Home and Heart

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Home and Heart Page 12

by Sean Michael

  “Hey.” He tried not to snarl because he wasn’t mad at Luke.

  “You look like you’ve had a bad day.” Luke stepped back into his apartment, the door sliding the rest of the way open.

  “Yeah. A shit one.” He looked over with the faintest smile. “I was going to get caffeinated and wet.”

  “I’ve got water and coffee. Come inside, little boy.” Luke gave him a wink before turning and heading deeper into his apartment.

  “Little boy. Right.” He went, though, didn’t he?

  He shut the door behind him, then followed Luke’s ass all the way to the kitchen. Luke nodded at the chair, and he sat.

  “You want hot or cold caffeine?”

  “Cold. Please.”

  Luke opened the fridge and pulled out a can of Coke. He grabbed a glass, added ice, then poured the Coke into it and set it down in front of him.

  “Thank you.” He sucked it down, the icy bubbles so good they almost made him hurl.

  Luke grabbed two more cans, poured one into a second glass of ice, then passed the other one over to him. “You are in a grumpyassed mood. I know how to fix that.”

  “It was just a hard day. Some of the guys were slacking, and it made things tough for the rest of us.”

  “And if you bitch about them, you’re the grass, eh?” Luke came around behind him and began to rub his shoulders.

  “Yeah….” Oh fuck. He melted, his body beginning to shake.

  “You carry all your stress in your muscles. Are you sure that’s all that’s got you in a bad mood?”

  He shrugged. “I guess so. Sure. What would I have to be bitchy about?”

  “I don’t know. You tell me, boy.” Luke’s fingers dug in deeper, insisting his muscles release the tension.

  He didn’t have any reasons. He was fine. Just fucking fine.

  Luke dropped a kiss on the top of his head, then worked his shoulders even harder. A soft sob wanted to come out, and he fought it with all he had.

  “Let go, boy.” Luke practically growled the words out. “You’re home now. And I’m telling you to fucking let go.”

  “Stop it….” The sob escaped, hiccupping from him.

  “Unless you throw a ‘master’ on the end of that, you’re cruising for a good, long spanking.”

  “Fuck off! I’m not like Sawyer. I’m not like the perfect sub.”

  Luke spun him around, chair and all, which was pretty damn impressive. “Watch how you speak to me, boy. And you’re the perfect sub for me.”

  “I just wanted a shower!” He groaned, a sudden heat flooding his belly.

  “A shower sounds great. You know I love shower sex.” Luke laughed, the sound deep and happy. Luke scooped him up and dragged him into the bathroom like he weighed nothing at all.

  He considered fighting but decided he would save his energy for once they were in the bathroom. Once there, he pulled out of Luke’s hold, growling.

  Luke only smiled.

  “What are you grinning at?”

  “You. I like your fire. I was missing it.”

  He frowned deeper, but inside he was incredibly pleased.

  Luke grabbed him and tugged him close, mouth closing over his. He leaned into Luke’s hands, wanting Luke to fight for it. Luke took hold of his chin and tilted his head, deepening the kiss, devouring his mouth, bruising him.


  Yes, that was what he needed.

  Luke shoved him up against the wall, giving him no quarter, his head banging against the tile.

  God, he needed this. He needed it so badly. He fought Luke, and Luke held him tight, knowing how to help.

  Luke grabbed his arms and pressed them up against the wall above his head, pinning him in place.

  “Don’t make me punish you, boy.”

  “What if…?” What if he needed it?

  “Then fight, boy. Fight with everything you have.” Luke’s hands tightened on his wrists.

  He growled and let loose, tugging furiously at Luke’s grip. Luke was too strong, though, grip holding. Benny’s muscles were tired, worn down from a hard day’s work.

  He kept fighting, though, tiring himself out as his master gave him something to push against. He began to fade, his struggles becoming halfhearted.

  “That’s it, boy. I’ve got you.” Luke pushed up against him, pressing him to the wall. The weight felt good covering him.

  He moaned, the buzz of happiness starting to fill him. Humming into the kiss, Luke moved against him, crowding harder.

  “Mmm… you’ve earned your punishments today, boy.”

