Steamy Dorm

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Steamy Dorm Page 174

by Kristine Robinson

  Slipping off my pants, I threw the wet clothes on the stone floor next to where my other clothes were. I pulled on the robe before sliding off my underwear. It was about that time that I felt Morgan's arms slip around my waist. He pulled me, robe and all; back against him. His right hand slipping inside my robe to caress my erection. I groaned unable to hide my arousal from the man. His free hand slid the robe off me and then pulled me back flush against him. His erection pressing against my lower back.

  He did not speak and I barely had a chance to breathe. It was not long before he was slipping a finger into me and stretching me out. He pushed his hard erection into me and I bit my lip. I wondered idly as he thrust roughly into me if this made me cheap and easy. I was, after all, letting a man I barely knew use me in a laundry room of a house I had just stepped foot in.

  Morgan's hand fisting my erection brought my mind firmly back to the man. We fell into a frantic pace as he thrust into me with wild abandon. It hurt a bit but I took it and we climaxed together bracing ourselves against one of the walls.


  The times with Morgan flew by. He poured words of affection as easily as the wine he liked so much. I found it hard to not get caught up in the whirlwind that Morgan was. He drew me in as easily as he drew in everyone around him.

  My mother and father openly disapproved of the man. They had long since accepted my nature, but my father said that Morgan was not good enough for me. I defended Morgan. After all he wanted what I wanted. I felt protective of the free-spirited man that had splashed with me in the ocean.

  My mother gave me a disapproving look when she looked up at me as I came into the kitchen. "Are you wearing that?"

  "Yes," I said as I glanced down at my jeans and simple t-shirt. "What's wrong with it?"

  "There's a hole in those jeans," Mom said and clucked her tongue.

  I nodded, "I know."

  "I do wish you would not spend so much time with that Morgan. He's just not good for you, Gabe," she said with concern filling her voice.

  I assured her I was perfectly capable of taking care of myself as I grabbed my keys and put them in my pocket. When I left, I was sure I could feel her eyes burning into my back. Once I was outside, I breathed in deeply of the warm summer air. I had agreed to meet Morgan at a local eatery and I headed across town on foot. By the time I reached the seaside eatery, I was regretting not asking Morgan to pick me up. Outside I saw Morgan holding court with a couple girls that he was making grand gestures for as he told some tale. I shook my head. The man always seemed to find an audience.

  One thing you could always count on with Morgan was free flowing talk and drink. No matter where we went the party seemed to follow the black-haired man. He was just as popular with the ladies as he was with the men and he told me when he was drunk that he liked both genders equally. He swore that he was only mine, but part of me wondered about that. It did not stop me for falling for him more and more as he charmed me with his lifestyle. I felt free around him. What did it matter if it lasted a month or a year?


  Morgan and I sat on the pier of his family's beach house. We had a bottle of wine between us on the wooden planks. Morgan took a long draught from the bottle before he passed it to me. I took a drink of the smooth liquid and sat the bottle back down. Morgan was humming a song that I did not recognize. He looked over at me and I gave him a curious smile.

  "What?" I asked as the man eyed me.

  Morgan said softly, "I'm leaving. I told my father."

  "You are leaving?" I asked dazedly. Morgan had been talking about going back overseas for months but to hear that he was actually doing it was something quite different.

  He nodded and sighed up at the stars. "My father was not happy about it, but he'll get over it."

  "What about your mother?" I asked as I took a drink of the wine to steady my nerves.

  Morgan shrugged. "She does not like to talk business, but she takes family very seriously. She is against it."

  "Won't they cut you off?" I asked reasonably. Morgan got a stipend from his parent's estate which served him well enough but he had no other real income.

  He laughed. "I'm their only heir. They might be mad at me for a bit, but they will get used to it."

  I did not know his family so I had to just nod along with his logic. Still that meant that this whirlwind of a man would soon be an ocean away from me. Morgan took the wine bottle from me and set it aside. He leaned over and kissed me roughly. I gasped into the kiss. Morgan was not normally overly aggressive. Apparently, the man was not interested in cat and mouse tonight. With the idea of the man soon being out of my reach, I had very little interest in games tonight either.

  Morgan and I worked in unison to discard our confining clothing. I snickered a bit as I ripped his designer shirt. Even though Morgan was determined to make love to me on the spot, I managed to pull him toward the beach house. We stumbled inside but never made it upstairs to the bed. Morgan and I sank unceremoniously to the couch in front of the fireplace and I let Morgan have his way. When he finally pushed inside of me, I cried out in pleasure. My own shaft was so hard that it was leaking. Morgan liked to admire his work and he eyed me with lust-filled eyes as I writhed on him. Whether it was the thought of the man's leaving soon or the alcohol, but I found everything he did irresistible.

  In truth, he was not the gentlest lover. However, Morgan made up for his lack of gentle touch with enthusiasm. He whispered to me, "Do that again."

