Storm Princess

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Storm Princess Page 9

by M. Garnet

  As he got closer, I could see that the basket was full of all types of different plants and what looked like pieces of green wood. I stepped out so he could see me.

  "Welcome, Mistress. See how beautiful our world can be."

  "Coro, I can't believe this. It has only been a few days since I was up here and I can't believe the change." I stepped carefully onto the flat growth, afraid to damage it. It just gave softly under my heavy boots and my footsteps disappeared as I moved forward.

  Coro was now with me as he smiled. "Yes, it is a very durable planet. I have found traces of our animals. Both the small rodents and the large dangerous cats are showing prints of moving through the forest. I love what life creates."

  I looked around again in disbelief. "Coro, are you going to your plant support site?"

  He smiled down at his basket, holding it now with both hands to look at what he considered a treasure. "Yes, come with me. I have found some old items refreshing themselves and something new. I think the Twins blessed us again."

  He turned and I followed him to walk around toward the high sheer wall of the mountain and into his rooms, covered by the special screens that held special temperatures and moisture where they were needed.

  It had changed. It was no longer a place to nurse small seeds that would be transplanted. It was a magical location full of blossoms and strange colors and unusual shapes in leaves.

  I just wandered and admired all the plants, giving Coro time to unpack his basket and settle his items to suit his job. I finally walked over to where he was wiping his hands. He had taken off his gloves to feel the plants as he worked with them.

  I removed mine and felt the velvet texture of a leaf. "Coro, do you or your people eat any of the fresh grown plants from up top on this planet?"

  He moved his large body to reach for some green frilly leaves. He plucked one and offered it to me. "Try eating this; it has more vitamins than anything grown in the tubes they sell in the markets on most planets."

  I held the leaf up and took a bite. It tasted like a salad with licorice on it. "It is good. So, what about meds? Do the healers look for natural products from top side that can help with their jobs?"

  Coro nodded for her to follow him. He went back to rooms that she had not seen, deep within the rock face. This area was damp and dark with pale green lights on the floor to mark the direction. There were long trays of dirt and the smell was rich.

  At last, as my eyes adjusted to the pale lighting I began to see the fungus. There were the types that grew on small stalks with big caps. There were some that spread across the ground and then there were the ones that grew on old wood.

  Coro had a couple of pieces of wood in one hand and he very carefully placed the pieces in the dirt. "I have found that the healers seem to get a great deal of good from the products in here. I understand that there are harvesters that go out for the healers just for these items."

  "Do you know what good they do for the body?"

  "Well, I know what greens will help my headache or a toothache. My mom swears that tea she makes from some leaves takes care of stomach problems for ladies. It seems every family has a favorite old time recipe from natural plants to help the body." He smiled

  I reached out to one of the caps. "What about these?"

  "Those are good raw in salads or cooked in soups. They have a lot of protein in them like meat and a fine woody taste."

  I wanted to ask him the important question. The one about a plant that might hold off conception, but I just couldn't find the words to ask this large gentle farmer. Farmer, yes, that was the name for what he did. Back on the many planets I had visited or stayed on, beings that took care of plants like he did were called farmers.

  I couldn't find the words for what I needed. It was time to return to the city.

  Chapter Seventeen

  So, now I need to start over again and I needed to face my father. I also had an idea about my progeny problem. Perhaps my father could help me for once in my life.

  I made a unit call to Joo and requested a black and green military uniform for myself. I wanted my father to understand that I was no longer a simpering female. He needed to know that I was a citizen of GigasVnee.

  I would not give him any help, or make any reports to him. I would never try to have any influence in the government of this planet to help him, the Questes Consortium or any other off world government as in all ways I would be faithful to my husband’s world.

  I would take the brain and looks given to me somewhere else and devote them to helping this strange beautiful storm world. I would become the true Princess of this planet.

  I needed two more items to carry with me as I traveled in a way my new fathers-in-law had provided for me. I wanted a piece of rock to tie me to the mountain and I wanted a gift.

  It took two full day times for delivery of my uniform and my gift, wrapped in an evil looking black long metal box with green lines down each side.

  I visited Coro so that he could help me pick out a small smooth rock that was easy to carry in my closed hand. I now had everything I needed. I spent some time in front of the window looking at the ocean and thinking of my short-term friend, the Advisor.

  The deaths on this world due to my father was going to stop right now.

  I got dressed and Set helped me braid my hair. She took a brush and carefully made sure my uniform was spotless. My black boots reflected the light in the room. I pulled my suit sleeve over my pretty wrist bracelet and picked up my rock in one hand and my wrapped gift in the other.

  I had checked to see what the time was on my father’s planet and to make sure where the King of the Consortium was at this time of day on that site. As usual he was in his official office with some council members, some servants, and a lot of military.

  I raised my hand with my rock, the hand that had a special green glow around its wrist and just wished to face my father. I felt a little dizzy and blinked as the scene in front of me changed.

