The Walls We Built

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The Walls We Built Page 2

by Kassandra Garrison

  So, where are you from?

  Cherokee Falls.

  Small town?

  Yeah. How’d you know?

  You don’t act like a city girl.

  What does that mean?

  In that moment, I wasn’t sure if he was trying to insult or compliment me. But before he could answer my question, Sophie was already pulling me away from the crowd of boys.

  Does it matter, Ezra? Either way, she’s way out of your league. Come on, Charlotte. These boys are ruining our girls’ night out.

  I glanced back over my shoulder as Sophie pulled me to the cotton candy stand. Ezra turned to watch us as if he had truly wanted to answer my question. However, he wasn’t just watching us, he was staring directly at me. By the time his two friends surrounded him, my cheeks were flushed from his intense gaze.

  Sophie dragged me from booth to booth the rest of the night, winning prizes and eating cotton candy. Yet, she could only hold the rabid dogs back for so long as Nathan, Wyatt, and a few other jocks surrounded her. It was like watching turkey vultures surround roadkill on the side of the road. Desperate, vicious, and nauseating.

  I began walking down the sidewalk, taking in the sights and the smells. All around me guys and girls laughed and talked in huddles. It was high school all over again. While cliques and drama ensued around me, I avoided them like the plague, content to be by myself.

  I meant that you didn’t seem obsessed with appearance and popularity.

  When I turned around, Ezra was right behind me. His eyes appeared as deep and blue as the ocean. There was no taunting, no ridicule in his eyes. Only truth.

  I take that as a compliment.

  As you should.

  We stood for a moment looking at one another, unsure of what to say next. Finally, he broke the silence and gestured toward Sophie and the crowd of boys around her.

  Looks like your roommate is preoccupied. Can I get you a drink?

  You don’t have to do that.

  I know. I want to.

  I stood in place as he started turning toward the line of food trucks near the curb. When he realized I wasn’t following, he spun around with a look of confusion.

  This isn’t a lame pickup attempt, is it?

  What are you talking about?

  I’ve seen the swarm around Sophie all night and I’m not the type of girl who needs or wants a guy.


  He shook his head and chuckled under his breath before looking back at me.

  First off, you would know if you’re getting hit on. And second, it will not be lame.

  It WILL not be lame?

  His teeth were impeccably straight and white as a wide smile spread across his face.

  Come on, it’s just a lemon shake-up. Or strawberry if you prefer.

  Though I was still skeptical of his intentions, I couldn’t help but grin as he gestured for me to follow him toward the booth. Once through the line, we walked through the crowds of people and sipped on our drinks.

  A handful of people greeted Ezra in passing and received a relaxed nod of the head in return. He lowered his drink and looked over at me.

  What are you majoring in?

  Literature. What about you?

  My dad wants me to become a lawyer or doctor, but I don’t know what I want to do. I’m just completing my general studies for now until I decide.

  What if you don’t want to be a doctor or lawyer?

  Knowing my dad, it could go one of two ways. He’d either stop paying for my college or force me to go to school for the career he chooses.

  That’s horrible.

  Yeah, well my dad isn’t the lenient type. What about your parents?

  My dad is supportive of whatever I want to do with my career.

  And what do you intend to do with your literature major?

  I’ve always dreamed of being an author. I love reading, writing, and creating stories no one has heard before.

  That’s amazing.

  Thank you.

  By that point in the night, several of the booths began to close up and turn off their lights. Ezra looked around for his buddies who had disappeared along with Sophie.

  Can I walk you back to your dorm?

  Umm, no. I’m good. Thank you though.

  Oh, I just figured since it was dark…

  I said no. Okay? Like I said, I’m not the kind of girl you can walk back to my room in hopes of groping.

  No, I—

  Before he could finish his sentence, I turned and walked through the booths toward my dorm. My face was hot as I made my way down the sidewalk and up the stairs of my building. Had I overreacted? Did he really just want to make sure I arrived at my room safely?

  As I fiddled with the key clumsily in my anger, I glanced down the hallway in the direction from which I had just walked. I nearly dropped my key when I realized Ezra was walking toward me.

  Did you follow me?

  Look, I don’t know what I did to offend you, but I was just offering to walk you to your door. And say goodnight. Perhaps a handshake if you felt like getting fancy.

  Then why did you follow me to my dorm after I told you no?

  Um, my dorm is down the hall.



  I didn’t think my face could get any more red from embarrassment. Both of us knew I looked ridiculous, but I wasn’t going to let him think I was so weak as to stand down from my previous statements.

  Finally, I managed to unlock the door with my key as he stood behind me, clearly entertained. Without another glance, I closed the door behind me and left him alone in the hall.

  Sophie was nowhere to be seen as I plopped on the bed and shoved my face in the pillow. I’m such an idiot. He probably thought I was a dramatic, paranoid prude.

  But why did I care what he thought? Ezra was just another popular boy looking to get into as many skirts as he could while here at college. And after tonight, there was no way he would be coming back for a second try.


  Monday morning was hot and humid as much of the summer in the Midwest tends to be. With my books in hand, I walked across the campus toward my first college class.

