Home and Heart

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Home and Heart Page 18

by Sean Michael

  “Oh, that’s a really good idea.”

  He smirked. “I know. I’ve got a lot of them.”

  Derek rolled his eyes, but he was laughing too.

  Luke waited for the laughter to die down. “Even if you aren’t going to do any pain play at all, you do need that safeword.”

  “Okay, that’s cool. Benny must have one, huh?”

  “Yep. Broccoli.”

  “But he hates broccoli.”

  “He does—which means he’d only say it during sex if it’s because he’s safewording.”

  “Ah. That makes sense.”

  “Once you guys have a safeword, you need to share it with us. If we’re all going to really play together, it’s important we know it, like you needed to know Benny’s now that you’re becoming a Dom.”

  “How come you guys never told me before?” Derek asked.

  Luke shrugged. “We never played hard enough when it was the three of us. And you were more sub than Dom, and like I said, we never pushed anything too hard when we were all together.”

  “Huh.” Derek was quiet again.

  “You’ve got a question about that?”

  “I guess I never realized how serious the two of you were.”

  “We weren’t when the three of us first got together, no. But over time Benny and I came to an understanding. And I love him. I mean, I love you too, don’t get me wrong, but Benny is, well, you said it best about Sawyer—Benny is mine.”

  Derek nodded slowly. “I do get that. And I wouldn’t have before.”

  “Would it have freaked you out if we’d told you about it?” Luke asked.

  “Uh, yeah, probably.” Derek finished his cocoa and put his cup aside. “This is pretty serious talk for six in the morning.”

  And that was Luke’s cue that Derek had taken in about as much as he was ready to at this point. He could roll with that.

  “It is. Especially when we’ve both got morning wood going on.” His had gone down some, but Derek was still pretty young, and Luke could see that his hard-on was still waiting to be dealt with.

  He put his own cup down before leaning in to bring their mouths together. Derek kissed him back eagerly, their breath mingling, the sweet taste of chocolate even nicer on Derek than it had been in his cup.

  “Oh….” The word was more sigh than real sound, but both he and Derek heard it, and both of them looked up to see Sawyer trying to slip back into the bedroom unnoticed.

  “Sawyer. Don’t run away.” Derek held out a hand. “We were just wrapping up a conversation.”

  “Is that what we’re calling it now?” Sawyer’s robe was golden, but otherwise just like his and Derek’s. He moved unerringly toward Derek and took his hand.

  Derek pulled Sawyer down onto his lap. “Well, we’d just moved from the actual talking portion of the conversation. And good morning.”

  Sawyer snuggled in and raised his head for a kiss. “Good morning.”

  Derek closed the distance between their lips, and the kiss lasted a good long time, making Luke’s erection come back full force. When their lips parted, Derek whispered into Sawyer’s ear, and Sawyer smiled, then turned to Luke, asking for a kiss from Luke. He gave it happily, enjoying the way Sawyer not only tasted different from Derek or Benny, but kissed differently as well. He would be able to tell which of his lovers was kissing him in the dark simply by how they kissed.

  He cupped Sawyer’s cheek and tilted his head slightly, then concentrated on the right side of Sawyer’s mouth. Would Derek pick up on the invitation to join the kiss? Derek did indeed, pressing his lips against Luke’s and Sawyer’s both. Then he pushed his tongue in to be included there too. Luke groaned, enjoying the three-way.

  He’d never shared a four-way kiss and wondered if it was possible. If it would feel as good as this did, or would it feel awkward and a lot of work to make sure everyone was getting something out of it.

  As if thinking about him had conjured him up, Benny groaned behind them, and Luke glanced toward the sound in time to watch Benny head quickly for them, utterly naked. Then Benny pushed into the kiss, and it was awkward at first, but Luke didn’t feel like anyone was left out. After some slips and bumps of lips against lips and quiet laughter, they suddenly clicked, and while it wasn’t as deep as the three-way could go, it felt amazing to be kissing all his lovers at the same time.

  “You guys started without me,” Benny accused once the unique kiss had ended.

