First Recruits

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First Recruits Page 8

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  She exclaimed, “OK. I will. I really will. Let me try again!”

  She was so cute that I couldn’t stand it. Promising me that she’d be sure to orgasm more demonstratively from now on and begging me for another chance to try. I loved it. The mood was changed now and I felt much more playful. I’d just brought Michelle to climax by kissing her and fondling her breast. That boded well for my success as a lover for her. And Eevona had responded with her own orgasm. I’d been worried that there might be some jealousy between Michelle and Ee at first, but apparently not. It would have been weird, since Ee didn’t have a body to interact with me, and I would certainly want to interact with Michelle’s body, but it didn’t seem to be a problem for them. I loved Ee and wouldn’t want to hurt her for anything. But I loved Michelle now, too. This was a very strange situation but it looked like it could work.

  I didn’t think that Michelle was done. She wanted more. I sure wanted more.

  I’d only known Michelle for a day, maybe. And I’d been raised in a way that taught me that sex wasn’t casual. Well, it could be if you were comfortable with your relationship, but it wasn’t supposed to be a random physical act without emotional attachment. It could be open and fun and “casual” in the moment, but not “casual” in the sense that it could be detached from your being. A lot of my generation, or maybe the previous one, or maybe it had always been that certain segments of the population thought this way or the other, but the “one-night-stand” or “hook-up for the night” wasn’t part of my pattern or desire. I wanted connection, not “wham-bam and gone”.

  I’d just met Michelle. Yes, there were a lot of unprecedented elements in this for both of us right now. But I’d just met her. What was this? Why was I lying here stroking her breast, playing with her nipple, kissing her while she stroked my penis, and worrying about it? Ah, I needed a framework. A conceptual model that allowed for this. For having sex with a girl I’d just met. An alien girl from another planet. But more than that, a girl who was lost and had no other options and who we had determined to be “salvageable”.

  Oh, that was something. It seemed like Michelle might be getting just a little frustrated, wanting to move forward to something we hadn’t done yet, but I was stuck for the moment. OK, salvageable. Could I work with that? Was sex a way to salvage Michelle and keep her from a fate worse than being with me for the rest of her life? Or mine? Maybe. Probably.

  But suddenly it hit me. The answer that would explain and frame all of this. The thing that would give me permission to move forward in our relationship, both physically and emotionally. If Michelle accepted my terms, we would be good. No more internal or external conflicts.

  What were we doing? We were bonding. I think that Michelle had even said so. Bonding. That fit everything I knew and wanted. If this was an act of bonding, if it was an initiation of a bond and commitment, even if it weren’t forever, as long as it meant that she would still be here tomorrow and that she wouldn’t go off with an older guy with a fancier car and more money, I’d be happy. That’s all I needed. A commitment that we would at least try to make our relationship last. And to me, sex was that kind of agreement. If we could have just that, this would all make sense and I could move forward. I would tell her that and then we’d have at it.

  I smiled and rose up, climbing across her body, positioning my knees between her legs. She spread her thighs and stared into my eyes, still holding my penis with one hand.

  But then, just as I was about to say something about this being a commitment and was she sure she wanted it or something like that, Michelle suddenly looked wild and froze. The look on her face warned me to stop where I was and not to, under any circumstances, lower myself into her perfect gray-white hairless ultra-feminine clone slit. I didn’t have any time to even try to figure out why that was, because in the next instant, Michelle pulled back both hands and hit me in the chest, launching me off of her body toward the foot of the bed. She hit me so hard that I did a somersault off the mattress and landed on the floor on my butt a few feet away.

  Michelle was on her hands and knees at the end of the bed staring down at me as she said harshly, “I bond for life! This is not a partnership only. I am a free-agent. You have salvage rights, but bonding sexually is my choice, not your right!”

  I stood up, half angry at having been thrown off the bed without warning, but inwardly thrilled that we were going to talk about this. And I think that my erection got just a bit harder because of the excitement and adrenaline.