  Fortunately for my nerves, the first class I would be attending that day was my favorite course: English. While many would consider it a boring and required subject, I enjoyed the reading, writing, and analytical assignments each class required.

  Once I was seated in one of the small desks near the front of the auditorium classroom, I immediately began organizing my books, pens, and notebook into a functional arrangement.

  Someone has O.C.D.

  As I looked up from my desk to identify my observer, the excitement I had felt that morning dropped into a steaming pile of embarrassment and disappointment.

  Ezra had quietly seated himself next to me and was looking between me and my immaculately organized class materials.

  Are you entertained by my organization?

  To be honest, I am. But in a way disappointed.


  My eyebrows pulled together in confusion as I quickly checked that everything was in its correct location.

  I should have seen how long you would rearrange the same four items before interrupting. Honestly, the disappointment is entirely on me. Proceed.

  His hand gestured toward my desk for me to continue. I could see in his eyes the smile he was trying to hide as he waited for me to respond.

  I don’t organize on command or anything else for that matter. Did you really have to sit right next to me?

  Would you prefer if I sat in front of you so you could watch me sleep through class?

  No, I don’t want to watch you and I don’t want you watching me either.

  What else am I supposed to do for an hour and half?

  That’s your problem. Don’t you have some jocks to hang out with?

  I pointed toward a huddle of jocks three rows up from us who were currently balancing pencils on their noses. He looked over his shoulder
at them and then back at me.

  Eh. It gets old sometimes.

  Then, why do you hang out with them?

  He seemed to be seriously questioning his motives when one of the athletes called him over. All eyes were on him as he sat looking into my eyes. I smiled and nodded toward them as I recognized the choice he had already made.

  Your posse awaits you.

  To my own surprise, he looked disappointed as he stood and began the ascent to his friends. Their loud greeting filled the auditorium as the professor walked into the room.

  Alright, class. Quiet, please. I am Professor Forster and over the course of the next sixteen weeks, I will…

  The professor’s words faded away as I glanced up to where Ezra was seated. My heart skipped a beat as I found his intense eyes not on the professor, but on me. Quickly, I turned back around and listened to the instructor for the rest of the class period.

  Much to my chagrin, I couldn’t stop thinking about Ezra the entire hour and a half. If he had grown tired of the jocks, why did he insist on filling his life with them? I hated to admit it, but a twinge of pain shot through my chest when he chose them over me.

  Perhaps their immaturity and obsession with popularity was what he deserved. But what did I deserve for not being able to get those indigo eyes out of my mind?

  Alright, students. That is class for the day. Make sure to read the first ten chapters of your text and complete the assignments online.

  As students quickly gathered their things, I made a beeline to the exit in hopes of escaping any more of Ezra’s taunting. He made his choice and I wanted nothing to do with it.

  The air outside was moist and oppressive as I walked across campus to the coffee shop. I had another hour to kill until my next class and the smell of coffee in the courtyard was all too tempting.

  Sweat dampened my forehead as I waited in line to place my order. By the time I reached the cashier, the refreshing chill of iced coffee was all I could think about.

  Hi. Can I get a medium iced vanilla latte?

  As I looked down for the correct change in my wallet, I heard a familiar and increasingly irritating voice behind me.

  This one’s on me. And add an iced tea to that order, please.

  The cashier took the credit card being offered to him as I turned and looked at Ezra beside me.

  Believe it or not, I can buy my own drink.

  Yes, but your hydration is my number one priority. I’ve made it my duty to provide you with ice cold beverages in this summer heat.

  I’ve never been more ready for winter.

  Oh, come on. Am I really that bad?

  I moved out of the way for the next person in line as the cashier handed Ezra his credit card. He slipped it into his pocket after nodding to the cashier in appreciation. Immediately, his intense blue eyes were back on me.

  Everywhere I go, you’re there. What do I have to do to get rid of you?

  Hmm… let me think on that. Anything I want, you say?

  I do not say. That was not an offer, more of a desperate plea for privacy.

  You never answered my question. What makes me so repulsive to you?

  And you never answered mine. Why do you hang out with those guys if you’re tired of them?

  He looked around as if the answer was in the coffee shop. As my name was called by the barista, I happily accepted the cold cup, grabbed a straw, and started for the door.

  The humidity of the courtyard bathed over me as I pushed the door open hurriedly. I would just have to find somewhere besides the air-conditioned coffee shop to enjoy my drink. I was sure I saw other students walking into the library carrying drinks that morning.

  Would you wait a second?

  I whirled around to find Ezra jogging up behind me on the sidewalk. Raising my eyebrows in expectation, he stopped a few feet in front of me and sighed.

  I don’t know why I hang out with them. I just always have.

  That’s not a reason why you continue to spend time with them.

  But my answer nonetheless. And what about your answer? Am I really that horrible that you feel the need to run from me every time I talk to you?


  I spun around on my heel and began walking toward the library, sipping the sweet cup of pure heaven in my hand. Ezra stayed where he was as I retreated down the sidewalk, hiding a secret smile.