  Sawyer reached up and touched Benny’s cheek. “We were just saying good morning. I didn’t want to wake you when I got up. You work so hard during the week.”

  Benny looked completely mollified by Sawyer’s words. “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.” He took a kiss of his own too, his and Sawyer’s lips sliding together.

  “There’s a robe for you on the back of the bedroom door,” Sawyer told Benny. “I hope you like the color.”

  Benny strode across the room and came back a moment later wearing the blue robe. “This rocks, though I’m not sure I can sit on Luke’s lap with it—I’ll slide right off.”

  “I can get something else if you don’t like the silk,” Sawyer offered right away.

  “Nah. I’m just fooling.” Benny sat firmly in between him and Derek, and Luke shifted to make room. “I’m not much of a lap-sitter anyway.”

  Luke didn’t say anything, but he did give Benny a look. They had some of their best sex with Benny in his lap. Benny had the good grace to blush, and Luke let it go at that.

  “Is everyone hungry for breakfast?” Sawyer asked. “I was thinking about breakfast muffins.”

  “Is that like bran muffins?” Benny asked. The man had an aversion to anything that even hinted at being healthy.

  Sawyer shook his head. “Not at all. It’s basically an egg with some cheese cooked in a bacon-lined muffin tin.”

  “Oh God, yes, please.” Benny was practically drooling.

  “That sounds delicious. I’m in.” Luke was going to have to add more workout time into his schedule if they all agreed to have Sawyer be their full-time cook.

  “Do you need any help?” Derek asked as Sawyer stood.

  “Nope. It won’t take me five minutes to get them in the oven, and by then the coffee should be ready too. I can’t believe none of you turned the pot on!”

  “We had the cocoa, which was delicious.” Derek grinned and stood. “I’ll turn it on now and help you get everyone a mug.”

  “As you wish.” Sawyer leaned up and kissed the corner of Derek’s mouth, and the two of them went to the kitchen, Derek’s arm wrapped around Sawyer’s waist.

  Benny watched, then turned back to Luke. “I can’t believe I have to wait five minutes for coffee, let alone however long it’s going to be before we get actual food.”

  Luke leaned back and spread his legs. “Suck me, Benny.”

  “I thought you’d never ask!” Benny went to his knees and pushed the silk aside, pouncing as soon as Luke’s cock pushed between the edges of the robe.

  He didn’t bother to point out that he hadn’t asked and hadn’t requested—he’d ordered. He was in the mood for a blow job, not a philosophical discussion about whether or not something was an order when it was exactly what the sub wanted. There’d be time enough for that, and right now he wanted to see if his eager Benny would be able to make him come before Derek and Sawyer were finished in the kitchen. As Benny’s tongue swirled around the head of his cock, Luke was betting Benny totally could.

  Chapter Fourteen

  DEREK DIDN’T get a chance to talk to Sawyer about safewords and pain play until the following Wednesday. All four of them had spent the entire weekend together, and Derek was still a little shy about the whole being Sawyer’s Dom thing in front of Luke and Benny. Maybe shy wasn’t the right word, but it was new, and he hadn’t wanted to have the discussion in front of Luke. He didn’t want Luke to think he was doing the Dom thing wrong.

  Monday night Sawyer had fallen asleep in his arms in front of the television
right after supper, and on Tuesday Benny and Luke had stayed late after eating. They talked about it as a group and agreed to all contribute to the groceries, which Sawyer would then cook, providing them all with supper during the week and all meals during the weekend. Derek didn’t get how doing all that cooking for everyone could be fun, but he couldn’t deny how at peace Sawyer was while doing it.

  Wednesday Luke had a late client, and Benny had decided to go do a workout so he could spend the time with Luke. With his newfound knowledge of exactly how serious Luke and Benny were about the whole Dom-and-sub thing, he had a hunch that Benny wanted the excuse to be ordered around by Luke in public. Nobody would think it anything kinky if Luke was shouting orders to Benny during a workout session. Unless Benny sprung persistent wood.

  The thought made him grin.

  “What’s up?” Sawyer asked, coming to give him a kiss as he sat at the kitchen table watching Sawyer cook up something that smelled amazing.

