You May Have Met Him

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You May Have Met Him Page 27

by Sebastian Carter

  Lamar turned from the viewing window to rake his black eyes across six naked bodies. Slim, fat, built, thin, thin... and the sneering one. He was built. Linebacker-type with a glower that made men step back and reconsider. Not Lamar.

  His polished boots rang on the wet pavement. Lamar crossed his beefy arms and stood in front of the staring man. Blue eyes, brown hair. Taller than Lamar. Good. He was the perfect alpha specimen. When he knelt before his Warden, the others would follow his lead.

  Lamar slapped his dark hand on the man's wide chest, putting considerable weight behind it. "Name, inmate?"


  Lamar smiled. "Good to meet you. I'm your Warden. Kneel."

  Adam leaned forward, his wide bottom lip pinched in his teeth. "Fuck off."

  Lamar exploded forward, shoving Adam against the damp wall. He pressed himself close and gripped Adam's jaw. "You will address me as Warden." Lamar whispered, "You're a smart man, what do you think obeying will earn you?"

  Adam's eyes narrowed. He grit his teeth and said, "Yes, Warden."

  Lamar pat his cheek. "That's better." He drifted his dark hand down Adam's side and squeezed his broad ass. Adam's eyes widened. His breath hitched. "Much better, don't you agree?" Lamar dropped his other hand to Adam's ass and kneaded his fingers into the muscles.

  Adam leaned against the wall and breathed, "Yes, Warden." He spread his legs for Lamar's wide thigh.

  The Warden leaned in. "If you do as I ask, you get what you want. It's really that simple." Adam's heavy cock stirred against his thigh. He cast his attention suddenly left and startled five naked inmates watching the show. Their reactions were a mix of horrified and drawn, like a train wreck they couldn't avoid. One was enjoying the show if his cock was any measurement.

  Adam grunted, bringing Lamar's attention back. "Put your hands above your head." Adam did so, finding a ring sunk into the cement that he grabbed. The position exposed his wide chest and abs. Adam flexed. His cockhead peaked from his foreskin.

  Lamar palmed Adam's cock, drawing the foreskin back to gaze at what it hid. Adam grunted again and his cock throbbed. Perfect. Lamar disentangled himself from the inmate and took a single step back. "Turn yourself around, Adam. Put your hands on the bar."

  Adam sneered at him but did as instructed, exposing himself from behind. Lamar gripped and massaged the man's ass until he spread his legs without prompting. Adam's cock hung down, his balls swung between his legs. Lamar put his thumbs on the crack of Adam's ass and caressed the globes apart. Adam shuddered.

  "When you came into this facility my officers stripped you of your items and washed you. We keep a strict code of sanitation here, do you all understand?"

  They echoed a choppy chorus of, "Yes, Warden."

  "Good. The final inspection is my privilege to handle personally. The cavity check." Adam's ass shook, but he didn't move. Lamar pet his dark thumb down the inmate's crack, pausing against his hole. "Adam here is going to show you all how it's done. He won't move for the entire procedure." Lamar pet Adam's long spine, waiting for his reply.

  "I won't move, Warden."

  Lamar smiled. He pulled a pair of gloves from his belt and snapped them into place. Then the lube. He smeared both hands with it and rubbed them together. He started with a single finger. Lamar pushed just the tip of his index finger against Adam's entrance. The digit slid in to the third knuckle. Adam shuddered. Lamar slid his finger out and in again. Out, in. Out, in--he found and hit Adam's prostate, running his finger in little circles until Adam bore down for more. Lamar thrust two fingers into Adam's ass and assaulted the gland.

  He reached around front and gripped Adam's long cock, allowing him to thrust. Adam's hips bucked. "Are you hiding anything in here, inmate?"

  "No, Warden!"

  "Good!" Lamar removed his fingers and snapped the gloves off. He marched to the left and faced the next inmate.

  Adam snarled. He reached for his red cock and Lamar barked at him, "Don't you move."

  Adam jumped back to his position, hands on the bar, legs spread, red cock throbbing without release. Lamar refreshed his gloves and lube. He gave the next inmate an expectant look. The man turned to face the wall and put his hands on the bar. He spread his legs, shaking.

