Steamy Dorm

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Steamy Dorm Page 153

by Kristine Robinson

  “come on Charity. Remy is going to a keger so we have the dorm to ourselves.” He gently pulls her up and leads her back to the dorm holding her close to his chest. This nearness allows Charity to take in his musky scent. Even after football practice Dylan always smells good, like the smell of pine. Dylan leads her into his room and plops down on the bed tilting his head for her to join, which she does and snuggles into his side shyly.

  Even after this long she is still hesitant to be overtly affectionate, but Dylan always smiled when she was so she did so anyway. He picks up the remote and turns on the tv leaning back to watch it with her, as the movie begins he pulls her close and after about half an hour he turns and looks at her. Charity doesn’t realize he is staring for a few minutes and when she does she blushes,

  “is there something wrong? Is my hair in the way?” Her tangled mess of curls had a tendency of sticking to Dylan’s face when they were this close and she constantly worries that it bothers him. He shakes his head and leans over tipping her chin up with his thumb.

  “What….” Her heart is pounding in her ears as Dylan leans forward cutting her off before she can continue her question. His lips press to hers and all questions die on Charity’s lips. She presses her body against his as she feels his hands travel down her torso. She is bewildered as he feels his firm tongue press against her soft lips. If this is what kissing is like, I never want to stop she thinks as her lips part allowing Dylan’s tongue entrance.

  She feels his tongue press against her, his teeth nibble at her lip gently and she melts in his arms. Her body is on fire and her own hands fumble along his strong form, she isn’t sure what to do, but Dylan seems to know. He gently lays her down in the bed stopping the kiss for a moment and looking at her. His brown eyes soft and silently asking if she wants to continue.

  She gasps for air and looks over at him, she knows she wants to continue and she nods already reaching for him to return to her. Dylan smiles and removes his shirt revealing toned abs and tanned skin. Sweat glistens off his skin in the dim light as he leans down and presses his lips to hers again. Charity’s mind is reeling, but before she has a chance to return his kiss he breaks it off and begins to press his soft lips along her jawbone and neck. Goosebumps form on her skin as his rough hands slide her blouse off.

  She looks up at him shyly, but does not have long to be embarrassed because he is soon kissing at her breasts and unclipping her bra. His hands traveling over her form expertly. Not one inch of her skin is neglected as he peels away every article of clothing and presses his lips against her skin. Charity is in ecstasy as she has never had so much physical intimacy. He leans down and removes her panties, hand running over the lip of her vagina for a moment as he looks up at her their eyes meeting. He leans over and takes a small bottle of lubricant out and lathers his fingers with it. “I am sliding one in.” He murmurs softly, “I want you to be ready for me.” On some level Dylan knew this was Charity’s first time. He wanted to be sure she enjoyed it.

  The first finger was shocking and caused her to tense up, but Dylan is patient and distracts her from the sting by placing more sweet kisses along her chest. It is not long before she is moaning and shivering around his fingers, it wasn’t until he slid his manhood into her that she noticed he even removed his fingers. He shudders at her tightness and looks down at her, waiting for her body to adjust before slowly thrusting, his hands sliding over her breasts.

  Charity looks up at him with lidded eyes, hands shakily touching his abdomen and body, unsure what she can do. She has little time to think as the other begins thrusting and the feelings of pleasure overwhelm her. It took him little time to figure out what she liked. Her body is an open book, reacting fully to whatever he did. She whines when he finds her sweet spot and cries out blissfully with her first orgasm and even as she does so Dylan himself releases. He slides out of her and lays besides her in his bed, pulling her naked form to his chest. Laying in the afterglow the two fall asleep in each other’s arms.

  Charity wakes early in the morning to the sound of her watch alarm. She sits up and blushes scarlet as realization hits her. She had sex yesterday. She had sex with a man she was not wed to! What would Remy think? Her hands shake as she shoves her clothes on with such fervor that she wakes Dylan who looks at her groggily, “everything okay?” He looks over at his own clock and shakes his head.