  “I was just thinking about Benny getting a hard-on during his workout with Luke.”

  “Do you think that would be embarrassing for him?” Sawyer asked, going back to stirring the contents of a large saucepan.

  Derek thought about it, then shook his head. “No. I don’t think he cares if other people can tell he’s turned on.”

  “Maybe he gets a thrill from it,” Sawyer suggested, like someone who knew from experience.

  Huh. Derek wasn’t sure he would want to do anything in front of anyone but Luke and Benny. A small voice at the back of his head made him admit to himself that he liked knowing Luke and Benny were watching. It did add a certain zing to things.

  “Do you?” he asked.

  “It depends on the situation. Under normal circumstances, not at all. I don’t want to be hard in front of people in general. But at a club would be a different story.”

  “I’m not sure I could get into it in front of more than Luke and Benny.” He had decided that he wasn’t going to worry if he and Sawyer liked different things. There was clearly lots of stuff they both liked doing, and if they came up with stuff that one of them wanted and the other didn’t, they could talk about it, compromise. Maybe indulge in rarely.

  “I liked it more for my master making me do it than it being a natural turn-on,” Sawyer admitted. “And it only worked because he was so sure it was what he wanted us to be doing.” Sawyer turned the heat down and covered his dish, then came back over to him. “There is nothing I can’t live without, I promise. If all you want to do is kiss and do it missionary style, then that’s what we’ll do.”

  “That would probably get boring.”

  “I don’t know—I could do nothing but kiss you forever.” Sawyer spoke the words against his lips.

  “You might have a point.” He stopped talking in favor of kissing Sawyer. And kissing him, and kissing him. Until his ass started reminding him that Sawyer’s kitchen chairs were hard.

  “You want to move to the sofa?” Sawyer asked. It was amazing how Sawyer always seemed so in tune with him. Always catering to his needs. Even more amazing was how much Sawyer got out of that. Derek thought it was pretty damn special, being able to get such satisfaction of out serving others.

  “What about your supper?” Sawyer had been working hard to make that.

  “It’ll keep warm until we’re ready to eat it.”

  “It smells delicious.”

  “Mushroom and white wine risotto.”

  “Yum!” Derek loved how eating had become an adventure—it was like having access to a restaurant.

  “We could eat now, but I haven’t seen you all day and would love to spend some time with you first,” Sawyer admitted.

  “Like getting ourselves back into our together headspace after work,” Derek suggested.

  Sawyer beamed at him, face all lit up. “Exactly like that!”

  Derek downed the bottle of soda Sawyer’d given him and headed for the living room. He sat in the recliner, pleased as punch when Sawyer plopped down in his lap. Sawyer curled in, and Derek wrapped his arms around him.

  “So we’ve talked about how our days went and a little bit about how we feel about doing sexy things in public. Why don’t you tell me some of the other stuff you like. I know from my research that there’s lots of things we haven’t talked about at all yet.”

  “Did I tell you how much I appreciate that you’ve been doing research?” Sawyer smiled at him, eyes sparkling. “I was worried you were doing it just to make me happy, but I can’t believe you’d be as enthusiastic and willing as you are if it wasn’t something you wanted too.”

  Derek nodded. “I didn’t know that it was—but it is.”

  “And you’ll tell me if you don’t like something—like with the voyeurism.”

  “I will,” Derek promised. “As long as you tell me about thing things you like and don’t like too.” He wasn’t worried—Sawyer had been good about telling him so far. “On that topic—you should probably have a safeword.”

  Sawyer beamed at him. “You have been reading.”

  “Well, yeah. I said I had.”

  “But really reading in depth and paying attention.” Sawyer kissed the side of his mouth. “You’re a very special man, Derek.”

  “Well, so are you, so I guess we’re a good match.”

  Sawyer chuckled. “Uh-huh.”

  “So what is?” Derek asked.

  “What’s what? Oh! My safeword.”


  Sawyer chuckled again. “It’s buffoon.”