  Lamar slid the tip of his finger into the man's ass, massaging and sliding. He had no desire to cause any pain when they followed his orders. Men like these needed strict rules, ones they could trust to follow. Lamar kept himself to high standards.

  He toyed with the inmate until he forgot there were others watching. The man surged against Lamar's two fingers, keening, begging. Lamar stepped away. Adam watched him. Lamar paid him no attention at all.

  Four more inmates went through the same procedure, no one fought him. They shuddered and obeyed. They resisted the urge to jerk off. But Adam... Lamar smiled at him and removed his gloves from the last inmate. He was proud of this one. Adam was the perfect example. Turned on, infuriated, and best of all, obedient. He deserved a little more.

  Lamar lubed one bare hand and grabbed Adam's long cock. He worked the shaft back to full hardness, chuckling to himself. Yes, he'd give Adam a little something to remember.

  Lamar unzipped his pants and lubed his own fat shaft. Tormenting the inmates was always fun, but Adam's fury had Lamar stiff and throbbing. He lined himself up and Adam's whole body stiffened. Including his cock. Lamar pushed forward. The head of his cock popped through, then he sank into Adam's depths with a groan.

  He pulled Adam's ass wider and pumped his hips. Lamar watched his dark cock sink in Adam's hole again and again. He hissed, "Yes, you like that."

  "Yes, Warden!" Adam leaned into every thrust. Lamar's balls bounced with each impact.

  "I always come first in this facility." Lamar warned his new charge. "You have to earn your way around here."

  Adam gasped, "Yes, Warden!"

  Lamar came, pumping deep. He gripped Adam's hips and felt his cock shudder and twitch. When he backed up, Adam whined.

  "Turn around, all of you." Lamar pulled a small cloth from his belt and wiped himself clean. He saw every inmate flush red. Some were still hard. Adam's cock wept. "Kneel."

  Adam knelt first. Just as Lamar had planned. He threw the cloth in the inmate's direction. "Behind this door are two hundred men just like yourselves. Most of them are here for life. And most of them can follow the rules better than you. Be smart. Do as you're told and you'll get what you want. Am I clear?"

  A chorus of Yes, Warden.

  "On your feet." Lamar opened the first gate to the main community room. The inmates shuffled in. Only a few bars separated them from the general population. Hoots of appreciation echoed toward them. Lamar closed his side of the gate.

  Adam slammed a smaller inmate against the bars, his blue eyes stared at Lamar but he snarled at the inmate. "You think this is funny, runt?"

  "No, no, I don't."

  "That's good, because it's your turn." Then Adam did address Lamar. "Lube."

  "Please." Lamar lifted an eyebrow. "We're polite in this facility."

  Adam growled, "Please."

  Lamar squeezed a portion onto Adam's palm and watched the man fist his cock up and down until it throbbed. Then he violated the smaller inmate against the bars, both of them rutting and groaning until Adam came, staring the whole time at Lamar.

  When both of them had settled, Lamar pushed the button for the inside door and six new inmates joined the prison system. They were each handed a stack of clothing and a welcome bag of supplies. Lamar grinned. He had a lot of fun ahead of him.


  Lamar crossed his arms and marched down the cell block. Officers had dimmed the lights hours ago and except for an occasional dream, the inmates appeared to be sleeping. He heard a moan.

  Two cells down Lamar found an inmate naked on the lower bunk, thrusting into the tight grip of his own hand. He watched for several minutes until the inmate groaned and came, squirting on his chest and belly. His neighbor above never twitche
d. It gave Lamar an idea.

  He finished his round of this cell block with a hardon throbbing in his pants. He had a plan and he couldn't wait to bring it into motion.

  In the next block over, Lamar greeted the night guard with a curt nod of his head. He strode past several cells, seeking one in particular. Adam.

  Adam slept in the lower bunk of his cell, one arm thrown up over his eyes. His broad shoulders breached the edges of the bunk and he was tall enough to sleep at an angle just to fit on the mattress. His cell mate snored, his back to the hall.

  Lamar tapped a cell bar with his nail. The sound rang like a gentle bell. It was different enough to get Adam's attention. The inmate lifted his arm and narrowed his eyes at Lamar. Lamar held up a rolled magazine, a privilege Adam wouldn't otherwise see for a month if he did well. He tipped it through the bars, did Adam want it?

