Tempt ME: A Single Dad Romance

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Tempt ME: A Single Dad Romance Page 41

by Mia Ford

  She doesn’t look at me for a moment and I wonder if I’ve overstepped the mark. “You haven’t even touched your champagne yet, do you not want a glass?”

  She must be changing the subject for a reason, so I go with it for a moment. “Oh yes please. Would you mind pouring me a glass. Get yourself one too if you would like.”

  A thick silence clings to us as Serena leans across the table to pour just the one drink. I wait for her to say something, I don’t think me speaking would be the best idea for either of us. If I want Serena to open up to me I need to be patient. I can do that for her.

  “I’ve just found out that my roommate might be leaving me, that’s all. She’s been my best friend for as long as I’ve been in the city, so I’m a bit sad about it. That’s all.”

  I rub her back as she sits back down. I’m probably touching her more than is allowed – although I’m certain the manager turns a blind eye as long as no one is kicking off and the money is alright – but Serena clearly needs some reassurance right now. It must be hard for her to lose her one constant in her ever changing life.

  “That sucks, Serena, I’m sorry to hear it.”

  “I know I’ll survive it.” She shrugs at me. “But it’s just a bit of a shock, that’s all.”

  She grabs the glass of champagne and takes a drink for herself. Actually, she glugs the whole thing back and then she leans across again to pour a drink for me. I chuckle to myself, enjoying her boldness.

  “Well, you have me as a friend now,” I say, probably in a silly way. “I’ll still be here even if your friend does end up going.”

  “Until you get bored of me...” She doesn’t sound angry about this, just curious. It’s almost as if she’s trying to work out how I really feel about her. I smile, glad of the chance to explain myself, or at least the amount I understand.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of you.” I tug her in a little bit closer to me. A chemistry circles us and it’s highlighted by the fact that we can’t do anything about it. The tension is thick, the sexuality is high in the air we’re so close but so far. It’s almost taboo which is very exciting. “There’s something about you, Serena. Something that lures me in and thrills me. I will be honest with you, I haven’t ever felt this before and I want to know more.”

  She breathes in deep, almost as if it’s gotten stuck in her throat which makes me want to kiss her even harder. Damn it, if she lets me, when we get out of here I’m going to do all kinds of wicked things to her. I’ve been patient, but now I’m starting to struggle with it and judging by the way that Serena is wiggling in her seat, she’s feeling it too.

  “I want to know more about you too,” she insists breathily. “I think you’re awesome.”

  Her hand rests on the top of my thigh for only a brief second, but it’s enough to set me on fire. She wants me. I can see it. My eyes automatically glance down at my watch and it kills me to see the time. We still have ages to go until her shift is over. Hours of flirting, of desperate sexual tension, of needing to just drag her into a cupboard somewhere and fuck her...

  It’s going to be really hard to resist, but I respect Serena enough to do it.

  “Okay, so tell me some more about you,” I say gruffly trying to talk through the thick lust in my throat. “What’s your favourite colour?”

  “Yellow,” she replies in a heart beat. “What about you?”

  “Red. Are you a dog or a cat person?”

  “Dog, definitely. I mean, I like cats well enough but I would much prefer a dog. They’re just so loyal and welcoming.”

  Okay well that’s something we have in common. It’s good to have some common ground when we’re clearly very different. It might only be a gossamer thin thread, but it’s something. “Yeah, me too. I’ve always wanted a dog. Maybe I’ll get one someday soon.”

  “That would be so cool. You should get a Pug, they’re so damn cute.”

  “Maybe I will.” An image pops into my brain of me and Serena with a dog between us, cementing us. “Maybe I will...”

  Chapter Ten – Serena

  “Oh thank goodness it’s time to leave,” I gasp as finishing time rolls around. The club empties out and I sigh deeply with relief. “I thought this shift would never end.”