  “That’s different.” Derek didn’t think it was bad or anything, but it wasn’t what he’d expected. Although now that he was thinking about it, he wasn’t sure what kind of word he thought Sawyer might have.

  “It’s not a word I’d ever use, so it works well as a safeword.”

  “It does. Can I ask a question, and if you don’t want to answer, that’s okay. I know it’s pretty personal and intimate.”

  “Go ahead.” Sawyer met his gaze.

  “Did you ever use your safeword with your husband?”

  Sawyer nodded. “Once. I was scared about what he was asking me to do, so I safeworded and we talked about it, and then the next time when he asked me to do it, I was able to trust that, even though it still scared me, he would be there for me and that if it did get to be too much, he’d stop if I safeworded again. My using my safeword made us even closer.”

  Derek thought that made sense, though he didn’t think he would have understood it before. “It deepened the trust between you.”

  “It did. That doesn’t mean that a relationship where the safeword is never used isn’t just as trusting and meaningful. It just means that using your safeword isn’t a bad thing.”

  “That’s good to know. When I first read about it and Luke explained it more to me, I thought it would be a bad thing to make you safeword, but it’s not, is it? It’s just a thing that means I trust you.”

  “You’re a fast learner. It’s like you were meant to be a Dom all along.”

  Derek thought Sawyer was pretty happy about that.

  “Like it was waiting for you to come along to wake it up.” He couldn’t imagine being a Dom for anybody else. “So what other stuff are you into? What about whips and chains and stuff—those are the things most people think of when you say BDSM, I think.”

  “Well, I’ve never really been into pain for pain’s sake. If you want to try it out, though, I’m not going to say no. Doms and subs are partners. It shouldn’t be all one-sided.”

  Derek took a deep breath as relief flooded through him. “I’m not sure I could deliberately hurt you,” he admitted.

  “Well then, as I’m not a pain slut, that works out just fine. I’m a size queen and into ass play. Which I may have already mentioned….”

  Derek laughed. Sawyer knew damn well he’d mentioned it. Hell, they’d played from that for days over their long weekend. He decided to play along. “I’ll have to keep that in mind.”

  Sawyer pounced
, arms wrapping around his neck as Sawyer kissed him. He kissed Sawyer right back, pleased at the outcome of their discussion. He was so glad he’d asked, because it had been weighing on his mind since Luke had brought it up.

  “Is it weird?” he asked. “Being the one with the experience and sort of having to teach me how to be a Dom?”

  “We all have to start from somewhere, Derek. I love that you’re working so hard to learn how to be the perfect Dom for me. And as long as I know it’s what you want too, I have no problem guiding you through it. In fact, I think it’s a wonderful way for us to learn each other.”

  “I want it.” Derek didn’t want Sawyer to have any doubts about that. “I love being your Dom.” He wouldn’t do it for anyone else, but it felt right and good with Sawyer.

  “I think that’s wonderful for both of us.”

  “It is.” Derek couldn’t agree more.

  “Master…?” Sawyer looked up into his eyes again.

  “What is it?”

  “My ass has been empty since you took the plug out Monday morning, and I’m still sensitive enough that everything I touch makes me need. Please help me.”

  “Did any of the plugs we ordered Friday afternoon come in?”

  Sawyer moaned loudly and nodded. “I took them out of their packages and washed them. They’ve been taunting me since they came yesterday.”

  Derek’s cock, already half-hard from his lapful of Sawyer, went fully hard in a matter of seconds. He groaned as it pushed against the zipper of his jeans. He shouldn’t have gone commando. Of course he wasn’t complaining that much about the slight bite from the metal.

  “I want you to suck me off first. Then you can bring me the one that you want most to try, and I’ll put it in before we eat.”

  Sawyer wriggled on his lap. “Thank you, Master.”

  Then Sawyer slid to the floor between Derek’s legs. He spread himself as wide as he could in the easy chair and curled his fingers at his sides. Sawyer licked his own lips as he popped the top button and began carefully working down the zipper. As soon as it was free, Derek’s cock popped out of the jeans, actually hitting Sawyer’s cheek. Moaning, Sawyer turned his head, taking Derek’s cock right in.


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