  I moved myself on him and Morgan's eyes rolled back in his head as he sat on the couch with my legs over his own legs. I lay back on the couch and watched him through half-lidded eyes. He gave me a smile before he pulled me up to him. Soon I was straddling the arrogant dark-haired man. The fire crackled in the fireplace nearby and cast its shadows on us as I rocked in Morgan's lap. I liked the expressions I could bring to his face when we were like this. Most of the time, Morgan had to be the one in control of sex, but sometimes he would let me take charge. I liked those times the best.

  I rode him with abandon as I fell into a pleasing pace. He let me do as I wished as I had my fun on his erection. Morgan's eyes watched me intently and I knew that he was thoroughly enjoying himself as well. It was as if he was some haughty prince letting his boy pleasure him. I groaned and fell against him. Morgan wrapped his arms around me to hold me in place. He thrust roughly up into me and I could do little more than let him. I came against his abdomen as he thrust into me so hard it nearly brought tears to my eyes.

  Much later as we collapsed in bed, Morgan leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Come with me," he whispered.

  I chuckled sure that he was so drunk he would never remember any of this. "What and spoil your fun?" I teased him as the man wrapped himself around me in bed.

  "You are my fun," Morgan teased back as he nibbled my ear. "What will I do without you?"

  My eyes closed as the man continued to nibble and bite at my earlobe. "I'm sure you will manage," I assured him.


  If I had thought Morgan would forget his offer, then I was proved wrong the next morning. "Did you decide to come with me yet?" He asked with a grin.

  I shook my head at the man. "Why do you want me to go?"

  Morgan trailed a finger along my shoulder as we lay in bed. "I can't survive without you," Morgan said resolutely. "I need you."

  "Yeah, yeah," I said with a grin. "What happens when you don't need me?"

  He gave me a mock hurt expression. "I adore you. I worship you, Gabriel. You have to come with me," he begged with a pleading smile.

  I sighed and then gave him a helpless shrug. "Fine, I'll come with you," I said dramatically.

  Morgan gave me a triumphant grin as he rolled me over and pinned me down. "Do you promise?" He said as he narrowed his eyes at me playfully.

  "I promise," I said sincerely. I grunted as Morgan collapsed down on top of me. "What are you doing?" I asked with a laugh at the man.

  Morgan's breath gho
sted against my ear as he said, "Having my wicked way with you."

  "You have already had your wicked way with me," I reminded him.

  He merely gave me an arrogant shrug. "Well, I want to again," he said simply.

  Morgan pressed me down into the mattress and I sighed up at the man. Once Morgan got an idea in his head, he was hard to dissuade. His lips and tongue fondled my neck and I closed my eyes. Morgan slid down me, kissing and exploring my body with his mouth. When he got to my shaft, that was only beginning to rise a bit, he sucked it into his mouth. My hands clenched the bed spread as he slid his mouth up and down my hardening erection. Words tumbled out of my mouth but they were nonsense.

  Just when I thought he meant to bring me to fruition with his mouth, he pulled away. I groaned at the loss, but Morgan was already pushing me down into the mattress again. Our bodies moving together in such a way that our erections rubbed together. I pushed up and he pushed down. We were thrusting together then. By the time, we pushed together one last time we were both coated in sweat and collapsed down beside each other exhausted.

  "So, glad you are coming with me," Morgan mumbled into my ear. I smiled up at the ceiling and sighed happily. Maybe this would be a good thing.


  At home, I pondered over how to tell my parents that I was leaving the country. I knocked on my Dad's study and heard his crisp, "Enter." The man looked up at me from his papers expectantly as I slipped in and shut the door behind me.

  The words that I had been rehearsing echoed in my head as I spoke, "I need to tell you something and I hope you'll be happy for me."

  Dad's expression took on an edge of worry. "Is something going on?"

  "Morgan is going overseas and he asked me to go with him," I said quietly. My father looked down at his papers. I continued before I lost momentum, "I know that I have not known him long, but I was planning on having some downtime before putting in applications. A trip to Europe might be a once in a lifetime opportunity."

  Dad sighed and then looked up at me with disappointment etched in his face. "Gabriel, you may not have known him long, but I have had dealings with his family for a long time. I wish you would believe me when I say that he is not good for you. He is a spoiled, entitled brat who will bring you nothing but pain."

  My temper flared at hearing Morgan referred to so callously. "You haven't even given him a chance because you don't like his father," I said with a tone of accusation.

  "You are wrong, Gabe, but that's something you have to learn for yourself," he said with a note of conviction.

  I shook my head at him and asked, "What does that even mean?"

  "It means that you are grown man and have always been set on doing things your way. Perhaps it is time I let you do so," Dad said and then he added, "But, Gabe, know that if you do this, your Mother and I will not come to your rescue."

  My indignation flared and I drew myself up straight. "I don't need you and Mom to rescue me. I can take care of myself," I said with quiet fury.

  My father shook his head sadly, "I used to think so, but with how you have behaved since you graduated college I am less than convinced now."