  Benny moaned in protest, although he knew it was true.

  “Gonna make you feel it all through the night. And you’ll know in the morning who fucked you.”

  “I always know. Always.”

  “Well, I’m going to remind you.” Luke took his mouth again, the kiss rough, harsh, and just what he needed.

  He opened up, letting Luke devour him. He burned from balls to bones. Luke worked a leg between his, pressing up against his need. Then Luke skimmed off his shirt.

  He bore down, rubbing on Luke hard enough that it ached.

  “Make sure you don’t come before the shower. Gonna love you so good. Give you what we need.”

  “I won’t. I wasn’t even horny.”

  “Maybe not—but you needed. And now you still need and you are horny.”

  “Yeah.” He bore down again.

  Luke grabbed one of his nipples and twisted, the zing going straight to his balls.

  He arched up, needing more, sharper, harder.

  Biting his bottom lip, Luke twisted his nipple again. “Shower, Benny. I need to do you up against the tile.”

  “Do you?” He whimpered, but he went to the shower.

  “I totally fucking do.” Luke stripped quickly, following him in and pushing him up against the far side of the stall. The tile was cold, shocking against his skin before Luke turned the water on and it splashed down around them. Then Luke spread his asscheeks wide, baring his hole.

  Two slick fingers pushed at him, then into him, opening him up. He bucked back, taking them deep, and Luke put a hand across his lower back. “My pace.”

  He groaned, but Luke was intractable. Those fingers stayed inside him but didn’t move, didn’t move a fucking inch until he stilled. Then it started again, Luke pushing in hard, fingers pinging off his gland.

  As soon as he moved, Luke stopped. Groaning, Benny rested his head against his hands where they lay on the tile. He squeezed his asscheeks tight, hoping that would encourage Luke to move. Luke didn’t. Benny wasn’t surprised—he knew how strong Luke was. How stubborn.

  “You know how this goes, Benny.”

  “So fucking mean to me,” he complained.

  Luke burst out laughing. “Only you would call me opening you up on the way to fucking you mean.”

  He had to chuckle, had to. Luke did know how to make him smile.

  “That’s better.” Luke licked at his neck, then dragged his tongue up along to Benny’s earlobe.

  “Mmm…,” Benny sighed, the tension from the day easing.

  Luke kept licking, sucking the water off his skin. He almost missed when two fingers became three. Almost. Luke added a twist to his thrust in, so Benny suddenly couldn’t miss it.

  He arched, his lips dropping open. “Luke!”

  “Right here, boy.” Luke found his gland, touching off it several times before twisting his fingers as he thrust again. Benny both loved and hated when Luke did this. It felt amazing but also drove him crazy, made him need more, or a rhythm or something. Anything.

  “Mmm… needy boy. I know you want more, but I give you what you need, right?”

  He nodded. He couldn’t deny that.

  “And sometimes I even give you what you want.” Luke bit his earlobe, teeth sinking in before Luke grabbed it up between his lips and began to suck.

  “Uhn.” He arched and bucked, feet thrumming on the floor.

  Luke worked hi
s ass, opening him up in the most pleasurable way. “You’re almost ready for me.”

  “I’m ready. I swear.”

  Luke slapped his butt. “Who decides that?”

  He groaned again. “Master… please.” He wanted Luke so damn badly. If he didn’t get it soon, he was going to scream.

  “Answer me, boy. Who owns your pleasure?”

  “It’s you, Luke! You do!” Fucker. He just wanted to get plowed good and hard.

  He ignored the little voice that insisted it was more than that.

  “That’s right. I do.” Luke pegged that spot inside him over and over, giving him no mercy.

  Then Luke’s fingers disappeared, leaving him empty. Even though he knew it wouldn’t last very long, he mourned them. He hated being empty.

  “You know it’s coming.”

  “I know. I need it.”

  “I know that too. But making you wait for it? That makes it even better.” Luke chuckled softly, but the sound was wicked as hell.

  “Evil….” So perfectly, wonderfully evil.

  “Master Evil to you, baby.” Luke bit his right shoulder, lips wrapping around his skin. Luke began to suck.