  Adam slid to his feet like a ghost. Lamar tucked the magazine back into his belt. He opened his fly instead and massaged his thick cock and heavy black balls. Adam would have to earn it. Lamar leaned against the bars, fitting his cock and balls to Adam's side for easy access.

  Adam's bright blue eyes glowered at him, but the man reached down and palmed Lamar's heavy sex. He pumped and twisted at the tip until it hardened. Then Lamar licked his lips and smiled. Adam used the cell bars for support. He sank to his knees and lapped at Lamar's bright cockhead. He sucked on the round tip and stroked the rest with his hand. Lamar hummed his approval.

  Lamar reached through the bars and stroked Adam's head. The linebacker-sized man wasn't the best blowjob he'd ever had, but his angry stare made up for his inexperience. Adam didn't want to give Lamar anything, but he knew how the hierarchy worked. Lamar loved his fierce, tempered resistance.

  Lamar's cock hardened in Adam's mouth and he leaned his head back, groaning. He moved Adam's head up and down, thrusting his shaft deeper. Close. Adam's hand reached through the bars and gripped Lamar's ass, pulling him tighter. Adam's thick fingers slid into Lamar's crack, just brushing his hole. Lamar came down Adam's throat, moaning, "Ohhh, yeah."

  Adam left him to spit in the cell's toilet which lost him a few points. But that ass-grab. That had been spontaneous and heat-of-the-moment. Maybe Adam didn't dislike Lamar's control as much as he thought.

  When Adam returned to the cell door, Lamar saw him tenting his prison-issued pants. He twirled his finger, indicating Adam should turn around, then he grabbed the inmate close to the bars and thrust his hand down the waistband.

  Adam arched into his touch. Lamar shoved the pants down to Adam's knees and coated his right hand with lube. He pumped Adam's long erection with steady pressure and delighted in Adam's uneven breath.

  "Grab the bars overhead," Lamar said. When Adam did so, his breathing shallowed further. Adam thrust up into every downstroke. His body shook with tension. A small sound trembled in his throat with every thrust.

  Lamar slid his free hand up Adam's taught body and pinched a nipple. "Have you got something to say, inmate?"

  Adam threw his head back and moaned, "Tighter, Warden. Please, tighter."

  "You're sure you don't want to do it yourself?"


  Lamar swiped his hand around Adam's chest, "If I give this to you, you'll owe me, Adam. Can you live with that?"

  The inmate breathed hard and didn't reply. Lamar relaxed his hand--

  "No, give it to me." Adam's hand swung down from the bar and clamped over Lamar's. His grip tightened on Lamar's dark hand. "I owe you, Warden. Give it to me."

  Lamar smiled though Adam couldn't see it. Together they pumped up and down Adam's long cock until he shook with release, moaning his thanks.

  Lamar wiped his hands with a cloth from his belt that he then offered to Adam. The magazine followed. Adam accepted it and returned to his bunk with a withering glare.

  "Careful, inmate. I might collect on your debt tomorrow."

  Adam bared his teeth and snapped the magazine open.


  Tomorrow didn't come soon enough. Lamar watched the general population file outside and divide into their gang groups. A couple took over the basketball court. Some the free weights. Others the bleachers. Adam, it seemed, was a fan of the body weight group. They paired off for push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, and a number of other moves that didn't require weights.

  Lamar checked his paperwork, which block did he have the pleasure of harassing today? Number three hadn't been on the receiving end of his fingers in a while. Good. That meant Adam could watch the entire show and wonder exactly when Lamar would call in his favor.

  He flipped the folder closed and locked his office behind him. Lamar asked two other officers to accompany him into the yard, men he knew could break up a fight or diffuse a disagreement before it got out of hand. The inmates stilled as he entered the yard.

  "Cell block number three!" Lamar shouted. "Line up for a cavity check."

  He watched a few men from each group break away and file into line with one of his officers. The officer snapped new gloves on, checked their mouths and ears, then instructed them to strip and put their hands on the wall for Lamar.

  They'd all been through this before. They knew what to do, and they knew their reward at the end of it. No one protested and the entire yard watched the process. Lamar teased and stretched inmate after inmate. He rubbed their holes, aggravated their prostates, and left them with erections weeping for attention.

