Tempt ME: A Single Dad Romance

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Tempt ME: A Single Dad Romance Page 21

by Mia Ford

  “I need you to show me how to please a man. I want to know everything.”

  She steps back and slides her skirt down while licking her lips at the same time. The black lacy underwear that barely covers her has my pulse racing like crazy. It’s hammering against my rib cage, threatening to burst free at any moment. That only gets worse as she slides down her cardigan and she gently peels her vest top over her head. I can see her rock-hard nipples bursting through her bra, begging me to take them in my mouth and hot damn I want to so bad.

  This is wrong, I remind myself desperately. So, so wrong. This simply cannot happen.

  My fingers itch to reach out and touch the soft skin of her hips. All I want to do is brush my hands against her, but I can’t. I slide them under my legs just to fix them in place. Pru’s hands reach up and she runs them through her hair with a blissful expression across her face. I melt inside, she’s the most innocent, stunning woman I’ve ever seen, and all I want to do is corrupt her. I must be an asshole.

  “Please, Mr. Banker,” Pru begs while sliding one hand over her breast. She lingers there for a moment, clutching onto herself as desire grips her. Her other hand goes all the way down into the waistband of her underwear. “Show me what to do. I don’t know what to do. I need to be taught.”

  Fuck, if I don’t do this, then some other asshole will. A boy who doesn’t know what he’s really doing and will only treat her like shit. I suppose this way I can at least ensure that she knows what to do and she knows how to get her own pleasure. That’ll make her life a whole lot easier.

  “Pru, I really shouldn’t,” I warn, but I can already feel my resolve weakening. “You know that.”

  “But doesn’t that make it that much more exciting?”

  I don’t know what happens, I completely lose my shit. The next thing I know we’re making out like there’s no tomorrow. Her arms are around my waist and mine are gripping onto the back of her bra as I attempt to pull her breasts free. I’m only fucking human, a red-blooded male who has certain needs. If someone so gorgeous comes after me like this I cannot resist.

  “Oh, Pru.” The material of her bra flutters to the ground, which makes my cock stiffen harder than it’s ever done before. “You have no fucking idea what you’re doing to me.”

  She falls to her knees with her breasts swinging free and she stares up at me, giving me the sexiest, most innocent look I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I almost cum right there and then all over her face which would be terrible. If I’m in this, then I need to be all in. I can’t just explode all over her in the most demeaning way possible. What sort of lesson would I be teaching her then?

  “Please, Mr. Banker. Tell me what to do. I want to know how to please you with my mouth.”

  My eyes fall shut as a groan falls past my lips. What the hell is she doing to me? Driving me to utter distraction, that’s what. She fiddles with my zipper, brushing against my cock too many times for me to get my head on straight and put an end to this. I want this too much to stop now.

  “Oh wow.” As my erection bursts free, she gushes in happy shock. “Mr. Banker, you’re so big.”

  “You don’t know that,” I tease playfully, unable to resist flirting with her even if I completely disagree with my own behavior. “If this is the first one you’ve seen.”

  But she ignores my teasing and rubs her hand up and down my length slowly instead. Her fascinated eyes are fixed upon me as she does. She looks impressed, which only turns me on even more. “Does this feel good?” she asks. “Do you like that?”

  Her soft, delicate hands feel incredible, I feel like I might die from the bliss at any given moment. “Yes, fuck,” I moan. “That feels so fucking good. You have no idea.”

  Usually I like it a whole lot faster, but with Pru it only matters that she’s touching me. Her hand on my cock, it’s too much. I’m already shuddering so violently that I might explode. Then she leans closer, breathing all over me making me even harder. Her lips are so tantalizingly close…

  “What do I do now?” she gasps breathlessly. “Do I just open my mouth and put you in?”

  Oh God, it’s too much, I can’t handle it. I can’t talk so I just nod instead, hoping that’s enough. She does as I command, surrounding my bulging erection with her hot, wet mouth, which is the most phenomenal sensation in the world. If this feels so incredible I wonder what it’ll be like to fuck her.

