Black Mercy (San Francisco Rock Romance Book 1)

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Black Mercy (San Francisco Rock Romance Book 1) Page 6

by Stacy McWilliams

  Then we went back to her ex fiancés, for her to find out that he had been cheating on her for the past year. And he’d given away presents from her family to his bitch on the side. She didn’t react at all. She remained as cool as a cucumber through the whole thing, even when she asked about getting her car. It was as if she was numb. Who could blame her?

  I’d text Cameron, one of my standby guys, to go pick up her car. He was nearer the dickwads office and beat us back to my house. I saw her eyes widen as she took in the surroundings. I looked at the house I’d owned since we made it. I bought it outright, using my trust fund from my dad’s father and my first few checks from the band to pay it off in its entirety. It had a gym, cinema room, family room, sitting room, wine cellar and recording studio.

  The outside was cream and it had a small driveway. It was in a gated community, meaning I had privacy, but I wasn’t completely isolated. I loved it here. The only thing missing was that I didn’t have a pool. But I could live with that, since my downtown apartment had a pool.

  “Amber, are you okay?” I asked as she stood beside her Porsche, staring at the house.

  She started and turned towards me. “What? Oh yeah, sure I am.”

  My eyes burned into hers and I saw the lost look in her eyes. She lifted a hand to her eyes and rubbed at them. I turned away from her and started taking some stuff out of my trunk. “You can store some of this in the spare room, upstairs. Whatever you don’t need can go in there?”

  She nodded at me then swallowed. I watched the muscles move in her throat and thought again about how she’d look with my cock down her throat. My cock strained. Her drama had interrupted my morning fuck with Kitty, and I was sporting a semi.

  We turned towards the door and Helena came out, glared at me and smiled as she took in Amber’s dishevelled appearance. “My, my, what happened to you?” Amber ignored her and picked up a few bags. I smiled at her grit. She didn’t take shit and damn if that didn’t turn me on even more.

  Helena spoke again, this time sounding vicious. “I mean, I want to send them a card to say thank you, but it seems a little too much since they obviously walked away.”

  “That’s enough, Hel’s.” I spoke through my teeth as I saw Ambers back stiffen. I wanted to punch my sister full in the face as she stared daggers into Amber.

  “Helena Grace Michaels, I brought you up better than that. You don’t speak to people like that. Now apologise.” My mom walked out, and cradled in her ample bosom was a fast asleep Lucca.

  She smiled at me as she glanced between me and Amber. “Mom this is Amber. She started a day early. Amber, this gem is my mom and you’ve already met the wicked witch there.”

  Amber looked towards my mom and there was genuine warmth in her face as she took in my mom and Lucca. “Hi. Lovely to meet you Mrs Michaels.” She reached out her hand and shook my mom’s.

  My mom glanced quickly at me and then turned a megawatt smile on Amber. “It’s lovely to meet you too Amber. Please call me Frannie.”

  Amber smiled at her then turned back to look over her shoulder at me. In that moment, I could see how completely fucked I was. Seeing her standing in my doorway with my mom, not only felt right, but it felt as if there was nowhere on earth she belonged more.

  My mom broke the moment by speaking to Amber. “Now what happened to you dear?”

  Amber shook her head and smiled. “Not much and it won’t happen again.” As Amber finished speaking her cell started ringing and she took it out of her trousers, glanced at it and put it back in her pocket.

  “Mase,” she called over her shoulder, “is there a bathroom I can use?” My mom steered her in the direction of the downstairs cloakroom. I began taking her bags up to the room two doors down from mine. My mom was in the middle of the corridor and directly across from her was the nursery, which separated my room and Ambers.

  I placed the bags on the bed and glanced around the room. It wasn’t the best room in the house, but its pale blue was calming, and the dark blue curtains and bedding set it off. As did the four poster bed, which was black and gold metal. And a large, black wooden dresser. There was a window seat, with a view of the backyard. The cushions on that were gold too. Beside the seat was a writing desk, filled with pens and papers. There was also an en suite with shower, and a walk-in closet, but it was small and compact. Only going three feet back and two feet wide.

