King of the Wicked (The Banished Series Book 1)

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King of the Wicked (The Banished Series Book 1) Page 34

by T. R. Hamby

  He felt a happiness so strong that it hurt, and he kissed her, hard. Nora let out a gasp, wrapping her arms around his neck, nearly strangling him again. All his confusion vanished, and he lifted her into his arms, carrying her to her bedroom.

  “I love you,” she whispered as he laid her on the bed.

  He hovered over her, gripping her hand. He felt more alive than he had since before he left; his heart beat so strongly in his chest, his skin burned at her touch, and he felt electric.

  But it wasn’t anything compared to her. She was the spark.

  He held her close. “I can’t tell you,” he replied, “how happy I am. To know that you’re all right...and to be with you…”

  “You’re not with me yet,” she said, a mischievous grin on her face, and he laughed.

  “Do you still remember?” she giggled, as he slipped off his shirt. “I mean, it’s been a while.”

  “I knew you were going to give me shit for that,” he said, laughing again.

  She sat up, suddenly serious, and ran her hands along his chest, touching his necklace, tracing his scar. She looked to her right, touched the scar on his shoulder. He shivered at her touch, and was sharply reminded of Lilith, touching him the same way, all those years ago.

  But he wasn’t with her. He was with Nora, and they were together again, and she had her lips on his.

  “So,” he murmured a while later, “tell me about Michael.”

  They were lying in bed, facing each other. He had an arm around her, touching the small of her back, while Nora was tracing patterns on his skin. They couldn’t seem to keep their hands off each other. It was almost like old times again.

  She smiled warmly. “Where do you want to start?”

  “With Gilla,” he said decisively. “What’s going on there?”

  She chuckled.

  “I’ve never seen him with a human before,” he said slowly. “I’ve never seen touchy before.”

  She nodded. “Yeah. They’re together now.”

  He was shocked. “You mean--?”

  “Yup. Your dear brother has fallen in love with a human,” she said triumphantly. “The whole thing. He asked her to move in with him today. Oh, he lives in Rome now too--just a couple blocks down the road.”

  He took a moment to absorb this. How strange. He had been the only Angel to have ever loved a human in the course of all history...until now. And to think it was his brother who would be the second Angel to do so. He couldn’t help but wonder what Miss Gilla saw in Michael--she clearly liked him.

  He frowned at her. “And the...breakfast thing?”

  “Oh,” she said, and she chuckled. “Well...Michael and I have...gotten really close while you’ve been gone. We’re good friends now...great friends now. And the three of us have been having dinners every Sunday...and sometimes breakfasts on Saturday.”

  Mel must have been staring at her as if she had three heads, because she laughed.

  “I know. It’s a lot.”

  “You really...enjoy spending time with him?” he asked, still bewildered.

  She shifted. “Mel...Michael’s been there for me this whole time,” she said quietly. “Beyond what he was supposed to do. He’s done so much for me...and we’ve gotten really close. He’s like a brother to me now.”

  He considered this. He still found it incredible that Michael and Nora, who had barely spoken before, were now close enough to consider each other siblings. And just as incredible was Michael’s ability to make friends now--being the way he was.

  Although, it had been a while since Mel and Michael had had a real conversation. Mel didn’t really know how Michael was anymore.

  He frowned, studying her. “It was hard for you?”

  Nora’s face darkened, and she took his hand, squeezing.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, tears springing to her eyes. “I was a mess for a while. I was depressed...I slept all the time, and could barely eat. Michael got on me about it, had me help with a case. We spent a lot of time together working on it...we met Gilla while doing it. I did get better eventually. That psychiatrist you suggested is great, by the way. He actually listens to me.”

  He smiled, though his heart ached, knowing Nora had been unwell because of his absence.

  He brushed at her hair. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, and she shook her head.

  “It isn’t anyone’s fault,” she said firmly. “It’s it is.”

