You May Have Met Him

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You May Have Met Him Page 37

by Sebastian Carter

  “Yeah, maybe,” he said noncommittally.

  “Think about the people you’ve teased in your life. Is it any fun if they don’t react?”

  “Actually, no. The fun is getting to continue teasing them because it’s obvious its bugging them.”

  “Exactly. So don’t let it bother you. Be gay, be proud. That’s who you are. You don’t need to hide it any longer.”

  “What if it gets worse?” he said turning his eyes to me. I could see the worry within. It was as if I were looking directly into his soul. I raised my hand to his cheek and brushed it along his short stubble.

  “Then you deal with that when or if it ever comes. Harassment is something most workplaces will put up with. I’m sure there are measures that can be taken if you ever need to, but my bet is that you won’t.”

  “Hopefully,” he said placing his hand over mine. I watched as his eyes closed and he held my fingers in his grip. “God I’ve missed you,” he breathed.

  “I’ve missed you too,” I said as I leaned forward and pressed my lips lightly to his. I knew I shouldn’t but I couldn’t stop myself. “I have an idea,” I said when our lips parted again. “Let me take you somewhere.”

  “I can’t, not in my uniform,” he said suddenly tensing.

  “I know somewhere that your uniform will be perfect. Everyone will just think it’s your shtick.”

  “I dunno…,” he said hesitantly.

  “Trust me,” I said as I pulled him from the couch and grabbed my keys. “Don’t you trust me?”

  “Yes, I do,” he said getting a sheepish grin.

  “Then let’s go.”

  I pulled him by his hand and drug him out to my old beat up car. It was dented and rusty but it ran and that’s what mattered to me.

  “Will you at least tell me where we’re going?” he asked as he pulled open the door and swung into the passenger seat.

  “If I tell you it will ruin the surprise and I think you’ll chicken out.”

  “So I don’t even get a hint?”

  “I’ll tell you this. If you can relax and just go with it, you’ll have an amazing time and it will be good for you.”

  “Uh oh, now I really do feel like I should be worried,” he said as I pulled the car out of the driveway and headed down the street. I drove with my left hand and he held my right. It felt perfect, like we’d always been that way, as if the last few weeks had never happened. All the disappointment and hurt vanished when my hand was held tightly in his.

  It took about ten minutes to drive to the club. It was a small place but it was always packed and they played good music. It was a nice environment for your first gay outing and I knew he would love it if he’d stop worrying about how everything looked.

  “We are not going in there,” Chris said as he looked out the window towards the neon glow of the clubs sign.

  “That’s exactly where we’re going,” I answered excitedly as I hopped out of the car. I ran around to his side and pulled open the door.

  “I don’t know…,” he said beginning to protest.

  “Relax. Go with it. Stop standing in your own way.”

  He closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. He exhaled and looked at the club again. “Ok, let’s go before I change my mind.”

  “Yes!” I exclaimed as I took his hand in mine again and together we walked to the doors.

  We waited our turn in line, there were only three groups ahead of us so we were at the bouncer in no time.

  “Nice outfit,” he said to Chris when he noticed his uniform.

  Chris stuttered a moment and then managed a polite “Thank you.”

  “Go on in,” the muscular guard said as he used his arm to indicate that we could step through the doors.

  We stepped forward and pushed the right side open for Chris. As soon as it was open we could hear a heavy bass beat and laughter. A smile spread across his face and I knew I’d done the right thing.

  “Come on, time for a drink,” I said as I lead us to the bar.

  “This is amazing!” Chris said taking in the room. His eyes were wide with wonder and I couldn’t help but smile too when I saw how thrilled he was.

  We sat at a table in the corner and watched the other friends and couples dancing. All of them were happy and comfortable – and out. I sneakily watched Chris as he took it all in. I thought I could see a hint of his own acceptance sinking in.

  “Can we dance?” he asked out of nowhere. I was so shocked I almost spit my drink across the table.

  “Hell yes we can!” I said jumping up from my seat. “Time to get down baby.”

  We walked out to the middle of the dance floor and while we may have started clumsily, it only took a few minutes before we’d found our rhythm and were bumping and grinding with the best of them. He laughed and held my hips as he moved his own in time with mine. It felt magical.

  As we danced we grew close again, he would spin me and kiss me as his arms fell across my shoulders and we moved in perfect sync as his body fit against and into mine. I could feel his excitement and after all of our fun I couldn’t wait for us to head back to my place. Something had changed in him, he was a new man. He no longer seemed frightened, and some of that may have been the alcohol, but I could see it in him. He knew it was ok to be himself – his true self.

  We giggled and laughed the entire drive back, but as soon as we were through my front door, we entered a whole new realm of excitement. While he’d been the shy, apprehensive man when we’d been together before, now he was assertive and slightly dominant in his embrace and his touch.

