Wheels of Steel, Book 1

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Wheels of Steel, Book 1 Page 32

by Pepper Pace


  “Do you love him?”

  “…maybe. He was the first guy I ever did it with. Maybe that makes you love someone. I certainly wasn’t planning for this to happen. I just wanted to know what all the hype was about. But…god his dick was so good!” Robin blushed at her frankness.

  “W…was it good even the first time?”

  “Yes. It was awesome.”

  “Didn’t it hurt?”

  “No. Girl, I got rid of that pesky hymen years ago when I first got my period. Broke the damned thing myself. I wasn’t going to let some guy have all that power over me. I’ve been getting my body ready for fucking, using my vibrator. No, I made sure my first time wouldn’t hurt and that I’d be good at it.” Patty smirked. “I think I was successful because I sure got Link sniffing after me. He says my pussy is like magic.”

  Wow, she could talk so honestly about it. Robin took a deep breath and plunged forward. “It really hurt the first time we did it. I don’t really know if I want to even do it again.”

  “You and Top already did it?” Robin covered her face in embarrassment. Patty placed her hand on the girl’s wrist. “It’s okay. It’s no shame in that. But it’s going to get better.” Robin peeked at her and then lowered her hands. Patty was nodding. “It gets…much much better. I’m still new at it. I only lost my virginity a few weeks ago but we do it all of the time and every time is better.” She grinned. “We even do it in the van between classes.” Robin laughed.

  Patty’s expression went grim. “Girl’s are always trying to get next to him. I guess I’m just waiting for him to slip up. And when he does, I’m done. It’s over.”

  “But what if he thinks it’s just…casual since you never told him your true feelings?”

  Patty shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. I don’t want to fuck another guy, and if he wants to fuck another girl then I know how he feels about me and we’re done.”

  Robin sighed. Patty was tough and unyielding, but she could already tell that it was because something from her past had hurt her. If Link was another in a list of people that hurt this girl, then no telling how she would turn out. Robin hoped that the two would have enough sense not to destroy what they had before it even had a chance to grow.

  They talked for a while longer before hearing Link announce the end of the show. They dragged themselves off the stairs and made their way back into the house. Two girls were sitting in Link’s lap as he laughed and thanked them. Robin glanced at Patty who did a good job of ignoring him. Jason was wheeling past people that tried to talk to him. His face was closed and most took it as a sign not to bother him. His attention was completely on Robin and as he wheeled to her she met him half way.

  “Robin, how are you feeling? Does your stomach still hurt?” She had to ask him to repeat himself. He was very slurred and jerky.

  “I’m…feeling better.” She lied. Her stomach felt like there were rocks in it. He stared at her. “Come here baby.” He gripped her hand and sat her in his lap. His hands clutched her face firmly, their foreheads touching.

  “You scared me so bad. I couldn’t find you-”

  “I’m sorry Jason. I tried to get back but they wouldn’t let me in-”

  “I was so scared. When I saw you on the curb I couldn’t get to you, I couldn’t lift you, I couldn’t carry you.” He was trembling. “I was-I was-I was…helpless.” He stuttered. He had never felt so helpless in his life. She hugged him.

  “I’m sorry. Oh Jason, I’m so sorry-”

  He roughly gripped her upper arms. “Why did you go off with those guys?!”

  “I…” She stared at him stunned at his sudden anger. She had just gone into the other room for another beer and had decided to try the Hennessey. It was strong, it felt like fire so she had mixed it with coke and then it had tasted good. So she had another because the music sounded so good and the people were having so much fun. And when she drank everything got better. Then she saw the guys from Jason’s apartment.

  She remembered that they had been outside dancing and enjoying Jason and his friend’s jam session. So she went to the door to greet them. But the big mean man at the front of the door wouldn’t let them in. So she had tried to explain that they were with her, that she had invited them to come. And they had all pointed to her saying that they were with her.

  But the big mean guy at the door said that it was only for people with student i.d.’s and twenty-one or over because of the open bar. When her friends heard about the open bar they really wanted to get in. They were getting loud and she had gone out to promise that her boyfriend would get them in. He was the dj tonight.

  But for some reason, even though she was no longer drinking she seemed to be having more difficulties with talking and walking straight. She tried to walk straight and was walking to the side. And when she fell one of the guys caught her. The big mean guy threw up his hands and a different guy; Chauncy, came out to see what was wrong.

