The Husband

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The Husband Page 1

by John Simpson

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Note from the Publisher


  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four


  About the Author

  Also by John Simpson

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  Cover Artist: Reese Dante, Photo Credit: D.W.S. Photos

  Editor: Devin Govaere

  The Husband © 2011 John Simpson

  ISBN # 9781920502249

  Attention Readers: This book uses US English.

  All rights reserved.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission. All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. The Licensed Art Material is being used for illustrative purposes only; any person depicted in the Licensed Art Material, is a model.


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  The novella is dedicated to the forces of freedom and equality

  that are sweeping the nation. Ultimately, marriage equality

  will be achieved universally throughout the United States.

  Human progress shall not be denied.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Polo Cologne: Ralph Lauren Corporation

  Polo: Ralph Lauren Corporation

  Macy's: Macy's Inc.

  Hotmail: Microsoft Corporation

  Dom Pérignon: Moët & Chandon

  Chapter One

  The trip seemed long enough to have taken weeks for Adam Clancy to drive from Houston, Texas to Long Island, but in reality it had only taken three days. At twenty-eight, Adam could still afford to take chances on jobs and love in far-flung places and move somewhere with the allure of either. He had moved to Houston for the promise of a good job while leaving a hopeful romance on Long Island.

  The relocation to Texas lasted just short of six months while he'd worked a job he had long sought: Chief of Security for a complex of high-rise office buildings in downtown Houston. He'd needed to adjust to two things upon arrival in Houston. First, the responsibilities of the job, and second, the intense summer humidity. After a quick search, he moved into a fourteenth floor apartment in a high-rise building with a magnificent view of Houston. The deal was sealed when he learned it took only ten minutes to walk from his apartment to his office, which was located exactly four blocks from his abode. However, after the first walk, he learned that by the time he arrived at his office he would be drenched in sweat.

  As for the job, he loved his employment. He commanded a force of over one hundred security officers charged with maintaining a complex of five high-rise office buildings. The buildings even included diplomatic offices of foreign governments, or missions as he'd learned they were officially labeled.

  In the sex department, he found there still existed a local bathhouse in Houston, and since he knew no one there, he decided to go and check the spa out. However, he had no intention of having sex with anyone. The age of HIV had removed sexual activity from the list of casual things to do. When he arrived and bought a membership, he got the usual towel, went in, and changed out of his clothes, wrapping the towel around his waist.

  His pleasure in the facilities exceeded his expectations. Along with the normal steam rooms, saunas, hot tubs, and other things, Adam found a swimming pool outside under the stars. The area seemed well shielded from prying eyes with a tall wooden fence all around the back area of the property. He indulged in one of his favorite things: skinny dipping. Adam Clancy never felt freer than when in a pool, naked, enjoying a warm summer breeze while looking at the stars.

  He hadn't noticed one of the other guys slip into the pool.

  "Hi, I'm Ben. I've never seen you here before."

  The sound of the man's voice brought Adam out of his inner peace to the real world, a little startled at first as he hadn't heard the man approach. He recovered quickly.

  "Yeah, first night here. I'm Adam. Nice to meet you, Ben," he replied with a smile. He let his eyes run over the man's body. In the gay community, he might have been referred to as a muscle head. His physique appeared almost over developed with massive arms and prominent pecs. "Have you been a member here for a while?"

  "About a year now. I come maybe once or twice a month to use the steam room and weight room."

  "So I guess you like this facility then. No problem with the police or anything along those lines?" Adam asked.

  "Nope. You can't even find drugs in this place, which is great. But you do see a lot of unprotected sex. The guys like the steam room for that; lotta fucking goes on in there."

  "No excuse for risky sex as far as I'm concerned, but they're all adults. They know the story, and if they choose to ignore the information and act like kids, any negative results are on them. For me, while I have sex once in a while, I prefer sex with someone I at least like, if not love."

  Adam leaned his head back onto the rim of the pool when he felt a cool breeze blow through the area once more. Adam was startled when he felt his dick being fondled by the stranger.

  Adam pushed his hand away. "Sorry, not interested. Believe me or not, I'm not going to be coming here for sex. This pool will be the magnet that brings me back for visits to this place. No offense."

  "Wow, no one ever turns me down. Did you get a good look at my body and cock, dude?"