  A buzz filled him up, burning him deep inside.

  Still sucking on his shoulder, Luke worked his cock between Benny’s asscheeks and pressed hard against his hole. It was slow and sure, Luke’s cock sinking into his body.

  As soon as Luke was buried inside him, Luke found his nipples and began tugging, squeezing. He jerked and bucked between the sensations, his whole body alive and connected. Luke set a hard, fast pace, slamming into him, making sure to make his nipples throb with each thrust.

  He shouted, screamed into the water falling around them.

  Luke never stopped, sending him higher and higher.

  Benny finally had to let go and breathe, to submit to Luke’s will.

  “That’s it, Benny. Give yourself to me.”

  Luke always knew when it happened. Always.

  He nodded. “All of me is yours.”

  “Yes!” Luke grabbed his cock, squeezed it, and began jacking him, sliding those amazing fingers up and down along his length. His orgasm began to build, his entire body tensing.

  Luke grabbed his balls. “Don’t you come before I say you can.”

  “Or what?” God, he loved this man.

  “Or I’m going to spank you hard enough you won’t be able to sit down for days.” Luke’s growl was sexy as hell, and the sound of it slid along Benny’s spine. “I’ll bind your pretty cock and balls and blister your hole with my crop. Then I’ll make you tell Derek what you made me do.”

  He groaned and shook his head.

  “And I’ll get Sawyer to help. Have him twist in the biggest plug I’ve got.” The promises in Luke’s voice were sure.

  “Shut up!” He bore down hard.

  “Then stop trying to run the show, and don’t come.” Luke rubbed his thumb across the tip of Benny’s cock, pressed in.

  That burn wasn’t fair—not at all.

  “You just hold on, boy. Hold on until I say.” Luke’s thrusts were stronger now, pinging hard against his gland.

  “Please. Please say. Pretty please,” he begged.

  “Hold on, Benny. You know I will let you come, but you need to hold on first.”

  He fought to obey, to be good, to give Luke what he asked for.

  “Now, boy,” growled Luke. “Give me your pleasure now.”

  The order was unexpected, coming so soon, but his body reacted without thought from him, spewing his pleasure out in a long shot, matched by Luke’s gratification.

  “Such a good boy. So obedient,” Luke murmured, sounding a little melted.

  “Fuck off.”

  Luke chuckled and rubbed his cheek against Benny’s back. Luke’s five-o’clock shadow scraped slightly on his skin.

  “Uhn.” That made him bare his teeth.

  “You ready to move this to the bed, Benny? Or maybe you want to go downstairs and join Derek and Sawyer?”

  “I want to stay up here.” He wasn’t ready to share.

  “Oh, you have had a day, haven’t you?” Luke turned off the water and handed him a towel. The two of them dried themselves off.

  “Yes. Yes, I have. I feel… like everything is sore.”

  “Even your insides, hmm?” Luke pulled him in for another kiss.

  Mainly his insides, he thought.

  Luke dragged him to the bedroom, manhandling him like only Luke could. His fucking strong master.

  He let Luke lead because he wanted to, because he needed to.

  Luke tossed him onto the bed and went to the cupboard. “You need something stronger than me to fight against today.”

  “Huh?” He sat up, stared.

  Luke tossed padded cuffs onto the bed next to him.

  His belly went tight, and his prick jerked. “No.” God, yes.

  “Not your choice, boy. Not your choice at all.” Luke cupped his jaw, rubbed against his lips.

  Groaning, he pulled Luke’s thumb into his mouth and sucked.

  “Yeah. That’s my sweet, slutty boy. I’m going to take such good care of you.”

  He sucked harder on Luke’s thumb, biting the tip.

  “Toothy!” Luke laughed, deep and low.

  Fuck, this man made him feel good. Important.

  Luke pushed his thumb deeper, fucking his lips with it, keeping his focus tight. “Time to get you all tied up.”

  He groaned, but Luke didn’t seem to care. He straddled Benny’s hips. “Hands up on the headboard, Benny.”

  His hands moved without his permission. Stupid hands. He gripped the headboard, squeezing it tight, making it creak and groan, and in seconds he was cuffed, his hands trapped.

