The Husband

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The Husband Page 5

by John Simpson

  By the time they arrived back at the house, the clock on the cherry sideboard struck twelve-thirty. Instead of finding an air of tension in the house, the guys were relieved to find something close to normalcy. They grabbed a quick sandwich, and Craig took the newspaper they'd got while out and began to go through want ads as Adam headed to the downstairs office. As he got near the door, he heard Jeff on the phone with a client, and the conversation sounded like he had just received a big buy order for first thing Monday morning when the markets opened.

  He slid into his seat quietly so as to not break Jeff's train of thought and turned on the computer to check e-mails. When he opened his Hotmail account, he found a rejection e-mail from the other company he had applied to and found himself relieved the news wasn't a crushing blow. He had a job now and actually got the one he had hoped for, the one that paid the most.

  The other e-mails were from friends and his old employer in Houston advising him they had gotten a reference call from the company that hired him in New York. Adam pulled over the paperwork he had brought home with him and had begun to fill out the last of the forms as Jeff hung up.

  "How'd the processing go?" Jeff asked.

  "Good. Filled out the paperwork they needed right away for police checks and things like that, brought home the rest, which I'm working on now, and pissed in a cup so they can tell if I'm a druggie. So all and all, a good morning. Did you just get a big buy order?"

  "Yep. My commission on the sale should be about a grand. I hope the purchase for the client works out well for him since he's one of my more important ones. Listen, I wasn't going to bring this up until tomorrow, but the topic can't wait. Close the door please."

  Suddenly worried now they might have to leave because of what happened the night before, Adam got up and pulled the office door closed and sat back down. He swiveled in his chair and faced Jeff.

  "Unless you're gonna ask me to get down on my knees and finally blow you, I don't think this is good news coming," Adam said in an attempt to make light of the situation.

  Jeff let out a loud laugh and then looked serious. "Sorry to disappoint you, but, no, I'm not going to ask for a blowjob. Look, I know you guys said you went right to sleep last night, but I know you had to have heard what went on between Doris and me. We were loud, and I lost control of my volume, and I began yelling. An honest answer would help me to continue if you would tell me the truth. Did you hear us?"

  "Yes, we couldn't help but hear your conversation even though we tried not to listen. I'm sorry, Jeff. I can only imagine how tough this is on you and Doris, but especially you."

  "Thank you, I appreciate your concern. I checked with my doctor this morning and did additional research, and there isn't any way to fix what's wrong with me. I've come up with an alternative plan that I want to present to you for consideration."

  "Okay, you've got my attention. What's the plan and how do I, of all people, become involved?" Adam asked with a puzzled look.

  "Adam, we're gonna ask you to consider being a sperm donor so Doris can get pregnant and have the child she and I have always wanted. The entire process would cost you absolutely nothing, and I'd even be willing to pay you five thousand dollars for going through with it. Whaddya think?"

  Adam's jaw dropped. Had he heard what he thought he'd heard?

  "Excuse me, but did you just ask me to be the sperm half of your baby?"

  "Yes, that would be boiling the request right down to the basics," Jeff replied tensely.

  Adam got up from the chair and walked around the limited space in the office. "This would have been a lot easier if you had just asked me to blow you," Adam said with a laugh. "Okay, first of all, I won't take any money if I do this. Money's an insult. We're friends, and you've more than come through for both me and Craig in our hour of need. To think you'd have to pay me for something I do myself almost four times a week is silly. Second, I'll have to talk to Craig about what you're asking, although I reserve the final decision to be mine alone."

  Adam sat back down with a heavy sigh, ran his hands through his hair, and looked at Jeff.

  "You're very kind to refuse my cash offer. Look, I know how attractive you think I am, and I know I turn you on a lot. I also know you'd give anything to be able to give me a blowjob. How about I do let you give me a blowjob as a thank you for helping my wife and I have a baby?"

  Stunned, Adam sat back and looked at his friend.