  He ripped my shirt off over my head and kept me facing him as he backed me into the bedroom. The sight of him being so dominant in his fitted blue uniform had me hard as a rock and I was ready and willing to take whatever he wanted to give. It surprised me when he was the one that went down on his knees this time.

  Reaching forward he gripped the waistband of my pants and skillfully unbutton and then unzipped them as he pushed them down to the floor with my boxer briefs. My cock sprang forward as soon as it was free and he immediately gripped it in his hand. He stroked me a few times while he kissed my thighs and across my hip. Slowly he moved closer and closer until his lips were traveling slowly down the length of my shaft. I fought the urge to throw my head back, I wanted to see everything. I wanted to watch him as he devoured my cock.

  Chris teased my tip with his tongue, dipping it lightly down into my slit and down around the edges of my head. He worked the underside until I was squirming and begging him to take all of me into his mouth. He grinned and told me I’d have to wait. He was teasing me and I loved every second of it. Dipping down again he bit my thigh and then agonizingly worked his way back to my cock. I bit my lip and forced myself to think of other things. Anything besides what was happening or I’d be coming in seconds.

  “Don’t do it,” he said as he took my head into his mouth. Just the tip, nothing more. He sucked lightly as he looked me in the eye. He was taunting me. He was challenging me to see if I was up to the task of holding out. I groaned and thought of the only thing I could think of, a grilled cheese sandwich. I focused on pulling the bread from the package, placing it on a plate, buttering it, slicing the cheese, heating the pan – every tiny little step that would keep me from blowing my load.

  “Oh god, oh god…you have to stop,” I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder and pitched forward. Chris continued to suck me a few more times and then released me from his mouth. He grinned from ear to ear knowing that he’d won. He stood and let me lean against him for a moment as I regained my composure. Without his strong body to hold me I was wobbly and unstable. No one had ever sucked my cock like that before.

  Finally, able to steady myself I leaned backwards and looked down at his beautiful uniform. I ran my hands over the fabric and felt his fit body underneath. I knew my body wasn’t like his but he seemed to love it anyway and that made me feel confident. I carefully undid each and every button on his shi
rt and then slid it down off of his shoulders. He wore a white tank top underneath and when his top shirt was free from his arms I reached down and pulled it free of his waistband. His gaze never left mine as I pulled it off over his head and tossed it to the corner with his shirt.

  “I want you,” he breathed when I reached for his belt.

  “I want you too,” I echoed as I pulled the long end through the buckle. The button and the zipper were a cinch. Together we kicked off our shoes and stepped out of our pants. I went to one side of the bed and he went to the other. We pulled back the comforter and the sheet and slid underneath. We laid side by side for several moments just holding hands. A bit of a breather before we continued. Neither one of us wanted this to go too quickly and it was sweet to hold hands for a moment.

  In the tender moment we carefully moved towards one another again until our hands were roaming each other’s body and our mouths were seeking to taste the other once more. We pressed our hips together, my cock caressing his and jutting into his soft belly as we kissed passionately.

  “Please,” he begged me when he knew he was ready.

  “Are you certain?” I asked not wanting to press him to move forward before he was ready.

  “I’ve never been more certain of anything,” he said as he brushed his hand from my chest to my hip. A soft and loving gesture.

  “Do you…,” I hesitated thinking of the right way to ask. “Do you have a preference of position?” I finally managed and I could feel my cheeks flushing red while I watched and waited for his answer.

  “I think I want to feel you,” he finally said as he giggled and covered his face with his hands.

  “It’s ok, you don’t need to hide from me,” I said pulling his hands away so that I could kiss his nose. “We’ll go slow and you can tell me to stop at any time,” I offered.

  “Ok,” he said as I got up from the bed. I went to the dresser and grabbed the lube. I squirted a small amount along the length of my cock and into my hand. He rolled onto his stomach and waited.

  “Roll back onto your back,” I said. “I want to face you.”

  His forehead scrunched in a confused fashion and I could tell that he didn’t understand.

  “Trust me, I’ll show.”

  He rolled to his back and I climbed over top of him and gripped his legs so that his hips rolled back and lifted his ass slightly. I used the lube in my hand and spread it across his ass. I looked him in the eye and lowered my hips until my tip was at his entrance. I didn’t say another word as I began to press lightly. It wasn’t a constant forward push but instead a sequence of tiny thrusts that I hoped were helping him to adjust and prepare for the rest of me.

  I could feel him opening for me. Each little push and I could feel him widening more and more until I was entering him. It was just a tiny bit at first but before long I was sinking deeper and deeper and he was moaning from the feel of me. His hands reached down and he gripped my ass pulling me forward, begging for more. I picked up my pace and together we moved until we were both grunting from the pleasure.