  "Are you hiding anything in here, inmate?"

  "No, Warden!"

  "Good." He removed his fingers and snapped the glove off. "You may relieve yourself."

  A new glove came on. A new inmate assumed the position. Lamar slicked his fingers and thrust them into the slim man's hole. He ignored the pairs and triples of men moaning their climaxes together. The vice around his fingers shuddered with every rub and thrust. Lamar worked a second finger inside the inmate's ass and asked, "Are you hiding anything in here?"

  "Yes, Warden."

  "Yes?" Lamar thrust his fingers deeper, bumping his knuckles through the tight ring and rubbing the inmate's prostate.

  The man thrust back against him and moaned, "Yes, Warden, it's right there. Yes."

  "You know the rules. Nothing is allowed up here. I'm going to have to make it come out."

  The man hung his head, panting. Lamar saw his thick cock bob and drip, nearly there. "I'm sorry, Warden. Take it out. Take it all out of me."

  And Lamar did. He slammed his fingers deep into the inmate's ass. Every thrust hit his prostate. He screamed the Warden's name as he came in squirts against the wall. He caught the man around his waist before his legs could give out. An officer stepped up to help.

  "Take him to Corrections. Make sure he as water." Lamar slipped his gloves off and turned to face the yard as a whole. "Let this be a lesson to everyone. Lie to me about anything and you will have a direct walk to Corrections." Lamar put his hand out to indicate the stumbling inmate, "This man lied to me about his cavity check just to reach climax. That's a ridiculous thing to lie about." Lamar spread his hands, "If you obey, you will receive what you want. All you have to do is ask."

  Lamar followed his second officer back out of the yard and locked the gate behind him. For the following two hours, he watched the men in the yard work out, talk, and yes, even rut along the side wall. Oddly, Adam did not take the opportunity, himself. Lamar was certain the man was worked up by the display. At least two people approached him for sex, but Adam turned them both down.


  As the men filed back inside, Lamar walked across the yard to stop Adam from leaving. The bulge in the inmate's pants told him his suspicions were correct. He sat in a chair and folded his arms. "I notice you didn't get friendly with any of the other inmates this afternoon. Why not?"

  Adam's linebacker shoulders shrugged like bowling balls. "I'm not interested in them."

  "Their loss, I'm sure." Lamar shifted in his chair. "Tell me, Adam, how many squats can you do?"

r a hundred without weight."

  Lamar smiled. He waved Adam closer. "That's good. Because I'm calling in that favor you owe me."

  Adam frowned at him but when Lamar asked him to strip, he did so. His naked body gleamed in the sunlight, all hard angles and muscle. And his cock . . . Lamar felt his own erection throb at the sight of it.

  Lamar unzipped his pants and drew out his erection. Free from the pressure, it lengthened and reddened. Lamar coated his hand with lube and fisted his cock with smooth pumps. He watched color come up in Adam's cheeks and his breathing became short. Then Adam caught Lamar looking and he glowered again.

  With a laugh, Lamar told him to turn around and straddle him. The chair was low and Adam bent forward, exposing himself to Lamar's slick fingers. Lamar worked just one finger inside, testing Adam's stance. He didn't want the man to be too loose.

  "Good, stand upright." Lamar grabbed the base of his cock to stand it up. He put his other hand on Adam's hip to guide him. "Do a squat, Adam. Nice and slow."

  Adam's ass hit Lamar's cock and resisted. Slowly, Adam pressed down and enveloped Lamar's erection. He didn't stop until his ass met Lamar's hips, legs spread wide to either side.

  From here, Lamar could grip Adam's cock. He did so, sliding the lube from tip to base and back again. Then he let go and said, "You know how to do it. Show me your squats."

  Adam surged up with enough speed that Lamar gasped at the suction. Then Adam slammed back down again, hard. Up and down. Up and down. Lamar gripped the seat of his chair and thrust up to meet him. Then they were well and truly fucking. Moaning and grunting in the yard with only the cameras there to see them.

  Lamar wasn't sure how it happened, but somehow it was Adam who took control. Lamar didn't take his pleasure so much as Adam wrung it from him before he was ready. Lamar shuddered and came so deep inside he thought he'd get lost.


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