  “Yes, sorry Dylan I… I got to go. I’m going to be late to class!” He nods and watches as she darts out of the room before he even had time to get out “goodbye”.

  Charity spends the whole day worrying. She doesn’t regret having sex with Dylan. It felt amazing and she agreed to it. But…. What would Remy think? And God.... she wasn’t even married! Her parents would have disowned her for this even if she had stayed in the community. Sex outside of matrimony was wrong right? But…. It felt so right. How could that be wrong? She shakes her head and as soon as the bell rings she returns to her dorm. She needs time to process this.

  When she opens the door Remy is standing in the joint hallway drinking coffee. He grins and waves at her, “sorry I didn’t come home last night. I was so hung over I crashed at the frat house. Did you guys have a nice night without me?”

  Charity looks at him like a deer in the headlights, she hadn’t considered that Remy might be home. She looks at him and breaks down into tears. Remy rushes to her side, “shit! I am sorry I didn’t mean to upset you honey! I will call next time.” He puts his hand on her shoulder and pulls her into a hug trying to comfort her. This only makes Charity feel worse and she looks at him,

  “I had sex with Dylan last night. I am so sorry. I know he’s your boyfriend, but I…” she hiccups and looks away unable to finish. Remy looks at her bewildered and then laughs,

  “that’s all? Oh honey, don’t be sorry for that. Dylan is so tasty, it is hard to deny him. You are dating him too. I expected this to happen sooner or later. It’s okay.” He smiles at her and tips her face up, “it was bound to happen eventually.” He reassures her and winks, “he is pretty good in the sack though huh?”

  She blinks at him confused, “it’s alright? But… I am not married to him and you love him too…. How can that be alright?” Remy blinks at her and furrows his brow confused,

  “I am not married to him either. Trust me we have had sex plenty of times, and you having sex with him does not diminish our love. There’s nothing wrong with what you did.” He reassures her softly. “It is normal and healthy to have sex Charity.”

  Charity wipes her eyes still trembling from emotion and looks at him ponderingly. She steps out of his arms and bites her lip, “it is normal to have sex before marriage?”

  Remy nods, “of course. Geez, what did your parents do to you? Beat you with the bible. It’s the 21st century. Sex is normal.”

  Charity nods trying to process this information, “I was actually raised in an Amish community so… I never really know what is or is not normal out here.” If people often slept with each other outside of marriage then she had not sullied herself! She smiles, I don’t live in the community anymore, I don’t have to be beholden to their rules. Remy says it’s okay, so it must be.

  Remy chokes on his coffee at this admission, “really? That actually explains a lot… well don’t worry about it honey. You’re just like the rest of us here.” He winks at her again, “if you ever need any help or you’re nervous about things just ask me. I don’t want you to upset yourself like this again.”

  Remy looks at Charity and his heart breaks for her. That she would care so deeply about his feelings that she would be moved to tears blows his mind. Very few people have ever cared for him like that. He realizes he loves Charity and for the first time his heart quickens for a girl. He wants more. Maybe it is not enough to share Dylan with her, maybe he wants to be shared as well.

  “Thank you so much Remy, but please don’t tell Dylan okay? I don’t want him to think I am too simple or stupid because I am from a community.” Remy snaps out of his thou
ghts and arches a brow,

  “He wouldn’t think that, but I won’t tell him. You should tell him anyways.” He reassures her and she nods relieved. Remy smiles and leans forward kissing her cheek, “

  “don’t cry over me honey. You’re far too pretty for that.” He returns to his room and ponders his swirling emotions. He had never loved a woman before, ever since he was young he always preferred women. He doesn’t know what to think and he spends all day fretting over it until Dylan comes in the room. He sees the glow on his loves skin and knows it’s from the events of the night before. Feelings of jealousy sprout in him, but not because Dylan slept with Charity. He realizes, he wants to sleep with her too.