  I didn’t need to be told that the twins’ trick worked. I could smell the fear and greed in this room before I heard the sounds of confusion.

  There were the sounds of weapons and running feet and then, more importantly, the impact of bodies falling and hitting the hard surface of the floor.

  I resisted the impulse to look around, remembering the words of the twins’. Although my father faced me, I thought most people in my immediate vicinity were dead.

  At last I lowered my arm and looked at my father. He was standing behind his desk with a large hand weapon pointed directly at me.

  “You greet your eldest child with a weapon, father?” I looked at him without moving. It was the first time I had ever seen my father with a look of anything but anger on his face. Well, actually he did look a little angry and a whole lot confused.

  “Mikla, is it really you? You are not a dimensional illusion view?”

  “I am real, with the help of the gods of GigasVnee. I want to thank you for trading me to my new home. I could not have chosen a better world if you had given me a choice.” I looked around and now saw all the bodies on the floor. “Of course you never gave me a choice, did you?”

  “Did those bastards send you here to kill me?” My father stepped back hesitantly, still waving his gun.

  I looked around at all the bodies on the floor. Damn, were all these people as the twins’ had declared? Bodies of Councilmen, soldiers and even some servants lay dead on the floor; evil in their hearts had killed them.

  At last I saw a couple of young boys on one side and an old man looking into the open door. I also heard sirens and alarms sounding loud out in the hallways.

  I pointed with my hand with the rock in it at the old man. “You, can you turn that noise off?”

  He began to bow deeply, but one of the boys stepped over a couple of bodies.

  “Pardon Princess. I know where the main box is located.”

  At last my father began to wake up. “Go, turn it off. Find some of my staf
f and bring them back here immediately.”

  My father started to sit back down at his desk, still pointing the weapon at me. I stepped forward and laid the black box on his desk and he changed his mind.

  We stared at each other for a few loud moments and then all the ringing in our ears ceased.

  “Father, you don’t think that weapon will work on me, do you? Also, don’t you want to see the gift I brought to you from GigasVnee?”

  I watched his doubtful eyes go from me to the black box. He even let himself view the rest of the room, filled with bodies that had not moved since I appeared.

  I heard footsteps and the young boy looked back in the room. “My Lord, I am sorry. All the military and staff seem to be dead.”

  The king raised his weapon and fired and the young lad shuddered. Except the king’s weapon didn’t work. The king stood there and actually turned his hand and looked at his weapon, as if it wasn’t real.

  “Perhaps, father, it would be a good idea for you to sit back down.” I watched as my father pulled the chair out away from the desk and the black box. He was still turning his weapon, bewildered that it would not work for him.

  “Father, I don’t intend to stay here very long and you have a great many people to bury. Do you have any questions?”

  I felt his eyes on me again, but it was so different now. For all those years I had been afraid and angry when those eyes touched me. Now, very different.

  I heard him actually clear his throat. “How did, no, why are you here?”

  I smiled as I squeezed on my rock. “My new world wants to give you a warning. First, I am no longer a Princess of the Questes Consortium. I am a Princess of GigasVnee. You agreed to that when you traded me. It is important you remember that and for you to cease to try to have any type of contact with me. Not only will it be deadly for those you send to my new home, it will very likely become deadly to you. Think of this as you bury those around you that can no longer protect you.”

  I turned to the two young males. “I give you two freedom. Go back to your village.” I had no idea who the elderly male was, as there was nothing I could do for him. I thought of one thing. I walked to him and handed him my rock.

  “Keep this, it is part of Gigas Vnee and will protect you.”

  At last I turned and looked at my father one more time. Strange, he no longer looked as big as I remember. Maybe it was because I was standing and he was back down in his chair. I also saw grey streaks in his hair and winkles around his eyes. The King of Questes was growing old.

  “Enjoy your present.”

  With that I raised my hand and found myself back looking at my beautiful storm-tossed ocean. It was at this point that I never once thought to ask about my mother.

  There had never been any connection between my mother and me. She had pumped out babies for one reason only—to please a king she didn’t love. She would not have hesitated to argue if he had us slain. Like her husband, their children were products to be used to hopefully take them higher in their position in the universe.

  So, now I had declared myself free of my father or I have brought on war with the area I came from. Worst of all I hadn’t solved my progeny ability problem. Damn, damn.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I sat in my suite for the next couple of day times, watching the ocean and not seeing anyone but Set. Thank goodness the little maid understood my mood and just brought out food and drinks and left me alone.

  I wasn't looking at the unit or its screen. What I was doing was just thinking, and I guess I was waiting to see if I would feel any different. So much had happened to my life over such a short period. I had gone through a terrible loss and shock in the person of the Advisor.

  I remember in detail that brave old man closing the door to keep me safe, as my father's thugs were attacking in the outside office. The sad fact was that they would never have harmed me in any way. They wanted to either give me a message or make sure I talked to the King of the Questes Consortium.

  The unfortunate problem was that the King had only one way to solve problems and that was with deadly force. He had tried it on the wrong planet.

