Luca - You Will Be Mine (Sicilian Mafia #1)

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Luca - You Will Be Mine (Sicilian Mafia #1) Page 23

by Jaimie Roberts

  Pointing his finger at me, he shouted, “This is not about me!”

  I threw my hands in the air in frustration. “Oh, no. Of course it isn’t! I can’t believe you have the gall. How dare you have the nerve to come in here and be righteous with me after what you’ve done? What does it say in the Bible, Dad, about screwing women who aren’t your wife? What does it say about paying to sleep with other women, ha?” Stepping closer to him and pointing, I said, “What does the Bible say about beating your daughter so badly that she had to crawl on her hands and knees for two days because the pain was so unbearable that she couldn’t stand up?”

  Seeing the rage in his eyes, I knew he was going to lunge. He was halfway towards me when the door flew open and Luca came in with rage and fire in his eyes. Pulling him away from me, Luca grabbed his neck and hurled him out the door before closing it behind him.

  I felt the numbness come again as I flopped back on my chair. I knew Luca was going to do something bad now, but I didn’t care what.

  Timidly, Belinda and Melinda came through the door and sat down on my desk in front of my chair. They took one hand each, and we just sat there in silence—not one of us saying a word. I felt grateful to them for that. They could have been asking twenty questions and giving their two cents worth, but they knew that wasn’t what I needed right then.

  Around twenty minutes later, Luca came in, and the girls quickly ran out the door to leave us in peace.

  Pulling me from my chair, Luca took my seat and placed me on his lap. He didn’t say anything; he just held me.

  I played with the button on his shirt and just took time out, trying to calm myself after everything that had happened. “You’ve done something, haven’t you?”

  Stilling, Luca tightened his grip on me. “Do you trust me?”

  Realising in that moment that I did utterly love and trust this man with all my heart, I gripped his shirt in my fists and nodded my head.

  Luca didn’t say a word after that, and neither did I. His actions have and would speak louder than words.

  Two days later, I woke in my bed with a hunk of an Italian man entwined next to me. I raised my head to look at him, and was greeted with the biggest smile I had ever seen on Luca’s face.

  “What’s that smile for? Do you want to play?” I bit his chest and rubbed my leg against his hardness.

  “No, not yet.”

  Wondering what was wrong with him, I stretched with a big yawn, and it was then I felt it. This alien feeling on my finger. Something was there that wasn’t there before.

  I pulled my hand in front of my face and gasped at the beautiful diamond and sapphire ring staring back at me.

  “Do you like it?”

  I pulled myself up to a seated position and carried on staring. “Oh, Luca, it’s beautiful.”

  He kissed my cheek with a smile. “Just like you.”

  I beamed and kissed him back. “Thank you. It’s perfect.”

  Luca grinned. “Again, just like you. It was my mother’s you know, so look after it.”

  “Your mother’s?” I wasn’t sure whether I was going to like this. If this ring was what his father had bought for his mother, then I would feel very uncomfortable wearing it.

  “Her mother gave it to her when she died. My grandmother and grandfather were childhood sweethearts who stayed together until the day they died. In her will, my grandmother requested that my mother keep it and give it to her firstborn son—on the condition that he would give it only to the woman he loved wholeheartedly.”

  Releasing a breath, I grabbed Luca and pulled him to my lips. “That was beautiful. I promise to cherish this forever.”

  He frowned for a moment. “You thought I was giving you a ring from my father, didn’t you?”

  Feeling guilty, I looked away. “Yes. Sorry.”

  Shaking his head and pulling me into his arms, he kissed the top of my head. “Don’t be. I would never give you anything that belonged to my father. My grandmother was a wonderful woman, and she lived a wonderful life. Now, it’s your turn to live a wonderful life with me.”

  “When did she give it to you?” I saw his saddened expression and my heart melted for him.

  “It was just before I left—after she made me promise that I would never return. She quickly told me the story of my grandmother and placed this little box in my hand.”