  "Sure did. You've obviously put a lot of work into it. I'm simply not here to hook up," Adam said in a friendly but firm way.
  "One night I'll come in to this bathhouse and there will be five guys fucking you. And when my prediction comes true, I'll laugh my ass off," he said gruffly.

  He gave Adam a sneer then swam away and climbed out of the pool and headed inside. The encounter ruined Adam's mood, and he decided to get out of the pool as well. He headed into the hot tub room located just off the pool area. He found an old-fashioned hot tub made out of wood and capable of seating at least twelve grown men. There were three guys in it, and they seemed to be having a three-way, so Adam went inside and decided to shower off.

  When he entered the shower room, Ben stood there under one of the showerheads. He had his face turned up into the spray, and Adam took the opportunity to check the guy out to see if his body warranted the conceit Ben possessed.

  Adam had to admit the guy seemed really well built without an ounce of fat on him anywhere he could see. When he turned around to let the spray hit his back, Adam's mouth dropped open. Ben possessed a huge dick that perfectly matched the size of his body. However, he also noticed his balls seemed to be much smaller than they should be considering the size of his dick. Steroids?

  Ben opened his eyes and smiled at Adam. "Change your mind? We could fuck right here in the showers, or go to the private room I rented if you're shy."

  "Sorry, didn't mean to stare at you. You have an incredible body, and you certainly have an enviously large penis, but no, I still don't wanna hook up. Besides, I'm sure now, having seen all of you, you must have no problem getting laid around here anytime you want, right?" He watched as the warm water splashed down Ben's body.

  "Sure, that's true, but apparently not everyone will bend over for me. Okay, like I said, when I find you getting gang fucked one night, I'll move to the front of the line and give you what you deserve." He smiled and left.

  Adam snickered quietly and finished washing off the chlorine from the pool. He left the showers, stuck his head into the steam room to observe the atmosphere, and found the conditions Ben had predicted with dimly lit steam and a lot of men moving around. Some were getting blowjobs; others were getting fucked. He turned around and headed to the locker. As much as he liked to clean the pollutants outta his lungs, a steam room was a benefit he might have to avoid unless in the mood to be a voyeur.

  He dressed, left, and walked home to his apartment while keeping an eye out for Ben. But Ben was nowhere to be seen. He imagined Ben had gotten into his car and driven to one of the bars where he could pick up a trick.

  As time wore on, the weather became a larger negative feature of his new home and he missed his friends back on Long Island. He continued to run into Ben, who persistently tried to get him into bed, or wherever, so he could get what he wanted. He didn't succeed. Finally, Adam decided he really felt miserable and, being an East Coast boy, quit his job, broke his lease, and headed back home.

  His old apartment had long been rented, but he had friends, a straight married couple, who offered to let him stay with them in their house for as long as he needed to get back on his feet. As he saw Houston getting smaller in his rearview mirror, he became happier and happier and knew he had made the right decision to go back home.

  * * * *

  Three days later, he pulled into the driveway of his friends' house. He got out, stretched, and grabbed his briefcase, which contained money and other valuables, and headed to the door. He knocked, and Doris opened the door. When she saw Adam, she broke into a wide grin and quickly pulled him inside.

  "It's so good to have you back where you belong, honey. Seeing you again is great! I feel like you've been gone for a year."

  "Thanks, Doris, I'm glad to be back home. I really appreciate you and Jeff putting me up on such short notice. I promise I'll get outta here as fast as I can."

  "Oh, don't even think about that. Jeff… Jeff. Adam's here!" she shouted to her husband.

  A moment later, Jeff bounded up the stairs. Jeff was twenty-nine, an Italian man with black hair, brown eyes, and features that made him one of the most handsome men Adam had ever seen in his life. Jeff broke out into a big smile.

  "Hey, boy, finally figured out you fucked up and came back home, eh?" Jeff asked.

  He threw his arms around Adam and squeezed him.

  "Thanks for allowing me to stay here with you and Doris. I'm lucky to have such good friends as the two of you."

  "Enough fussing about staying here. My house is your house. Let me help you get your stuff out of the car and into the house and your room."

  All three went out to the car and began the tedious chore of unpacking a car that seemed crammed full then moved all his stuff inside. They split up which things were going downstairs for storage, and which items were going into the bedroom and bathroom. Two hours later, and the job appeared pretty much finished.

