GUNNER: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 4)

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GUNNER: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 4) Page 3

by Samantha Leal

  “Night Courtney.”

  She waved goodbye and turned on her heel. As she made her way down to her room across the wooden walkway she stretched her arms high above her head before she reached for her purse to find her key.

  One of the things that annoyed Courtney the most about not having a car was that she didn’t have a big set of keys that were easy to find. The motel key was the only one she carried and it always seemed to vanish into some corner or tiny crevice of her bag and she could never find it when she really wanted it.

  “Damn key,” she whispered as she dug around searching, her arms and legs now both weary and on the verge of giving up.

  Just when she was about to trudge back towards the office and to ask Elspeth for the spare her tired hands clasped around it and she grinned.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  She pulled the key free from her purse, slipped it into the door, undid the lock and stepped inside.

  The room was dark, hot and airless. It had been sealed all day and the sweat started to bubble up onto her forehead almost immediately. Courtney moved quickly to the window and heaved it open before closing the curtains and slamming the front door closed behind her. She quickly flicked on the table lamps and the TV for some background noise, before she went into the bathroom, put the plug in the tub and started the faucet.

  The room steamed up quickly, but as she peeled off her clothes she found herself not minding. It was so hot in there it was as if she was in a steam room and as she sat back on the edge of the bath and started to remove her make-up her mind started to drift back to the conversation that she had overheard in the back room at Tanner’s.

  Gunner, whoever he was, was coming back to Slate Springs.

  As she turned the name over in her mind she conjured up images of who this mystery man could be and why he seemed to cause so much excitement and such a stir around the bikers earlier that evening. Who could he be to induce such a wide reaction…?

  The tub was almost full so she shut off the faucets and swirled the water around with her hand to make it even. As she stood up and cocked her leg over and into the red hot water she gasped but quickly found her body becoming accustomed to it. She slid down so she was fully immersed and slowly let her head go under the water. As it flowed over her hair and she felt it fan out around her she ran her fingertips through her scalp and sighed. She had been waiting for this all day.

  Her whole body seemed to instantly relax and she closed her eyes. No matter how much she tried to switch her mind off, all she could think about was her day and night at work and about the mysterious biker who had been brought up in conversation. She thought back to the meeting and to how all of the Forsaken Riders had been so worked up and bloodthirsty for revenge. She didn’t know who their target was, but she was sure that whatever they had done to the club, they clearly deserved it. In her time in Slate Springs, she had never seen such a reaction from the guys, and she could sense that something big was about to happen.

  After she dozed in the water for around half an hour she finally pulled a towel down from the rack and got to her feet. She wrapped it around herself, pulled out the plug and climbed out of the tub and onto the bathmat. The entire room was still full of steam and her skin was dewy and pink as she dried herself and rough dried her hair.

  She opened the bathroom door and walked across the fluffy carpet to her bed. The TV was still on and was showing some lame reality show about kids in pageants. Courtney rolled her eyes, picked up the remote and changed it to something more thrilling. She settled on an old horror movie and as she slipped on her pj’s and climbed into bed she yawned and turned out the bedside light.

  Before she knew it she was fast asleep, the TV blared on around her all night until it finally cut to white noise.


  She woke the next morning to the sound of horns honking down the highway and a sliver on sunlight creeping in underneath her curtains. The window was still open and she could feel the breeze coming through along with the loud noises from the road.

  She sat up and rubbed her eyes. The clock on her nightstand told her it was almost 10am, and even though she had had a full night’s sleep, she still didn’t feel as rested as she wanted to be. She got to her feet and went into the bathroom where she washed her face and brushed her teeth. She didn’t have any kitchen facilities in the motel and although she knew Elspeth would make her anything she wanted up at the house, she didn’t like to impose.

  She dressed quickly, pulling on her denim shorts and a white crop top, before she laced on her sneakers and smoothed on some red lipstick. Her black bob was stuck up at the back so she smoothed it down with her hand and brushed it through with the tips of her fingers.

  “Good enough,” she smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror and grabbed her purse.

  As she opened the door to her room the heat hit her instantly. Even though it was nowhere near noon the day was already shaping up to be one of the hottest of the year and she rolled her eyes. Even though she loved the warm weather, being out in the desert did get too hot for comfort sometimes. She hated being out there on foot, boiling hot before she managed to get to work or to Main Street.

  She slammed the door closed behind her and locked it before she slid the key into her bag. She turned and started along the wooden walkway toward the office and she smiled to a couple of other people staying there as she passed the vending machines.

  She could hear Elspeth inside speaking with a customer and she slowed as she got to the door. Out in the parking lot were what looked to be a few new cars, but there was one in particular that had caught her eye. It was a big, gleaming black truck with a Harley in the flatbed at the back. She stopped outside the office and sat down on the bench there, pretending to search for something in her bag.

  It didn’t mean anything that there was a bike in the truck. It could have belonged to anyone passing through town on their way somewhere else. But there was something about the truck that seemed familiar and the more she looked at it the more she was sure that whoever it belonged to had something to do with the Forsaken Riders.