  I left the room, hoping she’d be happy in it, and rushed back downstairs. As I walked down the stairs I heard voices in the foyer. One sounded angry, the other was Quinn, who sounded amused and another was Amber. I stopped at the bottom step and listened to what was going on.

  “She’s claiming you made the whole thing up, Amber. Even with the evidence, there’s nothing the police can do. She’s making out it was a scene they were playing and you got the wrong idea.”

  “For fucks sake. If it was a scene then no one would have gotten hurt and I wouldn’t have barged in. I know how scenes work and that wasn’t one. I can’t believe she’s blaming me. What the fuck?”

  Quinn spoke, trying to diffuse the tension. He asked the question that was driving me crazy. Surely they didn’t mean a scene from a BDSM perspective? I Liked to spank, but had never tied more than someone’s hands, or had them submit fully to me. I played around with it with Kitty, but we hadn’t gone any further than spanking and using my tie to tie her hands to the desk. “What kind of scene are we talking?” Amber groaned and Lexa growled. I walked around the corner, asking innocently, “what’s going on? I heard something about a scene? Is someone in a movie?”

  Lexa moved beside Quinn, her eyes widening as she took my relaxed posture in. Quinn smirked mischievously and wrapped his arm around Lexa’s waist, pulling her towards him and kissing her head as Amber spun round towards me.

  She looked furious, as her eyes moved up and down me. “Never fucking mind. It doesn’t matter.” She turned and looked back at Lexa and Quinn. “Thanks for coming here and telling me, but I already knew. She text me telling me that she never wants to see me again and if I file for charges against her piece of shit boyfriend, then she’s gonna come after me.”

  I moved towards them. I could see the tears filling her eyes so I moved to comfort her. Quinn shook his head at me and she swung back around again, like a viper going for the kill. “Mase can you show me to my room? I’d like to get settled in before your mom and Helena get back from playgroup.”

  My mouth dropped open and I moved automatically towards the stairs, motioning for Quinn to wait until I came back down. He nodded and led Lexa into the family room. I glanced down at my cell and saw that both Harris and Lewis had text me. It was only eleven am, but my body felt as though it’d been up all night. I was shattered and I couldn’t help the yawn that escaped me as I led Amber into her room.

  She spun around and thanked me, dumping her bags and heading out to get more. I’d effectively been dismissed and. Why that rubbed me up the wrong way, I couldn’t say. I stormed back downstairs and spoke to Quinn and Lexa.

  “What the hell happened?” I saw Lexa glance nervously at Quinn while fingering the watch on her arm. “Look whatever it is, you can tell me.” I was becoming more curious by the minute. Just as Lexa opened her mouth, Amber appeared in the doorway.

  “Lexa, can you help me get all my stuff upstairs please?” I had turned around as soon as she spoke, but she didn’t even look at me, just flexed her arms while she stared at Lexa. Then she turned her gorgeous gaze on me and I burned to cinders.

  “Mase, don’t you have a meeting to get to?” I nodded mutely at her and both girls left the room. Quinn looked at me in dismay, but turned and headed for the door. When I asked him what was going on, he gave me the cold shoulder.

  This meeting was bound to be fun, especially when Quinn grimaced at me again as he climbed into his car and shot off down the road. I climbed into my car and pulled out slowly.

  What the hell was going on with her? Why didn’t she want me to know about what ha
d happened?

  I didn’t have time to think about it all now. I had to get to this meeting where these two little cocksuckers would try and tell me how to run my business and attempt to take it over. I was so frustrated that as soon as I stormed in and saw Kitty in my office, I walked back a few paces, locked the door and dragged her by the hand into the meeting room.

  She grinned up at me and dropped to her knees instantly, unzipping my pants and letting my cock spring free. As she started sucking, I began pounding. When she licked her way down, pressing hard on the underside, I exploded down her throat.