  I thought of all the faceless individuals that ceased to live when I transported into the King's office. I began to understand something. The two gods, known as Bleak and Leant, had taken revenge for the death of one male on this planet by killing thousands on the King's planet instantly. I nodded, beginning to understand my part in this play.

  I also understood I was being used by these two males just like the King had used me. I sighed, wondering if I would ever have freedom? Did the title Princess include the word, prisoner?

  I held up my wrist and no longer had a green bracelet. It had served its purpose so it was gone. I wondered how long it would take the King to find a way to get someone to open that black box. It didn't contain a bomb.

  I am sure he would assume it was something very dangerous. Well, at times the Threads of Targent could be dangerous. But the number within the black box was the exact number needed to complete the contract in the trade agreement for the marriage contract.

  There was no need for further contact between the Questes Consortium and the Council of GigasVnee. Perhaps, sometime in the future, they would stand by each other in a war. But the Federated Military was between them at this great distance, so there was other help available.

  I didn't want to spend any time thinking about the males or the weapon call the Twinned Dissnue, so I allowed my mind to seek out a male who would soon be going through a ceremony that allowed the crown to move from Loralei to Quilliam.

  To get my mind off that handsome face, I decided to study the crowning ceremony. At last, I pulled over my unit and allowed a screen to come up. I used my hands to enlarge the screen and place it at my side away from the window.

  There was a lot about the history of this ritual, but I wanted to know exactly the details of the one that would be taking place soon with a male that I was having palpitations about.

  I looked at the whole ritual that took over four Federated hours, not counting the daytime before for the banquet and the night following for the ball. I went back through the details and the time lines and finally found what I wanted to know.

  The Queen appeared late in the daytime, with the sun almost sinking. Shortly afterward the Heir appeared. The Priest would appear, saying some important prayers and words. Then the Queen knelt and held out a special sword that the Priest passed to the Heir, proclaiming Quilliam King.

  I decided I was going to be a rude participant. I would call on my guide and have him help me make a late and short appearance for the formalities. After all, I still was officially only a visiting Princess.

  I wondered if my status had improved since I would soon be married to a king instead of a prince?

  The Queen announced that the ceremony would be held immediately to the protests of so many who were so far away and wouldn't be present for the crowning of a new king. The Queen was adamant about the date and time, saying it is a fact, so be it.

  Meeting with my guide, I told Marshall Bower of my decision so he could make the plans.

  * * * *

  As had been with the funeral, the city had turned out all of its residents and any of those on the planet that could travel by air or water to see the crowning of their new beloved King. There was no doubt in my mind that the people of this world approved of this king.

  It was different from what would have happened with the looks of the people of Questes. But the people weren't allowed close and in view for a crowning in Questes.

  When I allowed the angry and embarrassed Bower to take me down to my position for the crowning of the new King, I could see the tens of thousands of beings that had turned out to pay tribute to this ceremony.

  I am sure that they would tell their children how they had stood for hours in order to see firsthand the change of power. Bower used my black-clad guards to clear a path and get us up to the platform.

  I hav
e refused the elaborate gown that someone made for me and sent to my suite. Instead, I had Set find me a plain green gown with black trim. This gown hid my feet so I left my shoes behind. I had Set help me braid my hair with long green ribbons, wearing it down my back.

  I took the time to put dark makeup around my brown eyes; hoping to make them sparkle a little to help me seem alive again.

  When Bower entered my suite, I saw him take a moment to look at me as if he was pleased with what he saw. He moved his lips as if he started to say something and then just took one step back. Did he approve of my look? Was he thinking of our kiss?

  Suddenly, I was thinking of the kiss. Would his kiss take the place of the missing kiss of another? Now, I was feeling confused inside.

  I tried desperately to clear my mind and concentrate on standing straight as I allowed Bower to hold a hand out for me to go up the steps to the platform. I was grateful that there were so many individuals on this platform that I could be lost among the bodies.

  They had built an even higher platform for the final ceremony to take place. Here the Queen was waiting and a priest was standing with arms raised and within the crowd a special male appeared.

  Moving through the heavy throng of people with his stride that was not animal-like, nor military, but like a swimmer. A male who had spent his entire life on the storm planet full of water did not stride like a planet-bound male. Quilliam Devi GemC'him was dressed in a military style suit that was the same color of green as his fractured eyes.

  The Heir's boots were black and almost to his knees and the only decoration was an oval green gem on his severe jacket over his heart. The gem seemed to glow, reflecting as he moved. His long hair was in a braid down his back.

  I locked my knees, feeling I would fall as I saw the beautiful male moving forward. How fair was it that this person was created and set in front of me?

  Forcing my eyes away from this formidable figure, I began to understand. I was not the only one to love him. I saws eyes and faces, all showing adoration of the Heir who was going to be their King. Between the natural beauty of his mother and the un-natural ability of his fathers, he was like a fallen angel from the old religions. All tall and toned and angular, his face and body were something that stood above the crowd.


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