  "What? You gonna just whip the monster out right here and let me go to town sucking away on your big cock? No, Jeff, under no circumstances would I accept your offer. You are entirely straight. We're not doing a long stretch in prison where the rules change nor are we stranded on a desert island. Under no circumstances would I allow you to do something against your nature in exchange for me helping you two out. Forget this idea as much as the money. I'll talk to Craig, and then the four of us should sit down and discuss this."

  "Thank you for being such a good friend, Adam. I thought for sure you'd take me up on the blowjob offer as a thank you."

  "Yes, Jeff, you know I'd love to give you head, but not under these circumstances. Hell that would mean your baby would be conceived on the basis of a blowjob! No, this is out of the question. If I do this, I do this for friendship, not for any personal gain of any kind. Okay?" Adam said, almost hurt.

  "I understand." Jeff got up and pulled Adam out of his seat and wrapped his well-muscled arms around him, hugging him tightly. "I love you for this Adam. Please, don't ever tell anyone about either of my offers to you just now or, if we go through with this, the fact that you are the father of my baby. As far as the world is concerned, I want people to believe I finally got Doris pregnant."

  "I wouldn't have this any other way, Jeff. Now, I'm gonna go talk to Craig in the bedroom, and then, if he has no problems, we can all talk about your idea after dinner. Is that okay?"

  "Yep, that'll work. I better go tell Doris we've talked. I had agreed to wait until tomorrow, but just couldn't."

  When they walked up the steps, Adam got Craig and they headed up to the bedroom while Jeff went out on the back deck where Doris sat in the sun.

  "What? You're horny and wanna get some this time of the day?" Craig asked. "Only sex can possibly make you pull me into the bedroom in the middle of the afternoon."

  "Honey, I'm not quite sure how to tell you this, but our little talk here has to do with last night. You know the problem Jeff and Doris have, right?" Adam asked.

  "Yeah, Jeff's shooting blanks and Doris can't get pregnant because of his condition."

  "Right. Well, Jeff just asked me if I would donate sperm to Doris so she could get pregnant."

  "What? Really? What did you say?" Craig asked with a raised eyebrow.

  "I told him I'd have to talk to you first and think about the whole concept a little more. My initial reaction is to say yes."

  "You don't have to actually sleep with her, right?"

  "Of course not, silly," Adam said. "I couldn't do that anyway. I'd have to do the old jerk-off into a cup at a clinic and then the specimen gets spirited away to be inserted into the mother-to-be and hopefully conception results."

  "This is gonna be weird, Adam. You're gonna know you're the father and not Jeff. Have you thought about living with this knowledge?"

  "Yes and no one must ever know Jeff's not the father. We have to take this secret to our graves, agreed?"

  Craig sat there thinking about the whole thing. Then his face lit up like he had just figured out a fuel alternative to oil or something.

  "What? I know that look," Adam said nervously.

  "Why can't we both donate sperm? You know, mix the sperm together and then we won't know which of us the father is. Wouldn't both of us being donors make the process a little easier on everyone instead of knowing you're the father?"

  "I don't know a whole lot about this stuff. Is there a possibility our sperm would somehow combine together and they'd get a baby who looks really weird or something?" Adam asked. />
  "Where were you in sex ed during school? Damn! No, only one wiggler will make it through to the goal. 'Course there could be something like twins, but the sperm will be one of our sperm, not a combo."

  "That does make sense in a way. We'd know the baby is our baby, but not yours or mine. I like the idea a lot." Adam decided. "Okay, then we're agreed. We both donate, and we take nothing for doing this. Jeff offered me five grand to do this, and I said no."

  "Oh, no, money would make the entire thing icky. Good response, dear."

  * * * *

  "I told Adam about the problem since they both heard our discussion last night," Jeff said. "I also asked him if he'd consider being a donor and he said he'd have to talk to Craig about the idea first, but he leaned towards saying yes."

  "Really? Does he agree to keep quiet about our solution? And should we compensate him somehow?" Doris asked.