  "I better start dinner." Doris said. "I didn't realize the time had gotten away from me so quickly. You guys go sit down in the living room and catch up. Honey, you wanna beer?"

  "Sure, hon, thanks. Adam?"

  "I'll take white wine if you have some," he replied.

  "This is an Italian house. Of course we have wine—both red and white."

  They sat down and got comfortable as Doris brought in their refreshments. As Jeff sat there smiling, Adam couldn't help thinking how damn good looking his friend appeared in a very classical sense. There simply wasn't a single physical flaw in his friend that he could see.

  "Adam? You look lost or far away… you okay?" Jeff asked.

  "Oh. Long trip, just a little tired. To be honest, I had forgotten just how really good looking you are, my friend," Adam said as he blushed.

  "He is good looking, isn't he?" Doris said as she came into the living room. "Later, we'll show you a painting over our bed, which a very good artist painted of the two of us."

  "Lucky you. I'd love to have my portrait painted, so eventually when I'm old and wrinkled, I can look at myself and see in the painting what I look like now. But I doubt that will happen."

  "Honey, why don't you show Adam the rest of the house since he hasn't seen the changes we did after his last visit?"

  "Sure, come on, dude. Let me show you around the place," Jeff said as he got up.

  Adam followed, staring at Jeff's ass neatly packed away in tight jeans. They headed up the four steps to the next level and down the hallway past Adam's bedroom and to Jeff and Doris's. He opened the door, and they went in.

  "So whatcha think?" Jeff asked as he looked at the painting over the bed.

  "The painting's breathtaking. Jeff, he captured Doris's beauty perfectly, and as for you… well, you look as good there as you do in person. God, you two make a good looking pair, you know that?"

  "We might have heard similar comments somewhere before," Jeff said, laughing.

  Adam felt something stirring in his pants as he looked at the painting, which showed his friends without clothes. Jeff held his leg in just such a way as to block what was between his legs, and Doris covered her bottom half with her hands but not the top.

  "Lucky artist," Adam said, almost without thinking.

  "Lucky how?" Jeff asked.

  "Well, lucky in that he got to do a painting like this. The cost must have been very expensive, no?" Adam asked.

  "We don't know. The painting was a present from Doris's mother last Christmas. She seemed just a little shocked when she saw it, not expecting we'd be without clothes. Anyway, let's go downstairs, and I'll show you my office and where you can work. I built walls that separate the office from the laundry room and the television, which I have down there for work."

  Adam looked at Jeff in the painting once more and followed him out of the room. They went down the small set of steps and then down into the lower level, which had carpeting. Up in one corner, attached to the wall, a television tuned into on-going stock reports and financial news blazed away. They entered through a door, which revealed Jeff's office. Computers, phones, and fax machines were all set up, along with a couple of office chairs.
r />   "Okay, here's your work place to find a job or figure out what you're gonna do. You can use this phone and the last numbered line. The others are for my business. So, you like?" he asked with a warm smile.

  "You did a really nice job putting all this together. This whole area's nice and comfortable down here, and you get to work at home. But, do you have difficulties being with Doris like twenty-four, seven?"

  "Nah. She goes out most of the time during the day after taking care of the house. She heads over to her mother's and spends three or four hours or so there and then comes home when dinner time rolls around. So, we still see each other a lot, but there is a break. I think all couples need some room, don't you?"

  "Ahh, yeah I guess," Adam said.

  Doris appeared to everyone to be not only beautiful, but very high maintenance, which she never denied. She was just the type of woman Jeff loved.

  "Come on, you had to have gotten laid like crazy down there in Houston, right?"

  "Not really. I spent a lot of hours working, sometimes twenty hours a day if there were security issues. I had chances to get laid, but I turned most of them down and accepted only a couple just to keep my sanity."

  "Does Craig know you're back in town? He's the guy you were dating pretty steadily before you left for Houston, right?"

  "Yeah, we dated for about five months before I left. Actually, he has no idea I'm back. Our relationship started to get serious, and I knew the job I left for would more than likely be offered to me, so I didn't wanna get in too deep with him and then dump him."

  "Well, dude, you should call him. You two guys were great together."

  "Yeah, maybe I'll give him a call tonight, but I'm afraid he'll be super pissed at me still or, worse, dating someone else by now."

  "Dinner's ready, guys." Doris shouted from upstairs.


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