  “Don’t let them in!” He yelled and then he disappeared into the house. Robin headed in to get Amberly or Patty so that they could ok her friends to enter but the new guy wouldn’t let her back in. She kept explaining that she had already been inside but she didn’t have a stamp so he wouldn’t let her in. She had tried to say how ridiculous this all was and if he could just go inside and ask the dj…

  But then the bouncer guy had gotten very belligerent and nasty and had started calling her names; like drunk and slut and wouldn’t let her go in to get Amberly or even Patty. Even the guys didn’t care about getting in now, but trying to convince the bouncer that she was supposed to be back in there. She texted Jason to come tell this guy to let her in but she knew he wouldn’t get the message since he was performing. The bouncer told them to leave or he would call the cops. And that’s when her stomach started to hurt.

  They all retreated and she didn’t know where to go. She just followed them. They told her that they’d take her home and then she could call her boyfriend later but she couldn’t leave Jason. He’d be worried if she did. Then her belly started burning and that hard feeling that she sometimes got began to settle in. She sat on the curb hoping to throw up while her new friends tried to get her into their car. And that’s when she heard yelling. She wasn’t sure what was happening but the pain in her belly was so bad; the worse it’s ever been…too much drinking…how did people drink like this?!

  Then Jason’s soothing hand was on her neck and she could think again. That’s what had happened. She wanted to tell him, but the words wouldn’t come.

  “Say something! Why did you go off with those guys?!” He waited, staring at her with red-rimmed eyes.

  “I d…I don’t know.”

  He was quiet. “That’s not good enough. That’s not good enough.”

  She nodded in agreement. Sweat was beading on her forehead. “Because…I was drunk.” She could see that he wanted to strangle her, or maybe punch her in the eye. He nudged her off his lap.

  “I need to help take down the equipment.” He wheeled back up to join Link behind the table where they had worked for the last three hours. Patty was helping to load things into the van. Amberly was just standing at a distance watching her. Had she seen their fight? Amberly turned her head away as if she had never looked at Robin at all. Robin stood there feeling like crap.

  The ride home was quiet, which made Robin feel bad again. Link wanted to talk about the music and how they’d played, but Jason was silent. He turned on some music and they drove without talking. Finally Link turned down the music.

  “Why did you leave the party? You were outside sitting on the curb?”

  “Link.” Patty warned.

  “Well, I’m just curious. I mean, why shouldn’t I ask? Jason had to stop playing to go look for her.” Jason didn’t say anything.

  Robin gathered up her courage to speak. “I saw the guys from the apartment, the ones that wanted to hear your jam session. And they couldn’t get in…so…I guess I was trying to help them get in.�

  Jason looked at her. “But why were you fighting with the guy at the door?”

  She rubbed her belly. Patty was watching her closely.

  “Hey! Leave her alone guys.” Patty snapped. “Obviously she wasn’t going off with them. She wouldn’t get in their car!”

  “Well she shouldn’t have been down the street with them.” Amberly chimed in. “I’m just happy that nothing bad happened.”

  Robin wanted nothing more than to go home and to go to bed, and maybe cry for how bad this had all turned out. She stared down at her hands and when they pulled into the parking lot she reached into her purse for her car keys.

  “Robin…” Link began. “You can’t drive. You’re still drunk.”

  “I’m okay,” she said.

  “Give me your keys,” he said. She gave him a surprised look. Why was he in her business? He suddenly turned in his seat and grabbed her wrist. He yanked the keys roughly from her hands. He tossed them to Patty.

  “She’ll drive you home. Or you’ll stay the night with Top.”

  Jason was staring out his window. “My Mom will be here in the morning. She can’t stay.” Patty opened the van door and Robin stumbled out of it. She hurried to her car and waited for Patty. Patty climbed out of the van, glaring at Jason.


  He didn’t speak. She went to the Volvo and unlocked the doors. Robin quickly entered the passenger seat and buckled up, slinking down in her seat and staring at her feet. Hot tears were already building in her eyes and she hoped that Patty would drive them away before they fell.

  To be continued.

  Wheels of Steel Vol. 2

  ~PREVIEW; Coming Jan 2011~

  “Okay, look you two!” Patty yelled. Robin jumped. “Get it out in the open right now. Nobody leaves this van until you two start talking!” She heard the distinct click as the locks engaged. Robin and Jason sat there quietly and avoided looking at each other.

  Link cleared his throat. “I’ll start. Robin, I didn’t mean to seem pushy about the keys. I just…don’t want to ever have to lose anymore friends to drinking and driving.” Robin met his eyes.

  “I understand. I’m…I’m sorry about making anybody worry.” Her eyes flitted to the window. No one said anything and then Jason grumbled.

