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With Love,
C.J. Scarlett
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Glossary of Celestial Mates Terms
Slin – A cute little creatures that grow larger than horses. They are a cross between a pig and rodent.
Garon – A shaggy, mammal similar to a huge wolf. Beasts are ridden for recreation on Krylon and Sylon home worlds.
Krylon – Home of the Krylon Imperial house.
Shardon – Originally Sylon was a mining colony ruled by a Krylon prince. The Sylon Alliance offers the citizens of Earth one the continents on their world in exchange for human brides. Since Earth is a dying world with a surplus, women volunteer in droves.
Candorian – Aquatic species with no home world until they created the Sylon Alliance along with a Krylon prince and a group of Shardon clones. Candorians specialize in trade and deliver of merchandise. They are the only members of the alliance not in need of females.
Shardon – Species of aliens who have relied upon cloning technology to propagate their species for generations due to their women’s fragile DNA collapsing.
Clans – Krylon society is divided into clans. To be clanless is to be shunned.
Holt – Piece of property designated by the emperor for a Clan Leader to house his entire clan.
Clan Leader – Head of the clan. His wife is called a Clan Mother.
Kryogen – Sea creature with shell.
Tuvel – Ten
Kelver – An equivalent of three metric tons.
Lakarian – Species Inhabiting a Home World on Krylon’s Eastern Boarder. Their society is matriarchal and they are traders.
Laser Pistol – Just as it sounds. It is a common weapon used in battles and self-defense.
Jūnihitoe – Is a complex and elegant kimono worn for formal occasions in feudal Japan. Fell out of favor for decades then reemerges as the choice of high fashion for formal occasions. Composed of several layers, usually with a heavy ornate brocade outer layer.
Karaginu Mo – Short train on a Jūnihitoe.
Sokutai – Formal traditional dress for Japanese males.
Kinbaku – A Sexualized extension of Hojojutsu.
Hojojutsu – Japanese martial art that incorporates rope as means of restraint, specifically designed not to cause physical or mental injury.
Shibari – Outsiders consider shibari a sexual bondage technique. The Japanese use the term to describe any form of decorative tying, such as ribbons around presents.
Orochi – Eight headed snake monster from Japanese legend.
Aquaglyceroporin membranes – Set of membranes running under the primary dermal layer of a Maruvian’s skin, which facilitates the transfer of sorbitol throughout their bodies. It is critical to help us regulate our body tempters in extreme weather conditions. The organ responsible for maintaining this system is Scaragyla.
Dragon – Though mythical creatures on Earth, they litter the Krylon home world. They are favored by the Krylon for riding and have been transplanted to many worlds in the sector of the space surrounding the Krylon home world.
Golugua – Race of ancient sentinels who appear similar to gargoyles to human eyes.
Halabow – The word used by Maruvians to denote a drone performing oral sex on a queen.
Heart Stones – Crystal like substance harvested from the core of a dead planet. Glows in low light situations and provides extremely pleasurable sensations when rubbed against the skin of most species.
Insectoid – Slang term for Maruvian. Creatures who evolved from insects into sentient life forms. The currently strive to become more humanoid thorough intermingling of DNA with other species. They have developed technology that alerts them of worm hole opened by other beings. They jump behind them to new parts of the ‘verse.
Magnolite – Extremely rare and valuable gemstone.
Micron – Unit of time.
Mimics – Insectoids hoping to protect innocent worlds from the more aggressive elements of their society used Shardon cloning equipment to mix cone genetic material with their own in hopes of creating a being to act as an intermediary with humanoids.
Parsec – Unit of distance.
Parthenogenesis – Maruvians are asexual, however, the males require the presence of pheromones to initiate parthenogenesis, which is reproduction from an ovum without fertilization in this context.
Plasma Pistol – New weapon introduced by the Maruvians. They are more powerful than laser weapons.
Sylon – Home world ruled by the Sylon Alliance. (Krylon, Candorian and Shardon). Originally Sylon was a mining colony ruled by a Krylon prince. The Sylon Alliance offers the citizens of Earth one the continents on their world in exchange for human brides. Since Earth is a dying world with a surplus, women volunteer in droves.
Terillian – Three Legged Reptilian Humanoids
Tricon – Unit of thickness.
Queen Maker's Bride (Alien SciFi Romance) (Celestial Mates Book 6) Page 55