Steamy Dorm

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Steamy Dorm Page 82

by Kristine Robinson

  "Welcome to the neighborhood," I said with a smile. "I live just over there," I nodded in the opposite direction with my head.

  She gave me a smile. "We are practically neighbors," the woman said with a smile. "This will sound lame, but do you come here often?"

  I laughed and nodded. "As a matter of fact, I do," I said lightheartedly. I forgot about work and Tori for a few moments. "I'm Kate," I said as I extended my hand to her.

  She adjusted her basket full of essentials and took my hand in hers. "Lisa," she said with a smile. "I didn’t expect to meet anyone here. I'm not very good with people," she confided as we both dropped our hands back to our sides.

  "Really? You seem fine to me," I assured her.

  Lisa was about my height. Her curly locks and dusky colored skin gave her an oddly exotic look. "I love your hair," I said honestly. Lisa gave me a smile as she shyly fingered her shoulder length curls.

  "I love yours," she said as she reached out and touched my long auburn strands. "I've always admired red hair. Is yours natural?"

  I nodded and said, "Yes. I get it from my Dad's side of the family."

  Lisa let her hand drop, and we both smiled at each other. I felt a bit awkward, but I was eager not to let the conversation with the charming woman just drop as we edged forward in line a bit. "We should get together sometime. I work a lot during the week, but I have plenty of time on the weekends," I said conversationally. I felt sure there was some chemistry between us, whether that was friendly or flirty remained to be seen, though.

  She looked at me and nodded eagerly. "That would be great," she said with enthusiasm. "I've just started settling into the city. I moved here to work at an advertising firm."

  "Oh?" I asked with interest. "That sound exciting," I said as we walked forward again.

  Lisa shrugged. "It probably seems more exciting than it is. What do you do?"

  "I'm an interior designer," I said with pride. My job was a big part of my life, and it was the one part that always brought me pleasure, well almost always. There was a bit of a sting as I thought about Tori.

  "Are you okay?" Lisa asked, her hand coming up almost absentmindedly to rest on my upper arm. Her hand felt wonderfully smooth.

  I assured her, "Yes. I'm fine. I was just thinking of some work drama."

  "There is never a short supply of that anywhere it seems," Lisa said with a light laugh. I nodded my agreement. "Say why don't I take you up on that offer and extend one of my own," Lisa said with a smile. "Come to dinner with me tomorrow, or maybe lunch if that's more comfortable for you?"

  I smiled at the woman. It was clear that she was interested and I had to admit I was interested in Lisa as well. She seemed like a perfectly charming person, and she was attractive. "I'd like that, the dinner I mean," I said with a smile that I hoped showed the woman I was very much interested in return.


  Having dinner with Lisa was like falling into a conversation with an old friend. We got along reasonably well; we did not outright disagree on anything anyway. Lisa liked seafood, and we had a good time trying out a new place that served ocean delicacies. Lisa had a wonderful sense of humor and was always smiling. I admired her for it. I loved being around someone who was so carefree and light. It was one of the reasons that Danny and I got along so well.

  On our second date, we found ourselves back at my apartment. The flirting and drink had taken its toll, and we were quickly wrapped around each other on the bed. It had been so long since I had been with someone that I felt awkward and jumpy, but Lisa's easy-going manner made everything seem less serious and put me at ease. She also seemed content to direct me which took the pressure off of me having to direct the action.

  Lisa arched up off the couch and spread her legs wider as her fingers tangled in my hair. She mumbled between gasps, "Yeah. Just like that. Lick me, Kate."

  I tingled as she writhed under my administrations. Lisa was arching up into me as I moved my mouth over her clit. She was greedily holding me in place with her fingers in my hair. I did not mind it. It was nice to be able to give someone that kind of pleasure. Lisa was moving in a frantic way when I heard her intake of breath followed by the taste of her on my tongue.

  When I lifted my head, she gave me a dazed smile. "That was amazing, Kate," Lisa whispered as I eased up and laid down next to her on the couch. My hands ran up her body which was naked from the waist down. My hands slipped under her loose cotton shirt and cupped her breasts. Lisa grinned and snuggled back into me. Lisa whispered to me again, "Ready for your turn then?"

  "Unless you are too worn out," I said with a grin over her shoulder.

  The dark-haired woman gave me a smile. "Come here, you," she said as she turned into my arms. Kissing Lisa was easy to do. She had soft, pouty lips that she used to her full advantage. I found most everything about her exciting from the way she moved, the scent of her perfume, to the brush of her hair against me as she moved.

  Lisa slid a hand down between my thighs as one of her legs slipped between my legs as well. Gasping, I held the couch as she slipped her fingers into me vigorously. It had been so long; I could have crooned in pleasure. I moved against her fingers desperate for release. Lisa made noises of approval at my ferocity.

  "Wow, you do need to climax, baby," Lisa said with a sultry laugh. I could not even pretend to be embarrassed. The sensations washing over me did not make room for any such silliness. Moaning, I arched and rocked against Lisa's fingers which she braced on her leg to allow me to get myself on her. She watched me, and I put on a show for her. I wanted her to watch me. It was such a turn-on to see the slight part in between her lips as she became turned on again.