  Although with Pru, I don’t know how much of it will be fucking or if it’ll be more like making love. She’s different, I know that, but still I’m not sure. Maybe it’ll be somewhere in between.

  Pru bobs her head up and down, and she takes me inside in a way that feels far too expert for someone who supposedly doesn’t know what she’s doing. Her tongue flickers everywhere, like she wants to lick me all over because she likes the taste of me too much and it drives my wild. I fist my hands up into her hair, I toss my head back, I become a slave to Pru’s amazing mouth.

  I need to give her the same pleasure too, I want her to know how good it can feel to be with a man who knows what he’s doing but right now I can’t take Pru off me. She feels so good and I’m fine with being selfish. I haven’t ever had a blow job from someone quite so keen.

  “You… you need to stop,” I stammer through a thick lump in my throat. I can barely breathe; these words are damn near impossible. “I’m going to cum in your mouth if you don’t.”

  “Did that feel bad?” Pru asks as she takes her mouth off of me. “Did I do it wrong?”

  “Oh God no.” My eyes are filled with a thick heavy desire as I yank Pru onto my lap. “I just want to feel you, that’s all. You’ve driven me so wild that I need to be inside you.”

  This is her first time, I’m certain of it, but I don’t hang around to see how she feels about it. I’m too fucking wound up for that. Instead I drive my way into her, surrounding my soaking cock with her very excitable slit. As she fits around me like a glove, I butt my face into her hair to inhale her wonderful citrusy scent. And I take this very wrong, taboo thing as far as it can go and I actually have sex with Pru. That thought circles me the entire time, I can’t totally let go and just enjoy having sex because there’s a big part of me that knows I’m wrong. This isn’t how we should behave.

  Sweat trickles down her body, bringing my attention back to her breasts. I want to lean forward, to take one of those shiny nipples into my mouth but I can’t. There’s something distracting me, grabbing onto my focus. I want to give every scrap of myself over to Pru, but I can’t and I’m pretty sure it’s because I feel bad. It’s like an itch on my ear drum, a fly buzzing around me that I can’t see to swat. It’s very irritating and soon it manifests itself in another way entirely.

  “What’s that?” I ask Pru as a loud ringing sound flies into my brain. It’d obnoxiously loud, distracting me for absolutely everything, including Pru’s beauty. “That bleeping?”

  “I don’t hear anything.” She barely pays any attention to me as she rides me in a way that feels incredible. I never want this amazing feeling to end. “I can’t hear any bleeping at all.”

  But I can, and it’s troubling me, almost to the point where I’m forced to stop. I need to work out the source, to see if it’s something that I’ve caused by being like this. Maybe it’s my conscience…

  “Huh? What?”

  I bolt upright in bed, my heart hammering against my chest. My forehead is thick with sweat and I feel trembling and achy all over. I know that I’ve done something wrong, but it’s taking me a moment of brain wracking to work out what exactly.

  I wasn’t alone… I was with Pru… oh my God, we were having sex.

  Luckily, as I grab onto my rock-hard cock I remember that none of what happened then was real. I just had a dream about having sex with Pru, that’s all. That’s okay, just my subconscious playing up that’s all. Nothing to worry about, that’s for sure. It doesn’t even mean anything, it’s just my brain being dumb. It’s probably just because she’s leaving the ce
nter soon and going out into the real world. I have a connection with her, I’m worried about her, that’s all. I certainly don’t need to start worrying and dissecting my dream.