  I said sternly, “Exactly! I mate for life! Not convenience or entertainment! Before we bond sexually, I need to know that you will be here tomorrow and aren’t hopping off the ship with some other guy at the first planet we come to! I like you. I want you. And I intend to love you! If you have something else in mind, tell me now and go find somewhere else to sleep. We can be part of the same crew regardless, but I am the Captain and you are crew. But if this can be more than that for you, I insist that it be forever!”

  Michelle softened and said, “Maybe I still don’t understand your language very well. What do you mean, you mate for life? Are you offering to be my mate in some way?”

  I said, “Yes. That’s how I want this to go. I don’t know how else it could be. I know we just met, but we’re bonding and if we are going to bond sexually as well, it’s as mates, not just close proximity work associates.”

  Michelle sat backward on her haunches and I stepped forward a foot closer to the bed.

  She said, “Captain, my kind, Genies, as you call us, don’t mate. I mean, they don’t become mates. I told you, concubines have no rights of succession. Mates do. You can’t mate with a Genie. Clarify your meaning. Genies bond for life, which was sealed with me when I received your body fluid transfer during our kissing, but sexual bonds are stronger and lead to emotional needs with my kind. Restate the parameters for clarification. Perhaps you meant to say that you accept me as a permanent responsibility and asset, and are therefore wanting to add a sexual relationship to our partnership.”

  I huffed and said, “No, what I meant to say was that if we’re going to make love, to have sexual relations involving intercourse, I want a spousal relationship, regardless of local customs that might say it can’t happen. To hell with your local laws about Units and shit! You are a woman and I’ll go to war with anyone who says otherwise at this point. If you don’t want me, fine. It won’t affect your status as a crew member. But I know that you do want me. You want me bad and I want you. Not for just for sex but for relationship. You want to be part of me the way that I want you to be part of me. You want to share my life the way that I now believe we have to share it.”

  Michelle said, “And you want me as a mate, against all convention and custom?”

  I said, “I demand it. If you refuse me, maybe we’ll work something else out, and maybe, if we live together long enough, maybe we’ll make some arrangement to get our sexual needs met without that kind of a bond, but that’s not what I want or plan to accept from you. You said it yourself, you bond for life. You may have broken at least one of my ribs as you expressed yourself in that regard. Here, let me clarify: yes, I want a sexual relationship with you; I understand that it will signify a lifelong bond that neither of us will break without dire consequences. But my terms are that you become my mate, my spousal appendage, my wife, or whatever else you might want to call it. I don’t get all your customs. I can’t unless I understand your language. But you understand my language well enough and you know what I mean by mate, so what’s your answer? Are we doing this or what?”

  The way that she was sitting now, kneeling on her thighs with her body leaning forward, bracing herself on the bed with her hands, her incredible breasts pushed together and sticking out beyond her arms by several inches, was sexier than anything I’d ever seen. I wanted to tackle her and make love. We were doing this. It was just taking a minute to make sure we knew what we were doing. Talk about “coitus interruptus”! We hadn’t actually gotten to th
e coitus because all of this, and the fact that Michelle had thrown me off the bed, absolutely did “interrupt us”.

  Eevona stepped in at this point and said, “Genetically Enhanced Michelle, do you take this man to be your Captain and Commander, Husband and Mate, Partner and Playmate from this moment both forward and backward, and agree that you are his sexual counterpart, again both forward and backward, but also sideways, upside down, inside out and in any other position that might be available?”

  Michelle said hesitantly, “Yes?”

  Ee said, “Is that a question?”

  Michelle said, “Oh! No! I mean, yes! I do. All of that.”

  Eevona said, “Good. Captain, you may now give your big one it to the bride.”

  Michelle’s eye went wide and her gaze fell to my crotch and I think she licked her lips.

  And at the moment an alarm bell rang.

  Eevona laughed and said, “Oopsie. Sorry. No time. We have salvage to take care of. Time to wake up another sleeping beauty.