  He tugged, and Luke nodded. “That’s right, boy. You test them as much as you want. You’re not going anywhere.”

  “What are you going to do with me?”

  “Whatever the fuck I want.”

  He stuck his tongue out at his lover.

  Luke pounced, grabbing his tongue between quick fingers, and tugged. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. That’s not very respectful.”

  Damn, that was impressive. He tried to pull his tongue away, but no dice.

  “Next time you stick it out, I’m going to make you use it.”

  Like that was a hardship. He loved Luke’s cock.

  “Oh, you want this, do you?” Luke rolled against him, cock dragging along his belly, hot and hard, and he craved it.

  “Always,” he admitted. “Always want you.”

  “Good answer.” Luke climbed him, hard cock coming ever closer.

  “The truth.” He loved Luke. Full stop.

  “That’s even better.” Luke gazed down at him, teasing him with the tip of that hot cock sliding around his lips. He opened up, tongue lapping at the slit.

  “Mmm. Yeah, do it right. I know you can.”

  He wrapped his lips around the crown of that thick cock and began to pull. Hard. Luke grunted, pushing partway in before pulling almost all the way out—making him work for it.

  He tightened his lips, flicking the slit furiously.

  “Fuck!” Luke shuddered above him, and that lovely slit began to leak. He pressed the tip of his tongue in, fucking it easily.

  “Gonna make me come so fast.” He could hear the truth of Luke’s words in his tone.

  Again? Impressive. That made him feel a hundred feet tall. And he worked even harder to make it happen, squeezing the head of Luke’s cock between his lip-covered teeth.

  “Damn, baby. I’m going to wear your ass out.”

  This first, though. He got to give Luke the blow job of his life. He could do this for Luke, and no one else could. He wanted to make sure Luke didn’t decide the new guy was better at this.

  Luke began to undulate, the thick cock sliding deep time and again, soft noises coming from Luke. For him. He made Luke make those noises.

  Benny hummed, letting Luke feel him all the way along his shaft.

  “Soon. Soon. Soon. Oh fuck.” Luke’s movements became harder, jerkier, sending the thick cock deep into his throat.

  Yes. Yes, please. He yanked at the cuffs, sucking harder and harder.

  Luke’s shout was his warning, and suddenly Benny’s mouth was full of come, the liquid sliding down his throat. He swallowed convulsively, taking it all in.

  Luke rubbed both hands through his hair, then grabbed a handful and tugged his head back, slowly pulling out.

  He licked his lips, whimpering softly. Luke patted his cheeks, then bent and brought their mouths together. “So good. You’re like magic.”

  “Love,” he whispered, just barely against Luke’s lips.

  “Mmm… yeah, baby.” Luke settled next to him, fingers running idly over his skin. “Enjoying those cuffs? There’s more where they came from.”

  “Uh-huh. Please. I want everything. Need it.”

  “Then I’m your man.” Which Luke totally was.

  Benny chuckled softly, rolled his head on his shoulders, and began to relax, his aching balls easing back. Luke had him. This day was going to end so much better than it had been going.

  Chapter Nine

  LUKE MADE breakfast, flipping the eggs carefully so he didn’t break the yolks. He loved the weekends, especially when they started with Benny in his bed. Humming, he set the table.

  He looked outside, surprised to see Sawyer out there hauling dirt and plants, the white T-shirt already streaked with sweat. He watched for a moment before going out onto the balcony. “Hey.”

  Sawyer looked up, waved. “Morning. Did I wake you? I was trying to be quiet.”

  “I was up. Making breakfast. You and Derek should join us.”

  “I haven’t seen him today. I’m not sure he’s awake.”

  “You guys didn’t spend the night together?” Now that surprised him. He’d thought they were pretty tight. And if Derek wasn’t in love, up was now down.

  “I had a deadline. I haven’t been to bed yet.”

  “Oh, you need a keeper.” He was going to have to teach Derek how to help Sawyer with this kind of thing. Because really, Sawyer should be sleeping now if he was up all night.

  “Enjoy your breakfast. I want to get this gardening done before it gets too hot.”


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