Gunner: The Hacker's Code

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Gunner: The Hacker's Code Page 22

by Michelle C. Reilly


  Gunner’s eyes drooped closed when a sound came to him. He sat up, wide awake. Nay stirred next to him. The clicking of the lock on the exterior door drifted to him. Gunner gripped Nay’s thigh and shook her awake.

  She moaned and her eyes rocked back and forth beneath her lids. His gaze drifted across her face, admiring the high cheekbones and the way her lips lifted slightly at the edges. “Nay,” he whispered and rubbed his palm along the back of her thigh. “Get up. They’re here.”

  Nay shot up from the mattress, and Gunner turned his head right before her forehead collided with his chin. “What?” She squinted up at him.

  Voices echoed to them from beyond their door and faces passed in front of the glass. “It’s time. You remember everything we talked about, right?”

  She nodded and her skin turned ghostly white.

  “All right, then. Let’s do this.”

  He stood and took up a spot in the middle of the room as the door swung open. Nay rose and scooted against the wall, far from Gunner. One of the guards he’d seen earlier stood outside the doorframe. He held his sunglasses in one hand and his dark glare targeted Nay. “The boss wants to see if you’re ready to give us your answer,” he said with a strong Spanish accent. Gunner quickly assessed the man. Deep pock marks disfigured his face. He held no weapons, but a bulge from a holster was clear from beneath the man’s jacket. Two men shifted behind him. One scratched between the creases of his slicked back hair and seemed bored.

  Not for long.

  Gunner turned his chin over his shoulder and gave Nay a barely perceptible nod. She squeezed her lids shut and rolled under the bed. His powers surged through his body, singeing his veins. He dove at the men as his Designation burned hot on his neck. A snarl escaped him, and he grabbed the man’s head with one hand and jerked. Cracks filled the room. The man fell dead to the floor, his glasses clattering against the tile.

  The two men in the outside room shifted into a stance. Gunner stopped and smiled, giving them an eyeful of his long fangs.

  One man whimpered and stepped backward, tripping over his own feet and falling on his ass. Gunner guffawed. The man with the greased hair reached inside his jacket, but before he could touch the weapon hidden there, Gunner twisted his arm around the man’s neck and squeezed. The man on the floor scrambled toward the exit. With a laugh, Gunner swung his leg out and up high, bashing the man’s temple. The man’s eyes rolled up and he fell on his face. Finally, the man within Gunner's stranglehold gurgled and passed out.

  Gunner searched the guards for weapons, taking each of them for his own. He’d given Nay his after giving her a few quick lessons. He confiscated the door keycard and pocketed it in his jeans.

  Pivoting back into the room, he bent over and observed Nay under the mattress. She was in a fetal position facing the wall. The butt of his gun stuck out from the back of her jeans. Her body trembled and her ribs heaved in and out in quick succession. “Nay?”

  Gunner leaned closer to reach for her, but then stopped. She had her fingers clamped over her ears. He gently touched her arms.

  She screamed. He jumped and fell back, banging his forehead on the cot’s metal frame. “Damn it,” he muttered.

  “Gunner?” she whispered, her voice tremulous.

  “Yeah, it’s me.” He shook his head.

  How in the hell can I take a punch from someone like Nico, but a small knock on the noggin causes stars to circle my head?

  Gunner leaned over again to check on her. She faced him, but her lids were still squeezed shut. Nay reached out, her hand searching for him. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m good. We need to get going.”

  “Am I allowed to open my eyes now?”

  He almost laughed. He’d assumed she’d realize it was safe to open her eyes. She was definitely following his rules. Gunner had given her a list of instructions. The main one being to stay safe and out of the way. He’d also instructed her to keep her eyes shut during the fights.

  When she’d frowned, he told her, “I just don’t want you to see anything that might scar you for life.” In a way, it was true. What he became in his full Anathergian mode was frightening. Especially to those on the losing side.

  Gunner reached in and grabbed her hand to haul her onto her feet. Her gaze fell on the man with the broken neck and she gasped. He placed his palm on the small of her back and led her out into the other room.

  “How were you able to take out all three of them without any weapons?” she asked as she stepped over the man in the doorway. When she glanced up at him, he gave her a blank stare.

  I should’ve added no asking questions to the list.

  She blinked and cleared her throat, seeming to come to the conclusion he wouldn’t answer. “So, what’s next?”

