You May Have Met Him

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You May Have Met Him Page 34

by Sebastian Carter

  I stepped forward to the store manager and the security guard and asked them to explain the problem.

  “What seems to be the problem here?” I asked using my best “officer” voice and the lines we learned in training.

  The manager was the one that spoke up. He pushed his glasses further up his nose and in a high pitched face paced squeaky pitch he began to ramble, “This kid, this…this thief,” he said jutting his slim finger out towards Matt. He waggled it in the air a bit for emphasis and put a sneer on his face. “He thought he’d run out of here with some jeans. But…but we could tell by looking at him that he was no good so we’d been watching him on the store cameras. We just knew he was up to something and as soon as we saw him grab a pair of jeans and start heading towards the door, we caught the sneaky bastard.” He grinned, pleased with his side of the story. The self-righteousness and ego wafted off him in waves. As if he’d actually done anything. It was clearly the officer wannabee security guard that had done all of the work.

  “So you have the video of him attempting to steal the jeans?” I said jotting a few notes onto my notepad.

  “Yeah, we do, its upstairs,” the security guard said. He was the typical overweight type, his faded navy blue uniform shirt tucked over his bulging belly and into his too-tight pants. A slim mustache played across his upper lip and he was balding badly. The kind of balding that leaves a small tuft in the very front of your forehead and then surrounds it by a moat of skin before beginning the hairline again.

  “Ok, you guys should hold onto that in case we end up needing it. We’ll let you know.” I reached forward and took Matt by the arm. “If you cooperate I won’t cuff you.” I said it as a pleasantry, I thought maybe he had recognized me as well and that he would go easy and I could save him some of the embarrassment. No one likes being handcuffed in front of a bunch of strangers. Having to get into the back of a police car is bad enough. Everyone knows you’ve done something wrong and that you’re probably a drug addict or a loser, maybe both. Probably both. I wondered which Matt had become as I guided him through the store and out to the cruiser.

  At the doors I released his arm. “Please stand with your back to the car,” I said as I looked him over.

  “Don’t pretend with me,” he said as he set his gaze on me.

  “Pretend?” I said my forehead furrowing in shock and confusion.

  “Yeah, pretend you’re some bad boy cop, like I don’t remember the underweight geeky kid from school.”

  “Ah. I wondered if you’d recognized me.”

  “Of course I recognize you. You look the same except for some added muscle and a new fancy uniform.”

  I couldn’t help but let out a light laugh. “It is pretty new. First day actually, hasn’t had a chance to get dirty yet.”

  “Guess it will now,” he said a split second before he dashed away from the car and went running down the sidewalk.

  “Motherfucker…,” I cursed under my breath as I took off after him. He was a good fifteen feet ahead but I was taller and knew I could catch up to him fairly quickly. Within a few steps I was already gaining and within a couple of blocks I’d caught him. “Really? You really had to do that?” I asked feeling my face flushing red as my body pinned his to the sidewalk. “You couldn’t just take the easy route, you wouldn’t even have gotten much more than a slap on the wrist and now you’ve had to make it into this whole other thing.” I fumbled with my left hand on my belt. I didn’t want to but now he’d forced my hand and I was going to have to cuff him as soon as I managed to get them off of my belt. It’s funny how I had trained this exact same maneuver countless times but now it seemed much harder.

  The fact was, some other things were getting harder as well. I closed my eyes for a split second as I continued to fumble with the cuffs and I attempted to will my growing erection to die.

  “Hey now…Officer Stroker, seems like you’re having a bit of a reaction,” Matt said when he felt my hardness pressing against his backside.

  “It’s Officer Stoker,” I said my voice growing stern.

  “Uh huh. Whatever you say, but you can’t deny what I’m clearly feeling right now pressing into my right ass cheek.”

  “You don’t feel anything,” I said finally getting the cuffs free.

  “Oh I feel it alright,” he said with a grin.