  He felt tight and warm wrapped around me and it was all I could do to contain myself and not go as hard and fast as I could. I wanted to last for him, I wanted him to love every single second and I didn’t want to cut it short for either of us.

  As we moved my belly caressed his cock and together we pumped and stroked each other until we were slowly losing ourselves to the moment. He pulled me back to reality when he suddenly gasped, “I’m going to cum.”

  “Me too,” I added as I slammed myself into him again and again. A few more thrusts and I was losing myself completely. I was filling him with every drop I had and I felt like I could cum for hours. I’d never cum so hard in my life. As my hot streams coated his walls he began to lose himself as well. He sprayed across both of our bellies and when he was done he gasped and panted attempting to catch his breath.

  “Holy shit,” he finally gasped after moment and a smile spread across his face.

  “Yeah…holy shit,” I agreed as I laid myself down on his chest.

  We spent the rest of the evening in the shower and then cuddling closely in my bed. He didn’t leave, he stayed the night, and in the morning we discussed his plans for at work. He agreed that he was done being ashamed and that if anyone gave him shit he would tell them where they could shove it because he’s proud of who he is and refuses to give in to bigots.

  After six months of dating we moved into a new apartment together. It wasn’t my place, or his place, together we chose somewhere completely new. We laughingly referred to it as our fresh start, something we’d both needed when we first met.

  Together we’d forged a new bond that led us into a whole new life, a life we could be proud of and that together would only grow more powerful each and every year. He doesn’t know it yet, but I plan to propose in a couple more months. If there’s anything I’ve ever been certain of in this life, it’s that I need him to be mine forever. I’m certain he’ll say yes, but that doesn’t keep me from being nervous every time he smiles at me.

  About the Authors

  About Amelia Clarke

  About Amelia Clarke

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  Amelia believes that everyone loves a good romance – even those that try to pretend that they don’t. Who doesn’t love the tug and the pull of the heart strings?

  As a big fan of the classics Amelia tries to imbue her writing with the adventure and the tragedy of falling in love. She firmly believes that sometimes the best love is the love that has to be fought for.

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  Also by Amelia Clarke:

  I’ve never liked the motorcycle club, but one of its members might just be the man that saves me.

  * * *


  I didn’t care that he was the sexiest man I’d ever seen.

  I didn’t care that I’d wanted him since I was old enough to know what desire felt like.

  I was a good girl, and I’d be damned if I fell for him.

  He was big and rough and hard and I didn't want any of that...

  That was before the El Diablo Rojas kidnapped me.

  Now all I can hope is that Jacob finds me before they make good on their threats.

  * * *

  Jacob…She said I was a bad boy but she had no idea.

  The Mischief Makers had yet to accept me as one of their own, even though I was f*cking born into them.

  The day I finally find out the verdict, she ends up kidnapped by one of the clubs rivals.

  Now, I don't give a damn about anything but finding her.

  Come hell or high water I'm bringing her back.

  * * *

  ***Includes MOBSTER free***

  Click here to check it out on Amazon

  About Amanda Young

  A bestselling author of erotic romance, Amanda Young penned her first romance at eighteen. That novel was promptly deleted before it could traumatize innocent readers. After several years of honing her craft, Amanda went on to receive her first publishing contract in 2006.

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  A vivid imagination and a passion for all the things that go bump in the night has led Amanda to create provocative stories that push boundaries and dare readers to expand their comfort zones. Since she tends to write whatever strikes her fancy, her novels fall into many different subgenres. Among her available titles you'll find contemporary and paranormal settings, gay and straight themes alike.

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  Amanda Young lives in Virginia with her husband, daughter, and two pampered pooches. When she's not writing, she can usually be found chasing after a mischievous toddler or daydreaming abou
t the characters in her next book. She loves to hear from her readers, and can be found on Facebook and Twitter. Her website,, is where you can find up-to-date information on all of Amanda's current and upcoming releases.

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  About Debrah Deumont

  Read More

  Debrah is young at heart and naughty all night long. She likes exploring the kinkier side of love in the most taboo stories you can find. From prison inmates to shifters, Debrah can fill your needs. She lives in sunny San Diego where making your private fantasies come true is her full-time job.

  Want to see Debrah's take on your favorite trope? Join the mailing list to talk with her directly.

  About Beau Bishop

  Get to Know Beau Bishop

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  Beau Bishop has always enjoyed men. Tall men, short men, thick men, and thin men. It's in the way that they move, the way that they command a room, and the way they capture you completely with a glance.

  He lives in a small southern town with a variety of small dogs with large appetites.

  While he's just getting used to the whole "author" tag, he does love interacting with fans and readers.


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