  Me and Ben have been desperately flirting all night long and it’s been killing me. Admittedly it’s been a while so it doesn’t take much to put me on edge, but now I’m about ready to beg him to take me right here in the club. When I came to work tonight I had no intention of ending the night taking Ben home with me. I didn’t even think about anything past just looking at him and spending more time getting to know him, but now I know that I have to. I just hope that he wants to as well...

  “Do you have any plans now?” I ask coyly. “Anywhere you need to be?”

  “The only place I want to be is with you.” He slips his fingers through mine and gives me a knowing look. His deep penetrating eyes sends a shiver racing up and down my spine. “If that’s what you want, of course.”

  “Oh yes.” I might sound needy and desperate, but that’s exactly how I feel right now. The throbbing in my panties would never forgive me if I didn’t give into this. “That’s what I want. Shall we get out of here?”

  “Actually, just before we leave.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet. Then he takes some cash from it and hands it to me. “Here are your tips. I want to give them to you now because...” He looks adorably embarrassed as he speaks. “Because it might get weird later on.”

  I shake my head, despite the fact that I really need that money. “No, I can’t take it from you. I had too much of a good time to need your tips.”

  He rolls his eyes and laughs. “I want you to have it and I won’t take no for an answer. Unless you want me to cause a scene...”

  “No, no, I don’t want that.” I take it from him. “I’ll take it, come on let’s just go.”

  The journey to the apartment is much quicker than it was yesterday, but that’s because we know for a fact now that it won’t be the end of the night. If anything, it’ll be the beginning. The thought of what will come next is filling me up, sending delicious lightening bolts crashing through me, I can hardly wait.

  “Just be quiet as we sneak in,” I whisper to Ben. “I don’t want to wake up Jenny before her big interview tomorrow.”

  It feels funny to be the one sneaking in. I know that Jenny’s done it a few times but it hasn’t ever been me. It’s quite nice actually, I’m the desirable one for a change. We tiptoe into my bedroom, stifling giggles as we go, but the atmosphere changes from something amusing to something very serious the second we step inside.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Ben whispers as he dips his head to mine. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you all night long.”

  As his lips crash into mine and he claims me with his mouth, my heart thunders painfully. There’s nothing tender or gentle about this kiss, not like the one we had last night. It’s deep, it’s passionate, it’s everything. It brings all the desire that I’ve been trying to squash all night long right to the surface. I snake my arms around him, I grab onto him so tightly I’m probably squeezing him half to death, but I can’t stop.

  I’ve wanted this all night long as well.

  As Ben’s mouth moves down to my neck, I toss my head backwards and stumble against the wall. With something to hold me upright, I feel more confident as I knot my fingers up into his hair. His fluttering kisses spark butterflies inside me, I start to see stars, I know I’m going to lose it soon enough.

  Then Ben moves his mouth further down my body and he kisses my breasts through the top, he even brings his lips in towards my nipples for a moment before dragging the wonderful sensation even further down my body. His lips traces over my stomach, past my hips, and to the top of my thighs. Only my panties separate his mouth from where I need him most and I want to beg him to pull them down... only I can’t find the words.

  Luckily, I don’t need to. My rolling hi
ps must do the trick for me because he hooks his fingers around the top of my underwear and he slowly, tantalisingly tugs them over my hypersensitive skin, making me gasp needily. As the lacy material comes downwards and it flicks to the ground, Ben grabs onto one of my thighs and he throws my leg over his shoulder giving him complete access to me. I try to find something on the wall to grab onto, but there’s nothing there, so I have to grab Ben instead.

  As one of his fingers slides into my dark, wet heat it feels like it’s been a long time coming. This isn’t the beginning of foreplay tonight, that’s been happening all night long. This is almost the end, I ca already feel myself teetering on the knife edge of desire. As another of Ben’s thick fingers slides into me, my back arches of it own accord. It’s almost like I have no control over my body anymore.