  My body shook with need. As soon as she leaned back, I turned her, placing her hands down. I began taking my frustration out on her ass. I smacked her. At first I started at the edges. One side, then rub, then another. As I worked my way into the middle, I grabbed a condom out of my pocket and smacked her in the centre of her ass. I let my fingers rub on her folds. She was so wet and ready for me. Another few smacks and I could tell she was ready to come. I pulled her arms up and pinched her nipples while nibbling on her neck. I thrust in. As I did I could feel her body shake. I left one hand on her nipples and spread her knees on the edge of the table, giving me better access as I fucked her hard from behind.

  I slipped my finger into my mouth. Tasting juice on it, I sucked, before twirling the wetness around her nipple. I ran my other finger down, slipping it up and down before rubbing her clit. As her orgasm hit, her insides clenched against me and I came hard inside her as we both breathed erratically.

  I pulled out, stepped back and loosened my arms from around her, letting her slump onto the table, breathing hard. “Be back here at five pm Kitty. And next time, tell me what the fuck’s going on.” I smacked her on the ass again. She groaned as I walked out and into the bathroom in my office.

  I splashed my face with cold water and moved over to my desk, deciding to make a few calls. After a few minutes Kitty walked out and smirked at me. The smirk made my cock twitch and I snatched her back as she swung past me. I grabbed her and put her over my knee. Her breath came in pants. “Mase. We can’t.”

  I smacked her and felt my cock readying again as she groaned and writhed on my knees. “Mase,” she moaned. I smacked her again, knowing what I was doing to her was wrong, but I couldn’t stop myself. I smacked her another two times, and pushed her between my legs, opening my pants as she slid down to the floor. Her face was red with want and I pulled her hair gently, groaning as she sucked me into her mouth again. I ignored everything, but the feel of her between my legs. She ran her fingers up my thighs, letting her nails catch me.

  She fingered my balls. After a few more sucks, I came harder than before, shooting down her throat. She smiled up at me and my office door went. She scooted under my desk and laughed as I righted myself.

  I walked into the bathroom, splashing my face with more cold water, before walking over and opening the door to her dickhead boyfriend, Brian. “You seen Kitty?” He asked me in a gruff voice. He swayed from side to side andI stepped aside, motioning for him to come into the office.

  With a sharp nod, he walked past me and sat down at one side of my desk. I hadn’t spoken yet, but I could see him twitching as I watched him.

  “Nope, I haven’t seen her in a while”, (at least three seconds). I smirked to myself as I let the door go and turned back into my office, sitting down on my chair. I glanced down as I sat and could see the panic on Kitty’s face. Itgave me a small twinge of regret so I relented. “She might be out. Some of the girls go to the bar across the street for mocktails on lunch hour. Or she could be pretty much anywhere in the building. I’ve only been in half an hour and I’ve spent the best part of that tied up.”

  He nodded at me. “Tell her I’m looking for her will you?” I grabbed my planner. I pulled it towards me as I waved my hand in his direction. After another moment I heard the door close and I jumped back. “Fuck that was close.” I muttered as I leaned down and helped her out from under my desk. She didn’t say anything to me, just walked into the bathroom, closing the door softly behind her. And not a moment too soon.

  The bathroom and meeting room doors blended in with the décor and only people I knew and liked had been privy to that information. I dialled the advertising agency to see if the artwork for our new album had been approved. But as soon as it began ringing the door to my office burst open and I ended the call, furious that someone thought they could just barge into my space without being invited.

  “What the fuck is it now?” I asked as Brian strolled back into my office as though he owned the place.

  “One of them girls said Kitty was in here earlier. Where is she?” He asked.

  “I have no idea and I know she was in here earlier. She was dropping files off. I called her earlier, but as you can see, she’s not here now and I really need to make this call. If you wouldn’t mind?”

  He didn’t take the hint, just walked around my office, but he wouldn’t find her, not unless she wanted him too. After a few more minutes he gave up and left, slamming the door behind him. Kitty walked out of the bathroom, moved to the window and climbed out, shoes in hand.

  “Kitty, you don’t need to do this. It’s fine.” She smirked at me as she walked slowly along the railing. She went two windows down and slipped into the records room. I closed the window on my end and she closed the one on hers which made me smile. She was a horny devil and she filled my need to fuck, but that was all.

