Dray (Miller Brothers Book 1)

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Dray (Miller Brothers Book 1) Page 16

by Young, Alexa

I could snap her neck right now.

  “Simple, don’t have her as Maid of Honour. I’m sure Laurie would be over the moon to step in. You two have gotten really close over these last few months. I’m surprised you didn’t ask her anyway. You barely see Sam now, as she has no time for you.”

  Why are they still friends?

  “I know and you’re right. I would love Laurie to be my Maid of Honour, but I’ve known Sam since school, and I kind of feel obligated. You know how funny she can be, she’s always had an issue with us being friends.”

  “You should have cut her loose years ago. She’s dead wood around your neck. When in the last few years has she really made an effort? Because all I ever see is you trying to please her and get nothing back, and it pisses me off.”


  She hates me being mean, but it’s the truth. She’s just out for herself and doesn’t give a fuck, but Luce is too nice to see it. I’m not letting this bitch ruin our wedding. I’ll turf her out first.

  “Baby, I know it sounds harsh, but it’s true.” I soothe, hoping she’ll see sense.

  “I know, but I can’t give up on her. If I tell her she can either like it or lump it, she’ll blow up a storm.”

  We’re going ‘round in circles. I know Sam won’t give up, and the thought of her there on our big day pisses me off.

  “I don’t know what you want me to say, firecracker. You know my feelings on the subject.”

  “I know, I’ll sort something out. I’d better go, it’s getting busy out there. Bye.”

  “Bye, baby.”

  Now, I’m pissed again.

  Ritchie walks in and frowns. “What’s up with you?”

  “Oh, don’t fucking ask.”

  “I spoke to the guys, and the only weekend they can all get together would be this weekend. It’s too short notice and they have plans for next, and then it’s the wedding.”

  “Then it will have to be this weekend. I need to make a hefty withdrawal. Saturday should be good. Did you manage to book rooms?” I need everything done and dusted. I have enough on my plate without the stag party arrangements, too.

  “They don’t have much room-wise, so we’d have to go for the executive suite.”

  “Fucking hell, this weekend is going to cost me a fortune and I don’t even want to go.” I drag my hands down my face in annoyance.

  “Oh, stop being a miserable bastard and suck it up. This could be your only stag do.”

  “It will be my only stag do,” I bark, narrowing my eyes. “What we have is forever, there won’t be a repeat.”

  “Fucking hell, Dray. Okay, I get the picture. I’m off to book now with the company credit card, or should we all throw some money in. Jesus.” He storms off, and I chuckle.

  Mr Fucking Melodramatic.

  I need to cheer up, but being parted from Luce sounds like hell. I’m certainly not looking forward to telling her, either. She’s been so emotional over the wedding, then Sam messing her around, and now I’m deserting her. She’s going to take it hard.

  Ten minutes later, Ritchie storms through. “Hotel is booked and I got us first-class tickets on the train, unless you want us to walk?”

  “Okay, dickhead, you made your point.”

  The scowl drops from Ritchie’s face, and he heads towards me looking serious. “You know things are changing fast for you. I don’t think you understand this weekend could be the last. At least be happy about wanting to spend time with your friends for your final fling.”

  He’s right.

  I hate when that happens.

  “I know, I know. It’s just I have a lot going on and it’s all getting on top of me. Then I’m trying to be there for Luce.”

  “Hey, I’m here for you if you need anything, even to sound off. Though you’ve pretty much done that already.” His mouth twitches at the corners.


  “I’m fine, just email me all the details so I can let Luce know. She’ll panic, otherwise,” I say, going back to my paperwork.

  “I will, and I’ll have Laurie pop over and check up on her. She looks on her like a sister, she’s getting very protective. She’s started hinting about having a baby, too.” He frowns slightly, looking not all too keen on the idea.

  “Do you want kids? You’ve never really said.”

  He lets out a long sigh, dropping down to sit on the chair opposite. “I don’t know. I didn’t, but watching you getting ready to become a dad then seeing Laurie get so excited about it, I can’t deny her that. We said we would talk about it at a later date, and we’ve put it off because of Laurie’s career. I was fine with that, but I think you and Luce becoming parents is really going to change everything.”