  "Yes, he and Craig will keep quiet about this. I did offer him five thousand, and he turned the money down flat. Said money would be an insult."

  Doris smiled and then laughed.

  "What's funny?" Jeff asked.

  "Give him what he wants so bad that the very idea makes him wet thinking about the possibility."


  "Give him your dick for an hour. Your cock would be something he'd enjoy far more than just cash. I'd have no problem with you giving him what he really wants," Doris said.

  "I did offer my body, and he turned my dick down even more forcefully, to my great relief. I just don't know if Mr Dick would come out to play with a guy on the other end," Jeff said with a smile.

  "Wow, he wants nothing for helping us out. I love that kid," Doris said.

  "I told him we'd all talk about the whole idea after dinner tonight, okay?"

  "Sure, let's get the issue settled, and I'll look into the whole process tomorrow from the medical perspective. We need to know the entire health history for both him and his family."

  "Okay, can you start dinner and I'll wrap up the office?"

  "You bet!"

  * * * *

  Dinner turned out to be a happy occasion, and everyone talked about general stuff in the news and how similar gay couples were to straight couples. Finally, when dinner finished, they all skipped dessert and took their coffee into the living room. When they sat down and got comfortable, Jeff opened the discussion.

  "I've told Doris about our conversation this afternoon, Adam, and I assume you've talked to Craig?" Jeff asked.

  "Yes, and we have a suggestion," Adam replied.

  "Oh? And what did you two come up with?" Jeff asked.

  "We'd both like to donate at the same time so no one knows for sure who the baby's biological father is. We feel donating like this would make it easier on all of us if no one knows for sure."

  "How would the process work?" Doris asked, looking at Jeff.

  "I guess the guys would… would both shoot into a cup and their combined sperm would be introduced into your body when the time matched your cycle. They're right; we wouldn't know for sure who the father is, other than he would be one of the two."

  "Unless you had twins. Then I guess you could get two babies that look similar, but not exactly alike," Craig added.

  "Let me ask this. Are there any major illnesses that run in either of your families?" Doris asked.

  "Aside from some heart disease from not taking care of themselves properly, nothing in my family," Adam answered.

  "In my family pretty much everyone dies of cancer in old age, which isn't uncommon. The men live into their eighties and the women their early- to mid-nineties," Craig answered.

  "Any mental illness in either family?"

  Both guys shook their heads.

  "Well, that's good. The clinic will take a complete history I'm sure, as well as run some tests on both of you to make sure there's nothing lurking currently in your bodies."

  "You mean like VD?" Adam asked with a raised eyebrow.

  "Well, actually yes. We wouldn't want me infected by sperm that's picked up something on the way outta your bodies. There will be no costs to either of you of course."

  "Is that a yes then, honey?" Jeff asked.

  "I still wanna sleep on the idea tonight, especially now that we have a new addition to the concept, but I'm leaning towards yes. I wanna talk to my doctor and the clinic to find out the process and all the information we need to know. You guys are welcome to stay here as long as you like. You don't have to leave here in two months."

  "Agreed. Anything else you wanna talk about?" Jeff asked.

  "I would guess we'll be signing away any rights to the child or children, right?" Adam asked.

  "Yes, along with any financial responsibility. My attorney will draw all the legal documents up. Any problems with that?"

  "No," both guys answered.

  Doris got up and hugged and kissed Craig and Adam, as did Jeff. When Jeff kissed Craig, he responded by saying, "Oh, I could get used to that!"

  "You got a boyfriend already, and you don't need no kisses from my husband!" Doris said with a big smile.

  * * * *

  That night, the entire house rocked, not with the sound of arguing and pain, but of sex. Moans and groans came out of both rooms and the winner of who made more noise would be hard to declare. Adam thought it odd that the two couples climaxed around the same time as the house went silent within minutes of the sex ending.

  When Adam and Craig finished, they cuddled and kissed.