  I stared intently and Michelle’s heaving bosom and the at nipples beckoning me irresistibly and said, “That can wait.”

  Ee said, “Nope. It can’t. We don’t have much time. These things are carefully timed. If we wait, we won’t be on time. And if we aren’t on time, we lose our window of opportunity and Space Babe number two goes out the airlock. And we wouldn’t want that.”

  I looked around confused, as if I was looking for Ee and heard her say, “Really. Jimmy, it has to be done now. Get a move on.”

  Coming to my senses, pushing my sudden desire to “give it to the bride” aside for a moment, I hurried to follow the lights in the floor back to the storage room where the remaining “crew-cargo” waited to be woken up. It wasn’t far.

  On the way there, I heard Ee say, “Michelle, you understand that it’s all of you, right? It’s the same for all three of you.”

  Michelle, who was following close behind me said, “Yes. Oh, of course. Yes! We take care of our own unless it conflicts with our survival.”

  Ee said, “Your survival and theirs depends on you all being together. One for all and all for one.”

  Michelle said, “I understand. The freak might not make it.”

  Ee said, “I know. But we’ll do what we can for her. I’m part of this too.”

  Michelle said, “I’m glad. Eevona?”

  Ee said, “Call me Ee. We’re family.”

  Michelle said, “Family. OK. Ee, did you have an orgasm?”

  Ee said, “Yeah. When any of you get too excited, it affects me. It feels great by the way. I’m looking forward to lots more of that, believe me.”

  Michelle said, “Yeah, I liked it a lot. They taught us about self-pleasuring for stress relief, but this is a million times better. Are we awakening the diplomat next? She will be useful.”

  Ee said, “The freak will be useful, too, but yes, Diplomat and Engineer next.”

  As we turned into the storage room, Michelle said, “This gives the position of First Mate connotations that I hadn’t considered.”

  Chapter 8 - Second Genie

  Inside the room, Michelle hurried to store the bed that she had occupied, pushing it back into the wall where it belonged. I pulled out the one that Ee indicated for our next crewmate.

  Under Eevona’s guidance, I cut away the storage bag and injected the first stimulant. I almost forgot to give the password again this time but averted a “kill scenario” before it was too late.

  Michelle said, “There isn’t room for me to really help you, I guess.”

  Ee said, “There will be when we get to the skin conditioner. We’ll do that in the Captain’s stateroom.”

  Michelle said, “What should I do?”

  Ee said, “Why don’t you go back and start making the bed properly. Maybe find some breakfast. None of you have eaten for a few days. Not solid food, anyway. Oh, first get Jimmy something to drink.”

  I led the Unit from the table to the washing station and positioned her goopy body inside. Michelle brought me a drinking bottle and I downed half of it.

  She said, “Jimmy, first, thanks. You won’t know how much I appreciate this or why for a while yet, but believe me, it’s more than you can understand. I am looking forward to being your mate. One bit of advice. It was good that you were so slow and tender when you washed me but this time be a bit more expedient. More aggressive. Be more direct. You are dealing with a diplomat. She will respond to knowing what your intentions are. Let her know even before she can speak that you intend to give her the same deal you gave me.”

  I took the wand with the cleansing agent and said to the girl, “Hello, I’m going to wash you. You are safe and with friends. I need to clean you up,” and I started to spray her head and face.

  After Michelle had left the room, I said, “Ee, what did Michelle mean about being more aggressive and direct? And about our intentions?”

  Ee said, “I’ll tell you when you get there. Basically, don’t be afraid to get your hands on this one. Wash her. Don’t take too much time. And, don’t be clinical. Be confident. She’s learning from you already. Show her that you are her captain and that you aren’t intimidated by her. Wet her down, rub her up, and rinse her off. If you get your hands on her and don’t worry that she’s not going to enjoy it, she will.”

  I continued spraying the Unit from head to toe, remembering to get into the cracks and crevices, and said, “She will what?”

  Ee said, “She will enjoy it. Michelle enjoyed it. Make this one enjoy it even more.”