  Snuggling my head in his chest, I began to comprehend the enormity of what Luca had done by giving me this ring. If I didn’t know whether Luca loved me before, I definitely knew it after that.

  “I will make a promise to you now, Luca. I promise to take care of this ring just as well as you and your grandmother did. I will never take it off. I will treasure it with all my heart.”

  Squeezing me tighter to him, he kissed me lightly before pulling away. “I know you will, amore mio. And I promise you that I will never leave you. You are my home now.”

  After we consummated our ring appreciation ceremony we headed our separate ways. I went to work in my office while Luca went out to take care of some “business.”

  As I sat down in my chair, I noticed my usual morning paper placed neatly on my desk. It was the picture on it that caught my eye. A picture that looked all too familiar. My father.

  Pulling it open, the headline read, “Local vicar caught up in prostitute scandal.”

  I was just about to start reading it when my auntie barged through the door. “Have you seen it?”

  “Good morning to you,” I smiled.

  Sitting down opposite my desk, Trudy studied the paper in my hand. “I see you already have.”

  “I was actually just about to start reading it.”

  I could see she looked disgusted as she shook her head. “I had no idea he was doing this. Can you imagine if he had come here?” She smiled and shook her head again.

  At least then, one of my questions had been answered. I knew this was Luca’s doing, and I knew he would do his utmost to keep me from being involved.

  “The papers have got pictures of him on a bed with another lady on top. You probably shouldn’t see that. They’ve pixelated her face, but you can clearly see it’s him.”

  I tried to stifle my laugh, but it was just too much. Trudy snapped her head to me in shock. “Why are you finding this whole thing so funny? Did you know about this before the papers printed it this morning?” Raising my eyebrows, I just shrugged my shoulders.

  “Hold on a sec; give me that newspaper.”

  I did as instructed and watched as she frantically turned the papers to the offending picture.

  Seeing it again, I turned my head in disgust. I still felt nauseous every time I thought about that day.

  “This room, it looks awfully like—”

  I watched as it began to dawn on my aunt what had really occurred. Scrunching the paper on her lap, she looked down to the floor. “I’m so sorry, Clara.”

  “Don’t be. I’ve put it to bed now and moved on with my life. Excuse the pun.” I laughed sarcastically.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  I sighed. “I just didn’t want to cause you any unnecessary upset. You’ve had enough on your plate without this.”

  “But it’s all over the papers. I would have known about it eventually.”

  “I had nothing to do with that,” I said, pointing towards the newspaper.

  Trudy frowned, but then her face relaxed once she realised what must have happened. “Oh.” Sighing somewhat, she smiled and faced me. “He loves you very much.”

  Smiling right back at her, I knew she never had to tell me; I knew that all too well myself. “I know.”

  She looked down at my hand and spied my ring. “When did that happen?”

  I pulled my hand up to my face and smiled. “He asked me a couple of days ago, but it wasn’t really official until this morning. I was actually going to call you before you barged in here.”

  Getting teary, she stood up and waved for me to come to her. I dutifully did as I was
told and wrapped my arms around the woman who I had always thought of as my mother.

  “I’m so happy for you. After everything you’ve been through, you deserve it—more than anything.”

  “I only wish I could do the same for you.”

  She shook her head and pulled me out of her arms. “Don’t be so silly. I’m too old for that kind of thing anymore.”

  I made a tutting sound. “Don’t be so silly. You’re never too old for romance. You just haven’t met the right man yet.”

  Seeing her sadness, I felt like an idiot for blurting my mouth like that. She had met the right man—only to have him ripped away from her. I would be absolutely devastated beyond words if anything happened to Luca.

  “I’m sorry, Trudy. That was insensitive of me. Do you forgive me?”

  She gripped my arms with a smile. “There’s nothing to forgive. I know you’re only thinking about my happiness, and I really appreciate that.”

  “Can I take you to lunch? I would really love to.”

  Her smile grew wider. “I would love to.”

  I had a brilliant time with my aunt. Tony took us in the car to a quaint little French restaurant about five miles away from The Castle. We sat and chewed the fat for a little while, talking about The Castle and its future plans.