  “Dylan I need to speak with you and Charity.” Dylan sets his bag down and stiffens looking over at him and arching his brow.

  “Okay.” The two of them leave the room and go to Charity’s door. They knock and Charity answers blushing when she sees Dylan. “Remy wants to talk.” Dylan says softly and reaches forward stroking her cheek gently.

  Remy swallows and then laughs. How can he be so nervous about this? He raises his hand and scratches his head, “I have to be honest with the both of you. I, uh, I want in. I love you Charity. I love you in a way I have never loved a woman before. If you’ll have me I would like to be your boyfriend too.” He looks at her earnestly and Charity’s mouth opens in shock.

  She quickly covers her mouth and looks at Dylan to see a smug smirk on his face. He clearly approves of this decision and his hand is already snaking around Remy’s waist in silent approval.

  Charity nods and looks at them rushing forward and embracing them both. How lucky could she be to have not one, but two men to love?

  Chapter Six

  School races by as the three of them learn how their relationship works. Charity marvels at how easily the three of them have come together as a unit. She has moved into the center room with Remy and Dylan leaving only her belongings in her other room. Every moment with them is reassuring her that she belongs here.

  Remy and Dylan are in bliss. Although Remy cannot publically be with either Dylan or Charity he is happy to have them here in his haven. He has never been in a public relationship anyways and so the secrecy doesn’t bother him. Even if it were to get out, Remy’s parents know he is gay and will accept them all with open arms. He leans back in the bed nestled in Dylan’s arm and watching Charity study besides them. Life is perfect until Dylan’s phone rings.

  Dylan answers and his face immediately drains of color. He says nothing for the duration of the call. He merely hangs up and looks at Remy, “my father is in town. He is here to visit.” Remy blinks and stands up immediately,

  “he is here? Like, here here? In the building here?” Dylan nods and looks down with his hands clenched and jaw tense. Remy nods and immediately grabs his things. He runs out of the room and vanishes into his own. Charity looks up at the mad dash confused,

  “What’s wrong? Where is Remy going?” Dylan looks over at her and shakes his head. Charity never hears anything when she is reading,

  “My dad is here. He doesn’t know that Remy goes to school here too. He doesn’t like him because, you know.” Charity looks at him in awe,

  “Oh.” Dylan nods and gets up ready to usher her into her room before his father is knocking at the door,

  “Son! I told you I was here. Why are you not here to greet me?” Dylan looks at her apologetically and goes to answer the door, when he does a man with peppered hair and a firmly pressed business suit is revealed. He is tapping his foot irritated, “is this any way to treat your father?” He pushes himself into the room in time to see Charity as she opens her door with her books in hand, “Who is that?” He asks harshly. Charity stops in her tracks at his voice.

  “Father, this is Charity. My girlfriend.” He says tersely. Dylan’s father looks over at Charity and huffs,

  “very well. She can come to dinner too. Get dressed and meet me in the car. Don’t embarrass me.” He says sharply and turns on his heel stalking down the hallway.

  Dylan sighs and looks at Charity apologetically, “just put on a dress. I am sorry for this.” He goes to his room and puts on a pair of slacks and a button up shirt. Charity rushes to her room and pulls on her nicest dress. It has a high neckline and goes to just above her knee. She bites her lip hoping it is appropriate for a fancy dinner and slides on her only pair of brown heels before meeting Dylan in the hallway. Dylan smiles when he sees her,

  “You look beautiful.” He leads her down to the parking lot. A limousine is waiting with a body guard standing at the door. People around campus are staring confused as Dylan and Charity enter. The drive to the restaurant is silent and Charity fidgets with her dress nervously. Dylan looks at his father sullenly as the man is solely focused on his phone. He never could stop working.

  They are brought to a five star restaurant and lead to a table. As they sit down Dylan looks at his father, “you had time to make a reservation? How long have you been in town?” He asks as they are handed their menus.