  “Well, you are thirty-three Ritch. You’re getting on.” I always like to rub his age in when I can. He fucking hates it.

  “Fuck off, men are having kids in their seventies,” he scoffs.

  “Yeah, but not with women in their seventies. If Laurie wants kids then she’s going to want them in the next few years. I think you need to get your head around it soon because if Laurie gets this excited over someone else’s baby, she’s going to want her own.”

  “I know. We can test-drive yours out.”

  “I don’t fucking think so,” I growl.

  “Well, we’ll be babysitting when you go out.”

  I look at him like he’s talking a completely different language.

  “Dray, you can’t be in control the whole time. You have to let others in, too.”

  I snort. Our angel is going nowhere.

  “God, you’re going be a great dad. Poor kid won’t be let out till she’s thirty.”

  “Make that thirty-five.”

  He shakes his head, walking away, and I smile. No fucker will be ever good enough for my sweet angel.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  “You promise you’ll ring me when you get there?” Luce asks, gripping onto my jacket, fear present in her eyes.

  Fuck. I don’t want to leave.

  “I’ll ring you, baby, I promise,” I say soothingly.

  “And there won’t be strippers.” She frowns at her words, and I hate that she even has to ask.

  “Firecracker, why the hell would I want to look at someone else’s body when you are so fucking perfect?”

  “I’m a whale!” she shrieks, tears filling her eyes. She motions to storm off, but I grab her and spin her round so she’s facing me. I hold her face in my hands, pressing my lips against her forehead.

  “Do you know how much you mean to me? How lucky I feel waking up next to you every day with our baby slowly growing inside of you? The women in the past were quick fucks because all I thought about was you. I don’t need to look at anyone else. You’re all I need. This is my family standing here.” My hand rests on her bump, and she grabs my face and kisses me deep.

  “I don’t have to go. I don’t really want to—”

  “No, go. It’s just these pregnancy hormones. I’m being stupid.”

  “You have a life growing inside you. I’m not freaking hormonal, what’s my excuse?”

  We both laugh together. “I love you. You’d better go, your taxi will be here in five.”

  “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” I ask, needing reassurance. I don’t want to go if she’s still feeling upset.

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Laurie managed to change her schedule at the last minute, so she’s coming over. We’re going to have a pamper night and watch a chick flick.”

  My eyes widen in alarm. “Well then, I’m glad I’m definitely going.”

  “You like my chick flicks,” she teases between kisses.

  “Baby, I like snuggling up against that hot body of yours. I’d sit through any chick flick just to be with you.”

  Well, maybe not Channing.

  “Do you still find me hot?”

  “You’re fucking perfect, and you know I can’t get enough of these.” My hand slips down and rests on her breasts. She’s already grown
a cup size, and I spend my days just staring in wonder. Her nipples harden underneath my fingers and I feel myself stirring.

  Fuck. Now is not the time.

  “Dray.” She moans then giggles, pushing me away. “You have to go.”

  “I have three minutes. We could do something in three minutes,” I plead.

  “By the time you get downstairs, the taxi will be here. Go have fun, and I’ll see you tomorrow night. I’ll be here patiently waiting.” She presses her lips against mine one more time before pushing me away.

  “I’ll be home soon and I promise I’ll keep in touch, so don’t worry.”

  “Okay, baby, now go.”

  I grab my bag and sigh, eventually finding the strength to walk away. Heading for the door, I try to think of something seriously unsexy to rid myself of the boner in my jeans.

  * * *

  “Here he is. We have like five minutes to spare, come on,” Ritchie barks. He always goes into military mode when we travel. The guy needs to loosen up a little. I think I need to buy him a few drinks.

  “How’s it going?” Charlie asks as he, Tom and Jack take turns slapping me on the back. They’re all wearing fixed grins, and I think they’re going to enjoy this weekend a hell of a lot more than me. I can’t even think about what they have planned. I hope it doesn’t involve me being chained up naked somewhere, because I’ll seriously have their balls for it. I make a mental note to not accept any drinks the fuckers might have spiked. I’m having a quiet night gambling and enjoying a cheeky few, then tomorrow I’m heading home back to my Luce.