  "Thank you for including yourself in the plans for Doris and Jeff's baby. Doing this kinda unites us in a special way, and I love you even more."

  "I love you just as much. You know this, right?" Craig asked when he turned around and faced Adam. "When you left for Texas, I thought my world had ended. I cried for days and had to tell people I had allergies. Now we are back where we belong. God, we're having a baby together, moving into our own place together, and acting like a married couple. I love all of this and you," Craig proclaimed.


  Over the course of the next several weeks, all medical testing was concluded, legal documents were signed, and the magical date for the first try arrived. The hardest part of the actual insemination process concerned keeping Adam and Craig from laughing at each other as they jerked off into the specimen cups while looking at gay magazines. Finally, Craig threw the magazine down and pulled Adam into a deep kiss with his free hand, and after a minute, both men were coming, providing a healthy amount of sperm since they had refrained from sex for two weeks.

  Craig finally got a new job in an office complex processing medical cases for a health insurance company, which also offered benefits to all married couples. Adam became quickly known for kicking ass and taking names on his new job, and both men were happy and saving up their money to possibly buy a small place instead of renting. A place with a pool out under the stars, Adam thought with a smile.

  One night when they got home from work, they found Jeff and Doris all dressed up.

  "Whoa, don't you two look hot!" Adam said when he came through the door.

  "Stop flirting with my husband, you naughty boy," Doris said playfully.

  Craig followed right behind Adam and said something similar.

  "Okay, both you guys get dressed. We're going out to a fancy place for dinner tonight, on us. Get moving," Jeff commanded. "We have reservations in one hour."

  "Yes, sir!" Adam responded, and the guys ran up to their room to dig out their suits.

  "I wonder what this is all about," Craig said.

  "Ah, I'm sure the dinner is to thank us for donating. After all, I turned down cash and cock as a thank you," Adam said.

  "You what? Cock? Jeff offered up his cock to you?" Craig asked, looking both stunned and jealous.

  "Yeah, he tried to force himself, to thank me in some way for agreeing to become part of all this. I think he thought his honor demanded that he do something for me. I turned him down. Oh, I'd take him up on the offer, but not in exchange fo
r something like this. Now forget about his cock and finish dressing. My sucking Jeff's cock is never going to happen."

  Before leaving the room, Adam grabbed an item from his drawer and stuck it into his suit jacket without Craig seeing.

  * * * *

  When they arrived at a very exclusive restaurant in the Hamptons, the maître d' greeted Jeff by name and showed them to a private table in the corner. Adam and Craig were all eyes as they looked around at the rich surroundings. Their table had silver candelabra set with six long-stem white candles, which were lit.

  "Now, you order anything you like on this menu. You'll notice there are no prices on anything, which tells you if you have to ask how much something is you can't afford the item. So, please don't ask about cost."

  After ordering drinks, Jeff made recommendations to Adam and Craig as to what the best items on the menu were. Half the things on the menu neither Adam nor Craig could even pronounce. When the order had been taken, everyone sat back and relaxed.

  "So, why are we here? This is costing a lot of money," Adam said.

  Jeff looked at Doris and smiled. Doris smiled back.

  "Well, boys, I'm pregnant!"

  As she burst into happy tears, Adam and Craig sat there stunned. Jeff's plan had worked! Their little gay sperms had wiggled their way up to the right place and found an egg. Jeff positively beamed at both guys.

  "Congratulations, Doris!" Adam said. "I'll give you a big kiss later when six waiters and busboys aren't watching our every move.

  "Likewise," said Craig.

  "One other bit of news," Jeff said.

  "I'm pregnant with twins!" Doris said, and began to cry once again.

  Adam looked at Craig and smiled. They both looked at Jeff and were briefly overcome with joy at how happy he looked. After ordering another round of drinks with ice tea for the mother-to-be, and in front of the entire restaurant and wait staff, Adam got up and walked around to the other side of Craig. He then got down on one knee and presented Craig with a ring box and opened the top, revealing a one carat diamond ring.


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