  His father looks up from his phone and scoffs, “my world doesn’t revolve around you Dylan. I had a meeting. I merely thought you would like to see your father.”

  Dylan clenches his jaw and refuses to speak for the rest of dinner. Charity looks from Dylan to his father not sure what to say. She folds her hands in her lap and eats quietly. Things continued in this way until Dylan stands,

  “I have to go to the bathroom.” He says to Charity apologetically and he is not gone for two minutes before his father speaks for the first time since food arrived.

  “So my son is dating you. Who are you? You seem…. Boring. Who are your parents? Do you always dress like that?” Before she can answer he holds his hand up, “it does not matter. I had my men look into you while we were eating. You’re nobody. Not even pretty.” Charity cannot believe the words she’s hearing and she looks at him in utter shock. “Look, I don’t have time to be nice. My son is from higher stock then you. A union with you only makes him look bad. Break up. He can gain nothing from being with you.”

  “ But sir I—“ before she can go further Dylan returns and she shuts her mouth not wanting him to know about his father’s displeasure. Why was she not good enough?

  The rest of the dinner is continued in silence and so is the following car ride home. When they get out of the car Dylan’s father looks at the pair of them and then announces, “it was good to see you son. I will visit again.” He then closes the door and the car drives off leaving Charity and Dylan standing alone outside the dorms.

  Dylan sighs and takes her hand, “glad that’s over.” He pulls her inside and when they get in they see a note from Remy saying he was gone for the day. Just in case Dylan’s dad wanted a tour. Dylan sighs and leans over to kiss Charity who lets him but does not return the gesture.

  He frowns and begins to lead her to the room, but she slips her hand out of his. “I think I am going to sleep in my room tonight. Goodnight.” She turns and vanishes into her own room for the first time in months.

  Chapter Seven

  The next morning the college is buzzing with news of Senator Hughes’ visit. Everyone is flocking around Dylan as he tries to navigate through his day and at football practice a group of girls are waiting on the sidelines all cheering his name. Remy is mysteriously not at practice and after practice ends Charity tries to meet up with Dylan, but is unable to get through the gaggle of women.

  She sighs and decides she will just see him at home and goes back to the dorms. She sees Remy there and he waves at her, “crazy right? They find out he is famous and suddenly all our lives fall apart. The paparazzi was here earlier. Tried to get pictures. Seems I have to quit the football team. Can’t have his Dad seeing any pictures of me can we now?” He mutters sourly.

  Charity frowns and goes and sits next to him, “it seems so. I didn’t know something so small would complicate things so much.” Not to mention his father hates me too, maybe we should stop seeing
each other. I don’t want to make his life harder. She thinks to herself with a sigh.

  At practice Dylan did not see Charity. He frowns wondering why she would abandon him now. He doesn’t have much time to ponder this before his new fan club surrounds him. He says nothing and pushes through them as best he can. When he gets home he sees Remy and Charity together and he frowns. Did she just stay here with him all day? He goes to the farthest room and shuts the door without saying a word to either of them. First she left him the night before and now she didn’t even go see him at practice? He doesn’t understand why his father had to come and ruin everything.

  Remy watched this and shakes his head looking at Charity, “don’t worry. He is always like this after his father talks to him.” He reassures her.

  Chapter Eight

  Over the next few weeks Charity tries to speak with Dylan, but he never replies to her. He does not acknowledge her in public even when she does, and when he returns home he only spends time with Remy.

  After the first few days of this treatment Charity returns to her own room. Maybe his father told him to break up with me too. She worries to herself and begins to fret over whether or not she should just end it.

  Unable to come to a decision she waits for Dylan to leave for football practice and goes into the room they all used to chare. Remy is lounging on the bed, but he looks up when he sees her and grins. “Charity! I have missed you. Dylan does too. He just doesn’t know how to tell you. Come in here.” He pads the bed.


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