  Despite all of that I know I can’t sleep again, so I push myself off the bed and I wander into the kitchen to grab myself a drink of ice cold water. Maybe if I have a moment, I can forget all about that crazy hot, ridiculous dream, and I can go back to normal. I can forget that ever happened, because real or not, it’s had an effect on me…

  Chapter Six – Prudence

  My heart skips about ten beats the moment I sit down for breakfast to notice that there’s an extra presence in the room this morning. All the kids in the center always eat together, and there’s always staff around too, but Logan Banker isn’t very often one of them. The fact that he is today has me unnerved. I feel all crazed and out of place as I stare at him like a mad person. I can’t even reel myself in to act normally. The fact that I’ve been awake thinking of him all night long and now he’s here is almost too much to bear. I reach down to pinch my arm, just to check I’m not dreaming.

  Nope, there’s pain. I’m definitely awake. What the hell does this mean?

  “Ooh, looks like lover boy is here,” Leah hisses in a not too subtle manner. “For you, I bet.”

  I blush brightly, I can feel my entire body heat up. The only good thing about Leah’s comment is that it drags my eyes off of Mr. Banker for a moment. I can’t even begin to look at him with the idea that he might be here for me racing through my brain. Realistically I know that he isn’t why he’s here but due to lack of sleep and the confusing feelings I have for this man, it’s hard to be normal.

  With a deep breath, I move to take my seat, feeling glad that I’m actually dressed. Very occasionally I’ll come to eat in my pajamas like the rest of the children, just because it makes it easier when I’m tired but since I didn’t sleep at all, I got up early and I dressed myself quickly.

  I grab a bowl of cereal and I pull it in front of myself. Then I take a couple of bites from the bowl, looking at the slightly mushy food the entire time just so I don’t look up, but I can’t eat too much because nerves have it tasting like cardboard. Inside I’m a complete and utter mess.

  What is he doing here? I ask myself desperately. What the hell is going on?

  I thought that I’d be okay because I had until Friday before I’d have to see him again but clearly that was just a fantasy. For sure, I’m in a complete and utter mess here. My hands are even shaking. I’m a trembling ball of nerves who doesn’t know how to behave like a normal damn person.

  Nosie breaks out around me, people chat and laugh loudly like they do every morning. I guess it’s lucky that I never usually join in because no one’s suspicious about my silence now. Everyone’s taking it as me behaving the same as always. No one even bothers to look my way, which I suppose is just fine. I don’t want anyone to pick up on how jumpy and weird I am.

  But the only down side to the lack of communication is the fact that I’m acutely aware of the gravitational pull that’s coming from the other side of the table, which I know is where Mr. Banker is sitting. It’s as if I’m so much in tune with his body that I know all of his movements before he even makes them. Ant that is crazy, because I barely know him at all. He’s never really shared anything with me. How can I feel like I understand him when I had to hear his first name through Leah?

  “Mr. Banker?” someone saying his name sharply grabs my attention and lifts my eyes from my bowl. “What is wrong with you today? You’re all jumpy like a bunny in headlights this morning.”

  Almost as if he senses the magnet between us too, his eyes scan around to meet mine. When a slight pink tinges his cheeks, I feel an affinity with him. Is it possible that he’s feeling the same connection as I am. Is he jumpy because I’m here just like I am because of him?

  No, of course that can’t be the case. He chose to be here… but why is he looking at me like that? It doesn’t make any real sense. I have to assume that something’s going on or it just means I’m going insane. It makes me want to get him alone, on my terms so I’m not afraid, and to just ask him.

  “Oh sorry, I think I’m just a little bit tired,” he says with a shaky voice. “I don’t know what’s wrong really. I didn’t sleep well.” He holds up his coffee mug. “I guess I need more of these.”

  Everyone laughs except me, because I can barely stand the tension in the room. It’s crushing my wind pipe, squeezing my lungs, making it very difficult for me to get any air into my body at all. Without really thinking about it, I scrape my chair back noisily causing everyone to spin around to look at me, and I race from the room quickly, avoiding looking at everyone, especially him. I need an escape, I need a break. Seeing Mr. Banker like that was a shock that I need to recover from.

  I gasp desperately as soon as I reach the communal area and I collapse onto the couch there while I try and get my head in order. I have too much to worry about now. This isn’t it.