  We board the train and head for our seats, quickly putting away our luggage in the overhead compartments. Ritchie and Tom sit with me at a table, while Jack and Charlie sit opposite. It’s eleven in the morning and already they’re ordering beers.

  It’s going to be a long day.

  I decline and order a coffee. I promised Luce I wouldn’t get too wasted.

  “You’re so whipped now, Dray, I barely recognise you,” Tom jests, sipping on his beer. He’s trying to get a rise out of me, but I’m not biting.

  “When you have the love of a good woman then you’ll know. I’ve been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. Having a good night doesn’t mean I have to get plastered.”

  “Well, we’ll have your share.” Tom clinks his bottle with Charlie as I roll my eyes. I take another sip of my coffee and remind myself it’s one night.

  I hope I can get through it without killing anyone.

  * * *

  The taxi pulls up outside The Hilton, and we jump out and grab our bags, quickly checking in. The suite is amazing, as it should be for the price I paid. We leave our bags and head out for a quick bite to eat.

  “So, what’s the plan for tonight?” Charlie asks between bites of his chicken wrap.

  “Well, we’ll eat first, have a few drinks and hit the casino,” I say, sipping on my water.

  “And then…”

  “We go to bed.”

  “Err, Dray, I don’t fucking think so, mate. It’s your stag do. After gambling, we head out, maybe find a strip club?” Charlie raises his eyebrow, waiting for a response.

  I snort in annoyance. “You can all go to a strip club, by all means, but count me out.”

  “Fucking hell, Dray, it’s the lads’ final weekend before you get hitched. Live a little, man. You’re going to be touching the same pair of tits for the rest of your life, might as well get it all out of your system now. Unless you fancy having a cheeky bit on the side, because it gets boring eating from the same plate.”

  My eyes bulge as Ritchie’s widen. As the two guys out of our gang who are settled down, he knows Charlie’s words have just sent me off the Richter scale.

  “Charlie, shut the fuck up, man, unless you want to spend the rest of the day in A and E with a broken nose and jaw,” Ritchie warns.

  Charlie holds his hands up. “I was just saying, that’s all. It’s all came out of nowhere and I know Dray, he’s fucked half of Manchester. A leopard doesn’t change its spots. He might think marriage and babies are the perfect fit now, but some double-D blondie will soon catch his eye.”

  That is it.

  “Listen up, Charlie. I’m only going to say this once, because the next time I’ll use my fist, no warning. You think you fucking know everything, but you know fuck-all. I’ve been in love with Luce since we were kids. She was always the one, but I never thought I was good enough, so I fucked around to get her out of my system. But she was still here.” I pound my chest. “Sometimes in life, we make stupid mistakes. I’m a man and sure, I’ve fucked a lot of women, but not one of them meant anything. If I could have a do-over, Luce would be first and last. She’s it, she’s the one, no wandering eye. She’s all I’ll ever need, and the baby we’re having is the icing on the cake. I’m going to love her so hard, both my girls. So don’t ever fucking disrespect what we have because you know nothing. They are my world and always will be. You open your mouth again and that’s it, you and I are done.”

  “Fuck, Dray. Sorry, man.” Charlie drops his eyes down in embarrassment.

  “Well, now you know.”

  “I never knew how you felt,” he mutters quietly.

  “No one did. The only one who guessed was Ritchie.”

  “Listen, lads,” Ritchie pipes up. “I’d be the same if you disrespected Laurie.”

  “I would never, it just seems all too soon with Dray. I thought it might be a flash in the pan, but now I know how you’ve felt all this time. Fuck,” Charlie mutters.

  “Exactly. You think you have it all sussed, lads, fucking away till your heart’s content, but one day a girl is going to come along and blow you away. She’ll steal your fucking heart, and you won’t know what’s hit you. Then, you’ll know,” Ritchie finishes and smiles over at me.

  I’m glad he gets it.