  My cell chirped on the desk and I saw a message from Amber.


  I’m sorry about earlier,

  It was a hell of a morning.

  Speak to you later


  I smiled at my cell, then jumped as my office door opened to reveal the guys. Lewis looked over at me and I tried to smile naturally at him, but he shrugged me off. Guess he wasn’t ready to forgive me for fucking his girl yet. I couldn’t really remember it and neither could he. Some dick caught it on video as we both fucked her. She was now away staying with family indefinitely. Which was why Lewis had gone into rehab. I’d toned it down with the drinking too, but I didn’t know if he’d ever forgive me for my part in her leaving him.

  “Ready for the meeting with the douche bags trying to be the bosses?” Harris bit out, wringing his hands together, like he did when he was nervous, but fuck if I could see what was making him nervous.

  “Sure thing bro. Let’s get this over with.”


  I sat in the bedroom with Lexa for over an hour as we talked around what we were going to do. Lexa knew it hadn’t been a scene and my body bristled at the suggestion that it was. I knew what I was doing in scenes. I would never let someone get hurt because of me. I’d worked over a summer as a Domme, in a club downtown.

  Ellis didn’t know that. She knew I liked BDSM, but I’d never told her about my stint as a Domme. My dad would’ve popped an artery if he ever found out that I’d used my body for sexual reasons. I’d loved being a Domme and had been one in my relationship with Henry. The whips, handcuffs, vibrators and blindfolds had been what was missing when I’d looked through my stuff. Then I’d remembered about my jewellery and my shoes. I’d decided that I could replace everything else. The jewellery was irreplaceable, especially the pearls I’d got from my grandma before she passed away and the necklace my parents got me for my twenty first.

  “Lexa, what can we do? She’s made up her mind and she’s not gonna listen to you or me.” My voice shook. I was heartbroken. Ellis had been my girl forever and now she was turning on me for a guy. I looked at my hands, twisting my diamond tennis bracelet around and around as I tried to figure out what I was going to do.

  My cell ringing interrupted my musings. I glanced down at it, doing a double take. “Lexa, it’s Ellis.”

  She nodded and scooted closer to me as I pressed to answer. “Amber?” Her voice shook as she spoke to me.

  “Yeah, it’s me.” I glanced at Lexa as I spoke and saw she’d picked up a pillow, placing it over
her mouth. Biting down.

  “I don’t want you coming around anymore. This is the last call I’m gonna make…”

  I cut her off. “Is he there, making you say that?”

  I heard her sigh and my cell shook against my ear. “Yeah, but no one’s making me say anything that isn’t true.”

  “Are you shitting me right now? I come into your house and find you unconscious on the floor and your fucking boyfriend attacks me and you are telling me I’m lying? God Ellis, when I walked in I thought you were dead.” My whole body shook and my throat filled with a lump. Lexa took my hand, and squeezed.

  “That’s not what happened and you…”

  “Fuck off that isn’t what happened. You were fucking unconscious. How could you let him do that to you? What is wrong with you? You deserve better Ellie. Please, please don’t stay with someone who hits you. You wanna hate me? Fine, but hate me from Lexa’s or your mom and dad’s.”

  “Maybe if you hadn’t hit on him and he hadn’t turned you down this wouldn’t…” Her voice was small.

  I laughed mirthlessly. “I’ve never hit on him, and never would. If you really think that I would do that to you, after all these years of friendship, then maybe we shouldn’t speak anymore.”

  I glanced at Lexa and she held out her hand for the cell, but I shook my head and pressed my shaking finger to my lips, not saying a word. “Fine, if that’s what you want. Stay away from me and my sister. Once she knows what you’ve done, she won’t want to know you either.”

  “I think Lexa can make that decision for herself.” I pressed a shaking finger to the end call button and looked at Lexa. “She thinks I hit on him and that’s why he lost it,” I breathed out. Lexa had her cell out and was shaking her head as she tried to dial, but I snatched it from her.


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