  My mother came into the room and asked, "Is something wrong?"

  Dad lifted his hand toward me and said with disgust, "He's going to follow that brat of Charles Shultz to Europe."

  "What?" Mom asked she turned toward me. "What are you thinking? You don't even know him."

  I wanted to scream. For once, she could just take my side and stand up for what I want. "I know him and he knows me. Look, this isn't up for a family debate. I am going. End of story," I said firmly.

  "So, why even tell us? Why not just go and waste all the time and money you have invested in your future without telling us and breaking our hearts?" My father's voice belied his disappointment and frustration. It struck me in the heart and I felt betrayed. How was I hurting them by following my own heart?

  "I wish I had," I said with anger. "Why can't you just be supportive?"

  Dad made a noise of disgust and my mother tried to intervene, but he waved her off. "When have we not been supportive of you? We have helped you every step of the way. Now that you have nearly reached your goals, you decide to throw it all away, for what? Some egotistical rich boy who values nothing including you?" My father's voice was steadily rising and even though my mother was now actively trying to motion for us both to calm down, it was far too late for that.

  I turned and walked out slamming the study door behind me. I heard my mother call out to me but my father told her to let me go. There was no reason not to go to Europe now, I told myself. When I told my friend Mirabelle she seemed concerned and I felt irate that no one seemed happy for me at all. I knew what I was doing. By the time I reached Morgan's apartment, I was so eager to forget my day that I gladly took the glass of champagne he offered me at the door.

  I moved into Morgan's apartment. We spent the nights celebrating our independence with Morgan's friends before falling into bed. It seemed like everything was happening at a pace that made my brain spin. Before the end of the week, Morgan was handing me a passport and telling me not to worry about my things. They were to be delivered to whatever place he had setup. The worry of what I would do was soothed by Morgan's assurance that I should just enjoy my time in Italy.

  Chapter 3

  Everything went smoothly. The flight was on time and I enjoyed being in first class for the first time in my life. When we arrived in Italy, we had a driver waiting to pick us up in a town car. I was beginning to relax and just go with the flow by the time we got to the family estate that was set out in the Italian countryside. The picturesque countryside was dotted by family vineyards, farms, and relatively flat land that made the world feel expansive. We ate and drank our fill. Morgan insisted on taking a week off to show me the countryside.

  We spent weekends in the neighboring towns seeing the nightlife. I had expected a certain amount of homesickness and boredom but being around Morgan was never dull. He seemed to know everyone and if he did not know someone then he quickly remedied that. I envied his confidence and social grace. I felt awkward beside him. My hair had begun to curl with its growing length, but Morgan said he liked it.

  "What are you doing?" Morgan asked as we stopped by a vendor stall on a weekend trip to one of the nearby towns whose name I had already forgotten.

  I gave him a smile and said, "I'm looking at things. Can't I do that?" My fingers were twined with Morgan's where we had been walking down the street holding hands. When I had spied some colorful fabrics off to one side of the street, the man had to follow me. He stood beside me and eyed the wraps dubiously.

  "You want a shawl?" Morgan asked with visible disturbance.

  I laughed and shook my head at him. "No, but my mother might."

  "Ah, I see," Morgan said with a relieved smile. I sighed at the man and we continued down the street. We looked at a few things here and there, but more and more Morgan pulled me into his side. Soon enough I was plastered to the man's side with his arm firmly around me. "Come on," he said coaxingly.

  He pulled me into a side alley before I could say anything. I gave a sound of alarm as Morgan pressed me back against a cobblestone wall. His blue eyes glinting with lust, Morgan pinned my arms at my side. I knew better than to protest when Morgan got that look in his eyes. I shook my head at the man. Morgan gave me a grin before he kissed me deeply. I could hear the sounds of people nearby but Morgan did not seem concerned as his hands were unzipping my pants already. I just let him do what he wanted. This was his world and Morgan always got his way. My eyes rolled back in my head as the man stroked my erection with his hand.

  Morgan was a bit of a voyeur and he liked putting me into positions where there was an element of danger. We had actually gotten caught making out in a museum which was of endless amusement to Morgan. I found it considerably less amusing but also found it hard to tell the man no when he had that look in his eyes.

  That's what being with M
organ was like. You were constantly at the whim of his next game or great adventure. Most of the time I enjoyed Morgan's enthusiasm, but there were moments that I wished he would tone it down a bit. Any further thoughts were driven out of my mind as, Morgan dropped down in front of me and took my erection into his mouth. I nodded and mumbled as I let him have his way yet again.


  The time in Italy flew by in a blur of parties and social events. I wondered sometimes how Morgan got anything done but he did not seem worried about the vineyard and I did not press the issue. I began to imagine what life would be like if I just stayed on here and never returned home. Morgan kept me entertained and enjoyed doting on me with gifts or trips. I let him and enjoyed the indulgences that he afforded me. Morgan made me feel attractive and wanted.


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