  Despite enjoying myself with Trudy, I couldn’t seem shake this feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was like I was missing something, but I didn’t know what. I tried to ignore it, but it was there no matter what I did.

  Once I was done, I came back to an air of excitement when Melinda realised she was actually in the newspapers—without everyone really knowing it was her of course.

  She oohed and aahed, asking me if I was okay with seeing my father again and making sure I was still okay with her. As if I would ever not be. Melinda didn’t have a clue who he was. As far as she was aware, he was just another horny client out to get his sexual fix. I would never hold that against her. It did, on the other hand, make me think about The Castle. Everything that had happened since the engagement and my father coming here and tainting the place just brought it to the forefront.

  I was still talking with Melinda about the whole sordid thing when Tony came bounding through the door. His face was ashen, and his breathing was harsh. I knew instantly something was very wrong.

  “What’s happened?” I stood to attention, waiting and hoping that what I was feeling was wrong.

  Luca. Please, God—not my Luca.

  “Clara.” His tone was so soft and so gentle that it made my heart ache. Tears were brimming in my eyes, and before I knew it, they were flooding down my face.

  “Please, Tony, no. Please. I don’t want to hear it.” I shook my head frantically as he came over to take me in his arms.

  He grabbed my face and locked his eyes with mine. “We don’t know yet. We aren’t sure what’s happened. Luca went to a meeting in Soho. Stefano arranged it all. He said that one of his business partners wanted to see him, so he went. Two minutes ago, I got a phone call. One of our men managed to tell me that it was a set-up—a trap. There was a big shoot out, and a lot of men got killed. I don’t know who because the line went dead. I’ve been trying to call Luca, but I can’t get through.”

  Panicking, I ran to the phone and frantically tried ringing his number. All I got was voicemail each time, and it was tearing my heart out.

  “What do we do?” I was desperate. For the first time in my adult life, I felt completely powerless.

  Just as Tony was about to respond, the phone rang. I immediately grabbed it, hoping and praying it was Luca.

  “Is this Clara Murphy?”

  “Yes.” Oh God, please don’t let this be someone telling me that Luca is dead. Please.

  “We haven’t met yet, but my name is Giovanni Belatoni. I’m Luca’s uncle.”

  My breathing hitched up a notch. “Do you know where he is?”

  “I’m trying to find out now, but I know Luca—above all else—will desperately want to make sure you’re safe. Is there anywhere you can go until I can find out what’s happened?”

  With shaking hands, I let the tears fall. “Yes.”

  Giovanni sighed. “Good. Please put Tony on the phone with me briefly. After that, you must leave immediately.”

  With my hands still shaking, I handed the phone to Tony. With a worried brow he said, “Of course, sir. I shall do that straight away. Thank you, sir.”

  He handed me back the phone, and as soon as he did, panic ensued. Grabbing my coat, bag, and phone, I ran out of my office—screaming for everyone to meet me in the hall.

  “We haven’t got time for this, Clara. You’re my priority.”

  I glared at him and I pulled my arm away from his grip. “Are you willing to leave Belinda behind?” I knew he wasn’t, and that was why I asked. Once he shook his head and sighed, I leaned closer to him. “Then don’t ask me to do the same to my girls. I won’t leave them behind. I will never leave them behind. Do you get me?”

  Seeing a hint of a smile, I knew he was now comparing me to Luca. It didn’t make me smile. It just broke my heart.

  “I get you, Clara. Let’s go.”

  One by one, Tony, Melinda, and I rounded everyone up and told them all that we were going to the lodge. Once outside, we clambered into all the available cars and I gave directions to Tony, who led the fleet towards the lodge.

  When I realised everyone was inside and safe, I ventured off into my main bedroom with Tony and Belinda in hot pursuit.

  They shut the door behind them, and I watched their worried faces as I paced the floor. “I can’t stay cooped up in here. It will drive me crazy. I need to do something. I need to find him.”