  “If there was any justice in the world, it wouldn’t be a problem,” he replied, a hint of anger rising in him. His Father seemed to take so much more than give, and always from those least deserving.

  She frowned a little, looking thoughtful.

  He studied her, cupping her face in his hand. “What is it, diletta?”

  She smiled at the familiar endearment.

  “Michael tried to get Agatha to kill someone,” she murmured slowly. “But she said no...she told him if there had been any justice, she would have used her power on him when he had Lilith killed.”

  Mel felt a chill go up his spine.

  “It really shook him up,” she said softly. “He was crying.”

  His heart wrenched. The thought of Michael actually shedding tears was painful to him, despite their issues. He had always been so stoic. Mel remembered a time, before Lilith’s death, when Michael had been hearty, full of laughter--and some arrogance. But afterwards he had become so taciturn...withdrawn. Unmoved. To know that he had broken down was...disturbing.

  “He cried in front of you?” he asked, amazed again.

  She nodded. “Yeah. I was all he had.”

  Another pang.

  “He likes to play guitar,” she said before he could speak. “Did you know that?”

  He frowned, shaking his head. “He never struck me as musical.”

  “He’s really good. He played for me once.”

  Mel studied her thoughtfully. It was clear that Michael had made an impression on her, and it still amazed him.

  Nora suddenly looked nervous, and sat up.

  “I have to tell you something,” she said cautiously. “Something big.”

  He sat up too, his heart racing. He didn’t like how anxious she looked.

  She took a deep breath. “Have you...noticed anything about me? Anything different?”

  He frowned, bewildered, and looked her up and down. Except for having lost weight--which worried him--she looked completely normal. Her hair was longer, and she had a tan--he supposed it must be summer again.

  He shrugged. “You look as gorgeous as ever.”

  She smiled slightly. “Close your eyes.”

  He hesitated--what was going on with her?--but did what she said.

  For a moment he just sat there, waiting for something to happen. Then he frowned. He was aware of Nora sitting beside him--very aware. Hugely aware, in fact. Her Presence was so strong he was almost distracted by it. He could feel her...the same way he could feel Michael, a few yards away in the guest bedroom…

  His eyes snapped open, and he stared at her. She watched him warily, biting her lip.

  “Nora…” he breathed, “are you...Immortal?”

  She looked a little relieved that he had caught on so quickly. She nodded, taking his hand and squeezing. “Yeah.”

  He was flabbergasted. It was couldn’t be. Why would Father allow it?


  “Trust me,” she said firmly, “you don’t want to know. Remember?”

  He looked her up and down again, gripping her arms. She still looked her normal self, but he couldn’t help but study her, searching for any visible sign that she had changed, that she was...invincible. He couldn’t believe it, and his heart raced in his chest.

  Nora was Immortal. She was truly Immortal. Wasn’t she?

  He looked at her, shaking his head. “You can’t be.”

  She nodded, almost desperately. “I am, Mel. Trust me. That’s why you can feel my Presence.”

  He sta
mmered, flustered, and her lips twitched into a smile.

  “I can show you my knife trick,” she murmured, rubbing his arms soothingly. “I did it for Gilla today. I can cut myself, and the wound automatically heals. And it barely hurts.”

  He let out a breath. “Jesus Christ.”

  “It’s okay,” she said gently. “Everything’s okay.”

  He was quiet as the news sunk in. Slowly he began to believe it. He still had no idea why Father would make her seemed so out of character. But her Presence was undeniable--and of course, he trusted her.

  He cupped her face in his hands, still studying her as if her Immortality would suddenly become visible. She smiled, touching his hand, and his heart suddenly soared.

  Relief washed over him. She was safe--finally safe. She could never get hurt, never get sick. Never die. She would be healthy without end...and they could be together. He would never have to watch her grow old, never have to watch her die. She was his forever...and he felt euphoria.

  He grinned, chuckling, and pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her.

  “God, Nora,” he moaned. “God...I’m so relieved.”

  “You are?” she whispered, holding him tight.