  I said, “OK, how do I do that?”

  Ee said, “Are you stupid? She’s a clone. A Genie. She isn’t a pleasure Unit, and if she was it would be even more important. For goodness sake, she doesn’t get touched much. So hop on the bus Gus, don’t need to discuss much, no need to be coy Roy, just listen to me. Start bonding with her now. If she doesn’t enjoy it, I’ll tell you. I know, let’s play a game. The object is to bring her to orgasm before she gets back to your room.”

  I sprayed the girl’s feet and said, “I can’t do that.”

  Ee said, “You could if you tried.”

  I said, “Ee, don’t be absurd.”

  Ee said, “Are your people totally messed up or what? OK. Try this. Her having a climax is totally up to her, right? You can’t make her have one. She feels what she feels. If it’s sexual and she likes it enough, she gets aroused and there’s really nothing that you can do about it. You can’t command her to get aroused.”

  I lifted the girl’s feet one at a time and washed her toes and the soles of her feet.

  I said, “I guess that’s true.”

  Ee said, “You want her to feel good about being washed, but apparently not too good. You want to make her feel good but you want to make sure she gets frustrated, is that it?”

  I said, “Of course not!”

  Ee started humming in that way that I was starting to find irritating. She had a point, but I wasn’t sure what it was. She and Michelle both wanted me to be more direct with this one, and Ee seemed to be saying that I should deliberately arouse the girl if possible. No, she was saying that I would be arousing the girl anyway and should do what the girl would want and not deliberately frustrate her. It was frustrating for me.

  I calmed myself and put away the cleanser and started the rinse. I washed and rubbed starting at the feet this time, working my way upward.

  Ee said softly, “Jimmy, she likes it. This Unit likes being touched even more than Michelle did, I think. Sweetie, give her a nice massage. And remember, and I’m not just saying this to get you to play with her, you have to get all the cracks.”

  I did as Ee suggested and used my hands to rinse and clean every bit of the Unit’s skin, gently massaging her from ankle to thigh. The had great legs. White and pasty, but so shapely and firm. These girls had incredible muscle tone without too much definition. As I’d said before, this was the epitome of femininity. Well, an epitome. There were other forms of the purely feminine as w
ell. A softer, more motherly, more mature woman could be emotionally breathtaking in a way that a younger woman couldn’t.

  Suddenly, I had a question. I noticed for the first time somehow that this “Girl” was just like Michelle. And I was going through the same procedure with her that I had gone through with Michelle. And Ee was encouraging me to allow her to get aroused, if being washed by me led to that, and to even help her to orgasm. But even more pertinent at the moment was that Michelle had said to let this one know “that you intend to give her the same deal you gave me”. Ee and Michelle expected this to result in a sexual relationship and permanent bond.

  I was at the girl’s waist now, having turned her away from me so that I could wash her ass. I noticed that this time I stayed on my knees so that my face was close to her pelvis and hips as I rinsed her.

  Standing up, I ran my hand between the girl’s cheeks and said, “Ee, are you and Michelle intending for me to be the same with this girl as with Michelle?”

  Ee said, “If by that you mean, are we expected you to bond with her and give her the opportunity to accept you as her partnership, Captain, lover, and mate, yes. Of course. Do you see another option? Or want to?”

  I said, “No, I guess not. No, I don’t see a better option. But where I’m from, it would be unusual, though not entirely unprecedented I guess, to have that relationship with more than one woman.”

  Ee said, “You are already breaking all the rules by doing this at all. But it’s the kind thing. Given the alternative of casting them off. I want this. Michelle wants this. And you know that you want this. So, if this Genie wants it too, we’re doing it. Hell, if you don’t, I’ll convince her that I’m her partnership and I’ll mate with her myself. Not physically, of course, but you understand me, right? We want it. She needs it. Just do it.”

  Ee was right. She made sense. Yeah, the “world in my head”, my expectations of how things ought to be, might have questions and concerns, but the “real world” dictated this reality for me and for them. Ee included.


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