  I went up onto my knees and when I went to lean forward to cuff him, I could see it. He was right. I mean, I knew he was right, I could feel it, but there was something different about actually seeing it tenting out the front of my slacks. Choosing to ignore it and not discuss it with him further I gripped his left wrist and then his right and pulled them both behind his back.

  “Ouch, take it easy,” he gripped as I locked the cuffs around his thin wrists.

  “You’re the one that chose to run.”

  “Well yeah, because I thought I would get away, not because I expected to end up face down on the pavement with a giant dick digging into my backside.”

  I sighed. There was no point in denying it and there was nothing more to say about it. It had happened, he had made me hard. Now all I could do was pull him from the pavement and take him back to the car. Hopefully the painful erection would die in the meantime. It’s not like I wanted to be attracted to him. I had spent my entire life denying that I was attracted to men and now my anatomy was betraying me. It wasn’t a conscious effort, in fact it was quite the opposite, I’d been making a conscious effort to suppress the urges, to not notice attractive men. But there was something about Matt, something I first noticed back in our high school days but had since forgotten. He was dangerous and I knew I needed to be careful…if only my penis would agree.


  I couldn’t believe he’d actually managed to catch me. I’d been stealing shit for years and no one had ever been able to catch me before. I laid there, prone on the ground, the cold cement chilling my skin through my shirt, the gritty texture biting into my cheek, but there was something else I felt. Something hard and obvious. This officer that I’d known back in high school had totally gotten a boner. I could feel it clear as day jabbing me in the right ass cheek. I’d had no clue Chris had been gay but now there was no denying it. He was turned on and the only other person there was me. The predicament gave me an idea but I knew I’d have to play my cards just right.

  He manhandled me up off of the pavement obviously trying to make a big show of it for the crowd that was gathering around us. I’d made it a point to tease him about the predicament in his pants but I dropped it when the others started to arrive. Embarrassing him wasn’t my goal, it wouldn’t suit my bigger plan to have him flushing red and looking like a newbie idiot cop. No, I just needed him to know that I knew his secret and I could use that knowledge for my own personal interest. If I was being completely truthful, his erection was also turning me on. I wasn’t exactly openly gay either but I was way less in the closet than Officer “Stroker”.

  I waited until he’d gotten me back to the car. He was feeling all tough and macho now but he had no idea what was coming. He opened the door and pushed me into the backseat carefully making sure to put his palm down on the back of my head to help me duck through the door. I scooted towards the middle once I was inside and sat awkwardly while I waited for him to get into the driver’s seat. He clicked in his seatbelt and adjusted it across his chest.

  “I’m going to read you your rights now, if there’s anything you don’t understand, speak up,” he said as he began the litany. I listened and waited until he reached the end. “Do you understand your rights as they’ve been read to you?”

  “I understand I gave you a massive erection,” I said with a raise of my eyebrow.

  His face remained stony. “Do you understand your rights?”

  “You know. If you’d stop playing bad cop for a minute I think we could come to a deal that would suit us both,” I commented carefully, or not so carefully testing the waters.

  “You know you can’t bribe me,
” he said his face softening a little.

  “It’s not exactly a bribe as we’d both be getting something we want. By the looks of it, something you need.” I had noticed his erection returning as I leaned forward against the metal barrier. “Looks to me like you can’t keep that thing under control.”

  “Look, how about we stop talking about it,” he said as he slammed his palm down on his crotch and smoothed the intrusion down. “Just answer the question. Do you understand your rights?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I understand my rights, ok? Listen, clearly you’re in the closet, and that’s fine, but I can help you with your little problem if you could let me off with a warning.”

  “I can’t do that and you know it. I have to take you in.”

  “C’mon, clearly you’re attracted to me and I don’t think you’re bad either. Why don’t you just take me to my place and we can solve both of our problems.”