  He had tears in his eyes, and he pulled away to look at her.

  “You’re sure?” he said, and she laughed, rolling her eyes.

  “Yes, Mel. Yes.”

  He kissed her. He hadn’t thought he was able to be any happier, but now he was. He was almost dizzy.

  She broke away, studying him. “You’re okay?”

  He laughed, brushing at his eyes. “Yes...of course. I get to be with you for all of time. I’m so happy.”

  She looked relieved, letting out a sigh. “I thought you might be mad.”

  He shook his head. “No. I didn’t think it was possible,’re sure?”

  Now she laughed. “How many times do I have to tell you?”

  He didn’t reply, just looked at her, marveling. She smiled, brushing his hair out of his eyes.

  “I love you, Mel,” she whispered, and he felt another wave of euphoria.

  He kissed her brow. “I love you.”

  She kissed him, moving onto his lap, and he was wonderfully distracted.

  Then he pulled away. “How?” he exclaimed, and she laughed again.

  “Trust me, Mel,” she replied, “you don’t want to know. Just be happy it’s happened.”

  He hesitated. It couldn’t be good if she didn’t want to tell him. But he decided to ignore this--they were happy, and what did it matter how she got to be Immortal? What mattered was that she was--that she was safe.

  “Go to sleep,” he said as two a.m. rolled around. They were lying down again, and her eyelids looked heavy.

  She gave him a stubborn look, and he chuckled. “I will when you will.”

  “I can’t,” he said quietly. “Not for a few months.”

  She frowned at him. “You can’t sleep?”

  “No. Side effect from being unconscious for a year.”

  “Well--what will you do?”

  He shrugged, smiling as she struggled to keep her eyes open. “I’ll think of something. Last time I taught myself Cantonese. But that was over a thousand years ago now.”

  She smiled faintly, but he could tell she was finally drifting off. He watched her, still amazed that he was home, that she was in his arms again. Amazed that she was now Immortal. They really had the ages to spend with each other--he imagined all the things they would do, all the places they would see. The things she would do with all the time she had. It almost seemed like too much--like it could turn out to be a joke at any second.

  But it wasn’t. Her Presence beside him was enough to reassure him. This was really happening. She had achieved the impossible.

  And he was proud of her.

  She woke up early in the morning, as if woken by Mel’s Presence, and pounced, making him laugh. They were in bed together for a long time. Nora caught Mel up on things--her work, her relationship with Gilla, the last few cases she had worked with Michael.

  She was getting good reviews in the opera community, after a great performance in The Magic Flute. Le Nozze di Figaro was bound to get her even more notice. And Gilla was her closest friend now--they were singing opposite each other in the show, and so spent time together throughout the day. And now Gilla lived with Michael, of course, which still amazed Mel.

  The last topic intrigued him the most, though. Agatha had refused to kill any more humans--breaking Michael’s heart in the process, apparently. So he and Nora had had to get creative. Michael couldn’t use force--it would make the police suspicious. They had been lucky with the first--Patrizio, who had killed himself. The second, Alessi, Michael chased into the sea until he drowned. And the third, De Carlo, Nora--

  “You what?” Mel cried, staring at her in shock.

  She looked a little guilty. “Don’t be mad.”

  “I’m not mad,” he said, lowering his voice. “I’m just--you pushed him into traffic? Are you okay?”

  She had a dark look on her face. “Yeah,” she said slowly. “It’s weird--I just--the things he had done. He’s the first one I’ve seen who the police had charged with a crime. Out on bail--he was already stalking someone else. He saw me following him--tried to grab me. I pushed him right into the intersection.”

  Mel felt a hint of anger, and he glowered. “Michael should’ve been there,” he murmured, and she looked at him worriedly.

  “He was,” she said soothingly. She raised an eyebrow. “Don’t be mad. Remember, I can’t get hurt anymore. De Carlo could have pushed me into the street instead, and I would still be here talking to you.”