  When I did climax, Lisa let out a slow breath. "Damn, Kate. You are so passionate," Lisa said in admiration.

  I blushed and laughed, "I guess it's my artistic side showing through."

  "I like it," Lisa admitted freely.


  Lisa soon found a place at TV night. Danny and Lisa got along well, as I thought they probably would. It did not take long to fall into a lulling routine of normalcy with Lisa. Lisa and I began dating regularly. She was easy to get along with, and I found that refreshing. I never had to worry about what was on her mind.

  The only problem with being with Lisa was that she seemed content never to change anything in her or our shared life. I suggested we do try different things and Lisa refrained. It became something of a sore spot with me, but I brushed it off for the most part.


  "Hey, Lisa," I called from the other room. "Danny said that he and Megan are going to go see a play. He wanted to know if we were interested?"

  After a moment, I heard Lisa's voice from the living room respond, "What play?"

  I rolled my eyes. "I don't remember. I think it is one of Shakespeare's. They are going to watch it in the park. You know, where you bring blankets and watch the show on the grass?" I was thumbing absentmindedly through the clothes in my closet. My red hair was braided in two braids on either side of my head that bounced around as I swiveled my head. "Lisa?" I asked after a moment.

  "Sorry, I fell asleep," came her answer from the living room.

  I sighed at the ceiling. "It might be fun," I said. Lisa was staying the night with me. We did that ever so often. I finally walked back into the living room and looked at the woman who was feigning sleep on the couch. "I know you are awake," I said in a sing-song voice as I walked over to the couch. Lisa stayed still, but I saw her lips quirk. "Come on, Lisa. It might be fun," I softly said as I leaned over the couch.

  Lisa peeked one of her eyes open and sighed, "Laying on the grass with the insects biting me? I barely can stand Shakespeare in a climate-controlled building."

  "Okay, fine. We don't have to go," I said then I shook my head at her. "Eventually you are going to have to try something new," I scolded her.

  Lisa shook her head right back at me. "Why? What's so much better than what we have right here? I love this. I love right here," L
isa said coaxingly as she held her arms open to me.

  I gave a sigh of surrender and flopped down on the couch with her. "I like here, too. I just like doing new things as well," I said reasonably.

  "We can do new things, sometimes," Lisa said.

  I glanced at her. "When?"

  She laughed, "When I get that promotion and can stop being so stressed out."

  "I think your default setting is stressed out, darling," I said with a laugh back at her.

  Lisa gave me a light kiss. "You can help me unwind," she said with that sultry tone in her voice. She gave me a wink, and I giggled as she brushed another kiss across my lips.

  "Nope," I said and hopped up off the couch. "I have to go work on my project house this afternoon. I want to catch the afternoon sunlight in the conservatory and let it fuel my imagination," I grandly said as I walked back to my closet.

  Lisa sat up. "Are you kidding me?"

  I threw over my shoulder, "No. I am not kidding you. I'm an artist, Lisa, remember? We do wacky things like that. Why don't you watch that new season of whatever show that was you have been going on about?" I made the suggestion to pacify the woman, but I heard her get up off the couch anyway.

  I grabbed a comfortable blouse that I did not mind paint getting on and some well-worn jeans out of the closet. As I deposited the clothes on the bed, Lisa came into the bedroom and gave me a pout. "What?" I asked her in amusement.

  "You are just going to leave me here?" Lisa asked sulkily. The woman was used to getting her way and often became pouty until I gave in.

  I gave her a shake of my head as I said, "I told you I had to work this afternoon. Don't you pay attention to me?"

  "Sometimes," Lisa admitted with a grin. "Come on, Kate. It is Saturday. You do not have to work today."

  "If I want to finish my project on time and as well as I can then I do, indeed, have to work this afternoon," I said as I turned toward the stubborn woman. Lisa was wearing her yoga pants and a tank top that made up her usual weekend look. I sighed, "Look we'll go out this evening, okay?" I turned around and began to undress. I slipped off my pajama pants and threw then onto the bed.

  Lisa's arm went around my waist. "You could stay for just a bit," Lisa said coaxingly. Her hand slipped down my hip, along my thigh. I bit my lip and knew I was going to give in.

  "Lisa, that just isn't fair," I complained as I felt her fingers slip into my panties. I bit down on my lip as she slipped her fingers into me. She liked to go straight in for the kill, as she called it and I had to admit that the method worked most the time on me. I put my hands on her arms in a vain attempt at stopping her. It was a lost cause already, and I knew it. She slid my panties off, but I refused to give in fully yet.

  I laughed and said, "You know I'm going just to ignore you."

  "Go ahead," Lisa said as she slipped my panties out of her way. Her fingers slipped out of me, and I reached for my jeans. As I bent over to grab my jeans, I felt Lisa's fingers slip into me from behind, and her arm slipped around my waist to pull me back against her fingers. She slipped her finger in and out of me roughly. I gasped as I bent over the bed.