  I watched as he hesitated. I could tell that he knew he should say no, he should spur my advance and take me in, but he was confused by his own desires. Glancing down at his pants leg I watched as his cock twitched at the thought. He turned and looked at me for a long moment before responding. “I can’t,” he offered quietly.

  “You can,” I said leaning closer against the barrier. “Take me home and I’ll show you just how nice it can be. Let out some of that tension, have a nice time, relax.”

  He bit his lip and closed his eyes. I watched his chest rise and fall as he took in a few deep breathes. I knew I had him, he was going to give in. I was surprised when I realized how much the idea thrilled me. I had said I didn’t think he was that bad looking either but the truth of it was, I thought he was hot as hell. He may obviously be the same guy he’d been in high school but his body had changed a lot and that nerdy boy was now all man. Tall, thin and chiseled…when I felt his erection against my backside I knew that I wanted him too. I had already been thinking about his naked body against mine, his hands roaming my body, the feel of him inside of me. I wanted him to say yes for more than just getting out of jail. I longed for him in a way I hadn’t longed for anyone in years, maybe ever. I waited patiently for the answer I knew was coming, the answer that would fulfill my desires and his.

  “I can’t right now.”

  “But you’re up for it?” I asked doing my best to contain my excitement.

  “Um…yeah…I think so,” he said running one of his large hands through his light blonde hair.

  “Ok. How about, you take me to my place and drop me off. You’ll see where I live and when your shift is over you can drop back by and we can take care of our business?”

  “Yeah, ok, that could work,” he said with a smile playing at the edges of his mouth. Mr. in-the-closet was starting to get excited about the idea. The thought of pleasing him thrilled me and I couldn’t wait to teach him a thing or two.

  “We’ve got a deal then,” I said smiling too.

  “You have to keep this a secret,” he said growing serious again.

  “Scouts honor,” I said leaning back in my seat.

  “I’m not joking. If anyone ever finds out about this, I’ll lose my badge and I swear to god I will hunt you down.”

  “Calm down. No one ever has to know. It’s our little secret.”

  “I just needed to be clear. This is definitely not an ok thing for me to be doing.”

  “Trust me. This is going to be good for both of us and no one will ever find out.”

  Chris finally started the cruiser and began to drive. He was slow and deliberate as he left the parking lot and then he followed my directions to my house. It was a short five-minute trip and neither of us said a word but it was obvious what was on both of our minds. He pulled to the curb where I indicated and then walked around to the side to help me out.

  “Hold on,” he said when I started to swing my legs out the door. “Let me go ahead and take the cuffs off so this doesn’t look quite so conspicuous.” Chris leaned into the car and worked his key in the cuffs. Once free from my wrist he folded them up and looped them back onto his belt. “Alright, come on,” he said as he gripped my arm and helped guide me from the car. “I have to at least walk you up to the house so it looks like I’m actually here to do something.”

  “Ok,” I said as we walked together. I pulled my keys from my pocket and then opened the door and stepped inside. He stayed firmly at the entrance and didn’t step a single food in.

  “I shouldn’t do this you know. I should have said no.”

  “But you didn’t,” I said as I leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on his lips. He started to pull away and then leaned forward and kissed me back. It was almost instinctual when his mouth opened to me. Just as his tongue was about to join mine I pulled away. “Hold your horses sexy. We have to wait for later and getting us both worked up right now won’t do us any good. Plus, you’re still standing right in my door and anyone looking will see what we’re up to.”

  “Oh shit,” he cursed as he nervously smoothed his hands down his chest. “Yeah, ok. I gotta get going. Um…my shift should be over around six unless something crazy happens. Shit…,” he cursed again, but this time it was different. This was the realization of what was coming later, this crazy new world he’d never been a part of before. Without asking I knew he was a virgin and his nerves had to be getting to him.

  “I’ll see you then,” I said as I backed away from the open door and pushed it closed. The last thing I saw was a look of lust and worry. His forehead furrowed but a smile played at the edges of his deliciously full lips. I brushed my thumb over mine remembering the feel of them as they had pressed against my own. I knew the night was going to be incredible and now all I had to do was wait for it.