  “You can still get hurt,” he replied firmly, “you just can’t die. You don’t have Angel strength. If one of these pricks wanted you for himself, all he’d have to do is grab you. There’s still so much that can happen to you.”

  She was quiet for a moment, staring thoughtfully at her hands.

  Finally she looked at him, and there was a determined look on her face.

  “I know,” she said quietly. “But I made a deal. I’m not going to stop looking for these guys. Someone needs to stop them.”

  He took her hand, frowning. “What does Michael say about this?”

  She looked at him. “He’s not happy about it either,” she replied, “though I can tell he enjoys working with me. He…” She paused, then continued, “He wasn’t happy about the De Carlo case. He said I should’ve waited before approaching him. But I didn’t have a choice...he was getting away…”

  Mel couldn’t help but smile, despite his worries. “I can see why my Father offered you the deal,” he said gently, squeezing her hand. “You’re a natural.”

  Her lips twitched into a small smile. “You’re okay with it, then?”

  He chuckled. “Not really. But we don’t have a choice now.”

  “You don’t have a choice,” she replied sternly, “but I do. And I choose this.”

  His worries lessened in the happiness he felt again, and he drew close, kissing her neck. “I missed that.”

  “Missed what?” she giggled, squirming beneath him.

  “Your spirit.”

  Nora smiled warmly and kissed him.

  Then she pulled away, her expression suddenly serious.

  “There’s something else God asked me to do,” she said slowly. “As part of our deal.”

  Mel instantly glowered. “I knew he would do that.”

  “Just listen. It isn’t bad...well--maybe it is,” Nora replied, frowning.

  She looked at him. “He told me I need to watch out for Gilla. Take care of her--be there for her. He said she’s a...favorite of his. And that one day she’ll be...special.”

  Mel absorbed this, bewildered. Of all the unexplainable things his Father had said, this was one of the strangest. Gilla, so far, seemed nice, but what was it that would make her special? And what did “special” mean, anyway?

God only knew.

  “And he said you had to help her?” he asked, pinching the bridge of his nose.

  “Yes. He said my help would be...crucial.” She shrugged, though her expression was worried. “He said our relationship now is a good start.”

  Mel sighed. “I don’t know, Nora. I really have no idea.”

  “I don’t want to tell Michael. He’ll worry.”

  Mel nodded. “Yeah. Let them be happy.”

  Noises started coming from the kitchen.

  “Michael,” they said together, and Nora hopped out of bed.

  “I knew he wouldn’t leave me alone to make breakfast,” she said, throwing on a T-shirt and leggings. “Come on, lazy.”

  “Stay in bed with me,” he replied, reaching out and grabbing her waist.

  She let out a little shriek and laughed. “I’m hungry,” she said, slipping out of his grip. “Come eat with me. You haven’t had breakfast in twelve months.”

  “I haven’t had breakfast made by Michael in about a hundred years,” he muttered under his breath, but he got out of bed and got dressed. Now that he was more caught up, he was interested to see the dynamics between everyone over breakfast.

  Nora took his hand, squeezing, and together they went out to the kitchen. Michael was at the counter, cutting up vegetables. He watched them warily as they approached.

  “Good morning,” Nora greeted smugly. “Decided it was your turn after all?”

  “Thought I’d give you a break,” he replied awkwardly, though his lips twitched into the smallest of smiles. “What with the whole...reunion thing.” He glanced at Mel almost warily, and Mel wondered why.

  “You’re sweet. But I’ll help,” she said, going to the fridge and pulling out ingredients. “What are you making, anyway?”


  “I’ll make pancakes, then. Where’s Gilla?”

  “Still sleeping.”

  “Is she okay?”

  He nodded. “Just tired.”

  Mel sat at the counter, taking a front-row seat at the exchange. He couldn’t help but wonder how Nora was ever able to get an actual conversation out of his brother. He was just so...awkward. Quiet.

  Michael glanced at Mel again, then looked at her as she stood at the stove.


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