  “Robin?” After a moment she looked at him. “I know that I yelled at you and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry.” She nodded. Patty looked from one to the other of them and then rolled her eyes.

  “Patty, stay out of it,” Link warned.

  “Well they’re being stupid. Jason is still mad.” Robin peeked at him and saw by the tilt of his chin that, indeed, her words were correct. He was mad at her; specifically at her and not just at the fact that he hadn’t known where she had gone! She gave him a confused look.

  “Robin,” he said in a tight voice that reminded her of when they had first gotten together. “Why did you let yourself get so drunk that you were puking on the ground and sitting in the street? I mean, if you know that you get drunk like that-”

  “But I didn’t know!” She exclaimed. “I’ve taken a sip of my Dad’s beer before, but besides a glass of champagne on New Year’s Eve or a sip of my mother’s wine, I’ve never drank before!”

  Patty raised her hand in confession. “I gave her a couple beers.” But she hadn’t known that she would not know how to hold her liquor.

  Robin stared at Jason. “It seemed like the beer made everything nicer. So I tried the Hennessey and that made it even nicer. So I had another.” Jason frowned and Link’s mouth dropped. “I mixed it with Coca Cola and it tasted pretty good. But then I started getting drunk real fast.”

  “Damn Robin.” Jason said.

  “What?” She asked a little irritated. Patty smiled inwardly and looked at Link. Link shrugged slightly not sure why she wanted them to argue.

  “I mean, I know you got this nervous condition but getting drunk and going off with some guys is not the answer!”

  “Nervous condition? I don’t have SOME nervous condition. I just get nervous easy…that doesn’t mean I have a condition! I didn’t know I was going to get drunk and I didn’t GO OFF with those guys! I was just trying to help them get into the party-”

  “But you didn’t even know them.”

  “But…” She sighed and felt her throat tighten and her eyes sting. “When I was drinking it felt…like I did know them. It felt as if I was doing something good for friends.” She was breathing in deeply. “And then that guy at the door said he was going to call the cops so we left. I tried to call you Jason-!”

  “But if I’m on the freaking stage how can I answer my phone?!”

  “I don’t know!” She sat there for a moment. “I didn’t go with them. We just walked away from the house together. And then they wanted to take me home and I said no. I didn’t go so…” She looked at him. “Do you see what happened?”

  “What I know is…I just don’t want you to drink anymore.”

  “Well I don’t want to drink anymore.” She responded angrily.



  Patty didn’t seem happy with the way things had ended. “Robin, what does he mean that you have a nervous condition?”

  “Patty, stay out of this,” Link mumbled.

  Robin took a deep breath and hoped that she would stop feeling like she was about to cry. “I guess…it’s just hard for me when I’m around people I don’t know.”

  “Were you nervous Friday?” Patty asked with concern. Robin nodded. “Is that why you were vomiting blood?”

  Robin’s head swung in her direction and she gave her an accusing look. “You promised…”

  The muscles in Jason’s face seemed to slacken. “Robin? Baby, you’re vomiting blood?”

  “I’m okay now…” She tried to stand up but the van was too low. She reached for the door handle but it wouldn’t open. Oh yeah, Patty wasn’t going to unlock it until they cleared the air. “Will you let me out, please?”

  “You’re okay now? No more stomach pain?” Patty asked.

  “No more stomach pain.” Robin said firmly.

  Patty reached out calmly and poked her in the stomach. Robin yelped and doubled over in pain.

  “Oh my god,” Jason said. He pulled her down to his lap. “Robin, baby, you got to go to the hospital!”

  She tried to get up but Jason wouldn’t let her go. He gripped her tightly. “No! I’m okay. It goes away on its own! It only happens when I’m nervous.”

  “How often do you have this pain?” He asked.

  “I don’t know.” She was panting and couldn’t catch her breath. Her stomach was churning and she gripped her middle. “I just need some air…can you open the door, please Patty?” Jason nodded his consent and she released the locks and reached over and slid the door open.

  When the door was open she instantly relaxed and the sweat stopped forming on her brow. She began to regulate her breathing. Jason was rocking her in his arms and kissing her face. “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry. I’m not mad at you. I’m just mad! I’m mad because I can’t fucking…” He groaned and she felt hot tears splash her arm. She looked up to see tears dripping down his cheeks. “I just want to be like everybody else.”

  About the Author


  Pepper Pace writes romance stories with steamy eroticism, humor and warmth. She enjoys writing, as well as reading about unlikely romances and interracial relationships. Her characters are painfully real and just like in reality, sometimes their stories make you cry, sometimes they make you laugh and when Pepper turns up the passion it becomes very steamy!


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