  Looking over at Belinda, I could sense Tony’s concern. “I understand, but you can’t. It’s too dangerous. Luca would never forgive me if I didn’t take care of you.”

  With tears in my eyes, I stopped my pacing. “He promised he would never leave me.” I saw the anguish in their faces and almost lost it. Belinda rushed to my side and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. Knowing that Belinda had me, Tony left us in peace.

  “Tony will get to the truth. We’ll have some news soon enough, I’m sure.”

  After a few more tears, Tony came back in the room with some golden liquid in a glass. “Here, take this to calm your nerves a bit.”

  I did as instructed and marched out the door to find a mass of worried eyes bearing down on me. If the room hadn’t been silent before, it was now.

  Walking over to the sofa, I sat in between my favourite girls, Belinda, Mia, Samantha, and Melinda. One by one, they took me in their arms and stroked my hair. If it wasn’t for them, I think I would have lost it.

  The minutes ticked by, and not a word was said by anybody. Every little noise that vibrated through the house was putting Luca’s men on high alert.

  Again, I was just numb. I didn’t show emotion; I just sat there waiting for the inevitable. It was the not knowing that killed me. Every minute that went by—every tick of the clock—was like another agonising kick in the gut. Death was taunting me. It had taken Luca, and now it was laughing at my anguish. It was pointing at and mocking me with its supreme wizardry.

  And there I was, sitting and waiting. I was completely powerless to do anything. Completely lost—completely broken. I could feel everyone’s vibes in the room. We were all hoping, all silently praying. I was never a religious person. I had never prayed. But, I was praying then. I was asking for His leniency. I was asking for His strength to guide my Luca back home to me. Back home where he belonged in my loving arms. Home where we would marry soon and be together forever.

  With my stomach gripped in pain, I remembered what Luca said to me in the bath that morning after we had just made love. About how it only takes a minute, or even a second, for your life to get ripped away from you—taking with it all the days and nights you could have been lying in your beloved’s arms. I needed his arms. I needed his strong arms to hold me tight and tell me tha
t everything was going to be okay.

  As I closed my eyes, I willed it to be okay more strongly than anything I had ever wished for in my life. Behind my lids, all I could see was Luca’s smiling face. His soft brown hair and beautiful caramel eyes danced over me with joy. I wanted to see that now more than anything. I even wanted him back so he could tell me what to do. I needed his dominance and authority because right now I had just had the rug swept out from under me, and I didn’t know if I would ever get back up.

  It was Tony’s phone eventually ringing that brought me round. With my heart thumping a million miles an hour, I watched as Tony listened to whomever was on the other line. He barked instructions to whomever was there about where the lodge was and immediately belted for the door.

  I ran after him and grabbed his arm. “What’s happened?”

  “He’s coming. He’s alive, but he’s been shot. He managed to get himself to one of our doctors before he collapsed in his arms. The doctor’s bringing him now.”

  Panicking, I frantically searched for headlights up ahead. Pretty soon, the silhouette of a light came dancing around the trees and along the path.

  Once the car had come to a halt, a man who looked to be in his forties and who was dressed in a suit and long coat stepped out and greeted Tony. “Where is he?”

  Seeing my distress, the doctor turned to me. “Clara, I take it?” I nodded my head. “He’s taken a bullet to the chest and has lost a lot of blood. I managed to get the bullet out and did what I could to fix him up. His strict instructions—despite my pleas—were to bring him to you once I was done. We will have to take him to a bed so he can rest and I can properly monitor him. The next twenty-four hours will be crucial.”

  Nodding to Tony and some others, the doctor opened the door, and they carefully carried Luca out from his stretcher.

  “I had to put all my seats down to accommodate him in my car. My car is big, but it wasn’t made to fit patients.”

  I grabbed the doctor’s arm and watched as the boys led him in. I felt a small amount relief. “Thank you.”

  Running back in the house, I led the boys to the main bedroom on the ground floor. Once they laid him down, I pulled the covers over him and sat by his side.


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