  Lisa guided me up onto the bed but I stayed on my knees, and Lia was soon behind me with her fingers thrust into me again. I liked it when she became aggressive. She liked getting her way, and if she did not get it, she tended to be a bit aggressive which was fine by me. Honestly, sometimes I held out so that she would be a bit more assertive.

  When it was Lisa's turn for pleasure, I laid down, and she crawled over the top of me so I could give her oral. She made sure she got every ounce of pleasure she could before she finally let me go to my work for the afternoon. I regarded the woman with something akin to indulgence for her spoiled ways. The light was fading by the time I got to my project site which made me sigh sadly.


  "That's too bad that you girls can't go. Hey, maybe I can stay with Lisa, and you can go with Megan," Danny said the last part with a boyish enthusiasm that made me laugh.

  "Somehow, I don't think your girlfriend would agree to that," I said to him and patted his arm. "Nice try, though."

  He nodded. "Thanks," he said with an air of defeat. "Still working on your portfolio masterpiece?"

  "Yeah," I said as I thumbed through a paint catalog. "I've finished a couple of rooms, but I'm still working on getting the color scheme right for the conservatory."

  "Can't go wrong with greens," Danny said as he held up paint sample of green with golden flecks. "I'm using this on my outdoor arbor," he said.

  I admired the color. "It is nice," I said, and then I sighed. "I cannot concentrate on colors," I admitted.

  "Uh Oh," Danny said. "Is there trouble in paradise?"

  "I'm not sure paradise describes Lisa and myself," I said with a laugh. "I'm just worried that she's a little too complacent."

  Danny said firmly, "There is nothing wrong with being happy with what you have."

  "Agreed," I said while putting my hands on top of the paint catalog. "But at what point does it become too complacent?"

  Danny said, "I know this one. If she refuses to put on pants and then eats all the candy at Halloween."

  "Are we talking about your Dad now?" I asked him seriously. We stared at each other for a moment then burst out laughing. "I have got to get new friends," I said emphatically.

  "That you do," Danny said in agreement. "If you are concerned about then you should talk to her."

  I assured him, "I've tried. Lisa just acts like I'm silly."

  "Do you think you are silly?" Danny asked as he jotted some notes down in his planner. We were sitting in my office with the afternoon sunshine coming in through the windows.

  I shook my head. "No. I don't think I am," I said softly. "I like her, Danny."

  "Never said you didn't," Danny said as he held the cap to his pen in his mouth. I grimaced at him a bit. He was oblivious as he jotted down some more notes and smiled happily at his planner. Danny was a good designer, but he preferred to do outdoor spaces. When Danny was in his element, he was, in all honesty, better than me at bringing it all together. He has a whimsical touch that I envied.

  "Looks like it will be time to go before long," I said as I looked around at the clock.

  Danny sighed, "Where does the time go?"

  I gave him a smile as we tidied up the worktable we were standing over. "Don't forget that you and Megan are invited over for dinner tomorrow," I reminded him.

  Danny gave me a salute and assured me, "I would never forget."

  Chapter 5

  Monday dawned like all the ones before it in the last couple months. I woke up with a sense of purpose. The project with the 1920s house was coming along. I just had to get the right touches to go in the dining hall. It seemed odd that the dining room would give me so much trouble, yet it was.

  As I walked into the office, there was a bit of a hum in the air that had been absent before. I looked around trying to place what was different, but I could not. Rounding the corner, I caught sight of blond hair and my breath caught in my throat. Tori was standing in the director's office with Deon. I quickly pulled my eyes away. My infatuation with the woman had clearly not gone away as quickly as I had thought it would. "Damn it," I muttered to myself.

  "I said that when I saw her too," Danny whispered beside me causing me to startle.

  I put my hand over my heart. "Gah, Danny, don't do that," I said with feeling.

  "Sorry," Danny said apologetically. "I wasn't exactly stealthy, though. Are you okay?"

  I nodded. "Of course, I am," I said a bit defensively.

  Danny raised his eyebrow, and I saw his smile. "Oh, is that right?"

  "Oh, do not even go there, Danny," I warned him in a low voice.

  Danny chuckled and said as he waved his planner around like a school girl. "Got a crush, still?"

  "How has Megan refrained from smothering you in your sleep?" I asked him sincerely.

  He just shrugged and said, "Because I'm ador

  I laughed despite myself. "Okay, Mr. Adorable, it's time to get to work now. I have to run over to the site and see if I can grab some photos of the morning light on the molding in the dining hall. I just can't get the right tone in that room."

  Danny checked his watch and sighed. "I gotta go meet a client. Talk to you later?" He asked as we parted.

  "Yep," I assured him as I ran to grab my camera from my office. When I came back out, I almost ran into Tori coming down the hall. "Oh, sorry," I said as I slipped the camera strap around my neck. My eyes absentmindedly went to the curve of her breast in the soft shirt she wore before I pulled them away.

  "I was just coming to see you," Tori said, "But it appears you are on your way out."


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