  “I need you to remove their cell phones, back up keycards, etc. I’m going to lock them in our room.”

  She nodded and pushed her hair behind her ear as she squatted next to the man with the slicked back hair. Gunner checked the other two and dragged them into the room. The third followed the others once Nay was done with him.

  He yanked the door shut and secured the locking mechanism. Then he used the butt of one of the pistols he’d nicked and broke the panel. Before they left the room, he ran the keycard over the panel in front of the other cell. The door creaked open and the girl with the red dress they’d seen earlier peeked out with big blue eyes.

  “You okay?” Gunner asked.

  She opened the door wider. Welts and bruises marred her beautiful face. The girl nodded and licked a cut on her lip. “Are you here to help?”

  “I’m here to try,” Gunner said. “What’s your name?”


  “I’m Gunner and this is Nay.” He gestured toward Nadine who nodded to the girl. “How long have you been here?”

  “A few months.”

  “Think you can show us around?”

  The girl pushed her tangled bangs from her face with a shaking hand. “Sure. Please just make sure they don’t get near me.”

  “Sure thing. You stick with Nay, and I’ll take care of the dirty work.”

  Kailey lifted her lips into a slight smile. “Yeah, you’re pretty good at that.”

  Gunner paused, wondering how much she saw. He glanced at her cell’s window and the grime covering it.

  Hopefully not much.

  “We’re heading to the security room first,” Gunner told her. “I suggest you leave the shoes behind.” He nodded down to the shoes on the floor in her cell.

  “I don’t want to touch another pair of high heels in my life.”

  He smiled. “Come on.”

  Gunner led them out of the room. The halls were quiet during the early morning hours, but the cameras could see them.

  Not much I can do about that right now.

  They scrambled to the stairway and back up to the level they’d come from. When they approached the door, Gunner stopped and listened. Shuffling feet clicked on the floor down the hall outside.

  “Okay, you two,” he said. “Y’all stay back behind the stairs. I’ve got some business to handle. Don’t come out until I come to get you.” He withdrew one of the pistols he’d taken from the guards, checked the magazine, and then pinned his gaze on Kailey. “You ever shoot a gun before?”

  “My daddy took me shooting before he died,” she answered.

  “Okay, then,” he said. “Quickly. This is a Glock. There isn’t a safety.” He loaded the chamber. “So, it’s ready to go. All you have to do is aim and pull the trigger.” Kailey reached for it, and he jerked it back. “Do not aim it at anything or put your finger on the trigger unless you plan on causing harm, do you understand?”

  She nodded and Gunner handed it over. Once they were hidden behind the stairwell, he cracked open the door. Three men strode toward the stairway entrance. Gunner squeezed out of the door and closed it behind him. The wide hallway provided no cover, so he marched to the middle and stopped, faci
ng the oncoming men. He inflamed the burning pit in his stomach and let his powers free. The men paused to lift their weapons and take aim at him. Their movements were fast, but his powers made them appear slow and stilted, allowing him to see each small detail.

  Yes! Time for some action! I might be a computer nerd, but I’m one helluva kick ass warrior, too.

  Gunner shot forward and yanked the gun from the first man. The guard gaped at his empty hands, not even realizing it was Gunner who took his weapon. Time slowed even more as he added more fuel to his powers and reached sonic speeds. He swung his leg around and up high, kicking the second guard’s weapon. It skittered across the floor. He spun and thrust out his other foot. It whistled through the air and bashed into the man’s jaw. Gunner watched the reverberations cascade along the man’s face from the point his foot made contact. Spit and blood shot from the man’s mouth, and the bones crunched beneath his boot.

  Before his foot left the second guard, Gunner swung his head around and reached out for the first man. He yanked on the back of the guard’s blazer and crushed the man’s head into the marble floor. The third man whirled toward him, his long greasy strands spinning through the air, his Glock at the ready.

  Placing both feet firmly on the floor, Gunner pushed off the balls of his feet, soared into the air, and did a high front layout. He spun around just before he landed behind the long haired man. Gunner waited for a moment for the guy to find him. When the guard twisted around and saw him there, his dark eyes popped wide.

  “What’s up?” Gunner laughed and shot out a fist, hitting the man in his solar plexus. The guard flew backward and plowed into the wall. His gun clattered to the floor as he sank down. He groaned and passed out.