  I spent the rest of the day in my patrol car both wishing that the day would speed up and slow down. Every time I thought about what was going to be happening later in the evening my heart would start to pound. I could put my hand over my chest and I could physically feel it beating at a rushed pace that had a cold sweat breaking out across my skin. Matt was astonishingly attractive and I wanted what was coming but I’d also never done that sort of thing before. In a word, it was scary. I’d never even told anyone I was gay but leave it to my body to betray me at the worst moment.

  I thought on it a moment, about the whole scene. Maybe the worst moment could turn into the best. What if everything could work out? What if I could finally get passed my hang up and just accept that I was attracted to men, that I was heart achingly attracted to Matt. I knew it was wrong. What could be more off than a police officer falling for a criminal? But something about it also felt right. I felt as if everything today had happened for a reason, all just to lead up to this moment where I would get to be with a man I was truly drawn to.

  As I drove around and responded to various small incidents, I wondered what Matt was thinking. Was this just like any other encounter for him or had he felt it too? Did he feel the connection between us? I laughed when I caught myself thinking about it. It was as if I was some silly teenaged girl all thinking about our intense connection. The few minutes we’d spent together had been anything but ideal and I shook my head to myself when I realized how stupid it was to think he’d felt anything at all. I had been attempting to arrest him after all.

  I pulled to the side of the road and rested my forehead in my hands. Of course he was just using me. He just didn’t want to go to jail. I guess in a way I was using him too. I was curious and I did want to know what it was like to be touched by another man, and I was attracted to him. When he made the offer I couldn’t help myself. My entire body had responded to the invitation and now I’d broken the law and had cornered myself. No matter what I thought about the legal implications I knew I would follow through now. I could feel myself getting hard again just thinking about it. I was too far gone to change my mind now no matter what it might mean to Matt. To me it meant getting to experience a sensation I never had before – one I desperately needed.

  I glanced at the clock to see how much longer I had on my shift. The clock blinked over to exactly 4:00 P.M. its bright green letters boring in my thoughts. Two more hours until I was officially off, but anything could happen in that time. As luck would have it, I received a call at 5:30.

  A short burst of static and then a disembodied voice filled my car.

  “There’s an ongoing 211 at 327 Hawthorne. Beware, the suspect may be armed and dangerous.”

  “Great...,” I sighed as I picked up the receiver. The address was on my route just a few blocks away. “This is Officer Stoker responding, I’m on my way.”

  I turned on the lights and siren and glanced in the rearview mirror. I was right in the middle of a lull of traffic between lights so I quickly pulled into the street and punched the gas. I hoped this would all be a misunderstanding that could be handled quickly and easily and then I could get on with the rest of my plans for the evening. Everyone knows though, the second you start wishing for something is the exact instant that everything starts to go wrong and all of your plans get thrown out the window.

  Pulling up to the address I was alerted to a much serious issue as gunshots rang through the air. They weren’t aimed at me and by my estimation it seemed as if they had been shot as a warning, to whom I didn’t know. That’s the thing with showing up to a call, you’re never given all of the information and its always a guess as to how serious it could be. I could feel myself reacting to the sound of the shots ringing through the air and it was as if all of my training suddenly kicked in. All other thought flew from my mind and I became all about the work and what was happening right then.

  I ducked back into the car and called for backup. I briefly explained the little bit of information I had and said that I was going to try and get a better look. I snuck up to the side of the house and glanced in through the corner of the window. Thankfully the curtains had been pulled open just enough to leave a slit to peer through. I was careful not to be seen and quickly assessed that there was a single man holding a hand gun and a woman cowering across the room with a small girl. I would never understand how people could get innocent children involved. That poor little girl will never forget that this happened to her – how frightening it was. Chances are the asshole just gave her trust issues for life.


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