  Stop thinking about Mr. Banker, I warn myself. Like, at all. He’ll be left behind soon when I start the next chapter of my life in just a couple of weeks. Just like all of this will.

  It’s hard to keep remembering that I’ll be eighteen very soon. It’s hard to keep my eyes on the end goal. Maybe there’s a part of me that’s so afraid I keep shutting down. That’s why I’m developing dumb ass feelings for someone that I’ll never be able to have, just as a distraction.

  Screw it. I grab one of the tablets while they’re sitting around with no one on them and I start my search into the real world. There’s no time like the present after all. It’s something I need to do so why not now. That’ll prove to Mr. Banker that I’m ready to finally get out there…

  Only, after looking at three apartments, I feel a bit overwhelmed, and after searching through four pages of job listings, I start to get despondent. It all sounds a bit scary, like the life that someone else should have, not me. I mean, the idea of being a waitress is one thing, but can I actually do a public facing job where I’ll be expected to be confident and chatty every single day? And what is an admin assistant? I don’t know if that’s something I’ll be able to handle with ease, or something that will crush me under the uneducated weight of my brain. I want to know it all, but I don’t.

  As for the thought of setting myself out a budget… well, that’s beyond my comprehension right now. The rent prices I examined looked extortionate, so much more than the admin assistant job pays, and the last thing I want is to figure out that I’m in a hopeless situation that I won’t be able to hack.

  No, instead, my itchy fingers search for something else. Something that I used to look up all the time in the beginning, but that I’ve given up on during the last couple of years because it never led to anything new. But now that I’m about to head out there in the world, maybe it’s time to find out if there is an update again. I don’t want to know, but at the same time I really have to. It’s the smart and sensible thing to do, it’s the adult choice to look. Even if I feel sick doing so.

  The web page loads at an agonizingly slow pace, making my heart race in my throat by the time the image reveals itself. I get myself so worked up that by the time I see it, it takes a while to sink in.

  “Oh, my God,” I gasp, clapping my hand loudly across my mouth. “Holy fucking shit.”

  The words swim, they don’t make any sense, but at the same time I know exactly what they’re trying to say. Instantly I feel lost, like I have no anchor anymore, like I’m floating horribly.

  “Oh, I am sorry, Pru.” Mr. Banker’s voice cuts through the silence, striking me in the heart. “I didn’t want you to find out from the Internet. That’s why I came in early today, to tell you myself.”

  “My dad.” I look up at him through tear stained eyes. “He’s dead? He died in prison?”

  I know he’s done bad things, I understand that what he did to me was awful and it left me hospitalized as a child. I know if he hadn’t done that I would be in a
much better place now. I also understand that I felt very scared of seeing him again and that fearing him has led me to fear all men, but the idea that he got sick and he died in a damp disgusting cell is a horrifying thought. He only turned bad because we lost my mom and he didn’t know how to grieve. He has a heart of gold and there’s a part of me that remembers a lot of the good times that came before.

  Plus, he’s the only family I had left. Now that he’s gone I have nothing.

  “He did. We got the call today. Pneumonia, I think, they’re still working out the details.”

  Mr. Banker remains over the other side of the room, creating a chasm of distance between us. As tears fall hard and fast down my face I expect him to near me to assist me in my grief, but he doesn’t. I knew that something had changed between us, I could sense it the very first moment that I laid eyes on him this morning, but now I can really feel it. He can’t bear to be close to me. Maybe that’s because he feels weird around me, or maybe it’s because he wants me gone. I don’t know and to be quite frank I don’t really care anymore. This has taken precedence in my mind.

  “What am I going to do?” I weep pathetically. “Now I don’t have anyone.”

  Mr. Banker doesn’t give me his usual spiel about how I have a family at the center who will always be there for me, which suggests to me that for some reason I don’t anymore. I feel incredibly unwelcome. I need to get the hell away from here before he becomes a casualty of my grief and I end up saying something that I’ll definitely regret later on. That’s the last thing I need.


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