  “Oh God, Ben.” It’s hard to remember to be quiet when Ben has me feeling so fucking good. It’s been such a long time that I almost forgot how good it could feel. Ben has my body opening up like a damn flower already. “That feels so good.”

  I can feel Ben’s breath on my entrance and it’s almost too much to bear. He tickles my clit with each exhale and if my eyes weren’t closed and my head hadn’t fallen back I would check to see if he’s getting closer because it certainly feels that way.

  Yep... it feels that way for a reason because now his tongue has slipped into the mix and I fear that my groans must be waking Jenny up. But how can I help it? Those patterns he’s tracing over my nub are just too much.

  He picks up the pace and my nails claw into the wall behind me. This is heaven, it’s unbelievable, I don’t even know what to do with myself, I think I might fall over any moment. My pulse pounds against my rib cage, my veins buzz, my whole body trembles violently. I don’t think my one leg pressed on the ground can hold me up anymore.

  “I can’t take it,” I rasp. “It’s too much.”

  I don’t think Ben will listen to me because of his demanding nature, but he must be able to sense that I truly mean it, because he scoops me up in his arms and he flings me on the bed. My skirt is around my waist, my top is all messy, but I don’t care. All I’m interested in is the incredible way Ben looks and the way he has me feeling.

  Ben steps away from the bed and he tugs his trousers down. I prop myself up onto my elbows so I can watch him as he strips down. He looks so good that the sight of his thick muscular thighs almost makes me gasp again. I can see a thick erection straining against his underwear leaving me wondering what he has in there for me.

  “Nice tee shirt.” I could see that he had it on under his shirt before but now I can really see it. I don’t know the band on it but it’s still pretty cute. “I didn’t know you were a rock boy.”

  He yanks it off and throws it on the floor. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”

  His abs go on forever. He’s so muscular that he even has one of those awesome V signs that goes right down into his underwear. I’ve never been with someone so sculpted before and I can’t wait to feel what he’s like to touch all over. His body is the sort that belongs on the front page of a magazine, not with me... not that I’m going to complain. If Ben wants to be here then I’m not going to push him away.

  Finally he removes the last item. He pulls his pants down and his erection springs free. I cry out in shock because he’s so huge. I have no idea what the hell I’m going to do with that... or what it’s going to do with me anyway.

  “Oh wow, you’re...” I move my gaze up into his eyes, loving the dark lust in his eyes. He’s looking at me like he adores me. “You’re amazing. Really, amazing.”

  He climbs up the bed until he’s hovering over me, then he pauses there for just a second to rest his forehead against mine. I’m shocked to be honest, I thought he would be much quicker to get down to business, but then he did say I was different. Maybe he meant that and it wasn’t just a line. As we stare into each other’s eyes, I lose myself and it’s a feeling that I like. I want to give myself over to Ben. Maybe I don’t know him well, but I feel like I can trust him with me.

  Then I feel his erection teasing me, begging for entrance and I want him even more. I roll my hips towards him trying to encourage him in but he waits for just a moment. He’s teasing me, trying to drive me crazy, and it really is working. I want to ask him if he knows how damn long it’s been but I don’t. I don’t want to seem too pathetic for words.

  “You want this?” he asks gently. I nod enthusiastically. “Are you sure?”

  Eventually he gives me what I want and he thrusts deeply into me. His thick, deep penetration hits right back and gets my G spot which causes a surprised yell to fly out of my mouth.

  “Shh,” Ben laughs. “You’re supposed to be quiet. Your roommate needs sleep, remember.”

  I don’t answer him, I just buck back and forth, forcing him to get going. I can’t take this anymore, I just need to get those amazing sensations that I’ve been hankering after all night long, the feelings that I just know Ben can give me. He moves in unison with me, using the thick muscles of his arms to hold him above me while he slides in and out. The feelings are so amazing, the way he has my body flying is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. There’s already an intense, hot pressure building inside of me.