  “Nah, not me,” Charlie pipes up, ruining the moment. “I’m not being caught. Why the hell would I want to settle down when I can get fresh pussy every night? Fuck, I can’t wait for what’s on offer tonight. Maybe treat myself and have two.”

  I drop the fork onto the plate and grimace. I’ve lost my appetite. He really is a fucktard and never knows when to shut up. I know I’ll be relaying this conversation back to him when he’s about to get hitched. I won’t be fucking forgetting this one.

  Tom and Jack also nod in agreement. “We’re happy for you both, but we’re all content to play the field. I’m twenty-seven, still got a load of oats to sow first,” Jack says smugly as Tom clinks his bottle in agreement.

  “Me, too.”

  “Take this as a friendly warning, boys: no fucking any women back at the suite. I’m telling you now, you go back to theirs. I’m not listening as you fucking pound away. You turn up with someone and you’ll be getting kicked out on your arse. You got me?” I growl.

  “Fine, Dray, fine. We’ll go back to theirs. No biggie. Shit, man, you need to lighten the mood or else you’re going to ruin lads’ weekend,” Jack huffs, taking a swig of his beer.

  “It isn’t lads’ weekend, it’s my stag do. You should be doing what I want to do.”

  Fucking cheek.

  “We can’t come to London and not visit a strip club. Don’t be selfish, Dray,” Tom adds.

  “Do what you fucking like, as long as it doesn’t involve me.” If they get up to any trouble, they can sort it out themselves. I’m not babysitting these dickheads all weekend.

  “Such a fucking party-pooper.” The three of them clink their bottles together and laugh as Ritch and I just shake our heads.

  Idiots, the lot of them.

  * * *

  We head to the casino, and we’ve been drinking on and off all day. I’ve stuck to beer, but the other boys are more than making up for it. Once inside, I buy and hand over the chips. There’s 5k each for them to have a few games. The state they’re in, it won’t last long, but it’s my night and I know they don’t have the kind of money to lose thousands. They’d better not come t
o me later for more else I’ll break their necks.

  Charlie, Tom and Jack head off to the roulette table. There’s already a crowd but within a few moments, they’re becoming quite vocal. The croupier keeps shooting them looks of disapproval but as long as they have chips in their hands, they’ll let it slide. I’m at the blackjack table, which is more my style. I prefer the more laidback approach to rolling a die. Ritch sits beside me as we begin to play. I fold a few times, and it doesn’t look like it might be my night, but then my luck seems to change. From the whoops coming from the roulette table, it sounds like one of my boys is on a roll, too. We play for a couple of hours, sipping on a scotch. I know I said I’d not touch the strong stuff, but I can’t play blackjack without scotch—the two go together.

  I leave the table in a far better mood. I’ve won quite a handsome sum, so this weekend might not be as expensive after all. Ritch and I wander over to the guys’ table. Tom has no chips left and looks pissed off, while Charlie and Jack have a couple of thousand remaining. We grab the chips and leave before they lose the lot. If they are heading to a strip club, they’re going to need it.

  I leave them as I walk to the toilet. We’re going to a club and then I’m retiring for the night. I take a quick piss and wash my hands, almost walking smack bang into Sam on the way out.

  What are the fucking chances?

  “Dray?” she asks in surprise. Trust me, I’m surprised, too. Luce has never mentioned she’s working at this casino else I’d have given it a wide berth.

  “Hey, Sam,” I bite out, trying to be civil.

  She shoots me a look of disgust. “So, you and Luce are getting hitched? I’d never have put you two together. I always thought it was a little creepy the way you hung around her, so I guess now I know. Do you know if she’s changed the dress yet? I told her it doesn’t suit my complexion. I’m not looking stupid in the photographs wearing a dress which isn’t my colour.”

  “I think all eyes will be on Luce that day,” I add bitterly.

  All she thinks about is herself.

  “Trust me, Dray, I think some eyes will be on me, too. I’ve said to Luce I’m not having that dress, so she’d better get it sorted. Anyway, why the hell do you need to marry this quick? It’s not as if people don’t know she’s pregnant. No point trying to cover it up by marrying first.”


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