  She scanned it quickly, her eyes moving fast but her newly awake brain struggling to keep up.

  What is it about that truck that is familiar? She thought as she chewed her bottom lip.

  Behind her, in the office, she could hear Elspeth telling her customer all about the diner up the road, about Tanner’s bar and of how Main Street was full of places to go. Whoever she was speaking to didn’t utter a word, but Courtney could sense that whoever it was, wanted to keep a low profile.

  “You’re in room twelve,” Elspeth said. “It’s just around the wooden walkway and on the other side of the crescent. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

  “No Ma’am,” the deep, husky voice said. “Thank you.”

  A shiver rolled over Courtney and she found herself trembling. The voice was so deep and brooding, she knew whoever it belonged to had to be someone incredibly sexy. Her heart began to race and she gripped the edge of the bench with one hand.

  As the door to the office opened further and a dirty, rough hand clasped around the edge Courtney found her eyes travelling up to meet the man who was leaving. His hair was jet black and his eyes so deep and brown she could have fallen in and drowned. The second she locked in on them, she knew it was going to be impossible to break away.

  He stepped forward and came into full view. His broad shoulders, muscular arms and tall frame all came together to make one of the most handsome and intimidating men she had ever seen. He also looked incredibly like King… but he was a little bit older and taller. She shuddered.

  Her mouth gaped open slightly and she knew she had to look away. He looked so mean and menacing, there was no way he wasn’t a biker. And as she watched him walk across the parking lot to the truck and flip down the bed at the back the shining red brand caught her eye. The Forsaken Riders logo was emblazed on the side of the Harley.

  I was right, she

  But now, she also knew for sure… the man checking into the motel was Gunner…


  Courtney moved quickly down the side of the highway without looking back. Gunner had seen her and now she knew what he looked like her mind was swimming with possibilities.

  Could he be King’s brother?

  And if so, why hadn’t he been in Slate Springs and more involved with the motorcycle club?

  She kicked her feet along the dusty road and chewed her bottom lip. She was desperate to ask, but knew if she did she would be overstepping her boundaries.

  As she began to approach the diner she decided to try and push Gunner and the rest of the Forsaken Riders out of her mind. She didn’t have to try and solve whatever was happening, they had things fully under control and in the long term it was probably best that she didn’t know anything about it.

  She climbed the metal steps to the diner and pushed open the door. It was still relatively quiet inside and Jamie, one of the waitresses, looked up and smiled.

  “Morning Courtney,” she said as she tucked her pen behind her ear.

  “Hey Jamie,” she smiled.

  Courtney moved to one of the high stools in front of the counter and pulled a menu up close. She hadn’t eaten properly in almost two days and her belly was aching with hunger.

  “What can I get for you?” Jamie said cheerily.

  “The biggest, strongest coffee you’ve got,” Courtney laughed. “And a plate of scrambled eggs.”

  She slid the menu away and yawned. Her job at Tanner’s had been kicking her ass so much lately, she was even starting to forget to eat. Her insides felt raw and she could feel her ribs jutting out beneath her breasts. Even though she still had a perfect hourglass figure, she had started to feel a little on the slim-side and she didn’t like it. Every time she realized she’d forgotten another meal she scolded herself and made sure that she more than made up for it.

  “Were you working last night?” Jamie asked as she leaned forward with a mug and a pot of coffee.

  “Yeah,” Courtney yawned. “I’m worn out.”

  Jamie sighed and filled up the mug for her.

  “Hopefully this will bring you back into the land of the living,” Jamie smiled.

  “I hope so…” Courtney nodded.

  She picked up the steaming mug and clasped it between her hands. As she sipped it she could almost feel the caffeine bouncing through her and was beginning to zing back to life.

  “How’s things up at Tanner’s?” Jamie asked as she leaned back against the hatch through to the kitchen.

  “Busy as ever,” Courtney shook her head. “I mean, it’s a bit of a mad house, but I love it.”

  “It’s such a shame, all that went on up there…”

  “Do you know what happened?” Courtney’s ears pricked up and she sat forward.

  Even though she knew Jamie relatively well, they had never had a conversation about why it had changed names and been completely made over in the past six months.

  “Not really,” Jamie said. “All I know is one of the boys from the bike gang, Tanner, died… They didn’t have much to do with the club before that, as far as I know, anyway… then all of a sudden they’d taken it over and started changing things…”

  Courtney’s pulse started to quicken.

  “And the owner?”

  “Yeah,” Jamie scratched the side of her neck. “Marv… he used to come in here sometimes and a few of the waitresses had worked for him before. He was an ass apparently. I didn’t ever have much to do with him but I know he wasn’t very popular.”

  “Hmm, yeah I’ve heard that too…” Courtney nodded in agreement.

  “Still, gone too young by the sounds of things… both of ‘em…” Jamie sighed and shrugged.

  She turned to serve another customer and Courtney followed her with her eyes for a moment before she looked back down at the counter and picked up her coffee again.