  It starts in my toes, like a hot pool, then it slowly travels up through my veins heating every bit of me up. Soon it gets rapid and out of control, I can barely think anymore, all I can do is feel and I don’t even know what I’m feeling. It’s just too much. I’m moving closer to the edge, slowly falling, I know it’s just take one small push and I’ll be there...

  Then the waves crash over me like a tsunami, shattering through my body. I buck, I writhe, I think I yell top note I just don’t know anymore... I’m like a wild, crazy animal who has absolutely no control anymore.

  The pleasure gets to Ben at almost the same moment, so at that moment we kiss to swallow up one another’s screams. It feels amazing, it builds our bond even tighter. I freaking love every moment of it. I cling to him, I hold him and I honestly hope that I never have to let him go.

  Chapter Eleven – Ben

  As we lay in Serena’s bed panting next to one another, my brain isn’t in my head anymore. It can’t be, somewhere during that intense orgasm it must have flown away, that’s the only explanation I have for the words that come out of my mouth next, that despite my money are nothing like me at all.

  “This place is tiny and a bit crappy. How can you live here?”

  Instantly, I cringe, but I don’t say anything to try and rectify my words. They’re out there now, there’s no way I can make them any better. I can tell from Serena’s crestfallen face that I’ve been an asshole, but I don’t know how to make it better.

  “I know, it is small I suppose,” she replies in a small voice. “But I’m used to it. I’ve been here for about five years so now it’s just home.” She shrugs, trying to act blasé, but I can see this really bothers her. “I guess it won’t be for much longer though. I’m going to have to move if Jenny gets the job. There’s no way I can afford it on my own.”

  I want to offer to pay for it for her, but something inside me tells me that it’ll be the wrong thing to say. Just because I have money doesn’t mean I should flash it and be arrogant about it. “Can you not... get another roommate?” I ask cautiously. “To live in Jenny’s room?”

  “Yeah, I suppose I could. I just... I don’t know what it’ll be like living here with someone else. I don’t think it’ll be the same.” She pushes herself into a sitting position. “I guess I won’t worry too much about it yet, I’ll wait to see what happens first.” She might not even get the job so I don’t want to get carried away with worry just yet.” She pushes herself out of the bed and straightens down her top and skirt. I feel bad that I didn’t manage to get her naked but it all happened far too quickly. “Anyway, I’m just headed to the bathroom then I’ll get a drink. You want something?”

  “Water, please. Thank you, Serena.”
br />   “Sure.” Her smile is a little unsure. Her body language is awkward which makes me very curious. I want to know why, after that mind blowing craziness, she’s acting that way. She just gave me the best sex ever, and she doesn’t even seem to realise that. How do I tell her without being weird about it. “I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll be here,” I reassure her in case she fears I might run away at the first opportunity I get. “Waiting for you.”

  She nods, but doesn’t look any more convinced, then she spins on her heels to leave.

  I get a glimpse of her butt as she leaves the room which sparks my desire all over again. It’s almost five in the morning now, I don’t know if either of us have it in us for round two, but I still really can’t wait until it happens again. I have no desire to race out of here, despite the fact that my bed at home is so much more comfortable, with Serena I just want to be with her.

  I definitely like her, I think I could fall for her.

  I don’t like hearing that she has all these problems, that I can’t immediately solve. I mean, I could solve them by throwing some money at her but I don’t want things to get weird. Serena isn’t the gold digger type, I’ve seen enough of them in my time to know, and I know that she’ll be offended. So what can I do? How can I help her?

  My brain racks, but in all honesty I’m far too tired to come up with some logical solution. I know it’s there somewhere in my brain, but I can’t find it anywhere. I hope that with a bit of sleep it’ll come to me. My eyes flicker. I want to stay awake to see Serena when she comes back into the room, but I know that I can’t. The exhaustion, plus the expensive champagne, has got the better of me, and combined with the post orgasmic bliss is too much. I promised Serena that I would be here, I want to be awake too, but I just can’t seem to make it.


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