  Gunner collected the men’s weapons, and checked the magazines to make sure they were full. He stowed one between his back and jeans and another in front of his stomach. Gripping the third Glock in his right hand, he slid up against the wall and crept up to the corner. He studied Vargas’ office and listened carefully for any sound. Checking the area, he shot across the hall and peered into the office. The room was empty. He quickly made his way to the door the security men had exited from earlier. Gunner assumed the office belonged to the security detail and the men inside knew he was coming. If they’d seen what had gone down with the other guards, they’d be prepared for him. But they didn’t need to know what he was currently up to.

  Gunner peered up at the camera, gave it a huge grin, aimed his Glock, and then squeezed the trigger. The sound echoed against the walls, making his eardrums vibrate. He squinted at the noise as the camera disintegrated.

  We’re even. At least, for now.

  He put his back to the wall and scooted up to the door. Pulling out the keycard, he ran it over the panel. When the door unlocked, he pushed the panel wide and twisted back against the wall with such speed, the men would have only seen a blur.

  Gun shots rang out, pelleting the door with holes. The door frame shattered and Gunner turned away. Bullet casings clinked on the floor and a shoe scraped against the tile. Quiet rang and the door creaked closed. A soft curse came to him and footsteps crunched as they moved toward the opening.

  Gunner hunched down and waited. A gun held stiffly in two hands, followed by arms in long, white shirtsleeves came from the door. Still in a crouch, Gunner shot out his free hand and gripped whatever part of the man he could get ahold of and threw him across the hall. The man crashed against the floor, unconscious. Using the same hand, he pulled the gun in front of his stomach free, filling both hands with a Glock, and rolled into the room, guns blazing. A round hit a guard’s kneecap. The man screamed, and his hand held the gory wound as he sank to the ground. Another’s shoulder was pierced, causing him to lose his grip on his submachine gun. The third guard got a shot off.

  The bullet sped through the air at Gunner. He tried to spin away from the projectile, but his momentum forced him in the wrong direction. The round ripped through the surface of his shoulder and sliced all the way through flesh and muscle and out the back.

  “Son of a bitch!”

  He shot to his feet and marched over to the man, hissing through his fangs. Gunpowder fogged the room, and the acrid smell made Gunner’s nostrils twitch. The young man stood frozen in place, his smoking gun held stiffly in both hands in front of him. His huge eyes stared at Gunner’s mouth. He blinked twice, not comprehending what he was looking at. His gaze drifted to Gunner’s Designation on the left side of his neck and then his glowing auburn eyes. Gunner whipped out his hand and yanked the weapon out of the man’s grip. “Give me that.”

  The man yelped and Gunner shook his head. “I can’t believe I got hit by a friggin’ newb. Nico is never gonna let me live this down.”

  The man backed up, shaking his head back and forth. “Pl…please… I didn’t mean to.”

  “You didn’t mean to?” Gunner squawked. “Look at this.” He pointed to the wound. “Look what you did to me, you piece of shit!”

  “I… I’m sorry. I swear!”

  “You have got to be kidding me. Get over here,” he directed as he pointed to a chair. The man quickly complied and sat in the chair. Gunner rummaged in a drawer, found some cable ties, and secured the guard to the chair. Then he pistol whipped the other two, knocking them out to keep them out of his hair. Gunner stepped back and eyed the guard in the chair. “Where’s Vargas?”

  The man gaped. “I don’t know. Sometimes he stays here with a few of the girls, other times he leaves. I’ve only been here for a few weeks, so I don’t know his whole schedule.”

  Gunner took in the man, not sensing any deceit, but still unsure if he believed him. He removed the guard’s tie and used it as a gag, tying it into a knot behind the man’s head. Leaning over him, he smiled. “I’d say you took the wrong job.”

  He laughed and rubbed the man’s brown hair as he stood. The narrow room had two desks facing the door and monitors with the camera feeds lined a far wall with a long counter beneath them. Across from that was a gun cabinet. Gunner moseyed over to check the monitors. The way back to the stairwell was clear, so he left the room to gather the girls.

  After he made sure he had his powers banked, he knocked twice on the stairway door. “It’s me. I’m coming in. Don’t shoot me.”

  That’s all I need is to get shot by an untrained girl next.

  He pushed the door open and entered the stairwell. It was silent. “Nay?”