  He yelled from the ever-growing distance between us.

  Enjoy your coffee, Charlotte. Hydration is very important.

  It took everything in my power not to run into the nearest doorway as he purposefully drew attention to me. Nearly every face I passed was looking directly at me as Ezra called across the courtyard.

  He was persistent for sure. But as a person who had a reason for every action and belief, it bothered me that he was unable to answer my question. How could he not know why he chose jocks to be his friends? And what did he want from me?


  Later in the week, I lay on my bed completing one of several assignments given that day in my classes. Though I was majoring in English, I was still forced to take other general studies. Unfortunately, that meant my courses for this semester also included my least favorite subjects of math and chemistry.

  My head was dizzy with variables and equations when Sophie finally walked through the door. I looked over at the alarm clock on my bedside table and raised my eyebrows. It was eight ‘o’clock at night and she looked exhausted.

  Hey, Sophie. Long day?

  You will not believe the day I have had. First of all, I broke my heel on the way to my first class. So, I ran back here to change my shoes and was late. The professor totally called me out in front of the whole class.

  I’m sorry. That sounds horrible.

  Oh, that’s not all. At lunch, I stained my favorite blouse and watched another girl hit on Nathan.

  In her uproar, Sophie had just admitted her feelings for Nathan. I sat up from laying on my stomach and smiled at her, waiting for her to realize her statement.

  Once she had thrown down her books and torn off her sandals, she looked up at me. Slowly, her entire expression changed as her words dawned upon her.

  Oh my gosh. Did I just say that I like Nathan?

  I nodded my head and raised my eyebrows, waiting for more words to spill out of my spirited roommate.

  Well, he is super cute… and sweet. And funny. But I’ve only known him since last week.

  That doesn’t mean you have to marry him, Sophie. Just get to know him.

  Yeah, that’s what I’ll do. One on one time.

  Good luck with that.

  As she vigorously tried to untangle her ponytail holder from her hair, she looked over at me in question while wincing in pain.

  What do you mean?

  I chuckled at her struggle and stood up from my bed, walking over to her and carefully seizing the ponytail. Gently, I untangled her hair from the rubber ring.

  I mean everywhere you go, there’s a swarm of horny boys around you. I’m surprised you’ve had the chance to talk to Nathan much at all.

  Yeah, it gets a little annoying.

  Don’t lie. You love it.

  Sophie giggled as I handed her the ponytail previously tangled in her hair. She smiled in appreciation before manipulating her curls around her shoulders.

  Thanks, Charlotte.

  No problem.

  Talking about boys, I see Ezra has been giving you a lot of attention.

  In her excitement, she sat forward on her bed and unflinchingly studied me as I returned back to my homework, crossing my legs in front of the textbook.

  Yeah, I’ve noticed.

  So, do you like him?

  I don’t even know him. He just keeps buying me drinks. According to Nathan’s introduction, probably with his daddy’s money.

  Oh, I’m sure. His dad is a lawyer back in Chicago. We’ve gone to school together since kindergarten. His dad knows my mom. She’s a judge.

  I looked over at Sophie, trying
to picture her mom being a more serious and professional version of her. It bothered me how eager I was to learn more about Ezra.

  He’s always been in the popular crowd. Played baseball in high school but I’m not sure if he’ll play for college. I’m sure you’d love to see him in a uniform, wouldn’t you?

  No. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

  Yeah, I bet you don’t. Anyways, he is a really sweet guy. Always respectful and super laid back.

  And popular with the ladies, I’m sure.

  I raised my head as silence filled the room. When my eyes landed on Sophie, she was smiling from ear to ear. She raised her eyebrows at me and wiggled her shoulders excitedly.

  Why do you care about how many girls he has been with?

  I don’t. He just seems like the type that’s been around.

  And you’re wondering if it’s your turn. Charlotte and Ezra, sitting in a tree…

  She dodged the pillow I threw at her and kept singing.

  K. I. S. S. I. N. G. First comes love then comes birth control…

  Oh my gosh. I’m getting in the shower. You’re crazy.

  Shutting the door behind me in the small bathroom we shared, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Realizing my cheeks were red, I rolled my eyes and turned on the hot water.

  Maybe I could wash my thoughts away, thoughts of Ezra, frustrating math, and, now thanks to Sophie, birth control.


  Life, in its infinite lessons, had taught me from a young age that there was no one like a girl’s daddy. Through my awkward tween years, bitter high school years, and even my mom leaving me, my dad had been there through it all, void of judgment.

  I really didn’t know how my dad did it. For the average father, the day their daughter starts her first period would be an awkward situation immediately passed onto the mother. My dad didn’t have that choice.

  He had been sitting reading the newspaper with his cup of coffee at the kitchen counter as he did every morning when I walked into the room. I was clearly unprepared for this momentous day and the roller coaster of emotions that came with it as tears ran down my cheeks.

  Dad, I think I started my first period.

  While any other dad would have laughed at my overreaction or made an excuse to go to the garage, my dad put the newspaper down calmly and looked me straight in the eyes.


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