  She found it so hard to believe that in such a small town, things had been kept to closely under wraps. If people knew what had really gone down, they certainly weren’t letting on…

  Maybe people here aren’t as dumb as they look, Courtney thought. Maybe they’re just scared of getting caught up in something…

  Jamie slid a plate of scrambled eggs and toast down in front of Courtney.

  “There you go,” she smiled as she picked up the jug of coffee and started to pour her a fresh cup.

  “Thank you!” Courtney grinned. She really was starving and just the sight of the plate in front of her was making her mouth water. She picked up her cutlery instantly and started shoveling the food into her mouth.

  “You working tonight?” Jamie asked.

  “I sure am,” Courtney said between a mouthful of eggs.

  “Well me and some of the other girls may come in,” Jamie smiled. “Saturday night and all, not often I get a weekend night off.”

  “Sure, come on down,” Courtney said not wanting to appear rude… but she had the distinct feeling that Tanner’s wouldn’t be the safest place in the world at the moment… And she knew for sure that she would be crazy busy and wouldn’t have much time for small talk.

  “Awesome,” Jamie smiled. “I’ve always had a bit of curiosity about the place and I’ve heard some of the girls that come in here on weekends talking about it… they say it’s much better these days.”

  Courtney nodded. She didn’t know the old club… Red X… but she could only imagine what a dive it had been.

  “It’s a different kind of night I guess,” Courtney smiled, unsure of what else she could say. She certainly knew her idea of a good night out wouldn’t be hanging around in a strip club… But it was Slate Springs and the pickings were slim.

  She sat and ate the rest of her breakfast and tried to keep herself to herself. The diner filled up with more people as the hour went by and by the time Courtney had finished her coffee she felt wide awake and ready to seize the day.

  She opened her purse, pulled out ten dollars and left it on the counter. She waved to Jamie and jumped down from the stool.

  “May see you later,” Jamie called as she swiped the money from the counter and opened the register.

  “Yeah, see you later,” Courtney smiled.

  As she stepped out of the diner and into the blazing hot midday sun she suddenly had a spring in her step. She didn’t know why but she was buzzing with positivity and she felt ready for anything.

  She wandered back down the side of the desert road and made her way back to the motel. The sky was completely clear of clouds and a wonderful azure blue. She looked up and shielded her eyes from the sun and watched the birds dancing overhead. She had a good feeling about the day. She didn’t know why… she could just tell that something exciting was about to happen.

  As she turned into the parking lot of the motel she spotted the black truck immediately. The bike was still up in the back on the flat bed and Courtney instinctively looked towards room number twelve, where she had heard Elspeth tell the guy who owned it that he was staying. The door was open and she could see movement inside. Her heart started to skip and she decided to walk more slowly.

  She rooted around in her purse for her wallet, pulled it out and started digging for change. She stopped by the vending machine and placed her bag down on the bench next to it whilst she took her time looking over what was inside. She only wanted a soda, and she was really stalling for time to see if she could get a glimpse of the guy with the truck again… Maybe she had been wrong when she thought that he looked like King… maybe that had been wishful thinking…

  As her mind was churning over and she continued to stall, she suddenly became aware of a shadow behind her and she stiffened up. It was as if she could sense him coming… like she had zoned in on his aura and could smell him walking towards her…

  It was him.

  Courtney cleared her throat and dug around in her purse again before she slid a fist full of quarters into the machin
e. She pressed for a diet coke and as she waited for the ancient machine to spring to life a big, rough looking hand slammed down onto the wall beside her.

  “Hell, this must be an antique by now,” he said, his voice deep, husky and so incredibly sexy it made Courtney go weak at the knees.

  She turned to look at him and their eyes met. The intense dark brown pulled her in again and she felt herself go rigid. He was standing so close to her she could feel his heat. His warm breath was sharp on her neck and she couldn’t find the words to speak…

  He laughed and brushed a strand of hair out of his eyes. He was dewy with sweat and speckled with dirt. He looked like he had been working hard all morning, streaks of oil ran down his biceps and he smelled of gasoline. He bit his bottom lip.

  “I…” Courtney stammered, “Well…”

  “This machine’s older than I am,” he continued.

  She smiled and tried to pull herself together.

  “Do you pass through often?” she asked, the only thing she could think of saying without sounding as if she had already been speculating as to who he was.

  “No,” he said, still looking at her deep in the eyes. “But I used to live here… so I guess you could say I know it pretty well.”

  “Oh,” Courtney smiled. “What brings you back? Is it the burgers they serve up in the diner down the street?” she joked.

  He laughed and tipped his head to the side.

  “No, but I wish it was,” he said with a wry smile which he used to disguise a sigh.

  He was looking at her so deeply she didn’t want to break his gaze, but her heart was pounding and the silence and tension between them was mounting.

  “I’m Courtney,” she smiled as she held out her hand, completely lost for what else to say. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Gunner,” he smiled as he took her hand and clasped it tightly between his. She felt the hairs on her neck stand on end.

  So I am right… she thought.

  “And it’s very nice to meet you, Courtney,” he said as he lifted her hand up to his lips and planted a kiss on it.


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