  “Gunner?” Nay bolted from their hidden spot and dove at him, catching him around the neck. “Oh my God! I thought you were dead!” She pulled away and placed her palms on the sides of his face. Tears streamed down her cheeks. She caught sight of the blood on his shoulder. “You’re shot.” Her face paled, and she pulled at the torn, red-soaked fabric.

  “Just a scratch.” The wound had nearly healed and didn’t require any treatment.

  “Let me check it,” she said as she tugged on the sleeve.

  “I’m fine,” he insisted.

  Kailey came up behind Nay. “There were a lot of gunshots. I don’t know how you made it. We were sure you were dead.”

  “I was lucky. But we have to get going. It’s a pretty good bet they’ve called for backup.”

  “Gunner, she knows where Kristine is,” Nay said with a sniff.

  Gunner stared at Kailey. “Is she here?”

  Kailey nodded. “Down two levels.”

  Gunner smiled. “Let’s check the security angle first to see who’s down there.” He cracked open the door and scanned for any signs of movement. When there were none, he pulled the door wider and edged his head out to scan the area. “The coast is clear.” Gunner walked out and stood in front of them in case someone entered the area.

  They stayed close to the wall as he led them back to the security office. When they entered the room, Kailey stopped and stared at the guard still strapped to the chair. Gunner eyed the girl. Her top lip turned up and she squinted at the man. “What’s up?” Gunner asked.

e’s the pee guy,” she said.

  “The what guy?”

  “He likes to pee on the girls he’s with.”

  Gunner scowled at the man.

  “That’s disgusting,” Nay said.

  Kailey let loose a small laugh. “You’d be surprised at what some people get off on. He most definitely wasn’t the worst.”

  Gunner shook his head and stepped over to the cameras. He dropped into the desk chair in front of the huge panel of monitors. “Okay, let’s see what they’ve got here.” The keyboard clicked as he pressed the keys. Nay approached behind him, studying the software with him. He glanced up at her. “What do you think?”

  She shrugged. “A bit primitive. Easy to get into.”

  He smiled. “That’s my girl.” Gunner manipulated some of the cameras so all of the monitors included views of Kristine’s floor. “All right, Kailey, give us a rundown of the place.”

  Kailey placed the Glock on the counter and inched up next to Nay and pointed to a monitor. “She should be in there. We’ll enter from this area,” she said, running her finger along another screen showing a bank of elevators and the stairwell. “We’ll keep going and take the second hallway on the right. Her room is the third on the left.”

  “How many are there in total here?” Nay asked.

  Kailey shrugged a bony shoulder. “Lots. Probably twenty or thirty.”

  Heat rose up Gunner’s chest.

  These sick fucks. They’re lucky I won’t be the one meting out justice.

  He rolled the chair to the end of the counter where a phone sat. After punching in a number, he put the receiver to his ear.

  “Yeah?” Nico answered on the first ring.

  “Hey, man,” Gunner said.

  “Gunner? What the fuck you doing using this number?”

  “We’re in a bit of a spot.”

  “A spot?”

  “We were escorted to Vargas’ place.”

  There was a long pause, and then Nico guffawed.

  “Laugh it up, dip shit.” Gunner waited for him to stop.

  “I’m just waiting for you to tell me the punchline,” he said once his laughs subsided.

  “Here’s one for ya: call Double T and tell him to send his people over here ASAP. Make sure he has some EMTs with him as well.” He gave the Anathergian the location to pass on to the detective. “I don’t have a fix on Vargas. He skedaddled a couple of hours ago. However, there are about twenty to thirty captives here.”

  Nico whistled. “No problem, man. See you in a few.”

  Gunner hung up.

  He turned to Nay and extended his hand to the security surveillance. “Would you like to do the honors?”

  Her face brightened with a smile. “I’d be happy to.” She took the chair he offered, pulled up the keyboard, and accessed the back end of the surveillance firmware.

  Gunner opened the gun cabinet and pocketed a couple of magazines. Pivoting back around, he observed Nay, admiring her work.

  After a few moments, she swiveled around in the chair and swiped her hands together. “Done. I only changed a few things, but—unless they have a good coder handy—it’s going to take them a few days to figure out the issue. Until then, no video surveillance for them.”

  Gunner lifted his fist and she bumped her own to his. “Let’s roll,” he said, and they marched out.


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